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SoloRenektonOnly: Go over to Displate and save HUGE on their massive black friday sale lasting for the next 7 days! Get premium medal posters:

Vlad Ionescu: Why not immortal shieldbow and gargoyle?

Daniel Philipsen: Try to go - Eclipse - Ravenous Hydra (Prog on spell hit q+w+e) - thornmail - spiret vissage - Stoneplate. I promise it is the most broken build you can have and you will never die.

Nayf: Yup, this streamer is most fun to watch, I don't even play top and still enjoy every vid.

Nicolas Godoy: En el min 7:11 el minion no recibe daño o es idea mia?

Xio345: Mikerino refillorino !


Bradley Miller: What? SRO playing Renekton? Impossible!

David Kern: Nice video

Aly Naddari: i want a dmg build 🙄

Yuki Brave: That ad scared the shit out of me lmaoo

Isidoro Machorro: Bruh the end shows just how much yuumi carried the enemy team cuz when she wasnt there to heal they just freight trained em haha yuumi OP

triple151621: today I was bullied into buying some kind of metal poster that ripped the plaster off my wall.

MegaAssasin47: i bought 2 of the posters. I never knew about that company making metal posters thats so nice

Emna Salmi: Hey guys I found great games: Strategy Guides Method in 2020, if you wanna know how, email me: [email protected] I will send a free program to you.

Yorum Akdan: Runes?

Safak Baba: Omg this guy is for real bad playing normal game try so hard omg

ahmed kafrawy: i liked the video for the youtube algorithm before the video even loads

Hunter Hughes: Now THAT is fun to watch. Love how long you can stay in fights with all those shields / additional health / healing

pickle dis: i swear you can sell gamer girl bath water better than bella delphine buying me some displate

Wei Dong Lim: What secondary runes do you have

abelle john patio: 36:55 "yumi get outta here with that nonsense" Atleast he tried man 😂

Kyle Alexander: no sure if im watching a SRO or Vsauce video

bart JB: wtf why y yaling like idiot ....

TheTotalPacedGamer: @SoloRenektonOnly Mortal reminder does not have armor pen anymore

Ad Ek: nice beast on silver division ...

MeldrickCz: I lost fortune on you man. Only my good upbribing saved your legs. But this was your last match around here. No league will accept you I make sure of it. You had one job to stay one kill shy of 12.

Shadowmaster625: it's Devine

Shahamut: Lucian didnt have pen... just heal cut pretty sure mortal reminder no longer has pen, just crit and heal cut.

Hristijan Jovceskki: Try this with Sion

KJplayz 21: 1:42 Sro: I'm not that strong *Proceeds to wrestle a 50 foot leviathan

jomarie sanosa: Johnny sins playing league of legends 🥰

Kuro Keima: Anyone else realized his spelling in the notes "Devine".........

ResonantHigh: I liked the video just because I loved that ad. Everyone should be dumping sponsorships onto this man

Video Games: you lucker

Ebony Warrior: Thought you should know, that Lucian had very standard items for him. Nothing weird about his build at all tbh... quickblade on Lucian synergies’s so well

Oreo Kahlestra: Hey SoloRenektonOnly! All time fav top laner!! Could I request a pantheon game?

Trayvon Lewis: Man, my favorite part of your videos is how informative they are and how hard you go in your ads 🤣.

AbsolutelyAbsurd: i'm new to watching your channel and i see you play a ton of champs, but who is your main? i'm guessing renekton from the channel name xD

Seream: Bet for one of your steams, will you make it 6- 0 or how many cannons do you get in one game lol

Shablam Robohawk: Imagine building that much health and resistance and dealing the most damage in the game

Andrew Roman: I’m liking for the ad cause it was beautiful

Abhirup Neogy: 37 mins of croc bullying his brother

Brain Power: Legend says that poster is still tilted.

Master Reaper: just focus the yuumi. she jumped off hec like 50 times lol you just had to stun her and she cant re-attach for a few seconds and you just kill her. There goes that free spam healing he was getting

Tee Kay: 10:50 Disliked the video for the Youtube Algorithm.

Einon G: YouTube algorithm be fucking with me scrolled through my entire feed looking for you videos refreshed 10 times and one finally popped up 😂

MrYllaW: Missed cannon and a wasted flash? Is Mike actually reading comments?? Fine, have another!

⠀Mark_Circuit: Great ad, made sure to like it before the cannon wave

Ryuuji Kuro: Wow, I really love how you do this builds..

Vitor Lopes: Who beted Lulu would get a Double Kill?? ;p

Albu Teo: I have an idea, can u do the biggest cho ghat with the mythic frostfire?

Ayman Lyoubi: man SRO commercial skills ... smooooth wupshhh

LordZanik: Video: 534 Cannons @ 15: 7 CS @15: 123 /171 Solo lane cannon fails post 15: 0 Total cannons missed today: 2 Cannons missed: 1748 % cannons missed @ 15: 27.94% Failed cannons today: 1 Total Failed cannons: 864

james nightingale: Thinking this build on nautilus will be op with his W shield as well

Thang Dinh: Why the enemy Nasus never used his ulti in team fight? He only pressed R when the fight over to run away

ken lavens: Silver 1 player lmao. So cringe.

Ivan Puecher: I’m convinced Mike is a salesman, best ads by far

Joni Turunen: i thought they killed titanic hydra but is it still good really ? And should i buy blade of the ruined king ever again on renekton

Mason Swann: Your my fav crocodile man!!! I have learned alot and I appreciate your unfiltered approach!

Charlie Kline: It’s funny that everytime he misses a cannon minion I instantly go for that like button now

EDP445: " Oh it's a little crooked" Proceeds to trigger everyone's OCD " Now its much betterc

BigSamy: This dude's advertisment lmao

Karson Kammerzell: Dude I love this ad, lol. Mike: Boom! Me: Ridge Wallet... Mike: DisPlate! Me: 🤯🤯🤯

Wildcatd13: Why not go shield bash?

Simply Gaming: *Every game:* SRO: “Jungler should play around me I think”

Corey Campbell: Wanted that aatrox poster from displate but couldnt find it

TheWutang1995: Just bought renekton last night can't wait to run this build!

Walter the friendly: You have beautiful alligator eyes

Ha Ns: I gotta say. I really like the energy in your vids recently. Has been kinda wholesome i would even say for some weeks now. Really enjoing it, keep up the great content.

CrossEyedN00b: Wait, 13:26 - Sunderer works on TOWERS? Udyr must be broken right now

Frozen Synapse: More like SwoleRenektonOnly am I right ?

Joni Turunen: SRO: we will take it Real Life: well why do you keep saying that knowing. That just happened and you cant go back in time and change the events that happened so you HAVE TO TAKE IT! THERE IS NO OTHER CHOICE THAT SOUNDS SO ANNOYING :D

Phillip Coleman: I’m liking this build.

Ervin Kevin: you are so funny :)

Isaac Maya: my friends and I consider wither to be a point and click root

Lxyfe _: Didn’t know this man had blue eyes 👀

I Am Doge: The ad in this video was realy good. I watched the whole thing for the first time

I Am Doge: Just fyi full Ap Teemo with liandys and demonic win vs all melee champs who rush divine

Reginald Jackson: Wish I knew you in real life you are too cool my guy.

mtrichie111: Also, that Raidboss v Raidboss, <3 !!!

Riot God: There’s only 1 thing I don’t like about the new shop it’s that where all the wards an potions are that tab there should stay open

nickrowan: 34:55 - He sadly doesn't have pen, mortal reminder only has heal cut now, not pen.

mtrichie111: Broo, these bets are so fucking awesome, they make the game weirdly exciting. Feels like its not even about winning, its about finessing.. lol

Tabby DragonHD: fuck that keyboard tho

Livatus: That algoritm action and stream challanges made your vid like smt else, in a better way. Keep up great work, Mike <3

squidward but sad: Ur ads always are some much better than th majority

GenesisC.: I actually watched the whole promotion stuff and enjoyed it! You should work in marketing dude for real!

Jeff Schulte: Cue Benny Hill for Hekarim

SpaghettieSouls: sro: *explains what prediction and channel points* me: its gambling

camilo cocconi: Hey Mike, love the vid, just wanted to say at 34:45 that item doesn't give any pen, it's not last whisper

Cal B: That veigar is a puss

Custom Coin Rings USA: 5:39 It is "Divine" not "Devine" lol

John Hill: I think Veigar lost his e key

Agile Skink: Looks like that voli bet over not under lmao

RaphYkun: Kinda wanted to see the Self-Mitigated damage stat

Tiger Cat: Ok u need editor cause u explain the adds good but its plain to see i dont know why Just an opinion

Jessica Casler: Видео супер

John Hill: My headphones were at max volume so the door slam at the start made me deaf

TIma Werder: 0:32

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