Diablo 3 Season 23 Wizard Firebird Mirror Image Build (2.7)

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Rhykker: GOOD NEWS EVERYONE: Blizz has buffed the FB 6 piece; this represent a 6 GR rise, and thus brings Firebirds Mirror Image into S tier.

RicoLen1: PLOT TWIST: Rhykker is just a diablo reporter, and has never actually played Diablo.

RicoLen1: I've used this build for years. I had the wand that allows me to teleport without cooldown, and the build wasn't very strong, always getting weaker and weaker each season, but it was so fun, I played it anyway. Now that it's buffed? Oh I can't wait! This is the closest Diablo 3 has ever come to the chain lightning Sorceress from Diablo 2, where you would teleport around the maps with mana shield on and lay down a few chain lightnings at let it clear the screen for you. This build is an absolute blast to play because you're just Armageddon itself whenever you go. LOVE LOVE LOVE That this is getting buffed.

Thang NguyenViet: this is nice, tho are there any other set also ignite enemy for the FB to stack better in group run Rhykker?

Drakon Lameth: I'm no heavy GR grinder (I'm usually content with gr75 solo), but I'm curious why Explosive Blast / Orb of Infinite Depth instead of Energy Twister / Etched Sigil? Is it just because blast's detonating 3 times close to you instead of wandering crowd murdering tornados farther away from you?

MrMazvaz: Wtf are these numbers? Is it saying 75 Billion damage? Wth has happend? I feel damage numbers in any game over 5 digits are disgusting and out of proportion. But god damn, this is out of control EDIT: Wait it even hits trillions......

Teemo Main: Raxxanterax said in his build, that AS is unneccessary in this build. Who is right now?^^

TreeLimbs: Do you think Tasker and Theo gloves would be good?

Toaster Goat: You got so excited about 5 of you applying the 6-piece bonus 😆

SuperDonny21: I can't wait to try this build out. I do however, have 1 question. How are the mirror images using disintegrate? I've tried using all the mirror image runes and they only do force wave, primary skills and frost nova from what I've tested (I have tested all) yet no channelling spells for some reason. Am I doing something wrong or have I missed anything?

M. H: I miss the rain of fire :(

John S.: Love mirror image! Wish it worked with dmo, or any other build Use too play firebird, tornados, with aether walker. This is that, but more effective. Disintegrate is cool, too

Benjamin Lindhardt: Any had a chance to test this with Archmage's Vicalyke wiz-head ? - could see this possible freeing up a legend gem slot and exchange Aughild set with something else. Not sure it's better, but possible. Exchanging dmg for chance of more images.

Chia Rhun Kwa: Hi sorry, so where does Spectral Blade come into your rotation?

iori1303: i tried this build in ptr and i must say it made me a bit angry, because sometimes the mirrors just stand there and do nothing, and with sometimes i mean often.

Billy rigg: Haha, nnbceb gotcha. Thanks for the build, I’m exciting play this one.

Richard Jones: ah yes... firebirds without the fire rune blizzard... makes sense.. not like it works several times better than explosive blast or anything

Omicron Epsilon: Attack speed for attack speed and more attack speed for... attack speed

Irving Juarbe: Hi and thanks for your Always useful videos but you did not mention the stats for the glove? I figured Crit,Crit, Int and what CDR , VIT or RCR?

Timothy Plunkett: Did he skip stats on gloves?

P3p1n4t0r: Too many fucking beams, explosions and flashing lights going off at the same time. What an ugly game xD

FV1912Bamberg: Is ingeom a good idea with auto cast on chain reaction?

Vegard Kjørberg: No halo of arlyze? Just giving up biggest dmg reduction item for wizard in the game?

yerp: Love your breakdowns. You do not skip over information assuming people understand what and why.

Sawfreak666: Can you use Meteor expect explosions?

gregair: This build is going to rip. Looking forward to giving it a try.

William Mills: YEEEEEESSSSS!!!!

Lord Chuter: Please explain to me why it's Mirror Images and not Fire Hydras (Blazing/Mammoth) or Fire Blizzard (Apocalypse)!!!??? Any NON channeling fire skill,... because Flame Blades increase fire skill dmg.?

AizenJabberwock: I'm honestly struggling to find any meaningful reason to engage with the season when there's no SSF mode and no exclusive theme since I can just fiddle with these changes as soon as the patch drops with my own paragon and decent items to start rather than start over. I'll definitely play this set a lot, but they definitely did not sell me a ticket for this seasonal ride this time.. the day a proper SSF mode with super short bounties comes, will be the day of a true new injection of life into this game in my opinion.

Jonatas Rafael Volpi: Hey Rhykker, this is folks. Question, changing the shoulder piece on the cube for the bracer that buffs shields (ashsanannaagars, i cant pronouce or write that) can work if you're looking for more survivability?

Evan Hale: Baezula is back!

David: They might BUFF this shit?!

Manos: Is there a good alternative to explosive blast and orb of infinite depth for people who don't like explosive blast?

STC: Firebird seems like a great addition, but the mirror image build is king of boring and bland as you just have to wait and hope the images hit, I prefer being the God/fury itself. In my opinion this is the most visually stunning and perfect version of firebirds and when I want to I can switch over to spectral blades / hydra only or use mirror images on occasion to push further. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LXzwy6tTAEM&t=2s

Daniel Carter: great vid! might just try a wiz for the new season, its been a while since ive ran a wizard build, but that looks pretty fun.

Yücel: what happened to danctuary @rhykker?

oOo Gimmy: wow this is a monster... at the end... nerf ??...!!

Petr Koutný: i never fancied wizard but this looks interesting..ill give it a try

Samuel Martineau: Another build they’re gona screw up... can’t keep up

Dota ALTAMASH: Minor editing issue, at 9:30-10:30 when discussion gem. Your editor/you showed jewellery, not the gem itself as you used to show previously. I'm not being a jerk or sarcastic here. I love your content, that is why just giving my input. Thanks!

VERYSKINNYPUPPY: Aren't they gonna change the animation of teleport? Or have I been dreaming?

trawel Grad: For what is the obsi-ring? Everything is on low CD from all the CDR anyways und MI is mainly needed at fire rotation - wouldn't some other rings be way better?

Djuntas: Spectral blades is used when...? Or do we not keep up its stacks. Missed that point at end of video. Oh edit: The guide has the info...Good written guide, cant cover it all in video :)

mathomas vie: I can't see these prefab diablo 3 sets anymore. it's so worn out...

Jeremy Joe: Does the trick for constantly casting a spell still work? I remember there was something with numlock allowing you to chain one ability. If that doesn't work, I don't want to be constantly mashing explosive blast for hours on end :/

Tobi Contineo: Probably the greenest gear set ever...

trawel Grad: do the images atk faster from Tasker & Theo and/or The shame of delsere?

pabstep2611: Where does the 6 pc 2000% increase come into play?

Tomer Gaon: It's sad to watch how cartonish and silly diablo 3 looks like...

Lloyd Dupont: How, I just learn a real life spell! :O NNBCEB! :O

Lloyd Dupont: why give attack speed to followers? Their damage is negligible...

Dreamdancer: Looks like a realy fun build. Motivates me to come back for one more season

Lloyd Dupont: This is a really fun to play build! :)

SirCaruso: Can't even tell what's going on,on screen half the time

Kurt in Vegas: That D3 scene looks like what I would imagine would happen if someone had a handful of Skittles explode in their mouth. Can't wait for D2 resurrected and D4.

ZoeBios121: Legacy Etched Sigil testing/builds?

Black Sheep: Question.. Does Dying Effect Hard Mode?

Jeremy Cursi: I want to run this build so bad, it looks like so much fun.

GeGe: Buffing firebird but rathma still sucks what is this madness ..

jlowe92: so num lock Explosive blast?

cole schissell: Can u. Make a build of this that will work when not playing solo? So no followers

Da Tube: Jesus. D2R and D4 can’t come soon enough.

Steven kroener: This will probably be my build though I'll probably replace explosive blast with either blizzard( with the fire rune) or if I can use a rune with etched sigil whirlwind.

li mother: The gameplay is before nerf

Marco Alagna: In before blizzard “buffs” the set but prevents pets from proccing the damage

Tiger Lanturn: Why does attack speed matter on enchantress? She's not doing relevant dmg

Sorain1: Burning Shadow Clone build, I like it.

Gary Streit: Rhykker loses jerrycurl for lost hat, news @ 11pm.

Lord Storm: You forgot to explain how/why you are using channel skill when the set bonus says non-channel skills? Also another spin to win build? Lol

Brandon D'Silva: Hi there, does the arcane power from crit counter the resource costs of explosive blast and disintegrate?

jose nava: is fully kit follower only for this season or is here to stay

DIY Lobotomy: Just give simulacrum and mirror image the benefit of enforcer damage and break it he balancing! Lol 😂 But why not just go Molten Wildebeast Gizzard instead of enforcer since it would give you an extra shield, and don’t mirror images life reflect yours?

死神Yujirō: Looks weak

Igor R.R: Is this build the "speed build" version as well?

TheMaesterMagus: Or abceb lol always be casting explosive blast

Brian O'Connor: yo can sum1 explain what does the damage in this build? disintegrate is channeling so no go. Is it the explosive blast?

Zeddicus1976: Beeing epileptic seems to be seriously dangerous this season for wizards.

Arie Den Haas: Really doesnt look like a fun build. I'll just do dh 🙄

Eleia Barnes: Has anyone tried this build with the mirror image wizard hat?

Anark: this is the best firebird build? what happen to that legacy etched sigil

Minderz: Just curious. How does Wand of Woh work with this build? 3 extra blasts per blast (9 per chain reaction) should trigger the FB passive a lot.

Ronald Japenga: I play 2 different classes every season and luckily it's Mages this season ^_^ ( and necro)

R3neeXD -: HYPE!

ShadowMk3: Oh hell yes, I want to play this so bad now

Cosmica03: Plz bring D(dont play) tier closer to S(super OP) tier.. :'( tune sets down.. give items / group combo more power :D ♡♡♡

Ross: Well this is just an assumption, we are not sure if they are going in fact to do that or not.

zacao: wiz is my least played class and it seems my time as a hardcore (attitude, not mode) player has come

TribunalxWarrior: if a proc would proc a proc, would the proc deal full damage of the proc?

raul sanchez: Might buff...

Mat G: Trunked word of the season NNBCEB ! It will go down in History ! And fellow Diablo 3 players. Wizard are back !

Jared Garlock: LOL Loved this video!!!! Thank you for the mnemonic device!!!!!!

ChallengerDrakava: My Nintendo switch is giving me that look while I read the patch notes.

Adrian Mak: witch doctor mundunugu got to back to s-tier too

Mr.Tapet: Nice guide Rhykker! I was kinda hoping they would include the Krelms buff bracers in the list of legendaries which can be emanated, would be rly nice for a build like this

Andydee: Can u do a video for the top crusader build?

Michael Hepner: NNBCEB - when is the T-shirt coming?

Jonas Hansen: I love how people think "They made" the build... When it's blizzard that decides what you are going to play... D3 is a complete joke.

jjaffee: Didn’t the final patch notes get released 3 days ago? This showed a hard nurf to the wizards firebird set. Had something changed since then?

Matthew Midigi: How do you get 4 stacks of elemental exposure? Where is the lightning and cold damage?

Ra's al Ghul: I'd like to see WW rend barb next, I'm doing a mistake somewhere and idk where either die pretty easy or i cant get enough fury

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