BREAKING: Black Ops Cold War Season 2 Reloaded RELEASE & Update INFO! Zombies DLC 2 Perks & Berlin!

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Zachary Mathis: Heres the true fact treyach dosent care for multiplayer get this through your head lol theres no hype for season 2 reloaded all this is is recycled garbage im very upset i buy this game with no content its really sad to see that they dont care about mp or zombies anymore cause there focus is on warzone and your money sad but true someone needs to reach out to treyach and tell them fix this god damn game its almost 5 months and no content for 6v6 why bother being hyped for the upcoming seasons but on the postivie side i will just stick with outbreak cause its fun

GUNTUR PRASTYO: ➡️ ⤵️ B.e.S.T f'u"l'l D.a.T.i.n.G h.o.T G.i.r.L's —L—o—V—e—S—e-X———❤️😘 ..👍 !💖🖤❤️今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!この日のライブ配信は、かならりやばかったですね!1万人を超える人が見ていたもん(笑)やっぱり人参最高!まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした,. 💖🖤在整個人類歷史上,強者,富人和具有狡猾特質的人捕食部落,氏族,城鎮,城市和鄉村中的弱者,無`'守和貧窮成員。然而,人類的生存意願迫使那些被拒絕,被剝奪或摧毀的基本需求的人們找到了一種生活方式,並繼續將其DNA融入不斷發展的人類社會。. 說到食物,不要以為那些被拒絕的人只吃垃圾。相反,他們學會了在被忽視的肉類和蔬菜中尋找營養。他們學會了清潔,切塊,調味和慢燉慢燉的野菜和肉類,在食品市場上被忽略的部分家用蔬菜和肉類,並且學會了使用芳香的木煙(如山核桃,山核桃和豆科灌木 來調味g食物煮的時候 1616745036

xNOx KILLZ: You a real youtuber mvp hardcore dom? Most ive seen played core matches... Boooo!!! 😂😂

ツLogannc: Season 2

Jacob Fry: Waiting that long for a new survival map is just going to push me away from the game. Yeah outbreak is cool but unless I'm playing with my friends I don't play it an even then we all prefer survival.

franco Rodriguez: you showing the 69,120 and not waiting till 69,420 made me mad

William Gavin: What if they add a perk to stop damage for projectiles: like megaton blast does less damage and zombies guts do less damage

Trenton Doyle: Thank god my progress saved I got it to day

mr money: Season 2 I enjoyed your videos

Turtle: The lack of content in this game is actual bs. Season 2 only had 1 multiplayer map, and Outbreak which was very underwhelming content-wise. It's such a joke. Cold War is such a good game at its core. Treyarch is throwing it down the drain. A whole season and only 1 new map across all modes. I'm so over this crap.

Puppet Lad: Power-Aid Punch is made for a custom map, by Madgaz

irma nunes: season 2

thedr.beat5189: What if the made perk that works on powers up?

Lu Bakiāno: Season 2 was never fully loaded to begin with.

Fernando Sanchez: I rather get double tap

Gogito Blue: Who's happy abt the double xp I know I am now I can finish lv up the rest of my guns

Pieck Karma: What's been annoying me is that you can't unlock any of the unlockable weapons that you use in Zombies....In Zombies....Like the Streetsweeper, the Melee Weapons, the Crossbow. All of them have to be acquired in other modes, which means I'll likely never obtain them since I exclusively play Zombies. I mean, half of me still doesn't mind because I almost always use a shotgun and the Wonder Weapon of the map, but it'd be nice to be able to unlock them and try them out to see if I like them more.

roxas speed paint: All dlc perks have been data mined

Hiba Joukhadar: If they remaster shadows of evil and the city part of it that u can't get to becoming an outbreak map this would be the best

Maurice Thomas: Drip feeding content on a $70 game ain't cool. Especially when the game is ass right out the box. I can wait 4 BF6. I need something new

Spuddy The Buddy: I still believe it's coming by the end of Season 2 or very early Season 3. I think May 20th would be too long considering it's probably the most popular mode in Cold War.

Taythegreatofficail Media: I think mule kick would be a good perk to add and I think it would go like this I : weapons get 10% extra ammo II: guns when standing idol gets 5% more damage III: allowed to hold one extra weapon IV: when perk is regained you get your third weapon back ( does not work for tier V ) V: gives you a total of 4 weapon slots but can’t hold two wonder weapons and the same time

XLxRuShNSpRAyx: They need to fix the outbreak connection loss, I can never play past the 3rd round

Saad Snjawe: What about tranzit map?

WeeShmentalJo: Get to the points already, you ramble on about the same thing over and over again before moving on to the next topic..

noe seifert: Think they releas id now april 1 its a joke

gimm esecs: Season 2 !!!

Papa Johneria: Imagine these fuckers drop berlin on season 2 reloaded along with the outbreak map

Mr_ Nuke: Unpopular opinion I am really hoping that CoD 2021 is a WWII remake and they keep the zombie models and music and some of the guns but change the storyline and sledgehammers gets a chance to work with Treyarch

chong aka yammick5: lmao 115 pm, nice one treyarch XD

Andrew Clifton: New perk idea...... (Seeing double) -Carry 2 different tactical equipment -Carry 2 different lethal equipment -2 score streaks, same or different -2 field upgrades (only 1 charge each), - insta kill/double points last longer than 30seconds example: 60sec. or 90sec.

Spencer: Season 2

Nic: PHD slider is a great idea. I would make tier 1 100% explosive resist, tier 2 carry extra lethal equipment, tier 3 explosive slide, tier 4 explosive radius increase and tier 5 stuns special enemies

ILuvWiFi :D: Tell us when you hit 69,420 subs ;)

DM Macaw: nice 0:33

Jack Bellamy: Season 2

MikebobGaming: am I the only one who thinks that while yes Zombies will always be fun and enjoyable to play, but can acknowledge the fact that Treyarch peaked in Black Ops 3?

Ricky Blake: This man must get 90% of his information from a moldy potato and has to spread out every single one of his words to get to the 10 minute count, there is literally never something worth watching for in this guys videos because he is just gonna be saying the same exact things 7 videos down the line.

bt bhg: Advanced warfare dogs and meatsacks

Sklallam Ghost:

john sullivan: Season 2, Immediately said to myself with a good comes a bad having to wait till June for the next dlc/ or map but then I was like treyarch has never ever let us down and we don’t really have a clue with wats going on behind the scenes u know they r tweeting and stuff like tht but not saying they lie to us but they want to make it the best possible which they will always have 😍 for , yep right there with u brotha due rise remix so down to c tht cola machine in it

Rob Reith: I did think it was weird that we could only carry two monkeys at first. I figured maybe because we can craft them they didn't want us to have three, but maybe it will be a PhD perk to carry extra tacticals/lethals. Maybe that would be too much though might only be lethals. Possibly only making them stronger and not carrying more. Who knows I really would love to be able to carry an extra monkey though. I really love PhD flopper that was my favorite perk I liked the dolphin dive flop though. PhD slider was very underwhelming they would have to make it much stronger for it to even be considered a worthy perk. I have faith in them with the upgrade tiers though excited to see what happens.

aka f u 2: There's no way treyarch is dropping the next zm map in June they gonna stick to the old system where they gonna drop maps every three months just like they used to and buried has the best looking zombies so2

Lisa Patterson: DOUBLE TAP!!!!!

Bernie Lomax: Mob of the dead zombies all the way

zombiepro6478: Yo when are dey gonna bring douple tap bacc

Kyle Yates: I heard from them directly that they would be releasing a normal and outbreak map starting season 3 and every season after

Los_Get Back: Can’t wait for it

Frime: I think the whole aesthetic of bo1 zombies was the most scary, and I noticed it in particular on Five and Ascension. The best models in my opinion would probably be Shangri-la.

[GRAF] Jraith: Take a picture for 69420

Solo GamerPT: Season 2

Dalton Crowley: I always get recommendations for this dude his content and information is really good and really accurate. I'll sub to that

alex t: i just want to be able to carry 3 primaries again, and be able to have the ray-k and ray gun, it hurts so much when you drop both

C J: Why not bow n arrows

Beren Nettles: Season 2, I really hope we don't have to wait until June for the next zombies map. Since Treyarch released Firebase Z early I'm hoping that means Berlin will be released soon.

horace price: If you see my comment when will your mw3 remastered video come out

Alejandro Sarmiento: I think it'll probably be one map per season, they are just counting outbreak as a new map

Magical Gamer 99: That power aid machine looks lit

Lorule: IX zombie models

Frank Formosa: Don't get me wrong Margwa is definitely wrong even CodeNamePizza said that Treyarch told him in an interview that the next new zombies map will release at the start of Season 3, and the Outbreak Easter Egg is releasing at Season 2 Reloaded, and or next week

D-one&only: I think PHD Flipper's tiers are gonna eat widows wine like elemental pop ate electric cherry, just think what perk was in phd's place in the zombies chronicles remasters

Dimitrios Karageorgos: With the update being less than 5GB, this update isn't something we should be hyping up because the disappointment when it eventually releases will be certain

dombomb: I like the nazi zombies models

dombomb: It’d be cool if they released the Berlin map w this upcoming reloaded update and didn’t tease anything as an April fools joke

kawaii x: Time to play warzone again

Vaughan Alessi: World war 2

Nasakid: Take a screenshot when you hit 69420

Dylan Monteiro: if cod ww2 put out more zombies content it would be up there with bo2 zombies and bo4, in my opinion they are they best ones

Giordano Profilio: hi I didn't understand if there are new missions in season 2 .. I only have online .. ''

Edward Smith: What does reloaded mean?

Phoenix 23: I made a new perk concept of PhD Flopper that adds in more abilities to it:

Jonathan Webster: 😴 like we didn’t know about the crossbow for like ages

Daniel Daniel: I think they will release a lot of maps when zombies are fully overrunning warzone

Asylum Prisoner: The scariest zombies were the denizens from tranzit

Tiger Ninja: 1:40 it’s starting early for PlayStation players again so March 25 (Thursday) for PlayStation every other console will be the 26th

Samuel Holland: In regards to the zombies maps, I think there will be 4 dlc maps, i think they are going to follow the pattern of releasing a new map every season and a half if that makes any sense, like firebase z dropped in season 1 reloaded, and I have a feeling the “Berlin” map or whatever it may be might be released at the start of season 3. With that logic dlc 3 would come out in season 4 reloaded and dlc 4 would come out at the start of season 6, with additions to the outbreak mode being added in between. I might be completely wrong but I feel like that makes the most sense to me xx

Tudor Stavila: One thing they should add is a new scorestreak for zombies ,the supply drop launch,kinda like in warzone,that would allow you to get another weapon from your load out and also change your field upgrade.

Jarrad Hirschausen: Season 2

Jarrad Hirschausen: Survival maps won’t really matter with the amount of content and maps for outbreak & onslaught... and I think they are saving some maps for zombies chronicles 2 and the end of the year, mainly being BO2 map remakes and remasteres. Can’t wait!!! They said we won’t expect to get what we are going to. I’m excited

Raging Renat: It's great that we are getting more content but I want it now because the game is so boring I am not going to wait for another 2 months I'll just play gears 5 or something else Because I waited a month for the new sniper but no I have to wait another week until I have to unlock it again like what's the point

MemesForDays: Season 2💥💥

Daddyx Vergil: s2 my acc got hacked and i just upgraded everything to teir 5

Nick Plaehn: Season 2

Slingingdruid TM: Idk zombies is dying for me little by little when I gotta lose out on stuff when I get a host change and I just get booted out or a connection interruption and like the whole session, really kills the whole feeling and makes me scared to try and go into high levels. PLEASE DO DEDICATED SERVERS FOR THE LOVE OF EVERYTHING THAT IS GOOD IN ZOMBIES!

Lewis Cheeseman: Season 2 🔥

Thomas Barron: Thank for the info Season2

Adam Torres: I think PHD should turn your slide into a dolphin dive it would be interesting

Dimox115 X: Imo, Black ops 1 was the best in creepy atmosphere and storyline. Adding MOTD from Black ops 2.

Blake. T: Season two

Storm Trooper: Season 2

zero frosty: Outbreak overrated

Zachairha Garza: i wanna see mob of the dead in cold war with nothing changed, just cold war zombies systems, i know it won’t happen though ):

HappySquid: Season 2

TeeJay: Season 2 needs a zombie survival map soon. Survival maps are getting old because of the wait between dlc. Oh and season 2 watched the whole vid

R S: TeirV PHD should be A quick time effect When falling from the certain height whilst holding crouch your body is incased in a ball of dark ather. Upon hitting the ground it will work like phd. The further you fall from, The more damage it outputs. Which would work great with stamina up teir 2, and jump pads.... We can only dream lol

Itachi Uchiha Uzumaki: Hello there

Daniel Winnard: this next year that it's Treyarchs game they should just release BO2 remastered over all console platforms instead of just the XBOX yes i said it go ahead and argue but it would be a really good idea the amount of money they would get is insane

leonardo rosa dos santos: Well 2 things about PHD Slider idea i really deslike: 1: The perk icon is not as cool as the original PHD, actually its pretty generic and boring. 2: 50% less explosive damage my ass, give me 100 or give me nothing.

Zloader: season 2

jonathan vodrazka: I think the map would realese with season 3 then we'd get a map season 4 reloaded

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