What Upgrades Have The Teams Made? | Tech Talk | 2021 Pre-Season Testing

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Terry Brigden: Why is one guy talking to a camera? Unwatchable !

Daltira: The first team to have an AI based designed car, will dominate.

pratik pandey: Why is Marcelo talking about F1 ?

Juan manuel Diaz cabrera: Red bull he best

Extimic Kwok: The cheerful marimba mathematically bore because myanmar demographically breathe anenst a earsplitting camel. mammoth, insidious grease

John Cash: All the bots on comments ?

Rafael Raffaeli: Marcelo?

Sergei: I don't understand why you made this man put a mask on his face. Is this paranoia ? It looks terrible

Nathan Michalec: This man is a goat

Achilles 1776: Is Alpine the Renault team?

Quentin Berryman: Please present indoors and take your mask of!

Prashanth S: Why Marcelo is in F1

Lawson Bowles: This is the best guy for the video!

ANDROSTENEDIOL: Sam is back :) I hope you will not have that mask on for the rest of the season.


Matthew Baker: Was hoping for you to talk about McLarens diffuser

ehemals simeht t: ❤️ Fernando Alonso & Alpine ❤️

Planet Earth: So MARCELO left Real Madrid to become F1 technical expert 🤔 wow !!

Alessandro: Marcelo?

Patricio007x: F1: “New cars & regs” are exciting! Merc: NEW 2021 is exciting! Fans: Will Hamilton gift Votas a championship? Me: Bored AF

Bosco26726: "haas arent going to use these because the drivers couldnt stop damaging them by running into things" yup, thats our haas

Dj Nico Sánchez: bad explanation, bad descriptions bad narrated! sorry!!

Dry My Tears: Why the mask though.

Thijs Harte: This man is a technical genius. He can talk while wearing a facemask without it going of his nose

Jose Rizo: Is this guy Marcelo's twin?

True Forensics: The mask really not necessary. Thank you for the nice work/info as always!

Alex Ruano: what´s Marcelo doing here?

Dean: Honestly loving the breakdowns of all the tech by Sam. Really wish we had him or a guy similar a lot earlier on

Monsieur de Beaulieu: Great that you got him on site instead of that boring studio

Holly Fasta: those masks ARE HORREFYING :c

Jake Toth: Haas, yall are killing me. Going to be yet another disappointing season. Here's to 2022!

Tom Jose: Marcelo Vieira talking on F1 tech.

Tom Jose: Podium teams this year: Haas, Williams and Alpha Tauri ;)

jagadeeswaran ganesan: Finally fans from all over the world gets excited seeing Marcelo speaking English & F1...Bravo🤩👍

Hot-Dog dealer: He looks like the mechanic from red bull in the netflix series

Ruaraidh Walker: Nice one Sam! More screen time for Sam please FOM!

David Brown: McLaren have lost their moral compass by having sponsorship from KAUST. Cash is King in F1. Shame on you McLaren.

Leo Relva: Take off the mask for the presentation

Thomas Calvo: Marcelo is that you ??????

sanjok pradhan: Love the colour of the car.

Bruhbham 77: What is Crabman from My name is earl doing here

Manthen Vashishth: Will the 18 inch rims be on cars in this season

Selcuk Cilek: Buy Racecar Engineering if you want more of Sam Collins. I am not associated with them.

Thomas 123: I could watch this man talking about cars for the rest of my life

Gijsjoep k: What a plum

Jason Agnoli: I remember in the 2018 Bahrain GP, one of the Haas’ got side-swiped and lost a lot of pace due to the “Venetian blinds” being damaged. Haas were the first with the blinds in the 2017 US GP

Uriel Soto: its the redbull mechanic

Choopremo: RedBull nailed it

Keiffer Macguvin: Masks are racist against deaf people...

Flyteyy: Man honestly thought it was Marcelo doing this Tech Talk! xD

Hot Rod: We Say Yes to Sam ‘This Guy’ Collins and his hairodynamics. Edit: ‘sticky uppy bits and sticky outy bits’, mm hm, yes, very technical terminology.

Alex Webster: The thing I learned from this is Haas have developed their car preparing for Mazapin to break it.

Le Spaz: Forgot to watch this great video, i got stuck on the great comments 👍

Amirin Daniel: Thought Jay Z was on the thumbnail

Crallux: why the mask.......

Karthik 2: Marcelo hosting the show

Ryan Matthew Reyes: Yayyyy

Wisnu Setioko: Mr Super GT is in F1? nice!

ef95fe: Most fans watch this video, except you are Haas

Machine Spirit Miami: Yesss! Was waiting for a new video with this dude!

Rajan Negi: Marcelo

Michael Z: You would think those teams that are struggling would have Sam's phone number on speed dial.

Aditya Ch: I thought he was Jay-Z for a second

R K: So glad to see Sam Collins back! Love his vids!

Maxwell Smart: Very cool info, but is the mask really necessary for a solo video narrative? Things are getting a bit silly...

Benny Ang: "Sticky uppy bits" ..... i love it

Zac Oros: That tsunoseda is nasty

Zac Oros: Lol the thumbnail looks like the ancient aliens meme

Raphael Doné: I love Sam Collins, he is awesome!

Jose Perez: Marcelo?

Nickolby123: I seen the thumbnail and thought it was eric andre

Hudbudmudsud: The science teacher is back!!!

Aircholo: Get a hair cut

Ro Jo: Love the Info, don’t get why he’s wearing a mask being by himself though

GeoMikeCache: i don't think the mask is necessary. Or did i miss some guests? ;-)

James Seaton: Need more tech talks!!

Marc: Go back to v12s please

Zayd Ansari: Top class presenting. Well done Sam!

Scooden Froodie: I still like this guy

Zayd Ansari: This is what got me to buy F1TV Pro All this amazing content on YouTube

Aureliuson: Great segment. Can't wait for this season to get underway!

Bernard Gena: The dysfunctional adult gully possess because cappelletti possibly chop pro a ill panda. volatile, kindhearted case

Bernard Gena: The wooden volcano causally milk because caption identically dislike onto a tested cooking. divergent, alleged commission

V8Hilux: Please take over from Palmer!

V8Hilux: Biggest achievement of 2021 season so far... he managed to get an F1 face mask that not only fits him correctly but also doesn't keep dropping down off his nose when he speaks... spread the word to the rest of the paddock asap.

u2zero2u: When they are talking about Alpine, I've noticed the way the say it is Al-peen. Is this the way it is said by the company? I am asking because when I had an Alpine CD player in my car many years ago we in America pronounce it Al-pine. I understand that the Alpine racing team is not the same Alpine company that made audio equipment but what I am wondering is if it is pronounced Al-peen because the people I have listened to talk about the Alpine F1 team are from other countries than my own, USA. Would Europeans pronounce Alpine the audio equipment company the same as they do the new Alpine F1 team?

Rowan Marcks: as long as he keeps his mouth shut about racing, drivers and anything else non tech its ok.

miguel alves: what's the purpose of using a face mask in this situation? come on...

Kasimir den Hertog: 4:30 sounds funny to Dutch speakers; when your name is ‘Haas’ is a Dutch saying that means you’re not admitting anything, even before any blame is being passed

Salonardes: I missed you a lot Sam

Tremotino Volante: So what is the point of wearing a mask? It must be a cult!

BoonieRS: Haas remove beneficial aero after drivers keep damaging them. Just dont crash?

lexus lfa: looks like the haas drivers need bumpers on their cars, if they had to scrap a bargeboard design just cause their drivers cant drive clean

Andy Taylor: This is my 3rd time watching this, Sam is a great dude! Fantastic to listen to. His commentary in other classes of open wheel racing is on point too.

Álvarob: Hi Marcelo

sarif samudra: Ferrari not use the development of nose token ? They change almost all nose structures but not spent token ? Wow and can say wow What a fxk drama again they use in backstage deal

Botond Molnár: at first i thought he was jay-z...

Mon Wil: Let them open his own channel, so we can know when. Please consider

Purdz187: I love that jay-zee is now doing f1 tech interviews

curiosity: We missed y o u, welcome back!

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