'Sell the House' Ep. 7 Official Clip | Shameless | Season 11

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Randy V: Shameless sucks with all the political BS. Worse season ever. I stopped watching it after 3 episodes. And I deleted my showtime account

Price Wright: Debbie whisking the fuck out of that food I feel that rage😂

Gunita Rubine: Jesus, let Ian just eat his bacon in peace😂

CrAzy BeAuTiful: I just can't get into Tami 😩 I'm still not feeling her

Tadgh McNally: Honestly fukc this season of shameless but goddamn I want lip to face up to the fact that he’s just kicking his family out of a house he doesn’t live in

George Moss: As someone who does it, it is nice when someone ask when and boom you fire answers back.

Luis Torres: Honestly, I can't stand Debbie but I am so on her side here. Lip is being a selfish prick

Nnn Seth: Where this epsilon’s there only 6 on. Showtime?

matilda zeng: Lip is so selfish and always like“I fucked up blablabla”😤😤

Kate Crago: Also i dont like tammy

Kate Crago: I cant waitttt for this episode

iwantme1234: They live in a house rent free. They have a good deal. Why would should they sell? Also they live in a up and coming neighborhood it'll be stupid to sell now. Hold on to it and sell later when they all have money saved up to move out properly.

Morningstar Y: I cant understand. Does the house belong to the Fiona?

Ivana Sarah: I think Its time to move on, i agree with lip,

sunshinetuna: Sell. I think they’ve become to dependant on it.

chanel flores: TEAM DEBBIE HERE!

Estela Pessina: The house it's in Fiona's name and Carl paid for it, Lip doesn't even live there. Debbie is right

Xander Cortez: Can we get Mandy back?

Sarai Tapia: Lip is being selfish. I understand his situation as a father but also he should consider his sister who is a single mom. Then there is their little brother whose guardians is all his elder siblings. I agree with Debbie for the first time ever lol.

Saman Moheban: Debbie makes it so hard to like her. I miss the Debbie that would comfort Fiona when she was in constant stress about putting food on the table, not this witch.

E2K: Its kinda sad how all Tami has to do is bitch at Lip to do something and then he goes right to it

MarMar92: I'll sorry but I've not been a fan of Lip for several seasons while Debbie may get on my nerves, she's the only one to call him out now that Fiona isn't their to set him right.

Pamela Harris-Murphy: I officially hate lip not once they bring up liam why they shouldn't sell

Kathleen L: Lip is so selfish, he could of got some work experience or a qualification and be earning enough to provide a good life for the whole family with his brain.. but no.

Jamian Segura: First of all Lip doesn't own the house Fiona does. Knowing her she would never sell the house because that house is for her siblings to have a place to stay.

Jessica Breidenbach: Crazy to see them talking about selling the house all the while giving us a CLASSIC Gallagher breakfast scene with everyone in the mix...all the nostalgia vibes and more that have gone down in that little kitchen area.

1998sims: at this point i like frank better than lip

Epselon: Mick out here just airing out Ian's dirty laundry, huh

kristy malone: It was the “well Phillip” that took me out😭😭😭

Jyoti Jain: Fiona is farrrrr better than Debbie

Leia: Finally someone is calling Tami out! Thank you debbie ❤️

Thomas Mick: This is Debbie’s best season

Thomas Mick: What Debbie said to Tammy is what I’ve been thinking for so long, she does think she’s better than the Gallaghers because she grew up in a rich family

Vito Corleone: I will definitely watch this one

hey it’s mel: Am I the only one that simply does not see the chemistry between lip and tami?? at least all of lip's other exes actually had a genuine connection to him, some more than others (karen and mandy)

movieexpert18: How about the people who still pay property taxes for that house have a final say on what to do with it. Which is oh right everybody but Lip and Tami

movieexpert18: You have to admit going some place better would be more expensive they’ve all been only paying taxes for the house. Not to mention Lip who went from Child Genius to complete dumbass adult, he still doesn’t have a job, and he’s willing to put every other member of his family in harder financial situations to cover his fuck up.

Steve Anderson: is it just me or has every season since day one been around THE KIDS keeping THEIR HOUSE, not franks house, not monica's house but their house, the house they all grew up in, took care of each other in through thick and thin, hell , even Lip was always "we cant lose the house" until tammy the prom princess queen came along and because her daddy mortgaged his house for the queen bitch sister of tammys, the gallaghers are now put in a position to give up the house that less we forget, all the kids, especially Fiona and Ian made sure was theirs, they are being asked to give it up to save tammy's dads house. It should be hell NO right off the bat. When Fiona left she didn't sign off on the house so the final say is fiona's? The house is in Fiona's name and if they give that house up they will lose the strong protective bond they have all lived and stayed alive by. FYI. the comment about Ian going from "tighty whities to boxers because of fungus was priceless. lol. Lets hope they dont let the house go no matter what. Cheers

Victoria Sieg: I like Lip and Tami, but I think them are being so selfish with this decision, Liam is still a kid, and maybe the idea to sell the house is not so bad, I mean all of them need their space, for example Ian and Mickey are married now, and it's fair for them to have their own house but Ian never thought to sell his brothers house, he decided to work and save his own money, once again Liam is still a Kid and Lip only wants to sell the house to resolve his own problems. Far for that problem I love how Mickey supports Debbie argument hehe they are a great team, Ian is adorable.

AweBorn: I hope Liam stays with mickey and ian

miss daae?: how tf is carl too stupid? imo he turned out to be the best of the eldest siblings and without his money they wouldn't be living there 🧐 lip needs to stop, legally they can't sell the house without fiona.

FeedmeJUice: Personally, I think it’s a good idea, Lip has a child to think about and honestly he’s correct... moving would be the better option for all of them to have a better life. HOWEVER not if he’s only trying to move down the damn street! As if Frank can’t find his new house that everyone knows about smh! He needs to offer way more valid reasons to sell the house esp when the damn house is paid off! All they have to do is pay property tax and utilities! They are saving more than enough because finally everyone has good paying jobs! Things are finally moving in the right direction for them and he’s trying to pull the rug up under everyone prematurely! Which is so annoying because he def had the better deal of all the Gallagher’s. Could’ve made something of himself and lived the life he’s always wanted. So weird how he was so judgements towards everyone and he ended up with the shittiest situation! Even Mickey is doing better than him! CARL GALLAGHER IS SALARIED! Wow.

HidetoraToujou: Lips an idiot. Didn’t he have a deal last season to move away with tami and his kid to basically a free home where tamis parents were paying for everyone? But he chickened out the last minute cause he didn’t wanna leave his family? Now this? What the hell?

James Howard: The house is paid off, just take out a small loan so lip can get his house and have him pay that loan.

Brandiyonna Felder: Fiona wouldn't even sell the house when she was on her last dime. But Liam will have no where to go.

Rick Ç137: This shows needs to get its shit together or risk ending like g.o.t. showtime sucks ass and is scared its one hit will be ending soon

T Nation: Like they moved out to a house when they had a baby to a camper van still using the house stuff inside and then they move into a house down the road and still go to the main house for things like come on lip

Shanoriya's Trial&Errors: Lip squandered so many fucking opportunities! How can somebody be so smart and so stupid at the same time🤦🏾‍♀️

Dogwater 1562: I wish Shameless can continue after this season

Scallen: Who cares if they sell the crap house

DNicole: When are they gonna find out Frank has dementia

Io: "Mickey and I are saving up to get our own place" ❤

Jenny ONeill: S1 and s2 were the best seasons

Mandys world: We all predicted the selling of the house :/

Roxana Johnson: Oh reall Lip, you turn down a wonderful offer for a house from Tammys family and bought a shitty house because you wanted to keep the family together but now you want to rip them apart??! Fuck that shit

Lawrence Fernandez: I agree with Debbie for once but not the same reason. where is everyone going to live? I don't have a feeling Lip is going to help with that

Corn Pop: I’ve hated Debbie for last few seasons but I’m all in support of what she said in this scene, she’s right 🤷🏽‍♂️

Rab Makz: Everyone arguing here as if we also own the Gallagher’s house! I love it! We’re all Gallaghers now. Will be missing this dysfunctional family so much.

MegaGug 95: I hate Debbie, she’s so annoying

avery burrell: Debbie is popping off..as she should🤗

Robyn Valentine: Ooooh so now Lip wants his son to grow up in a nice area when not too long ago he had a perfectly nice home set up for him in Wisconsin. He’s full of shit, this is honestly the first time in a while I agree with Debbie.

Skyllah Mitchell: Nah where is liam gonna live

Vee Felix: Lip has no money so who is going to pay for all those renovations he’s talking about. He’s so selfish, he spent all his money on a house he was only renting while Ian, Debbie and Carl were the ones paying the bills in that house and now he just wants to sell it

Jas Jas: Debbie is so annoying but she wasn’t wrong here.

Vee Felix: Can’t believe I would ever agree with Debbie but I say good for her, I’m glad she said what she did

Ana Monten: Debbie is MOOD!

Quamaine Boatman: This is the rare time I agree with Debbie lol

Jennifer Smith: Only 6 episodes left 😒

kittyrella: Lips so selfish, just because you messed up with ur own house and the one you got for FREE you cant just use a house you dont live in for money. You were the one who wanted to stay close to home and didnt use the free house? Now you want to sell it? Wow. So many people in that house cant survive alone. Like carl? Liam? Debbie?

Artemis: Should have moved Milwaukee when they had the chance

mekenna *: why did i hear canned laughter lmfaooo

Code_ Law: He's making his personal problem everyone's problem for once I agree with Debbie

Prison Mike: I hate debbie with all my might.

Arianna: i literally can't wait for this episodee, expecially for ian and mickey, i'm so excited ^^

lakeasha martin: Its truly is coming to a close, if there talking about selling the house. Wbich will be sad. All the memories it holds good and bad. They should also run the idea by Fiona if they already haven't. Even if she's doing her own thing

stargazingmarsh: i never thought i’d say this but: i hope debbie beats the shit out of lip. maybe if she swings hard enough, that idiot who took control of his brain will fall out

E: I think this could be the setup to bring in Fiona for the last few episode maybe just one 💙🤷🏾

Bacon pancakes: He is such a trash person every time he gets into something he blames everyone else but himself. He thinks he is better than his family. He has brought Fiona down many times because he was jealous. He made comments that she is not smart and she would not make it. When he got kicked out of college and was drinking Fiona was supportive and gave him a job no questions asked. Then she has a breakdown he tries to kick her out of her own house. He could not shut up at work he got himself fired along with Brad then to top things off he made Brad relapse. He used alcohol against him just so he could manipulate him into robbing the bike shop.

Brian Montesino: Lip and tammy suck!!!! Hahaha

QGodofGods RulerOfAll: Lip is a selfish prick. He wants to sell a house he had no hand in paying for. He doesn't even live there any more. Carl paid for the house. Actually Carl should have more say than any of them. They would have to find Fiona who has title to it if they decide to do it.

Jaycee Johnson: I'm ready to watch it

Natasha Patrakova: 'ugh. phillip"

shisco05: I get the house is paid for but are they supposed to live together forever... this would be and opportunity to get their own space 🤷🏽‍♀️ plus that attack on Ian wasn’t that fair of course lips may have some influence that’s his big brother he probably wants his own space with his husband I’m just saying. Does Mickey have some issues with lip ? Lol 🤷🏽‍♀️

Sarah Urbanova: I am with Debbie here. Tell her, Debs!!!

웃Atokuso: I never liked tami honestly

KOI BUILT: Carl’s making an impact in the community that’s smarter then whatever Debbie is doing

Kostas: I miss smart lip

Cherisse Fortune: Keep the house whoever wants to move out should

sabrinawavvy: Lip mad selfish, he’s not even thinking about Liam. Lip had Fiona to raise him and had his siblings around as well so he had a whole support system. Liam’s gonna to lose that support and I don’t trust Lip to raise him even though he’s the 2nd oldest. I’d rather have Debbie or Ian and Mickey or even V and Kevin raise him. Because he has so much potential to do great in life. Such as being the first in his family to go and GRADUATE from college.

Joseph Hernandez: I can be like how Debbie was when people are discussing about something stupid that dont matter to me

No one knows: I really hope they sell the house. 1. It would make sense for the show since the show's ending, I feel like it would be symbolically important, and 2. It makes sense for most of the characters to want that since Fiona's already living somewhere else, Carl's already preparing his own lil bachelor pad, and Lip, Ian, and Debbie all have their own families by now so it would make more sense for them to live somewhere else. Granted, I don't know what they would do with Liam, but he's not supposed to be their problem. You know whose problem he's supposed to be and who he should be living with? His legal guardian. I feel like the show forgot that Fiona's one of his legal guardians and it's pissing me off.

adoretxff: LMAOOO DEBBIE

adoretxff: i think it’s rlly stupid tbh. lip and tami DONT EVEN LIVE THERE! honestly lip has gotten more annoying as the seasons have gone by. he stayed in chicago to stay near his family, and now that things haven’t gone his way with his rented house he wants to sell the gallagher home for his own profit, leaving the rest of the family to separate. very selfish of him and tami for standing along it. it does seem like a great ending to the show, as it’s always been all their homes but lip shouldn’t get to make that decision.

Gallavich Love80: Mickey getting involved in the Gallagher argument and turn it to a personal matter regarding Ian's change of Undies is a hoot.

Matt Last name: The only time I agreed with Debby

elizabeth7sj: So then Lip is going to take care of Liam then. Not just because it was his idea but he’s the oldest at the moment

Ajanay Johnson: If I remember correctly Tami wanted to move out of the house and lip with with her because she wanted space so they don’t live in the house anymore so why do they need to sell the house.

Robron Single: Instead of taking his side, Mickey just exposed his husband like that in front of his family with no hesitation 😂 I love it lol

Sherry Bienvenue77: LOL 😅😅 and iam so sad this show is ending 😒 two of my fav Shows ending Animal planet and Shameless 😪

Naomi Pérez: I don't like Debbie but she's so true in this one

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