Solar Opposites: Season 2 - Exclusive Official Trailer (2021) Justin Roiland, Thomas Middleditch

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John Stowell: So... this is what's been happening while we wait on Rick and Morty season 5?

Matt And Stuff: Glad to know people really only care about the tiny humans and pretty much nothing else

Bizzare Bimbo: It worries me how fast this might get dated


George Liapes: This is like one of those fake shows from GTA V

Gav: Remember Rick and Morty? What ever happened to that show?

Ashish Sunny: Even the animation looks similar.

Alejandro Garcia: “Where are your masks!?” “Where’s yours?” (Looks around) Where’s everybody else’s?)

AnimeHeart HD: does anyone know what the song is called?

Seanasdfghjkl: The pupa is now a disney princess

Maverick Scott: For people that don’t know season 1 is available on Disney plus now

theNealCutter: TERVO CANON

Aram Alatrash: Yes

Hxnnid: This is literally rick and morty 2.0 . What’s really funny about these serieses ?

Deja Knox: So like, I’m ready for this because why not...but is anyone else wondering when season 5 of Rick and morty is gonna come out??

MaisieLeigh: Theres gotta be a crossover, ill give anything

Joshua Farris: Sad thing is tiny human society was the best part of that show and that we all are really still waiting for Rick and morty.

Justin Vaysset: Awsome, loved the first season

Meme Iselfaneye: Been waiting on Mick and Rorty's return.

Vighnesh Bilgi: Dude March is going to be lit ! Falcon and Winter Soldier. South park special. Godzilla vs King Kong. Snyder cut. Final Space S3. Solar Opposites S2.

SD: They can make a separate Series on Tiny Human society

Nathan Cassidy: Finally I've been waiting for what feels like a lifetime

naz islam: Finally. Thank you Roiland. You da man

EverythingGeek: Can’t wait!!!

Hooligans ホーィガン: So we can all agree that what we really want is a tiny human society season 2? Yes?

Gmoney_420 boss: Hulu always pull me right back in

Gmoney_420 boss: Hulu always pull me right back in

William Dale: Rick and Morty fans complaining about their next season just jump in the bandwagon and call this a temporary fix. Its better than nothing

Jordan Carter: I’m only here for the Wallverse

UnclBn: Will it be on disney plus

Irisatyro: is this rick and morty

Blue Venom: Yo! As soon as he grabbed the scooter Doom Guy hit sound came out of him!!!!

just a chill dude: They should have a Crossover with Rick and Morty that would be cool

Mr. Dee: Really wish they would've focused more on Rick and Morty then this show. Its not even that funny

Drew Mister: 0:00 When mark Zuckerberg, elon musk, and Joe rogan make a spaceship

Rich consparart bro: Season 5 Rick and Morty are coming back.

Tony Bone: is only 2 episodes on disney plus boooooo

Sy A: Rick and Morty crossover

Nafe: Erm when did season one come out lol.

Patrick Ekeu: Season 1 was actually so nice

magical: Song???

Alectro: 1:13 *We'll be right back theme plays*

Carlmplay: Name of the song.

Noah Nannen: Anyone know the name of the song?

David Eberhardt: This looks like my kind of dumb! 😄

Jack Cutter: YESSS

Comeplague: Can't wait! Actually been preferering this over r&m lately

HYDRO.MEDIA: Meaning while new season of Rick and morty 😒

horrid CAM: Oh man. Im SO glad its back. This show super grew on me.

Artemy Maltsev: 0:38 DooM Guy sounds, lol

Proxy Payload: Yet here in Europe we aren't allowed to watch it. Even US Disney+ Star gets it and we don't.

David Canada: Yesss

Norberto Betancourt: Omg the alien monster turning people into wines that means they are dead

VGames 1: Finally another cool series to watch!

Jack: A Star original

rocketmonkey235: Only on hulu.... And disney+


Wiggy Tjihenuna: Still haven’t watched the first season 😭

Sebastian Mehenka: THERE WAS A SEASON 1?! 😂😂😂

Ozone: Would rather watch the c plot than the actually plot

Juan agustin Avalos kocis: 0:37 doomguy hurt sound?

Its Rasterize: Wow Season 2!!! Cant wait!!

MechWarrior 07: Hope this is better than the first season

Kidflahs H: “Tiny Human Society” season 2!!!

Sky Bouldersmash: Looks like Garbage...

Joshua Givens: Yay!

Bruizer Newser: I’m glad this is on Disney+ In Australia

Jojo ÙwÚ: What if mrpoopybutthole is one of them and they are a from the same universe

R.O.T.C SEEM: Side story was the only interesting thing about this show

Ziegour: Is this rick and morty?

Omni King: Look how happy they are on the label 🤣

hyatt Laveinport: On my birthday what a gift :P

Bunda169: Wow, show us the whole season why dont ya 👎🏻 shoulf put a spoiler warning or something🤦‍♂️

Ree _ DV9: It's called big 🍆 energy was hilarious 💀😂

Thanh Dinh: YES 🙌

Rebel Makers: Watching it for the C plot. Anyone else?

McCraeTheMediaLover1999: 1:06- One of the officers kinda looks like Summer.

Happy Penguin: This trailer is so exclusive that it is publicly accessible on YouTube!

Braddiot: isnt this on disney+ now too?

H E A L T H: That DOOM GUY grunt at 0:38 though....

Baalgar: Anyone else hear the doom pain sound?

Made by Mollo: Can you get Hulu in the UK? If not why not?!

Vaporeon 420: YES!!!!!!!

FenrirtheWolf: Everyone: Oh boy! Solar Opposites! Me: I’m more interested with the small civilization that lives in one of the kids ant farm.

Josh Benjoe: Back for seconds

Tre Scallion: Gets season 2 before we get the new Rick and Morty season

Demon Posessed: Looks terrible.

Dashing Dreww: The real question is are we gonna get the continued story of the tiny people

Dylan Collard: “Name an underrated show.”

Phantomdaze: Sweeeeet!

motbus: when you don't have time to work on the main project but keep doing random side stuff

333mron: Yes yes yes

ThePowerBunny: I don't care about Solar Opposites. I want more Rick and Morty

Magnus Killer: 1:13 Why do I feel like this entire show was built around the creator thinking of this joke?

The Way Thing's Happen: Can't wait for all the Rick And Morty Cameos.

Ethan Pfleger: Do you think Solar Opposites and Rick and Morty will have a crossover?

Felipe Carvalho: So thats why Rick and Morty seasons take forever

stephen decker: Mooooooo

Akira 5trangeLov3: Only reason I'm watching this is the Tiny Human society. I don't really care about the product placement you call a show.

Fyodorchrome: Trailer but with RTX on - Looks more polished

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