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AnonymousYT: Let's get Evil 😈 Alex is coming boiz

Loud Sound: Só Chegou a notificação agora depois de 3 days ,_,

Pluto: Better than s1 for sure.

Abel Meza: Why does it say (M.I.A) next to ghost' name......

2kFaiv: You know what would be cool? If they wont lie about zombies and add them to the game again

Event Horizon: Skins suck, everything imo this season sucks besides the big truck added to battle pass. Still no new b.r. map or night mode

ErrNOT: Hey Anonymous,are a glowstick if u buy a special battle pass or normal battle pass for 345?? *i don't remember how many BP Costs lol* .

ErrNOT: Mil Sim? More like,LIL SIIIMP!

Luigi Manas: question: will the br with armor plates like warzone gonna come in season2?

Vegito: I barely played this season

Maxiwill Gaming: Thank for info anonymousYT😀😀

Andres Ayala: Idk why but im most excited for the as val judgement skin

Sumay: Let's get evil Bois it's show time

Rudra Soni: This is fabuiles I really liked that bro 😘😘😘

Nebick27: Not cool to have worked to unlock Death ANGEL Alice just for them to give it away.

Edge PG3D: bruh, i think the season krueger skin still looks the same as the season 8 krueger

Jordonsky: Is is out

TickleMyGucci: I dont like this season. Boring characters with okay guns

Mee EEEP: S2 is the best

Salman Azis: 0:48 sound musik? What

Hazel Tan: This is the best Game I’ve ever know cause almost all free epic character they give to us it’s soo cool thank you developers🥺🥺🥰🥰🥰

Sick: what about zombie mode?

Justin Jaime: Is Alex suppose to be marky mark?

Bhavy Sharma: I dont think Death angle alice skin will be login reward bcuz remember in s11 everybody thought the merc skin was gonna be the login reward but it turned out to be a community event reward

Raptor -YT: This will be the best season & rank season!!!

Log: Hi


Arman: What the skin dude how is so crazy

Vengeful Fruit: Wow the guns are not "rebranded" colors anymore.

Uks DeadShot: Imo only hyped for the fresh Mara skin 😂

daryl Valdez: We getting 4 skin in battle pass?

STEWARD ZMRTV: Warzone mobile ✨

XSJ GAMER: finally a good skin in ranked rewards (karambit)

starry moonchild: me:bought the s8 bp s2 ranked:hashhahahashahahahaht you got scammed

Alone-ify: I'm dying

Manoj D: Legendary rank players plz like

WadraYT: F2P: 😐

Yusuf Ramadhana: AS val epic skin for bp bundle?

ッSpecter_: Finally got something better battle pass

ッSpecter_: Finally got something better battle pass

DARE DEVIL: Omg death angel alice for free😱


Vakaris Švetkauskas: Is the as val skin going to be a BP skin?

Robinjoo221 YT: Song name?

鍋ポン酢: song name?

kevin Stiven Gaviria: Por un momento pensé que el de la derecha en la portada era Wilyrex jakajaj

RTHRO _: Welcome to Modern Warfare: Mobile

Mertcan Chen: Karambit will be rare

Khairul Wianto: So SPR on mission? 😳

KARMNYA: that mace looks badass imma buy the bp!!!

Ashreen Salic: I really like the Alex skin but I feel like the Alex skin cost alot of money.

Beerus sama: Hola

Fenix: Other people: Talking about characters and bp Me: *Finally the og nuketown will be back*

Cholo Dojeta: Ah yes... karambit

Muhammad Reza Rafsyani: CODM IS HYPE

Muhammad Reza Rafsyani: i cant WAIT

ricardo the cat: Well the alex of my sibling name that is the same name

Myxtry: imagine the f2p players in the battle pass and they get the worst skins for the best guns or good skins bad guns. codm better make the f2p and p2w players even

NEPA Outdoors: so i dont get it why are these things not in my game rn

NEPA Outdoors: so i dont get it why are these things not in my game rn

LOL PRO 049: How much the cost?

SMThin Gaming: Thank you :)

Ibra Kurniadhi dwirisanto: I want to buy BP with 320 cp but i have no money :<

Arthur Barbosa: Alooo alguém do Brazil Fora isso seus vídeos são satisfatórios e muito bons. E eu tô muito querendo ver essa M4LMG e o novo pente que possívelmente vira com a skin.

Sd. Jonh CODM: Ansioso estou 🙂

Alis Cuno: Justo ahora acabó de llegar a leyenda!!! Por primera vez!!! *Se siente bien llegar a leyenda:)

the OG ghost: Ghost: “Alex we thought you were dead!”

It'z Jayden: I actually kinda want the mil-sim

ISMAA: No hablo inglés ._.

VIRUSninja: Let’s get evil anonymous stole them words right out of my mouth

Arturo Grant Chiappini: Really like th3 new format bro

Adriel Bello: ALEX!!!

r3df0x 4545: where did u get thia trailer from

Combattgamer: Alex is missing his eyes brows

The Frustrated Gamer: I just wanna know how much it cost

Drizzy Drizzy: If anyone see this give it a support so they can see this ! Guys you should put the dance of pop smoke !!!! 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

Muhamed Gamer Z5: Thanksgod for the free Karambit Ranked❤❤❤❤

Anonymous Channel: Bro im waiting for ghost skin

Rayose: Best channel ever 👍

John Micah: I hope they add Farah in the game

كـ,ـلأّشُنـکْوٌفُ ĶΛĻΛṥḩⴂĨĶỒᶌ: Glaxy j1 here

-_NaRRaToR_-: Ghost - :'(

Klement Cela: Karambit knife looks nice

off line: guys how can i get all of streaks plz im new in this game

Ronald: Trash

Cheesy Sandwich: finally i can get kreuger my fav character

ZGameZ: A FREE KARAMBIT?! Wow now they have started to give things that are worth real money!

Isaiah Cortes: Another ranked season, another bad skin to go with it 🥲

foolboi: "5:17" Happy to get This from *CODMOB.ONLINE**

rtx Farman: Finally ALEX is here 🔥🔥🔥

Potata uwu: Al fin!! Un personaje bonito para el inicio de sesión

INFAMES RP chris: Horrible pase

DCMK: damn now i have to install it and login daily during exams

Sushīl -: Dang... I like this version of MARA

Di Ib: Definitely buying this battle pass !

ags gaming: Hello go like subcrebe coment

Brawler Rukkar: After what Path said about Season 2,my hype for this game is about as dead as this fucking corpse is...

DevOur: Free katana when? or Katana in bp again when?

Parzival_w: I hope,they fix the optimization :(

Chrissy Yang: Omg, shoot house!!!! And I wish we can climb the boxes and stuff in shipment ;w;

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