Solo Leveling Season 2 Episode 7 | The 10th S-Rank Hunter (Manhwa Ver)

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@Bear-m5y: Which chapter is this in manga

@MissY-n2i: Broo another suspense ahead 😭

@vanvillarin-s5m: Please proceed on episode 8

@vanvillarin-s5m: Bro I'm waiting until night until released on bilibili and loklok I don't find solo leveling on other famous manga app❤

@NwetNwetAye-o6f: It’s like sun Jin woo is playing a game on easy difficulty

@Anicution: I just watched whole episode 😅

@rehtrua: Yoh, what chapters does ep7 adapt?

@kalil3238: You gat continue bro 🙌🙌🙌🙌

@insanzox7932: the door knock was suprising and fantastic

@goldencookie5456: This Lee Minsung guy is actually pretty impressive in Ragnarok and resists mind control pretty well

@CarloneLNGLD: I love this show!

@Heisdevotion: Shii, that knock felt too real 😅

@JayTeeRC: tks

@nuolis: now that was nice door knock

@useradddd: Wow I just watched a whole episode 😮😂

@therealestmc85: It's kind of hard to get interested in watching the anime given that I have just read the manhwa. The manhwa is much more interesting. I recommend that everybody reads it.

@smirchanable: WTF, that knock scared the shit out of me... thought police knocking on my door lol

@juliemae8369: wth that knock!! i thought someone is knocking on my door at 2am!!!

@OyinlolaEmmanuel-x3z: Great recap. Nice work 👍! You just have a new subscriber 😊 Do you do manga recap as well?

@RicardoLakatos-f2c: GIVE US THE NEXT PART PLS

@Elypia1978: WOW... Wat a man...❤❤

@Steve_OP8: where you watch it when there is no episode come out in crynchyroll

@SolarinDay: This is likely gonna be episodes 7&8

@SolarinDay: Textbook example of stealing someone's thunder! Hilarious

@olajidealaafiamayowa-sc8uv: That knock felt real

@_xhirotzy5413: is this next episode?

@amiramani1985: This anime is great. Great story

@Charlie_frank: OMG the door knock sound is Dolby Atmos freak me out a lot hahaha

@ialphasoul2460: Another episode of one Hella of a aura farming 😂before entering demon gate again

@emmanueltornyi: Pls where can we get it to download

@Crypto17OG: The door knock nearly just took my life i feel like i may have a heart attack ffs i jumped out of my chair threw my headphones down ready to fight someone!!!!

@Glennox5kVA: WTF!! That knock made me jump out of my seat! I am watching from my office right now and I thought somebody knocked on the side of my cubicle! Was not expecting that sound especially when it came from my left earphone where the cubicle wall is!

@A.N.A8: The door knock was surprising 😂

@AztecBBQ: That damn knock at 11:07 freaked me the heck out. Headphones on sitting next to my back door which nobody ever knocks on. Made me jump!!!!!

@LGinHUB: 😂😂😂 wow nice 🌹🌹🌹🙏🙏🙏🤙👌

@dindosario5332: Nice2

@otogigamer: Cant wait for a stepbro episode

@ijizey3912: Keep doing this please 🙏 😊

@saharvanunu4098: More pls!!!

@derunantastbare2318: fuck your knock my heart exploded

@JairElpenSuriname: Bro dis anime is so good and the Master jij woo is so strong man💯💪

@akanniib2018: Please don't stop

@M-Diablo1993: Great anime. Could reread it 100x lol

@YahyaMbaye-m1f: I like so much the anime

@ABIGGERBAGOFFRUFFLES: Didnt you cover this?

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