'We Gotta Get Rid of It' Ep. 10 Official Clip | Shameless | Season 11

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Alesito: I can't believe shameless is ending, I started watching the show around 2013 :(

Mia Hadid: Frank will end up in prison with Mickey O’Shea

Isabel Peterson: Jesus is our lord and savior

Boss Man: Fiona has to come back the final episode of not they definitely failed

Courtney Michelle: “No one’s going anywhere until...” 💀 how are they supposed to make money to afford another place to love in Lip isn’t letting them work tf

LITTEST_TAYY: Omg! U can tell this is the episode that Mickey and lip fight🔥

Bacon pancakes: I'm thinking Kev and Vee are going to sell the bar and move away where Vees mom's at so he could be closer to all his kids and she could have her mom. It would be awesome if that does happen and they sell it to Mickey and Ian.

Nehal Elsamahy: Mickey is wearing the same shirt Ian was wearing in the "Can't get him out of my head" scene ❤️❤️

Neer Miher: Please i beg you showtime don't end this show. 😭😭

Hello Newman: Noooooo it can't end only three episodes left for the series....Shameless you will be missed.

PIYUSH KUMAR MISHRA: 𝐂𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐤 𝐇𝐞𝐫𝐞 ➜ 18cams.xyz 》》 𝙊𝙣𝙡𝙮 𝘼𝙙𝙪𝙡𝙩 《《 在整個人類歷史上,強者,富人和具有狡猾特質的人捕食部落,氏族,城鎮,城市和鄉村中的弱者,無`'守和貧窮成員。然而,人類的生存意願迫使那些被拒絕,被剝奪或摧毀的基本需求的人們找到了一種生活方式,並繼續將其DNA融入不斷發展的人類社會。 說到食物,不要以為那些被拒絕的人只吃垃圾。相反,他們學會了在被忽視的肉類和蔬菜中尋找營養。他們學會了清潔,切塊,調味和慢燉慢燉的野菜和肉類,在食品市場上被忽略的部分家用蔬菜和肉類,並且學會了使用芳香的木煙(如山核桃,山核桃和豆科灌木 來調味食物煮的時候%^%^ 1616826927

insertnamehere: The first 8 seasons of this show were some of the greatest in television history. Once the show started getting hyper racist, I lost interest. The last few seasons of this show have absolutely hated people who HAPPEN to have a lighter color skin. How does that make any sense? How TF can anyone control what pigment their skin has? Let alone you calling people racist while judging other people based on the color of their skin. Stop being hypocrites.

Gary Angel: Glad to see Lips arrogant ass being told off this season, hes always kinda had his nose stuck up towards his sisters. Why is it he gets to decide to sell without anyone getting a say. Yeah he did ask but proved he doesn't care about there opinion when he came back and told them they're selling. Wasnt he moved out too? Not helping pay for shit?

Shyla Mckenzie: Lip almost had his head cut off Last episode yet he insists everyone is in the same mindset he is

Toonami13: What if that one's a fake and Frank has the real one hidden off somewhere?

Richard Rice: I'm going to miss the hell outta this show

Love Roma: Cosa possiamo fare a convincerli a produrre la stagione 12....

Moses Kuria: What is with debbie I thought she was on board with selling the house last week and would be invited to family gatherings when they move away and live close by

ILUVPost-Hardcore 420: Looks like frank still got some moves left despite the dementia lol 😆

Charlotte P: I’m sorry, but Debbie is an actual baby. I was on her side about the whole selling the house thing and Lip being an asshole but now she is just a really annoying broken record. Get over it. Grow up.

Vee Felix: It’s funny how Carl is just sitting there in his cop uniform listening to the news about a stolen painting that’s sitting in his living room

Geoff Easton: How did it end up there?

tired &hungry: Debbie be like yeah sorry Frank stole a priceless painting from an art institute figure it out Lip not our problem 😂

Bowman 05: I hate Debbie and also I painted this painting in middle school

Victor Kennel: Over the last few seasons debbie has become more annoying and needy. Its a house. At some point you have to move out of your childhood home. It's what 5 adults living together.

Kelsi Piper: I think I’m gonna cry once this show ends no show as authentic as shameless ! I’m rewatching all the seasons again on Netflix

MATT FOSTER: Fucking Gallaghers

GurlInAComa: “They’re sharing a drink they call loneliness, but it’s better than drinking alone.” -Piano Man

Lorena Perez: I fucking love Debbs ❤️ You go Girl 👍

shpei88: Did Frank’s master plan not include setting up a buyer

Boycie 2.0: I think that Ian and mickey might be gay

Wittle Kitten: Hey it's the news anchor lady from KTLA5 🤣💀💀

Tocoolforschool: So now we’re making the painting a thing I thought it was a joke but hey it’s giving me old shameless vibes with them all working together plz let this happen

Leesa Sadieux: I hate Debbie

Onyx Cartier: Lip’s in a serious relationship, moved out, had a kid and somehow has ended up more pathetic than he’s ever been before. 🧐

Growth: omg Debbie giving lip the same energy, how he was during the earlier seasons LOL

Brian Murphy: Lip is going to fence it through the newly founded mob connection from the last episode. Frank did indeed finally provide for his family. Imagine the millions they're going to share. The painting is worth $100,000,000+

Simple TvGames: OnLy FaMoUs BeCaUsE hE's wHiTe Jesus this is irritating

Hana J: They are afraid the cops will find the painting and Carl is just sitting there 😭

Louie Vega: Are Mickey and lip fighting or not wtf going on here man

Alisha Santiago: What are yall talking about Mickey fights Lip? Where'd yall hear this from? Also anyone else think Ian saying "they're miserable but at least they're miserable together" is foreshadowing...

ashlynn ashlynn: 0:30 blue eyes literally jumping off the screen

BOOK PILE: You’re not Fiona. You don’t get to order people around.

Mac Hodgdon: On a side note this is the closest we’ve gotten to the classic Lip hair since season 8

Allymackenzie1: ian and mick opening the alibi together i cry

Stiles Smith: Get rid of it ? Bro that’s all frank there. Just for pulling it off he should keep the house

Jerrica Benton: Frank probably stole it from the thieves by accident.

phee: mickey just follows ian every where it’s so cute

luiz: debbie is freaking annoying

luiz: mickey ❤

MrJose thegreat25: Hey I hate Debbie as much as anyone but it was kinda funny watching her roast Lip

Lewis MX: So it looks like Debbie is going to be a raging bitch again this season and Liam is still woke. Still season 11 should be better than 8 & 9

Jesus Llanas: God I hate Debbie

Andrea: Honestly, they can just say frank has dementia and took the painting thinking it was his. That would literally clear things up easily without anyone getting in trouble

Boop: He's only famous bc he's white? Uh, what?

KGuy04: It makes sense that Carl is still young and not stupid like his little sister Debbie who decides to be a teen mother but when will Ian & Mickey have a child? Cause now is the time.

K Malley: Laughable how bad this show is now

jamie fraser: What ls the real name of that painting

jamie fraser: Dont sell the house please!! I love the house so much and its so unique and all the houses in the area look diff and i just look the way chicago looks. Theres just so many great memories in that house. I wanna own the real one in chicago

Kayla Nathaniel: Omg Mickey and Ian attached at the hip has me 😻😍🥰. It’s so beautiful I can’t even.

Louis Gonzalez: Screw lip if Fiona was there she probably would have kicked his ass

Hot Cheetos: It’s funny usually I dislike debbies character very much but now I am 100% on her side

T Nation: Like lip moved first to a camper outside the house then moved to a house down the road and still went to the og house and used whatever he’s happy to do that but not move in to tammys family why because he wants to prove something to them or or makes him less of a man or doesn’t need help like come on

Liam Sargeants: I despise Debbie

Patches Michelle: Lip was all about keeping the family together until he got with Tami. Debby even purchased a mobile home for them. What does Lol plan to do with his half, out a down payment on a house? Lol can't hold onto money. As soon as he has a large amount of money it gets stolen or whatever.

shisco05: I’m so curious now why lip and Mickey got into

Anakin Lanz: Debbie is such a brat lol

Mingjie Yang: Am I the only one feels Carl look more and more like Lip?

multifandomly: I thought the painting would just be some joke but we’re actually making it a thing

Leslie Nehin: Mickey: - "I don't get it" Ian:- " it's supposed to be romantic, they are miserable but at least they are miserable together" Mickey:- "OMG you so right, you so smart husband 😍😍😍 now let me follow you everywhere forever, even to get a cup of coffee"

katy katy: Carl is just sitting there doing nothing lol

Brandy Ross: I wish Fiona would of came walking in the door yelling what the hell is going on now she needs to come back and remind them of who's boss of it all💜

Данил Зиновьев: Круті

PRINCESS ZAHARA: Ugh I can’t wait until the full epi

ashlynn: my babies literally do everything together & follow each other around everywhere. i smile so much watching them. my face hurts. mickey in ian's shirt 🥺 everything about this is perfect i'm losing it also selling the house is 100% the right choice. lip has just gone about it the wrong way completely.

Chris Peplinski: What I am curious about is whether Carl ends up quitting the police force when he gets fed up with the corruption and incomptency.

Ann: Every week I'm more and more nervous about the series finale

M Stone: Kinda been disappointed with this last season but I’ll always be a shameless fan

PhantomsAngel216: Debbie is such a martyr

Denisse McCool: I swear to god Ian is the one who physically changes the most over the entire show. This season alone, the way he looks in this episode is different to the way he looked in ep 1 😂. The whole dinamic in this scene is so good, I got the feeling is gonna be a good episode. 👌🏼

Mikey Pauly: Bro I was not expecting this lmaoo

I am Me: Is there some invisible piece of string between Ian and Mickey? They're hardly never more than a few feet away from each other. Sweet!!

Alejandro C: 0:07 literary turned to the painting at the same time.

Dark Soul: 2 DAYS LEFT😍 Cant wait to see it.

Victoria Sieg: Aww my sweetheart Ian always being so romantic, "They are miserable together" and Mickey seeing him like "You got a point" love them so much 🥰 Work at the alibi is coming 😎

Tiffany M Crittington: "Give me some paper, I'll draw it" LMAO!!!!!

Herleen: Finally the episode where Mickey headbutts Lip! So excited. Also hate to admit but I'm 100% on Debbie's side on this.

Price Wright: Liam spilled tea about that ugly ass picture.🤭😂

Jesse perez: Frank pulled it off!! 😂😂

H: I'm really scared, cause this outfit Mick is wearing is the one he headbutts Lip in. I think Lip will F this up and it might fall on Mick's head I also reeeeallllllyyy hope Im wrong...

*: Im not ready for shameless to end

M J: Ian saying “they look miserable but at least they’re miserable together” has the same energy as billy joel saying “yes they’re sharing a drink they call loneliness but it’s better than drinking alone”

Sj_punk2: This is the episode that lip and mickey fight

Natasha Kady: Hey guys! I created my youtube channel today and uploaded my first video about portrayal of Bipolar Disorder on SHAMELESS. Come check it out!

Alexandra Pewitt: even in deep sickness frank does it

LaVigil: So excited for this!!!!

Malishka Velani: I'm just gon say it, we need a GALLIVICH SPINOFF after shameless ends

Tyre Smith: I'm on Debbie's side all the way.

angelina: mickey confused already 😂

Lara Karssen: Frank is so good in stealing omg and Mickey wearing Ian’s shirt 🥰

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