Season 2024 Gameplay Spotlight | League of Legends

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Samko Skrabalek: While it does sound interesting, complexity doesn't equal quality. Just because you combine a bunch of good food like pizza, burger, sushi and cheesecake doesn't mean it's gonna taste good. And I feel like League is loosing the elegance of simplicity.

Karasu Tsuki: theyre literally took the enter herald mech from hots xD

Kristian Dissing: Illaoi need a completly rework. or atleast som big changes....

MrAnderson: And in with the "new" same old bug/issues/glitches.

Moin Meister: ARAM changes ? :(

NorthMan Martin: bring back hexakill permanently

Konrad Curves : I play Top and Mid. So this so much changw did md

Patrick Starx: Wtf...don't change the map...

DodjersBoy: ARAM changes!!!

christian reil: The leauge is dead 😢😢

Tews: The map looks bigger

Intrepid Sponge: Please kick Phreak out

SaasIsHere: Ok but when new client

M3lon: Bro this is lit 🔥🔥🔥

Coop forum: Noo. These map changes are so bad!

-__Shadow__-: Thank God we got rid of mythics.

Raj Poshiya: Nice ❤

nikesshoes2011: mythics finally gone. Only took YEARS

JD lucian Macabali: Is this permanent?

D J: Now get rid of all the cheaters

Valorsphere: The fist bump is the best change they have ever made haha

ben sheard: So unbelivably obvious they paid accounts to give good reviews. Games been dead for years

cuppachino: All this QoL changes make league exciting again!

myminorh: Greatttt changeee

Pakai Hati: WELCOME TO THE LEAGUE OF UGLY PURPLE ... The designer live purple so much 👎🏻

wiven: Bro if this is the case then why dont you guys get chogath a new revamp look or at least rework him

Jubilee Nunnallee: I don’t like it. The terrain and baron buffs makes it harder for jungles to gank and get camps.

Flawless: We are still waiting on the Twisted Treeline!

Roudy Korkis Kanaan: Amazing gameplay changes.. Still sad to see after a decade we don't get drastically updated graphics, baron model looks nice but so.. old at the same time

A Cat with Wiskers: How will this affect proplay 😮

A Cat with Wiskers: This is good, the game was getting stale

Ven0mancer: woah i mean just WOOOAAAAHH EEEEEEEEEEE

ryuisvillemaster: Honestly I do need something new on the map as it geyying bored playing the same maps for the past new years. I welcome this season with a huge hug

Guillaume Benoit: Man, that's a lot of nice news!

AceusMusic: Might just have to come back. This is awesome

Andy Lin: get phreak off the balance team

airparo: ngl this looks dope

Máté Bakos: There are no forced politically correct content getting showed down in my throat? How is that even possible? Is this still Riot games? What is happening? League becoming worth to play again? No way. I think this genuinely good stuff that I saw in this video is a bait.

Mofou: Looks like mobile legends

Axel Wallström: Bring back the winter rift, we only need the winter rift...

Todd Nordin: s4....

Derek wang: Nah champ quests with cosmetics was great why they gotta get a buff smh

Helian Game Piano: Best India Game Company, I see.

Likaruz: Love this update

JoeBlondie: Top and mid harder to gank meanwhile bot is opened more then ever, 0 new changes and even some nerfes to adc items, as adc player it looks like I'm just not playing next season, gl with that riot.

Stefanos : Oooof finally something fresh I felt I was holding my breath for 4 years

Sean Spreckelsen: Eh, most of this was entirely unnecessary, but I guess it's nice to see them trying new things

Zero Alpha: literally the new map is anti jungle meta.. got it~

Gideon Hall: I love these new changes and the creativity and passion that goes into ensuring that the game always stay fresh and interesting. If Riot is able to still come up with new and fun content like this, then I'm sure they will be able to find a balance for game modes, champions and events (even if there are only 2 or 3 events a year). Surely if you guys can be inspired to keep it original and exciting then I guarantee that your LoL fanbase will be here for another 7 years.

Zeus Jao: Plss nerf Qiyana 😢😢😢

Jake: I hope you bring back the Christmas map and with the new update you fix the problems with your client like unable to select roles, screen spluttering, unable to click certain tabs without the client breaking, game invites not working, clicking play then hearing the music but nothing is appearing on the screen.... I could really go on for more

TheNukebooster: at 5.46 the "now more easy to understand" tooltip for Zhonyas has an error saying "During this time you [are] unable to take any actions". Pls fix rito :D

Ricardo Lopes: I mean why you have to give us this massive changes all in a patch and not gives us bits for every month of the year to us go get use to. I mean you want game to be easier for new players right i understand that but are almost making a new game with those releases in one single patch wish make the game harder for every player and then after 6 months you will put more stuff for newbie players i dont get it. who is with me? i mean as been all years the same i like the changes but all in once and a new champ to add on it makes overwelming

Alex: I havent played this game for over a year but that new area next to the turret in mid lane looks horrid for the midlaner. easy gank and no safety from dives yikes.

Wade Hendricks: Team buffs lol , might as well delete ivern

william hutsch: changes look good for the most part, but the 1 thing im not a fan of is how upscaled the map is; the map, in this video, is quite literally gigantic compared to how it currently is. I personally think its a bad decision because it makes situations significantly less intimate.

Ithundersky: It look incredible, congrats

ConexxMid: Bro those voids are disgusting literally uncomfortable to look at them

elijon doko: Winter map🥲


nazrin wan roshdan: nice

The God Bob Ross: Ok so really awesome cool and exciting changes but I just learned the game and am familiar with items and now this T_T

Lidia S: I’m good

Brian Cuppen: ''Some champs gonna bring their beef to the rift'' 😆 looks like we're all gonna discover new levels of tilt ! xd

Justyn: yell really hate bot lane dont you

ResaIfy12: Why tf do they keep ruining this game

아이오닉6: 롤이 안망하는 이유 게임이 계속 바뀌고 패치를 하고 ㅋㅋㅋ 고일수가없어!!!

joefish818: Looks like some of the users got the 2024 update early

Koury Dios: Bravo to Riot for making the game vibrant and new with bold updates, in contrast to other businesses that recycle outdated material.

Parkour: fix wukong

Alexthelvl1healer: I’m actually excited to relearn the game now and discover new combos/tactics with party mates. Thank you for refreshing this game for the old crowds and ushering in newer crowds also

TheLorentin: Jugador Real de league of legends: *PONMI: Que carajos está pasando?*

Vîctorîous: Sick!

hackey mabel: Love the idea of turning late game to ARURF =)) Mana champs gonna be all late and broke

Brendon De Villiers: "We want to simplify the game" - Herald can now be driven like a Sion, but if crash you have to wait, but if crash into certain place you wait less, or you can summon it as normal. - Simplified. - Buffs and crab are normal, unless Baron has spawned, then they change in different ways. - Simplified. - Speaking of Baron, he now has RNG on his abilities and even the terrain around him. So memorise all 4 and learn how best to utilize / counter-utilize each different terrain change. - Simplified. - Before Baron even shows up (and before Herald) there's also (up to) 6 of these grub things that also spawn other things. If you kill them you'll have a dot for turrets. Kill more, more dot damage. Kill all 6 - you'll also spawn other things, yourself. - Simplified. - Infernal drake is no longer just a terrain-changer, now there's a bunch of small things you collect, but they explode when you die and other people can collect them, and it's just another thing for you to keep track of. - Simplified. - Oh, and new items to learn. Plus old items to learn. - Simplified. I mean, I LIKE the changes (especially the champ-specific missions; I used to love the Kha'Zix/Rengar one and used to wish there were more like that) but if 'simplification' is what you were going for - You really missed the mark.

Alves: no VOIP Coms yet? Comon....

Advokit: Report the jgler for some reasons!

Advokit: Report the jgler for some reasons!

Chris Yang: Glad I stop playing these lmao

Raisin Levert: love the new map but can you fix the launcher pls :')

Raisin Levert: love the new map but can you fix the launcher pls :')

jax: Teemo mid, here we go again! Maybe this one is the lucky season 🍄

Josef: I am not a fan of the new baron design, i think the old baron was a master piece design

Hansi bub: Cant wait to be run down by a racist draven otp in the next season much wow

Bon: I can finally play damage support and have an excuse to CS 😏

416: hopefully i get out of hard stuck plat

Sett mother: i dislike this

NoistMipples: this guy is the only reason i watch these videos.

noname: How are people still playing this popo

David Vigna: Okay jng ganks useless now did i get it???? Riot cmon dummys

Crazzor: you guys have to be drunk or on some good quality drugs

Lucas Bellinazzi: I'm getting the same feeling I got when you updated the rift on 2015, I love it

Kai : Love the change overal, but hated the scruttle change, sad face for support ward, now you gotta time the barron, but warding in enemy jg or other location make far more sense.

PalPlays: Hopefully they clean up Harry's animations. That looks jank.

timneji: The challenge about MOBA‘s is to hold them interesting over years and not change to much at the same time. Lol is really good at this

Blackoutdmc: Jungle diff.

FnickB Official: junglers this season 💀💀💀💀

Máté Jancsek: So, when you first introduced mythic items, I raised my concerns, that everyone will build the same for certain champs, sometimes for certain classes. And then it happened. I am glad you revoking it. But maybe you've fall the other side of the hors now, with all the terrain and map changes... I mean now even the terrain can just kill you if you not careful enough, so it would be almost better to team up with the enemy, to destroy the terrain instead

GallacticostaR: Finally a change that will actually change the game, I am kind of looking forward to this.

Advay Basavaraju: Rly interested to know what the kindred thing at the end is, whether its just a cool visual that riot wanted to use or is hinting at some kindred stuff :)

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