Solar Opposites Season 2 Trailer (Official) | Hulu

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Bruce Harrington: Some "Dig Ol' Bick" energy

Mike Walters: 'enjoy the melting ice caps' 😬🤣

jose123: anyone know the name of the song that starts at 1:17?

Luke Wennlund: An entire season and still the time I got the most excited was when they showed The Wall for exactly 2 seconds.

jedizombiekiller: 0:37 I CANT STOP HEARING DOOMGUY



Messy Merry: This show is so good

Jesus Martinez: Needa rewatch season one to prepare!

LegendKiller529: cant frekin wait !!!!!

Memer336: Trailer: only on Hulu My illegal streaming service: ARE YOU SURE ABOUT THAT

Cassie N: 0:45

Cassie N: 0:16

Gabriel Agyei: My favorite cartoon show 💯🔥🚀💯

O'lando Wilson: We only care about the wall!

Myella Torres: i’m so excited, love this show sm also what’s the trailer song? 😭😭😭

LigeiaResurrected: Does anyone else think the backgrounds look really sloppy and cheap compared to season 1?? The colors are pretty bad, the first season had mood coloring, and it was well drawn but still had that wiggle/choppy look. But these just look plain bad....did they just cheapen out?? Or are they. hiring their friends again?

Devin Gallagher: I wanted to like this show but aside from Terry and Korvo Steal a Bear and everything leading up to it I found so much of it very meh. They need Harmon in the writers room.

aguvasu miyinzi: 🔥🔥🔥

Kymi Jones: Hold up, did I just see a kiss at the end or am I Trippin 😶‍🌫️

Gіояnо Gіоvаnne: 0:51 ohh heck naw

icebox: Love this show. Kiddo and I watch it together all the time.

Marcus The Artus: For the waaaaaaallllllll!!!!!!!!!!!

Matthew Hungria: On the masks part I thought they were doing covid

toasted Toebeans: 0:37 can someone tell me why there is the Doomguy pain sound effect here?

Ella Kennedy: Yeah, boy! Another season of Solar Opposites! Can’t wait to see it on March 26th! 😄😄😄😄😄😁😄

Joshua Johnson: I want more wall

Demogorgon With a sombrero: I’m so excited

HEISEI GODZILLA GAMEPLAY: Did anyone hear Ben from camp Cretaceous

Stupid Fangirl: YESS CANON HUSBAND TIME! 1:40 i swear if thats just a bait im gonna scream 💀

Tora Gold: Wow i love this Animation. Ilove it. Make more pls

HDG-13: Can't wait for this

Saif RS: Least they’re are releasing faster than Rick and Morty. Kudos

Mahsa Z: I'm sooooo excited I've watched the first season so many times by now... I'm literally in love with Terry 😍

Sirius Coby: I just finished watching season 1 (yeah I know, I'm late to the party) and I'm so excited for season 2.

pieman7414: what if instead of the rick and morty knockoff, they just make a series about the people in the wall and just make actual rick and morty

T Movies: Young Adam Goldberg is on this, while adult Adam Goldberg(Patton Oswalt) is on Modok.


mchale20201: RUTH!1!!!

Carlmplay: Name of the song?

Garrett Carr: Hulu

Klutch: Let’s go

eva delgado: What's the trailer song? WHAT'S THE TRAILER SONG?!

Man with No Name: Looks great. I think a cool show would be totally about The Wall. That was my favorite episode from last season. Woohoo. Think I’ll watch it right now.

Miguel A. Ramos: 1:39 So they are a couple?

Puppy Face: I only care about tiny town

Ross Sapp: Yes I’m so excited I need more of the wall.

xXThe_King29Xx ._.: Hola xd

pihovkin: We wait!

Creed Swiftclaw: What title says: Solar Opposites Season 2 What people see: The Wall Season 2

Michael Leone: Who are the 9 people as of 2-25, who didn’t like this?!? Just wow!

Heisenberg Gaming Xone: Okay this is awesome news... gotta make plans for it now😈

Clara Dölle: Yes finally😂 hope Rick and Morty continues soon 😉

Mr. Meeseeks: Inject this directly into my veins, please and thank you.

Brandon Ridlon: Yes!

Autismo 110: DOOM Guy fighting Archviles: 0:37

Awesome Gaming7: I seen this 3 days ago

issei hyudou: Cannot wait to watch this

Pink panda 1406: Does anyone know what that song is??

SofaKingCool: YES!!!

KB: Why is no one talking about 1:40

Eryn Robinson: 0:38 doom 1 & doom 2 damage taking sound effect

Dave Mode: Give us another epic wall people episode!!!!

Khristian Willis: Finally! I’m so happy now.

Diet Pizza: THEY MWAHD

Thomas Medicine: Oooohh snap I saw a little glimpse of the wall storyline! 1:26 Who else loved the wall plot?

Itz Gypsy: Thank you for doing one thing right Hulu

Nick Stokes: Anybody know the name of the song ?

Lemon Juice: Second season is gonna be 2x+ better than the first I can already tell

Secret Santa El: I wanted to see the little tiny people who’s in Jesse’s room story more than the original one

Kuma Chan: Totally going to say that first time I go to London post Covid "Looks like the solar opposites are going to London"

SuperSaiyanT92: We get more of the Wall... 🙌

Kuma Chan: Love "The wall" sub plot

Li Has: does anyone know the song?

BGCanadianBacon: What they think the viewers want: 0:45 What we really want: 1:25

Georgia Doll: Alright Hulu, I’ll be back in March

Ccmire On The Beat: IM SO HAPPY! FINALLY!!

James Jr: 8 only? we need 80!!

Kristian Hall: Yes there back

Momo On: This is looking so much better than S1! I am so excited!!!!

Galactoid 117: I can't wait for more of the wall, with the tiny humans.

Dalu Okoli: So nice of Hulu to post this on my birthday

relaxation station: 0:52 is that SNL??

Queen Of Arts: When did sadistic cartoons become entertaining? 🤮🤮

Camren’s Toyhunts: I want to see Rick and Morty collide with this show

Fabian Barco: I’ll take this while I wait for Rick and morty lol

Doctor Coolin: What took it so f ing long bro

tyquan fleming: Bootlegged Rick and morty

BraianCamejo: Season:02😁😁😁😁😄😄😄😄

Throwback Channel: I hope the wall people break out and get revenge on them (especially Yumyulack for shrinking them and putting them in there in the first place). That way it could set up a crossover with Rick and Morty.

Throwback Channel: Who else wants to see a crossover with Rick and Morty

Darshan Bhambhani: I still remember stuff from early Rick and Morty so many years later, yet I’ve literally forgotten everything about this show. That’s how forgettable this show is

Eleonora Bilokin: Can someone please say what's called the song in this trailer?

BEN OWEN: I don't think I've been this hyped for anything in a long time but seeing a well animated England isn't something we get a lot of in the UK so I'm very ready for this


Giraffe Puppet: The Song for The Trailer is AWESOME🤘⚡👏😎

Bobby Edwards: And now our international friends can watch this on Disney plus 😂😂😂

RottenSpine N.i.S: 👍

Carlos Ti-Sanon: officer: He doesn't have a hole other officer: Well just have to make 1 Alien:🏃💨

Mitchell Nagy: This looks like it’s gonna be hella good

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