INVINCIBLE Season 2 Episode 8 Ending Explained | Easter Egg Breakdown, Comic Differences & Review

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@heavyspoilers: HUGE THANK YOU For following our breakdowns through the series. I hope you guys have enjoyed them and massive shoutouts to Simon for answering some of our questions on the show. Our Season 3 predictions video is being worked on right now so make sure you're subscribed

@FIYAFADAT: I’m glad he killed levy He clearly wasn’t gonna stop

@zonitoni4453: Good episode, but pretty mehh for a finale.

@MoistMan772: Smashing that 👍🏽 button like it's everyone's right eye in this episode. Great breakdown Paul and team!

@zonitoni4453: Bootleg Spiderman close enough.

@FIYAFADAT: The Batman scene was hilarious

@yadielayala: Sometimes I dont understand fans. Mark's character development was so good imo; Everytbing cant be just mindless action. The set up involing anissa threatening ambers life from previous episode help bring mark to his breaking point. Mark breaking down after killing levy was so impactful. Having read the comics twice, i love what how the show is interpretting certain stories.

@deelee1569: That whole ep was tense

@chaseperri9849: All people do is complain. Great finale, character arcs going crazy

@maxjumix2951: They couldn't even get the rights to twd😭

@Chrismas815: Uh no, Josh Keaton voices "Black Spider" in young justice. Similar to spider-man, but a different universe

@rudeboi2003: Men in black reference 😅

@mj4lyfe404: haha the biggest battle is with himself haha

@TheKetamineConnoisseur: He’s called agent spider

@jamalalli6726: Easter egg @6:44 with the "nickpick ik"?? May be wrong but just cos this episode delved into the multiverse and with so many easter eggs, it would be nice to put one in for the reaction video...

@roywindell4339: So at 1st I was like …oh, Rex is wearing the robot suit now. Ok…but then I was like…wait a min, Rudy used Rex’s DNA so it may actually be an older Rudy seeing as how he’s basically a clone of Rex! AND monster girl has probably been in monster form for 20years as an anti-de-aging mechanism for her human form?? Very cool how they make you ponder man…

@kayelll333: The spidey vs doc oc made my jaw drop and mark taking the web off coming bavk thru the portal was straight from the pages

@TDItaly98: This was a great episode, one of the best they made. The pacing was so good

@aarondow1096: Is no one going to talk about the blatant Chainsaw Man reference????

@FSK1138: 5:45 a Rick and Morty cameo would be amazing

@cordellfarmer8220: That was a weak finale i never even knew, the stakes were blah

@Tinytodgerman: I’m so sad that Spider-Man’s rights couldn’t be acquired for the show but I feel like they did the best and closest they could to Spider-Man

@joed6159: Amazing season. Next season is going to get craY

@Seno_was_taken: "i miss my wife"no shit you just remembered this

@AndrewJohnson-oy8oj: Their multiverse makes no sense. Levy is pulled knowledge from realities where HE existed yet says "Your identity is public in over half of realities." That means that Levy is the constant in those variant universes, not Mark. In a different reality for Levy, Nolan may have married another woman, A different Viltrumite might have been assigned Earth, Mark might have been given a different name. A slight variation in the second of conception can result in a completely different sperm impregnating an ovum. Heck, even a slight difference in what the father ate in the days previous to conception can result in a completely different sperm. Mark existing as Mark in a Levy-based variant universe is impossible.

@bryanthernandez9769: I wish we got a TWD animated adaption from the comic version like invisible is having

@DJTAE252: I think that was a number 1 on Kate than Zero

@benjaminikpeme596: Funny how at the end of the episode, Mark, Debbie and Nolan all share a black eye on their right eyes

@RichieV03: Is his name not agent spider??

@johnsanders3857: So when is season 3 cause I want it now....heck of a season and there version compared to the comics...I was like oh there's the cabin here's kate...

@NforRoNin: I kind of feel bad if levi but he's still and arse, I also kind of expected like more episodes like 4 more to actually close it off on the invisible war and its really clever how Mark, Debbie and Nolan all had black eyes

@vanikestewart8578: Miss opportunity to have Comic Accurate Walking Dead characters interact with Mark. Like Imagine Glenn talking to Mark

@jurgenpjetri7305: Where to watch

@thestooge7224: was that a fortnite gun that he hits him with

@bigwoke5956: the show writers are moving so fast compared to the comics, hope season 3 comes soon

@cheezenuggets: The finale was trash

@benjaminngopwaamos6878: I love how they're basically just casting the actors from The Walking Dead tv series in this show. It's like a big reunion.

@CeddyNash: This episode was trash 🗑 and annoying.

@obrians-brown1307: The Amazon spider 😂

@ajaychawla7: They better release the S3 soon

@RunStunNGun: I love the series but didn’t realise it was the end of season 2, it was a good ep but not good enough to close off the season I felt like it would have been a better mid season finale

@Bryandan1elson: the walking dead zombies dont talk. it cant be the TWD comic universe unfortunately

@ajaychawla7: S1 was peak i believe Downhill since then

@UlicznyIzuru: Where Dragon's Breath Sniper Rifle Easter Egg?

@Nevec7274: Mark finally leaving amber 10/10

@bobplayz5570: Tbh this episode was a let down for me

@sittkukk8278: Season 1 was better, but Season 2 was good as well. The 4 episode wait was bad tho.

@DrDre-sy2kv: Below standard episode for a finale Hell, the whole season was mediocre 🤢🤮

@johnnyd3158: I rolled my eyes at the scene with the two female archeologists of them stating how “sexist” it is that the mummy spirit can’t inhabit a female body to end his curse, as it’s just like how when Mark commented to Cecil back in season 1 of how “sexist” it is for a male superhero in wanting to “get the pretty girl.”

@ALL4ONE5288: Man levy hatred for mark is from other version him.

@TheKingdomOfAldenburg: *Very Big Spoilers* I personally cannot wait for invincible wars. I wouldn’t be surprised if it happens in S3 ep 6-7 and Conquest comes up for the season finale.

@e3vL1: So Nolan misses his pet?

@Crimson_Valor_: I did like this season finale, and I loved where it ended. I thought originally *insert character* to get stranded in the post apocalypse dimension. But I’m FAR more glad with what we got, this episode perfectly captured the most tense scenes in the comics. I cannot wait for season 3.

@karlseniotuialatiotio7943: S2 finale was meh

@jacksonh133: He's spider kid

@juancortes5274: 😢 I'm so sad it's over 😭💔

@TheOnlyGuermo: ALWAYS! Bugged me we didn't get more info about future Rex. He is younger than Eve, but Robot goes by Rudy, and he is smart while Rex seems to be on himbo status, so my best guess is Rudy renamed himself at some point. Occam's razor would be that answer, but who knows.

@MGDB305: The whole Grayson family had a black eye in the same place, I thought it was pretty funny but it also shows how they're all still connected and all going through some sort of trauma especially when Omni man says he misses his wife at the end of the episode

@TheOnlyGuermo: I still hate Angstrom Levy. You are holding a baby by the leg and throwing it across the room and yelling he isn't evil. A case could be made that in the multiverse crazy brain he sees all the evil Marks and Debbie's as evil just waiting for a time to come out, but Oliver is not in any universe, and he threw him for no reason just eh, baby chuck. Just rahr, rahr, rahr, me good you bad, rahr, rahr.

@anthonygordon9483: Simon must really like heavy spoilers. Allowed him to watch every episode.

@copyrightsucks7966: The batman joke was funny but man i can't wait for session 3

@Bonjun_bashnash: For those that find this episode shit or mediocre the storyline this season in general will pay off with s3 and the invincible war

@TheMarcosHZ: Can't wait till i have nothing and be happy when season 3 release in 2030

@nathanbonez01: I hope to get a firebreather show/spin-off

@xo_edmo: I'm surprised you didn't mention 8:59 that Steven Yeun who voices Mark was also on the walking dead.

@deejones8552: The fortnite reference was so random but cool 😂

@lillbitdenveronlyfans6582: I read whole comic run , but im surprised cicil didn't try to utilize angstrom , resources, organs recon

@vaibhavverma5956: In my opinion, episode wasn't that great. It was like a filler episode and doesn't feel like a finale but I'll be waiting for season three for more 3 years

@timotius_sdv: I hoping for Invincible and spiderman spin off

@sleshstamp: Very smart write-around to avoid copyright claims. You can believe he's just a multiverse version of spiderman.

@311Dominique: My husband isn't happy with the new episodes after the break . I am new to invincible, I'm enjoying it. But it seems like true fans aren't really feeling it

@scruffysolo1444: 10:53 the people in that universe are also wearing nose pieces that look like they’re from Dune

@Felix5k: I don't like how the main plot progresses so slowly... there was almost no progression in this ep (besides the prison scenes) and the whole episode focused on Levy. And now we'll wait 2 years for another season. Really?

@TheGoodfellas.: Fun Fact- Mark’s Mom is Korean. Her living room has a picture that has Korean writing and the Ducks on the table are a part of a Korean Wedding ceremony / gift.

@ScottySkilz1: i dont get if they take everything from the books, why is it taking them forever to complete this season

@MooseTruffle: I’m disappointed with the lack of Spider-Man tie in…

@Plasma_trinity: How is he getting hurt by cavemen? That doesn't add up at all. 🤔

@subjectdelta7210: if I had a nickel for every time that actor played a ripoff of his own character, I have two nickels what isnt a lot but it’s weird happened twice

@er404: batsy

@M00nPh0enix: I actually think Rex being in Robot's suit is actually a foreshadow of Rudy taking his name after you-know-what-if-you've-read-the-comics happens

@hiropisku1078: The only one in the Grayson family not to have a black eye is Oliver, but he is purple at the moment so we can excuse that.

@Gallant_Tuba_Knight: 1:20 with honors

@msbkaioken136: I don't really understand how you talk about the Rex Rudy stuff in the comics and don't realize that that is Rudy/robot just going by Rex now. Like what happens later in the comics that still is Rudy. You were correct that it is foreshadowing for something in the future, but incorrect about what that thing was.

@Moleymoler: Dude you spoil so much shit from the comics, just talk about the show

@SoulYasu: Why go after the one good mark tho?💀

@denman2991: next season coming in 2027

@lcsurratt9055: If Kate used copies with her time with the Guardians then how does she know Immortal?

@chuck__van: This show is sooo goood

@Ephemerthefish2525: when will he get the black suit? such a tease from the title card

@theandrogynousmisogynist: Angstrom levy arc was rushed to the point it was corny.

@FrancoMartignano: We want thicc Eve and Mark together asap!!

@steve0500738: Legally Distinct Spiderman.

@REL-420: Imagine of Omni-man was sent to spidermans dimension💀😂

@TactFNC: You also missed Mark hitting Levy with a Fortnite Weapon, a reference to the fact that Mark, Eve and Nolan ended up in that Universe at the end of 2023.

@sainthavel552: I feel like marks hands being coated in blood could symbolise him seemingly becoming more like omniman, his red hands mirroring omnimans red gloves

@brockgainz4398: I feel like the ending was so abrupt like there should have been another episode or like a hour and a half finale

@Memehuskie: I feel like the episode could’ve been longer if marvel agreed to have its characters in the show

@danielhughes5932: The rex robot is Rudy after rex dies and the weirdo takes his name

@danielhughes5932: This was a gigantic letdown of a finale we waited almost 3 years for. This could've been the setup for the finale with the jailbreak and invincible war beginning in the finale

@samuraijedi1669: This emotions throughout this Season 2 Finale hit harder than Invincible did to Levy. Uuugh! Also, can't wait for Allen to bust Nolan out of prison next season!! Should be fun.

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