'I Am Cooperating' Ep. 8 Official Clip | Shameless | Season 11

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Mikey Pauly: Lip being in trouble with the law again. The writers redeemed themselves after letting Fiona go

estar shiru: Oh god! Lip is gonna sell out Mickey...

Me On drugs: Can’t even imagine noel with her! Wish them a happy life anyway.

woonga boonga: IS THAT NOELS WIFE ???

Rishabh Agarwal: Lip will never snitch. Never

Vasu Nigam: Gallaghers never snitch

JJJVR: ok everyone is talking about lip and all that but what about frank! :( i felt so bad in episode 7 and i hope someone can tell the family frank gots dementia

Весёлый Хомяк: You killed this seriels

Весёлый Хомяк: I hate Layla!!

Gereltuya Ariuntuya: Am i the only one who don't like Layla?

Jikook _J: Не ожидала увидеть Лайлу😳

I Know: This last season is a disaster. There isn't an episode where we don't talk about gender theory, social building, that supposedly white people have more power etc, than progressive propaganda. this season is progressive shit. afterwards no wonder when we see that some actors were for a pedophile in the last election. disgusting

yourblueboy: I think it's for the best that Lip stays in prison he deserves it

Seth Mebula: Still pissed it’s the last season it could go on for longer in my opinion

i dont care: its so annoying how alll anyone cares about is ian and micky carl and lip are way better

MotoX Luke: The show writer has run out of their inspiration. Too many plot loopholes. Even I don't want it to be cancelled, but if it goes to lower level continuously, please put an end to this decade journey.

vicious hobo: gallaghers dnnt snitch!! but why tf would th writers squeeze this lil arrest shit in wenn theres literally 4 episodes left,, every episode around now shld be wrapping up their story theyre literally wasting the ending with this dumb shit 😭😭

Chad S: I wish Kev wasn’t such a dumbass. All he had to do was store the bikes for them. Seriously pissed me off that Lip and Brad didn’t get paid because of him.

Liyah Monae’: why would lip snitch on his brother-in-law aka his brother husband? if he do I think Ian won’t ever forgive him if mickey go to jail.

CALLIE FINCK: Lip is absolutely losing his mind!

SassyTheWhiteMaltese: I swear to God, if this ends up putting mickey behind bars and separates him and ian I will freaking murder someone. Havnt these guys been through enough?! Let them live in peace and love and all that shit.

Person Unknown: First of all, is smartass lip back? Cause if yes then he'll yeah. They dropped him being a smartass way too soon and I miss that part of him. Secondly, if he dare say Mickey's name he's one head shorter, I'm telling you that.

Natalie Slaucitajs: It only makes sense lip and Mickey were fighting, physical as well. And now the officers are saying this. Lip. Oh lip. I’m going to punch you so hard that Monica will feel it if you do. But I also really think that lip won’t do that to his own brother. Mickey is basically Ian’s support system he would go into a manic episode again if he found out Mickey was back in prison. And I don’t think lip will do that to him

Izzy: Remember guys, Gallaghers aren’t snitches

Your Homeslice: Okay first, Lip better not rat, not that I think he would but he better not. Second, LAYLA MY QUEEN!!!

Kim K: That's Noel's wife right?

Onyx Cartier: Lock him up! Lol that’ll definitely solve his homeless problem.

Killua zoldyck: we done even care anymore a letter a FaceTime a call dude just add Fiona in the final season😭

nuhahehe: Omg noels wife I LOVE HERR

Mac Hodgdon: This season has been a complete assassination on Lip’s character

Antonia Rojas: Layla's so beautiful omg

Quamaine Boatman: One word Lawyer

sonablom: Remember when lip used to be legit smart? Yeah me neither

Christopher Sparks: Don’t tell em shit, Lip!

Andrea Cardenas: Do i want Lip to snitch on Mickey? No. Is snitching against all Gallagher code? Yes. Do i think Lip would do it? No but i think he could... I feel like since the beginning of the season they have been kind of building it up for Lip to lose everything, he lost his job, he’s about to lose his house, he has no money, he lost the only income that would’ve helped him, he’s now fighting with Kev, brad, debbie and almost every Gallagher so i feel like he’s about to snap cause he’s (for some reason) running out of options, also, if he doesn’t do it doesn’t change the fact that he could suggest Mickey to turn in so they both get a lesser sentence but the thing is that Mickey has a heavier record than him so for Mickey is not an option and this automatically would cause tension now with Ian as well...

emma: omgggg im so excited to see layla

J.S Moore: Lip deserves to go to prison

Bacon pancakes: He is becoming such an annoying selfish character. Hope he goes to jail :) he is completely worthless at this point. He thinks he is smarter and better than his family and friends. He has made comments how Fiona is stupid and not very school smart. But she has taken care of him his whole life. She put herself before him. Then she has a major down fall starts drinking he tries to kick her out of her own house. Yet when he got kicked out college for being a stupid drunken idiot for an old married woman. Fiona gave him a job no questions asked and a place to live. When she wanted to make something of herself become a business woman he basically told her she was too stupid and couldn't do it. He just was jealous. Then he couldn't shut his mouth at work considering he is a new father and he can't lose his job so he will have to take some shit even if he doesn't want to. So he gets himself fired and Brad. Then he sways Brad with alcohol baits him with it to pursuade him to help him rob born free. But he yells at Fiona for getting his Sponsee drunk though she did not know he was in AA. But Lip knows how Brad was before he was worse. If his wife finds out she will leave and take his baby. Lip knows this too but he used Brad for his own gain.. Now he wants to sell their house because he fucked up and denied a house that was given to him and Tami. So fuck Lip I hope he goes down. Mickey and Brad go free and somehow sell those bikes. Mickey and Ian can use the money to get their own place. Brad can take care of his family and Tami and Fred can go stay with her family until she is back on her feet. Because honestly she has no life with Lip. He only knows how to steal and lie to make money. Excuse my rant. I just can't stand people like PHILLIP.

Leslie Nehin: The show: OMG! Will Lip snitch on Mickey, or Brad, Kevin? Will Lip keep the South Side Rule? The Gallagher rule? What will happen? Us: OMG! Queen Layla! 👸😍😍😍

Mariana Luiza: SOMEONE GIVE ME A SPOILER, PLEASE, WHAT'S HAPPENING? I started this shameless recently I haven't arrived in the 11th season yet and I NEED spoiler!

Crisy Cifuentes: Maybe he does mention mickey that's why in another clip u see lip and Mickey fighting

tired &hungry: This Lip hate is so ass. This dude didnothing but look out for his family every season. When Fiona slipped up with the coke he took care of everyone. When they got busted with Jimmy’s Porsche he said Ian had nothing to do with it. He went to go get Fiona when she was stranded at the gas station. He went to go get Ian in jail when he stole the baby. He told the doctors he’d drop out of college to take care of Liam after he got into the coke. He took a beat down from Mickey in season 1 after not selling out Ian. I can go on and on. A few bad decisions with the house and y’all turn on him. Fuck that Lip is a good dude, just fuckin up a little right now. The military tried to get info on Ian from him when they pulled him out the stall didn’t snitch. Tony the cop tried to figure out who beat him up didn’t snitch on Mickey.

jeslawzo: I love Noel and I love Layla. But her acting... I don't know man. There's something about it I don't like. She's not a bad actor, she.. just doesn't feel the part.

Rene Marrero: 🤐 he won’t rat

Shannon Joseph: If lip rats out Kev, Mickey, or Ian I SWEAR TO GOD

Shannon Joseph: WAIT THATS LAYLA!!!!

juliane: LAYLAAA!!

sophia brown!: 1. LAYLA LAYLA LAYLA HEY BAE 2. phillip i swear to god if you rat mickey... im done with you. i doubt he will bc he was always “south side rules” but seriously i stg lip....

Peyton: I honestly kind of hope Lip throws Mickey under the bus. The show has been playing it safe this season, trying not to piss off the fans. But having the characters piss us off every other episode is what made the show so good. Causing a conflict between a beloved character and a character who is already on thin ice would make a perfect conflict that the show has been missing. Don't get me wrong, I love Mickey and Ian and the thought of this setting Ian off or hurting Mickey kills me, but that's also what makes the show interesting.

danielle gélinas: if he snitches out mickey i will lose all respect for lip-

ijaz shah: i dont think he'll snitch on mickey cause if u read the descriptions for the next episodes it tells u what mickey is doing (not going to spoil) and it doesnt mention jail soo🤷‍♀️

Sitharos: I never understand why cops say stuff like that, "We know you are involved!" Or, "Your friend is giving you up so you might as well come clean!" Like, so if that's true, why aren't you arresting me? Just a scare tactic.

QGodofGods RulerOfAll: Lip won't rat out any body South side rules RULE!

Jazzmayn Watson: I think lip will snitch on mickey because he already said he don't concider him family so....

HaYlEeXx19: The siblings always fought but they were united, now all they seem to do is tear each other apart

OG HTX420: Damn this is gonna be good 👀

Shazy Lochlann: I knew she would be in Lip's storyline

# freedom: He gonna screw Brad over

Denisse McCool: “I was at home with my lady and my kid” he wasn’t there but that sounded so cute haha 💖

cammonag: noels wife is so pretty

shisco05: If they end shameless with lip snitching on Mickey and him going to jail I would be devastated I’m nervous

jay: It’s sweet that they got Layla on the show, that way Noel probably gets to hang out with her a little more during what is probably an emotional time for him

Bert C: You know these characters are fictional right?

L M: i mean i think he might bring up Mickey name since in the trailer of the last episodes there was a clip of them fighting.

Linda Lander: I wonder if he will blame it on Frank

Данил Зиновьев: Лип зафоршмачился

multifandomly: Swear if he mentions Mickey I’m hating him forever Doubt he will though, he’s never been a snitch.

Fremione Shipper: I would normally be on Lip’s side but if he tells on Mickey— no— he’s one of my favourites but if he pulls Mick into this then— also I don’t think Ian would ever EVER talk to him again

SkiesReport: definitely feels like a Season 3 kind of Lip where he’s kind of sticking up to authority, but what i want to know is how they “know” he was involved, i mean the only reason they could possibly tell is that he attacked the new owners

Wittle Kitten: Lip better not go to prison

Katie P.: Im scared that Lips drunk and spiraling and tries to throw Mickey under the bus, then again he knows how much that would f up his relationship with Ian so who knows why they were fighting??

Katie P.: I love that layla's in this episode!!


shisco05: He better not say mickeys freakin name ... lip has never been a snitch, That would be the the worst way to end him but they did ruin fionas character on her way out 😒🤷🏽‍♀️ and he is definitely drinking again idk how anybody else can’t tell in the family I’m nervous to see where they are going now

Emina Besirovic: Lip and Mickey fighting doesn't happen until 11x10, so no, I don't think Lip throws Mickey under the bus. If he did, Mickey would be in prison and they have no way of fitting that in the last two episodes, also, Mickey is obviously with the other Gallaghers in the BTS photos of ep11 and ep12. And, not to mention, if Lip did do that, which he probably won't, Ian would never forgive him.

Aubrie Jung: Snitches. Get. Stitches. I'm not saying he will because he hasn't in the past, but if he does... He's gotta storm coming.

Houda Sassi ED: Noel's wife? What is she doing there!!! 😒👿👿👿👿 I think that lip won't say a word about mikey cuz he can't!! We're talking about his brother's husband!!! They're Gallaghers Family is everything.

ashlynn ashlynn: okay first of all LAYLA > second — if mickey’s name is mentioned even once, if it’s even whispered i will riot. i will lose it. i will cease to exist. third — i don’t hate lip. i even think he’s right for wanting to sell the house i think it’s a good idea. everyone except liam is grown now it’s about time to move on. liam can stay with a sibling most likely carl they interact the most. but i think he’s going about it way wrong. the desperation for the money is the reason why he’s pushing so hard & debbie is only rejecting the idea bc of her abandonment issues so it’s understandable. the storyline is obviously in place to close out the show. excited to see what happens, but it better not have anything to do with messing up gallavich.

Nikky: "Gallaghers don't snitch" I hope so.

bleu eggos: No not lip

Eugene Randall: 0:24 von.lol


astrid way: NOEL'S WIFE


Asmara Pollock: isn't this lips second time getting arrested for a stolen vehicle? also, he's not cooperating at all he just making himself look suspicious and guilty.

Mikayla K: I don’t think Lip will rat out Mickey because he knows that will screw with his relationship with Ian. That being said, homeboy better fucking not.

Anastasiya: Omg, her acting is 👎🤢 don't want watch this

Cali Champagne: He probably snitches and that’s why he and Mickey fight seen in the promo!

angelina: omg what if lip throws mickey under the bus and that’s why mickey fought lip😭

juleslvlage: layla's voice sounds so pretty omg

angelina: noels wife smoking ittt😌

Dahiana PG: NOELS WIFE 🥰🤍

Victoria Sieg: If he dare to say Mickey's name OMG I'm going to hate him so much.

Johnny Multitasking: Fuckin Kev🤣

Sarah u: Okay but am I the only one who thinks he is drunk? Like he isn't talking at all like he usually does or am I just overthinking something here?😂 I'm just confused that noone seems to notice so he probably isn't but I think he is weird😂

Kristen McCarthy: I really hope lip doesn’t throw Mickey under the bus. That will be a dick move on lip part.

SkiesReport: oh god... this is going to be hella intense...

Its Sheena🙆: Layla is looking so good😍

Your dream: Layla 🥰

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