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Anders Løjmand Kjær: I play renekton myself i am so gonna try that shit GOOD VIDEO

TheRealKinG: music? 2:30 ?

Salvamoli: Soy español, pero aun así me ha encantado el video GG

Jordan Rollin: I can do the same wirh soraka no item if i tag in iron

Max Gaming: noob daruis :)

Ventos 19 46: I played with team and I was this lee sin XDDDD

mebliczek: runes?

Hoodie: your videos are literally keeping me alive btw...

Θανάσης Τσίρης: Βut then you remember this was in a normal against bronze-silvers and your first attempt didnt go well so no. Riot doesnt have to nerf no shit

Isaac Bentley Gorski: you were 33 and 1 while the team scores were 35 and 43 or some shit. my God wtf was your team doing

Tio Spock: Music : Mountkid - Dino

ElSoS69: Look at the chat, a broken champ crying cuz another broken champ, LOL

Fire Shark: Is not renekton but darius noob

matt hector: ؟؟؟


erdet kertusha: Darius be like JG diff rep jg

FMusic: your editing is good

RMA: xerat pozdrawiam i zazdroszczę :D

BBotch: Yeah well renekton is too strong even i cant beat him with yasuo

Γιωργος Αργυροπουλος: Stop spamming so much soundeffects its so annoying and u ruin the video

Liliana Gallo: league be like: A+

kim bon: 4:25 what is the name of the song , please


GoodBoi marian: What is this melody in 3:50

Simon Laflamme: Wow is that iron elo ? OMG that Darius is making me sick 😂

Quang Thanh: Smurf+ bad edit+ stupid thumbnail= Godzu

nick is challenger: Is that all ranked games

Lumina: Ich have Birthday today 🥺

Masny Skill: Dude u are playing vs fking 10 lvls. Some darius with skin in bronze 4 with 500 k maestry.

Dumitru Marian: Can you make a video with your fails?

andy: Iron darius🙃

Elasu: wow you are so pro playing vs silvers and one gold 2 xDDDDDDDDDD 4th game

Vannity Officiel: 9:13 12/0 to 13/1 u dont survive but ok lmao

Szmaciurap: OMG

LilChrisGames: Mmmm wood or paper ranks...

FriezPlayzPVP: Is it just to or is the vid title full crit renek and thumbnail is full ap tham kench?

MAD TOCHA: Renekton is desbalanced

andreas lamprakakis: 1:05 damnnn 😂😂😂

Matt Lxrd: 6:20 song?

xMergi: sorry but your enemies gameplay looks like just turned lvl 30 i mean which xerath wastes his e and runs towards a renekton after missing it

Andrej Vfjgkl: Haz un video sobre esto, al menos harás algo en tu vida la élite satánica mundial está compuesta por alrededor de 10 000 personas , de las conocidas Merkel , sarkazi, Bill Gates , zuckenberg , Sergey bryl y Larry page , Bush, la familia Clinton , Rockefeller , Rothschild, Baruch,leib, Morgans, Carnegie , todas las familias reales e imperiales del mundo y muchos otros apellidos .Están detrás de las guerras mundiales, crearon y propagaron el coronavirus, el objetivo principal de asegurar la llegada del Anticristo y evitar que 2 la venida de Jesús y el juicio final , estas condiciones son admitidas por Dios ,porque antes de destruir a Lucifer(Iblis),porque desobedeció a Dios y no se inclinó ante Adán , le pidió que no lo matara, que le dejara la vida, y por eso experimentaría la creación de Dios, el hombre en particular y la humanidad en general, Lucifer (Iblis) . Para la humanidad hay 3 opciones de éxodo, la primera venida del Anticristo y tal caída del espíritu, que no será honrado 2 venida de Jesús y entonces el juicio final no será y todo será borrado en el polvo, excepto aproximadamente 190.000 personas que ayudaron al diablo a derrotar a la humanidad y la segunda opción del espíritu Humano en la escala del planeta será tan fuerte que no pueden traer al Anticristo, y habrá inmediatamente 2 venida de Jesús y luego habrá juicio final . Bueno, la Última opción que lograrán la venida del Anticristo, pero la humanidad en general luchará por sí misma y Dios bajará a Jesús y ganaremos y habrá un juicio final .Están luchando por la vida eterna por sí mismos, y para nosotros quieren dejar la opción de que todos nos borraremos el polvo y ni siquiera nos molestaremos en el juicio final . El resultado depende de cada uno de ustedes , y su vida después de la muerte .Esta información para usted, ¿por qué realmente satánico está haciendo todo esto .Y nuestra tarea es detenerlos . Y recordaré que el mundo está siendo desarrollado por industriales, científicos, agricultores, maestros, así como satanistas, el progreso industrial que siempre han frenado

Ralph Garcia: Lmao muted XD

Kamisama_09 :3: Wath is the last video’s song ? pls

most wanted: @Godzu please when you make a vid like this tell us the runes boi! edit: someone tell me the runes for crit rene

Πέτρος Δόκος: This darius is the worst darius alive

Marcelo Marca: disgusting

Fortnite Best Momets: 1 kill per minute

Petřík: Nice edit bráško

INFINITY_MØDESTO: worst darius ever, stop playing in silver

Антоха: Advertising every 1.5 minutes! Seriously?!

カバ: Is crit renekton troll?

Jozef alebo Števo: Ofcourse he has 35/1 when he play vs bronze and irons. Check on

Hai Anh Nong: sick!

Sterling: 5:09 God you are bad.

César Iván Carballo Morales.: Thats unkilleable renekton

Christo Andrade: OK i just wanna know how did u lose that last match u had like 15 kills and still lost like hOw

blackmindpinkheart: 0:51 Lee's in danger. I died laughing.

Gill Lu: that surrender came like 15 kills to late.

Gabriel Verdugo: That was the worst darius i ever seen lol

Anshuman Pandey: This dude stayed 5 levels ahead of everyone else during the mid game. Of course he was one-shotting everybody.

Bogdan: Its sad cuz this is all custom game and scripted video and everyone think that this is really good and then that man will come into my game and feed and int my game xd

Yooseong Wang: no sustain so if you go against tanks ggs but damn imma try that out

GG WP: Can you put the music link ???

Andrej Maksimović: What a poor low elo,

Abolisxd gamer: renektpn cret ez GG

عثمان عبداللطيف كريم رشيد: 00:32 song pls

TakiJosh {TakiSama}: Godzuilla??

NightXO: *Godzu:* plays the first 40 sec against most noobish Darius player *Me:* close the video with disappointment 5:34 - *17 lvl Godzu vs 11 & 12 lvl* /// Sorry, I'm tired of watching your *overfeed VS noobs*. If you were playing against bots, we wouldn't see the difference. That's not cool. _unsubscribe_

Crazie Sotos: Can someone gift me nightbringer yasuo for my birthday? 🙏❤️

Hair on Your screen: 1:49 don't click

Sweet Lux: 3:35 what the name of Song?

CΣsar: F Darius, it's his birthday :(

Danael Cassilde: Viego a food champion try with he pls pls pls

Crazy Mirror: hi guys, sorry to write here, but I will be glad if you rate, I created a new YouTube channel where SPEED PAINT is filmed, if not difficult, I would be very grateful if you watch my videos

Rumare: Chech my YouTube channel for AP EZREAL funny montage video

Rakazak CR: Renekton je hlavne picovina

TGRam: ADC: 0/20 Renekton: Fine, I'll do it myself.

Grizzly: When you chillin' in botlane and the lady says "Report Godzu Is Legendary"

Jakub Onopiuk: Godzu where are you from?

Alejo L.S.: Altas caderas tiene el René esquivaba todo xd

Francisco Graça: 4:30 Look at the 1/7 Yi in the chat flaming lol

EL ESPARTACO: godzu you play with golds? xd

Nestor Omayan: Hahahaha bukbok sarado kay ranekton hahahaha

Gajim Gabriel: U play low elo , enemys is too stupid.

Deatheee A: Can you play kennen!

Дракошанг Штангаевич: 1:00 music?

Wallet: Do anyone know the soundtrack from 3:20 :(

Jaimoxo26: Song in minute 6:56?

Marino: U have you frend in this game

death slayer from hell: new give away pls im new :))))

DR HALA M NOOMAN NOOMAN: What is your server

Anatolia: Second video :Unkillable renekton

TH Prohibits: Since when does renek get 3 spins 1:45

Fizz: That's the perfect title

freddouklas gamer: Renektor be like xd

CoolFTW: Fucking platinium dog ;D

Mr. Alts_: What is the song at the beginning of the video?

jeremygonzalez418: You must’ve thought I was gone.. not watching your videos.. fuck that I still love the Conor mcgregor

PiNOY iNSEC: 3:18 thats a lot of Damage! critical true damage.

Zavan: woah bronze 4 gz

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