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You_know_the_vibes: It's called combined arms domination

Joe Mama: Man‘s had the Amax in his Thumbnail

BABA1: dude pays for the battle pass and thinks the guns are free lmao

Hugo Balfour: lol

ViPerZ SniPeZZ: Maybe mini fights with monsters on new map?

ViPerZ SniPeZZ: No reactive camos in mw please. People like it for the realistic style. A few here and there is fine but not many.

AP.: I just want the golden days of mw back, in S2 and s3, not this Cold War shite

Annonymous Dog: For some reason I already had Cold War season 2 for 3 days tops including this day

AP.: Battle pass isn’t even about Modern Warfare anymore, all the skins and blueprints are warzone/cold war exclusive absolute bs

Kamil Mroz: Not gonna lie but this battlepass ain't that good, they didn't really put much effort into the skins but the only good thing is the reactive gun

FastHandz: So mw got no new guns or nothing bruh cmon

Krypt: Is there any content for mw

Thomas Lavelle: Why does he say “cap” so much?

S4T: The boat time travelled btw dk if that’s relevant or not but ye 😂

Matxtheww: i can't stand this dude bruh

Chris alvarez: Activision is all about the money now if they don’t give af about mw multiplayer

Timothyprice: Just played the new scary Verdansk and can confirm it’s the dumbest shit ever... they promised bosses in the map and random hordes and instead we got 20 zombies in the bottom of the shipwreck... someone should she for false advertising

AnimalNick Gaming: I played 2 plunder matches and I haven't gained any XP

Ky: I can’t believe how lazy the creators are to not just release the mw guns bro.

Cool__guy: Dude really reported a dude for shooting him mid air 😂🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️

Ishaq: 4th

Dylan Jackson: Good stream Chuck!

Shaun Hughes: 3rd

Pablo Pollito: Damn you look fresh today

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