Diablo 3 Season 23 PTR Solo GR150 Firebirds Wizard
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Final Cam: Nothing beats the CM wiz days. I miss those times. That was the heyday if d3 right there.Написать
trucidotk: looks like im playing a wizard? :D how are monks and other builds rating?
Jonas Cordeiro: 9 milhões de DPS aí é foda, Necromante na 22 fechando 150 com menos
op3l: I simply wonder how do you not die... I'm pushing 103 on season 22 on a savage build barb and my HP constantly goes down and that's with near a million toughness(which probably isn't much) but is it just stacking the right resistance and gear or what? Edit: Ok wtf... 69 almost 70 mil toughness. How is this even possible?
Winterhe4rt: "Hey we buffed the Firebird set.... except its actually still Tal rasha lol have fun" - blizzard
Keith Lavallee: so its a tal rasha frozen orb build, not firebird...
Dayton Pannell: Would like to see how well a PURE Firebird set does. Tal'rasha set was always weird for me.
Nebula Star: Not really a Firebird build if you're using 6 piece Tal Rasha and only 4 piece Firebird.
AcidGlow: If Wizard does not become viable in 4 player META GR Pushing when this patch launches, I am done with this game! These devs take so friggin LONG to do a minor buff that does nothing! Wizards have been nerfed for over a year.. Why? Because they're doing 150 solos? Not even close. Archon nerfed, Channeling Nerfed, Starpact destroyed, Hydra Too weak after the minor buff, Twisters (they still suck!). I'm so ready to move on and buy Elder Scrolls Online. This patch will make my decision to stay or move on.
artstormer L: The nosiest attack character, hahahahaha
Nuko NCC: The build doesn't look fun to play :)
Rodrigo Algorta: How is a tal rasha's build with a 4 piece firebird's as bonus a firebird's build test? Try 6 piece firebird's if you are trying and showcasing the new changes.
Christian Ellingsen: Hey. Does anyone know when the new season is beginning? :) I'm very new to the game.. just beat it today actually with my barbarian. Tried adventure mode for like 30 mins but I am so lost still! xD Should I create a seasonal character now or should I wait? Hoping someone could give me some tips on what I should do now. <3 Btw my barb is not seasonal, and I'm only like lvl 70 + 20 paragon.
Toneway: Hi Rax.Surely the Rathma set could be made in to a thorns build?
Bloggersniffle: I think it's safe to assume they're going to shift some of FB's power to the 6-piece.
Ali Gultekin: When will s22 end?
Leandro FR: Jesus Raxxanterax, I’m trying to imagine how many hours you play to have all of this paragon.
Danny Anev: Yes Raxx, I can tell easy that Wizz is not your play. Your TRIUMVIRATE was not at 3 stacks sometines 😉 Althogh, massive thank you for the info and the videos. Congrats on your 150. The frozen orb is my fav to play with wizz. It was season 13 before with the seasonal rewards. But I think there is a stronger build now. Pls try it and make a video with your opinions. Same gear just change wepon, off hand and bracer to The Twisted Sword, Etched Sigil and Randslors Folly (in cube - Valthek's Rebuke and Mantle of Channelong). 👊👊🙏
Bassorb: How many regular rifts should you do before you start greater rifting?
homerjnick: The thing is though Blizzard had GoD DH for two seasons then nerfed it...that is bad because they took power away after two seasons. Thus leaving this as is then taking it away would again be bad. Especially because if the Firebirds goes live as it is it is not seasonal related in that non season can do the same as season and Blizzards balance approach is GR135 at 5,000 paragon thus if you did GR135 at 1,000 Paragon then the balance is outwith Blizzards design. If the set did what it is doing for season alone and maybe lasted one season then fair enough but it won't because there is no Seasonal theme in play here.
Philippe Mello: Nice content. Keep the great work!
Str Sys: Where are all the “it is easy with 8k paragons” comments?
WoS_XxPriestxX_WoS: All builds every season should be busted and not nerfed
Thiago Pereira: Hey Raxx, would you mind running a full 6pc Firebirds to see how far it goes?
William Mills: Whatever they do I just hope it gives wizard some shine for a change.
Bjørn Hansen: This guy must be a ventriloquist. he speaks with his mouth shut ^^,
Sal: Where's the salvaged monk video :'D?
Dan Kurina: When I started d3 the wizard was my favorite build with Archon and the beam weapons. I've tried Bludsheds initial build which works good. I'm going to try yours and see if it's better. This is a strong fun build in its present form. And I agree why not leave a "broken" build once in awhile? And why does Blizzard create and release overpowered builds only to nerf them rapidly when they should have never been released?!? Probably because a bunch of commie babies whining that their builds suddenly become useless...
shadowknight2400: Hey Raxx thanks for your comments on having super strong builds is okay sometimes. I also liked how you said the 8 minute 150 is still not as fast as some of the necros. I feel like that's not bad. Maybe 140 with 1000 isn't the best idea but whatever let's have some fun!
Fancy: Uhh having a "pass" for a couple of busted builds each season sounds like a slippery slope
298cole: Agreed. Let peeps have some fun! Thats why we play anyway. Who cares if we can clear 150 quicker than normal imo. Everyone has a chance to do it so it not like its an unfair advantage for anyone. I say let it ride!
Yow Chee Choy: the problem is frozen orb. the skill was buffed too much to makes delsere viable last time.
Skye Commander: Too spammy.🤨
Rhian Rinaldi: Love your content, have no issue with powerful builds in game as it makes things fun. Unfortunately D3 has become some what a drag to play now. The follower upgrade is good but they need a season theme as well. Some things I would like to see would be able to soc items using cubes. Make them more useful as I usually end up with a pile of them each season or not even bother to pick them up. Would allow you to keep good amulets or rings. And add stats to armour etc. Next a theme of a cube slot that allows you to put a set piece in. Allowing more mixing of sets or not need ROG. I would love a Marauder Shadow DH Or just another class added (not much chance with D4 coming) such as Druid or Amazon. Can't see me playing this next season unless there is a big change or a good theme. Keep up the good work though, will still be watching your channel to keep up with what's happening in D3.
The Grim Reaper: It seems I'm going to do a Wizard
BROTHER DOODE: I've played since diablo 1 but a couple days ago I decided to play diablo 3 again its been like 2 years, and try the season thing because I've never did it bfor. I thought I was doing good with my level 40 wizard then I see this. . . . Wow I suck.
GeFeHeDe: I thought you didn't play non seasonal. So in ptr do they give you paragon points free by default? Or do you still have to grind for them?
fearsfiltered: I think having one or two broke/super OP build a season isn't a bad thing. It would be cool if they rotated the builds so it's not the same class getting the OP build. Or do two classes get the OP build each season. Honestly as long as it's the same build each season and it changes stuff up I'm fine with that.
trawel Grad: so its not Firebirds 150 at all...
Jason Smith: I would, totally, love a Busted Season! We'll call it The Season of Bust! Storyline: Bust, older brother to Greed, distraught with his sister's excessive stinginess, gives his gifts away with equal zest; but instead of holding anything back, he let slips everything away. As modesty of character falls before the grossest ambitions of blind, unfettered power, who amongst the masses possesses wisdom enough to channel such might - and tame the rifts? (Ok, I think I've got it. Yes, there can be a broken season, but such power comes with a cost. I'd leave it to you pros to work that out; but I'm thinking along the lines of, say, channelling powers might cost excess resources, or they could pull enemies towards you. Or, such power could drain the potency of your shields. It's an interesting idea that would balance excessive power with cost management. Instead of working synergistically in a positive way, which is how D3 works, this synergy would work negatively, in the way that you're, constantly, trying to mitigate against the negative effect of the power you're wielding. I think it could be a really fun season.) Best!
Zach: Do we know when Season 22 is meant to end/Season 23 start?
DIY Lobotomy: Molten Wildebeast Gizzard Emanate! 🤣
li mother: The level (120-130)of the three legendary gems matter to hit gr150?
Carl Stenevik: When one build is broken everything is fine and dandy until you realize 2 man meta is wiz+sup, 3 man meta is wiz + 2 sup, and 4 man meta is wiz + 3 sup. I didn't want to play Necro in S22 but group metas completely pidgeonholed me into playing it. Having something broken like this is terrible for the game.
Whoreally Cares: Watch Blizzard nerf Tal Rasha's set, just because of this interaction.
J F: Very nice articulate explanation. Very calm and informative.
D C: And now the build gets nerfed lol
Chaotic Evil Monk: Safe to say firebird is gucci now
a lonely tuba: question, are you supposed to have 50 combustion stacks when you're throwing orbs on the cold cycle of coe?
George Clinton: I already played a lot of LoD Frozen Orb this season. I've been wanting to see a reworked Firebird's for a while so I'm not that thrilled about Firebird's just becoming a supplement to Tal Rasha's.
Emperor Ehryn: Have they fixed the botting issues
Cliffy Leathersons: Wiz about time getting some meat
Viktor Szladovits: Thanks for the video. The problem is, this won't stay this way, I have a feeling. Probably they will nerf it. I hardly play wizard, but have some fun builds I like, but not for solo push. Edit: Question: are the two weapons swappable?
NerdZtuff: Should be tals featuring firebirds lol. I hope they work on the 6 piece firebirds ability because this is disappointing.
Blazed Gaming KR: Wizard actually needed to be tuned up anyways. I agree, have 1-2 builds per season that are pretty broken just to see what people can do with them.
mobus1603: Witch Doctor is probably your least played class. Wizard might be a close second, though.
holyce gaming: Title is slightly misleading. It's not a firebirds 150. It's a tal'rasha build that utilizes 4 set of firebirds. Although you did clarify this part way through
KEKW_Sadge: grats face of diablo lol
Sarah Kerrigan: 4000% on 4 pieces that can be combined with another set is a bad idea? who knew! Meanwhile, FB6 stacks decay way too fast and damage is both lackluster and unpredictable. I'm afraid that FB will just get a general nerfhammer due to Tal6 without fixing its core. Oh well, maybe at the next FB iteration on 5 years.
Quinna78: This looks like alot of fun. Defently gonna make a wiz next season. Thx for content:)
InediblePants: I really like playing this build it takes some brains to play but once you get used to it its really fun and I hope blizz does not kill it because wizard needs some love
Andrew OBrien: I wish they could have phys' a different colour. Looks so similar to cold
mrawdog: No season theme is going to feel bad, just going to play bone spear necro again but brining a follower and that’s it? This build def won’t make it to live and it will be nerfed so hard it won’t be able to compete or be playable, this is an easy seasonal skip for me, see you guys next season
Stu Redman: No way this goes live. Sigh.
SCP 076 - 2 Able: I liked frozen orb in d2 and i like it here too, such a cool spell 😎
Daniel Cygan: great vid as always but FIREbird using mostly FROZEN orb is bugging me a little bit...
Fred Vasseur: Nice! But it's a bit sad to see that the Fire set enables a strong Cold build. I'd like to see Firebird played as a fire set at least once. ^^
Александр Соколов: O, man, it is Firebird with Tal Rashs. It will be nerfed, 100%. Could you please play only with Firebird, without TalRasha.
Александр Соколов: Raxxanterax, please tell us, is it possible to run fasts with Firebirds? I mean will the be effetient?
Ken Qiao: Regarding having 1 or 2 builds busted huh? That’s what I said about the thorn crusader, and everyone bitched about it being too OP.
Reddragonflayer: Now do GR 150 with 6-piece fire birds, as a starting point I suggest: https://maxroll.gg/d3planner/496402575 Not sure what's better in the cube: A.Wand of woh B.Furnace
LadyEmily: Finally some wizard love. If blizz doesn't nerf it too badly, I'll actually come back and play this season.
Nangzdk: The title feels clickbaity. Its a Tal's set. 6pc Tals 4pc Firebirds. Expecting this to be nerfed into the ground and Firebird's reworked because 6pc Firebirds on its own is garbage - maybe bugged.
TeacherLegendary: Looks like the strongest build I've ever seen
Top Guitar: Will there be firebird wizard speeds or ?
Haitham Ahmad: Is the follower update live on PTR? What set up are you using for the followers?
Joe Joe: Good work! I'm looking forward to Season 23.
dragonFLAME337: POG is this stronger than star pack?
Bill Haywood: 0:51 von.lgbt
Nymph Leech: third
Zakeron: Nice
Raxxanterax: Wizard is insane. Planner in the description. Tomorrow I'll upload a clear at Paragon 1000 smashing it.
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