This was an Unnecessary Nerf... - Apex Legends Season 10

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Stefan23: Didn’t know you can speak a little German, nice mate

CLOROX1BL3ACHU: Apex SUCKS solo qeuing.... as a solo player lol. As soon as they get thirsted instant rage quit.... pathetic

Deelo 22: All the people that didn’t skip to the audio like this comment

McNiller and Sons: If they were going to change his health regen back they should have moved the stim hp reduction back to 12 along with the change. He’s garbage now. Your tactical shouldn’t be a death sentence and it is for him now.

scottlaaa 1984: They nerfed Gibraltar so much that I struggle to win a 1 v 1 using him now! Now they’re going to ruin octane!

Dominic Forster: ngl i found the no audio bit very chill to watch. and enjoyed it a lot actually

Twitchy Tourette: I’d watch your videos even if they had no audio and no video. Love this channel! Keep up the good work Rich!

Dantoo: he just talked german omg

cj handley: I’m sorry but it irritates me when people say that rampart got to big of a buff but then a legend like octane was nurfed to hard. Octane had a massive pick rate. It’s time for him to take a backseat and let other legends stand ontop for a while.

Dom Waters: Audio is just like the footsteps none existing

flyersGG: Who is this handsome r99 wingman abuser in the intro, is it really @itemp plays????

SyncJr: I usually chuckle or smile at your jokes and comments, but this time I legit laughed out loud at 16:05 I knew as soon as you saw the 'Cheers' you'd make a comment that he's english but the rest made me burst out laughing!

lafielanarchy: Best in the game and most nice guy which makes it so pleasant


Awesome Card Breaks: What dedication. Dude knows how important it is to get a video out regularly. Can’t imagine how annoying it is to have to play this game to get a good gameplay and having an off day. He could be on for like 8-10 hours just constantly dropping and hoping to get a solid game so he can stop. Dedication man.

Dee One: It's funny how iTemp thinks that we care about game audio or him getting wins etc.. when 99% of us are subscribed only because of his good vibes

jenssele: LoFi Apex could be the new thing 🤔

DG Cranky: is it just me or does temp sound like pathfinder at times lol

Underdog010: That Music really is chill :)

jimmy: Random: Cheers Rich: he’s English 😂

James R: {Standing over shotgun ammo} *pings for shotgun ammo* 😂 Just Rich things

Baby Gigii: Classic Rich to say “I need shotgun ammo” when he was literally standing right next to some 😂

theroc29m: Rocman32

zephyrsmash: What was that octane doing at 2:17 ? 😂😂

Potentialcream 666: love the music

theroc29m: rich aka Itemp when can we team up for a few????

Yunghunteracka: I think they nerfed it because of revtane octane could stim in rev form and regain all his health before he even started fighting it’s a decent nerf maybe ppl will start playing other legends

Charlie Tomy: backgroung kinda calming ngl

CooLZ259: Wouldn't mind more videos with your commentary over your gameplay.

Verbruzelmann: :D next time make the soundeffects your self ^^ in one video u said u beatbox ...should be easy ;)

Lenya Hart: Honest Rich, I have so much respect for you! You've continually uploaded throughout the broken apex, the content is always amazing and you're always so upbeat <3 Thank you for the awesome videos!

Rusty john: iv been having a lot of trouble with the audio while im playing apex.. the other night the whole audio cut out.. and no word of a lie.. ARK main menu started playing... i was so spun out.. im on ps5 and tho or maybe i left it running in the background... but it wasnt even installed on my ps5

savesch: Very upset about this nerf. Wasn’t needed. People play him because he is fun not because he is op.

Marcus Mcmaster: Quicker using a phonix kit ahahha than a bat n Ned kit 😂

TTV-foxxi_plays: I can still visualise all the noises I'm this game even without audio from the vids. 👍

Helios X: I really like no Game Audio, its relaxing

purspike: Moar Hatch!

James Kennelly: Rich: I need shotgun ammo Also Rich: standing on shotgun ammo 11:12

Kjell Volckaert: tbh i kinda liked it without the game audio it was just u talking with some chill music in the background and i liked it

Badger: That first game was hilarious! Your commentary pretending you were in the moment instead of it being after the fact was so funny!

The Camstamash: Imagine leaving the game because you’re so trash that YOU keep dying and having to get revived. People are so fucking petty man apex players really are like nothing I’ve ever seen before.

S M: no need game audio mate…here. for your sexy brit accent innit 🐐

Naughty Noodle: necessary nerf for octane.. its always cancer to have random TM playing octane

Ofentse Masia: Are you a console player or PC on controller?

CARST3121: Honestly, I didn’t mind no game audio at all. It’s kinda chill 😂

Subkrokophillo: This nerf was necessary. Octane is a very annoying legend.

TJMODLA: What a surprise...another game with a Volt...

EVCO 1000: Without audio is not that bad

Jaren Hudson: 1:56. Lack of game audio made that kinda funny. Similar to what happened when your first videos on this game were rolling out - You turned around to an enemy. A bloodhound slid down the mountain and before you could respond - the guy was deleted with one peacekeeper blast. I am still trying to find that video - where the game started at Bridges. I could use a good laugh. Video idea: Compilation of funny moments perhaps?

Jake: While everyone else is out here yelling and screaming about apex disconnecting Rich spends his day grinding to get a win for us all to watch, thank you for this Rich! Hopefully we’re all back playing soon

ViLe PsYcHo: Such an dumbass nerf. Dont fix the servers, do stupid shit that dont need to be done. 😆😆 ofcourse the wraith gets knocked a few times and leaves lmao

Itsyoboypj03: Rich you were standing right on shotgun ammo lol

Semaj Rogers: So he play mnk now

Dum Lucc: "he's said cheers... He's English, we're bonded now" 😂 This logic may seem flawed but I promise u it's not 😂

OvertGrain 6837: Can someone please add random sounds to this it would be so... Perfect i just imagine him sliding and hearing itemp Scream Or every bullet saying no Just think of the R99 Nononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononono

Tony P: There is something wrong with my game since the update. When I'm dropping in, if I am jump master I'm the slowest in the sky even though I am pushing the stick fully forward and my speed on the left reads about 152. When my team mates break off, they head off out in front and land sooner and I cannot catch up. I have been playing valk if that matters. Cant figure it out. Seems my speed is wrong, because when my team mates break off at 155 they shoot out in front.

Sal Savino: Now I know how my wife feels when I’m yelling at the tv 😂

Sült Bar: I think the nerf is good strictly because if you say are the last one to survive a fight and you’re trying to get away from a full squad and an octane is hunting you down it helps to not be chased across the whole freaking map. Turning on an octane is a good choice cause you’ll know that he’s low health. It makes his ability battle and opportunity focused rather than just a chase you like a demon forever.

Wavyyone: 14:09 how didn’t you not get kicked out of the game as soon as I check my teammates banners apex kicks me out

Jani Kumlander: And im sitting on the shotgun ammo when i need those 😆

Adrian Johnson: The way you play out certain situations.. enjoyable to watch each and every time.

Wavyyone: 05:03 when you try to help but it’s fate for them to die💀💀

Luke Boren: Chill music a bit of a a vibe, someone should run that for content 🤔

Juan Martinez: love you content Rich. that was also the most British conversation ever. so many compliments lol

My name is so obnoxiously long and there is absolutely nothing you can do about the matter Cx: honestly the first 7 minutes was pretty relaxing, i was enjoying it

George Hudson: Audio starts at 6:40, actually

Leggo0: You are a literal demon. I love watching you play.

herofromthedark: Wraith was thirsted at 5:10, and disconnected at 5:13. Absolutely disgraceful. Honestly, if I were playing, I'd be livid.

Devan Bush: i weirdly like it with just the chill music 😂 it’s kind of nice. but it does get old after like 6 minutes 😅

John Gotti: I agree with your stance on his passive and if you do the math It's a 33% nerf which is huge.

YamRaj: Day 179 of asking Rich to try the elite controller

Sean O'Farrell: This guy use to be really good now he’s just a click-baiter 😒

Austin&Vicky Moore: I love when you give us a reason for nading yourself... lol sounded like a raceway driver giving an after race interview!! 🤣 I had faith in my team to get the job done my apologies 🤣🤙

BigFootWithWifi: Pad nerf needed, health no

Leorio San: “due to a windows update” oh dear god not a windows update every time it updates something goes incredibly wrong

Hunter Black: I like the chill music and commentary 🙂

The Knight Assault: Bro is watching gameplay with chill music and interesting commentary extremely relaxing and entertaining or is that just me?🤔

Noah Christian: What’s up with all the low res textures?

keo keo: Audio 6:50

kameron yonts: My daughter heard your voice and asked if you were chicken from roblox...

Peter Simon: Please stop playing Octane. This legend is the Worst teammate.

Thomas Smoak: Idk I kinda see how his Regen nerf was kind of needed to be able to keep him out of fights longer or have him take more time to heal so he can't move on as fast. But I never really had a problem with it anyway

Matthew Ding: I actually really enjoyed the lofi music. It was a lot less stressful hahaha

Ghost The King: The first 8 min will be exactly like my first upload. I love it though

Bden Willb: Of course the Wraith left the game 💀

StarGazer: I wish every apex player was like Rich. So kind and positive <3.

Trish Hrndz: Why is this so pleasing?!?!!!

Bradley Mickelson: It’s nice to hear what his cats hear. No wonder they always crawl on the desk

Casey B: "I need shotgun ammo" Proceeds to stand on 2 stacks of shotgun ammo.

Kintaku93: I don’t think the health regen nerf was necessary but I also don’t think it was a ig a deal as people are making it. This is what the rate was actually supposed to be and it was to match hint text to the reality. Thing is, it won’t impact the Octane pick rate in any meaningful way. That’s why I find it unnecessary

Casey B: I've never seen anyone prioritize a weapon skin over looting haha

Casey B: The change was really pleasant, I must say. Rich is worth the bugs.

Flow Cali: Richhhhh and meeeee ItsBambamPR

Metalfan670: Real Rich fans still watched the whole thing

Pedro: Real ones watched the whole thing

Kushal Chowdhury: Maybe your teammates may not be able to heal or do anything, Happen to me once wasn't able to do anything except for punching and shooting with the things I had. Nothin else No Heal No Swap can't loot boxes Nthn

Alex G.: I don't know why but without the gunshots and other sounds, I never noticed you play like a beast

Sam: "Just making a new friend. Wait no im not I'm talking to myself." I feel that Rich

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