Rank 1 Firebird Wizard GR130 Solo - Diablo 3 Season 23
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wudijo: Firebird is amazing, especially in speedruns! Can't wait to see how far we can go :DНаписать
Masda Rasta: How you play this build without lagging.... I get always freeze if i Pop mirror Images
Alea: Gg dude ! Can somebody have all music's names in the video. Especially the last one. Thanks :)
Tobias Hertzman: Why the spectral blade spell but never use it? Is it like passive?
Ronalds Ločmelis: why Zei's Stone of Vengeance in solo???????????????
MrLecksy: Wudi again giving you a master class on how much progress 1 single room can give you. Killing it boss
Bruno Rezende: Hey man. Amazing job! I’m close to 500 gons and happy with it. But I see you are using a different build then the one shown at the planner linked here. The One in the video with covention and zodiac (I imagine) and at the planner with focus and restraint. So, is the one at planner a goal? Are you transitioning as you get more paragons? Or is it some kind mix up with the link?
X D: meanwhile i cant clear 90 with my witch doctor xD
John: My group broke apart 4 hours in and 2 of them quit I guess. I solo'd my way to Para 550 but we planned on 1200 day 1. I went barb for my group, had I known I was playing solo I would have gone wiz. Now I'm transitioning to AoV sader.
W1shMaster: Hello! Could u make a movie about companion? Which items u use.
Wtfjusthitu: how to you keep arcane power up like that I seem to run out
Notechis: Fascinating, I'm using exactly the same build but running out of mana after a couple of seconds lol quite annoying this build, sorry
Dennis Liu: anyone knows the name of the song at 3:25?
YKMN: Is there a trick to get those set items and so fast?? I played 4 hours and not even have a single item needed for playing firebird
Felix Knopf: Congrats! Just curious - do you think it's possible for even the best of players to compete with this when playing solo? You got carried hard in the early game, but even after that, groups just give so much more Paragon and Magic Find, right?
TheVulman: Gg ! A question : how zei works on this build 🤔
nabhalem: dude you are insane :D
krammit89: As I'm playing firebirds, I have problems keeping my arcane power up, how are you getting it to full so fast?
A_WoW_Player: Gz Wudijo...funny thing is I have the same amount of Paragon....but in non-season....9 years after the game was released xD
Adam Liu: Jz...this is way too fast.
Klaas Soenen: You have almost as much paragon as i had at the end of s22 (1563) .... Crazy how much difference it is when you play in groups vs solo...i also did 129 at the end of s22 and you doing it 1 day in. Crazy ! Gratz tho with nr1 and thanks. I learned a shitload from you and your guides!!
injaz623: Do you use hud..? Map reading is almost at that level..
BuckstarrZ: Why no hardcore? :/
KemVik88: FB macht mega laune. Hab versucht, an dir dran zu bleiben, aber bin am zweiten tag gegen mittag weggeschlummert....(am tisch 😀). Hab 800p noch hinbekommen. Schöner run btw
Zach Brown: does firebirds have like a maximum proc rate? I was wondering whats stopping someone from putting wand of woh somewhere and having like a million procs a second with EB
Dota ALTAMASH: 18h of game per day. That is awesome! On top of that cleared 130 solo with 1300 paragon. And still you can't make 10K paragon by the end of the season?
Thanatos The DH: Jesus Christ Wudi
Ken Masters: I wonder if you can replace fire spectral blade with fire wave of force.Have you tried it?Who knows, maybe is better for clones to cover area with monsters with the fire rings.
Jeremy Dockins: wudi you rock!!! wizard for win!
Jason Smith: After two days of what I consider 'serious' playing, I'm a whopping Paragon 72! I'm sure if I didn't have to do those things most mortals require (sleep, eat, bathroom, etc.), I could be, somewhere, a bit farther on! Good job, Wudijo. I look forward to more videos! Best! :)
Bed Pan: RIP Turbo Hud and Diablo3
Sadistmy: I am envious of your life style.
AyyLmao: Damn brotha you're already shredding this season, watched you ding 1k gons on stream most others were considerably behind lol. So happy we get to use the good old Firebird's once again.
TheOne: At the beginning of the stream I asked you if you were rank one already as a joke, turns out it wasn't a joke by the end of the stream lmao. Good job on the clear!
Ghoti Hook: I have a really fun bounty/rift Firebird build that doesn't use diamond skin. Can use Swampland Waders/Breeches, too, or Gloves of Worship. No need for the Captain's set; still need RoRG.
john thebaker: Damn I wish I could have no life
adam albo: amazing! how many hours did you play solo with this character before this run?
Kyle: this season looks pretty solid. . . unfortunately no thud so playing isn't an option. . base games ui is pretty bad. . and I don't have the time to memorize every single possible map layout in order to either zbard, zdh, . . where taking a wrong turn isn't allowed in speed runs. . . or adding a substantial amount of time to bounty's. . . i mean free variant 30 days into a season, but by that point in time it's already over.
TooLameToDie: Nice!
Shaw Meck: 1300 paragons? Dang.
Mi Ke: Does anyone have a T16 speed build for this?
Malte Sre: Whats up with the images dying right after you summon them? 90% of the time they get oneshot even tho im playing enforcer... im at gr 125 ish 800para 60ish gr gems no augments decent early season gear it that a gear issue. i feel like i dosent matter where i place them. as soon as they get hit they die. sent help
HuaB: 10s boss fight in 130. Ffs i have no idea how to push high grs
li mother: Some elites are hard too see in density mobs, how do I find and point the elites¿
cheondus ddd: Couldn't claim the challenge cache, it's bugged. So waiting for next week. This is a prime example why they need much more for solo players. Gr 130 in a day? Hopefully they make follower items that boost xp.
mfizze: so what rune are you running on frost nova there, and why?
Pablo Martín: how your reflections behave like that? mine are so dumb and are always running around instead of attacking xd
DeLuXeTubes: Now you can sleep 💤 :)
P.Tibor: guys which one better the tal rasha frozen orb or firebird??
nathan bell: Games like Dota or CSS the differences between casual and pro are big but there's always a chance for the underdog. Dude your over 9000 lol
Ken Qiao: So blizzard finally decided to a god mode build. No wonder there’s no theme this season.
Korci Diamond: "130 cleared - First day in season"...wudijo, that is not how that works. Just because you didnt sleep, doesnt mean that its not the second day of season.
Iceblinkx: im still dying with compas rose set in 100+ even with 4 stacks from orb in cube. any tips? ashnagars?
MrEgally: Some people in this comment section are so casual, it hurts
Haru: Why Zei's stone of Vengeance?
xShana: hey wudijo, ive come to notice unlike me you dont have any freezes while using the firebirds set? i literally cannot play with my friends cause the game laggs and freezes for everyone. do you have any idea for a solution? i tried putting the sound channel down to 16 and disabling sound in general and honestly i really want to play diablo but i had the same issue with my necro last season and it really kills the fun of the game.
Le Thanh: What the hell? How he can reach to that paragon level in 1 day?
feanor: wtf that was fast :P
Han Choi: Legend at work
Abo harby Hssan: ۞―P̳r̳e̳m̳i̳u̳m̳ ̳P̳r̳i̳v̳a̳t̳ ̳S̳e̳x̳―۞ ➡️➡️️ 》》 18cams.xyz 《《 —————————————————^^————————————————— ♠【﹄💖𝐊𝐋𝐈𝐊≔⫸LINK 💖﹃】 ♠みゃあこさん!ฅ( ̳• •̫ • ̳ฅ)ニャン !❤️ 在整個人類歷史上,強者,富人和具有狡猾特質的人捕食部落,氏族,城鎮,城市和鄉村中的弱者,無`'守和貧窮成員。然而,人類的生存意願迫使那些被拒絕,被剝奪或摧毀的基本需求的人們找到了一種生活方式,並繼續將其DNA融入不斷發展的人類社會。 說到食物,不要以為那些被拒絕的人只吃垃圾。相反,他們學會了在被忽視的肉類和蔬菜中尋找營養。他們學會了清潔,切塊,調味和慢燉慢燉的野菜和肉類,在食品市場上被忽略的部分家用蔬菜和肉類,並且學會了使用芳香的木煙(如山核桃,山核桃和豆科灌木 來調味食物煮的時候 1617486019
Yeral Rodriguez: Hacker
Atreides81: That RG damage. Woof.
Lovegood: You have more paragon in first season day than i had in whole previous season :D GZ for rank 1! Happy Easter! ;)
Vadosi: Hey, great job on this clear :)i see you are using travelers pledge as neckless/ring combo - what did you had in cube ?
RaiderGaming _23: Oh my damn. When did the next season start?
llVIU: only rank 1? Why not rank 1 with oak leaves?
Schnee Tiger: Insane dude wish I could play my firebird like that haha
mrawdog: Already has more paragon than I will all season, groups are way too powerful, something has to change
Mrfailstandstil: doode you're insane
Jared Moss: Dude your crazy keep it up what you stream for 28 hours at the start!
Quaffie: gg
BassonEU: <3
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