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@vipuljain6906: 18:10 😂😂 u called it and i also called it when i read manhwa

@edwindiansyah3193: 10:20 Neel you'll see 😏

@sungjinwoo4912: since the rank above A rank cannot be measured there is alot of gap in power between S ranks like cha haein is much stronger than many S ranks but the machine cannot measure it so non knows whether they are S or SS or SSS rank

@joey070893: The Choi guy is indeed one of the strongest S-rank hunters. Excluding Jinwoo, the rank goes like: 1st Chairman, 2nd waifu Cha, 3rd Choi. Cha Hae-in herself also knows she's stronger than her guildmaster. Notice when she sensed Jinwoo fixating on her, she only thought of Chairman Go with that level of aura.

@YallanionOprong: 13:56 bros doing the same face of confusion

@thikhaivai92263: 10:20 Probably spoiler so whos gonna tell him?

@Aleas10301: You don't need to wonder what an S-Rank healer can do, you just need to watch the first episode again...

@aeonise: 6:06 _Shiroe sneezes_

@GhostRS3411: How Jinwoo is acting right now reminds me of Saitama's shenanigans.

@alfreemsc6771: I love how you just don't trust characters wearing glasses XD

@lexops1707: please watch Gurren Lagann

@carloscaraballo4563: Will you be doing a reaction to the dub episodes also?

@namronstryker9221: You saw an s rank healer on the very first episode of s1 lol

@saiyanx5249: Neel if you want to watch S Rank healers you should watch The Wrong Way to use Healing Magic

@carlosandresvillagra2372: 15:50 They gave Hae-In the nickname "The Dancer" because her swordplay has such finesse and elegance, and she can swiftly kill one beast after another, almost as if she were dancing. The funny thing is, although everyone knows her nickname, she prohibits using it because she finds it embarrassing.

@horisadiafyama: 10:21 They have shown us what an S-Rank healer can do in the first episode last season. Myung-hwan, he's retired now.

@iTsOfficiallyPluto: Bro gotta wait 2 seasons for a pops and woo interaction 😅 6:21

@Seifer-11: 1:58 Nah brooo....cmon you dont need to say that bruh 😅😂

@scottbarnett873: I just love how we all have Aizen trauma lmao

@storm216: In season 1, episode 1, we see S Rank Hiller.

@SoraDestiny471: 7:20 he is having a brainfart 🤣. He appeared multiple times in season 1 and even in this season

@gustavo7074: "what youre doing here?" "I will ask again what you're doing here". . "I was looking for you 😏"

@teamgenialeyoutuberstgy3923: were do you watch this

@gustavo7074: 3:20 this is EXACTLY why Solo leveling is so good. You might think on shit like oh he is not powerful at all, he will never be recognized. Nononono, he is TOO COOL even for the machine 😂

@marklouiscornea134: Fun fact: S-ranks Healers in MMO RPG games are so OP, they can beat any class.

@IM_8685: i hate that they skipped the poor guy's rank assesment result, It was a funny scene ,as everyone was in shock of what just happened between Sung and Choi, and him celeberating in the back for his better than E rank ,lol

@bojassim_97: when his dad said: "even death wont save you from me", i actually think that they got the translate wrong, he said something like "dont ever step foot in korea, not for my son's sake but for yours, otherwise you'll never rest in peace even in death" it will have alot of meaning in what he said later on.

@subham.biswas: Jinwoo's dad beat an S rank instantly. And they have only 9 S ranks. Excluding the S ranks, no matter how many hunters they throw at the dad, they're not gonna do shit to him.

@AnimeloverYT2: In anime there isn't much aura layer .. than manhwa had.. the aura in manhwa give me goosebumps. As it had darker and blye eyes theme

@shatanikdas8249: I guess episode 18 will be "I am a bad match up for you"😂

@Bioom85: bro please react to shangri la OPs please its fire ❤

@poasttoasties6655: So S tier as a waifu that she's canonically his baby mama in the sequel.

@kennethandreimagpayo7300: React to sakamoto days

@cloud3418: 3:30😂😂😂😂

@kee1pride31: What’s farming aura mean or come from? I keep hearing that but no clue of meaning or origin

@AngelNg-f8n: The chairman Go Gunhee is definitely one of my top 5 characters in the series, actually a really lovable person through and through, you will grow to love him.

@MHR-REX: 2:04 lol writer didn't dirty him. He got rank C

@AngelNg-f8n: 2:12 fun fact, since it was cut from the anime, its not a spoiler, the guy who said that line did in fact get E-rank, and the fat guy got D or C-rank i think?

@jameelnazar4663: How can we upload reaction videos without copywriting? I watched a lot, cut a lot of episodes, uploaded them, but still my video is blocked. Is there any solution? I hope you will help me

@Music_wave-8: Guys I have a question am I the only one who thinks that this episode animation was bad 😭

@mrtubakapro2949: We got Jinwoo playing minecraft before GTA 6

@mrtubakapro2949: Men that watch solo levelling like Cha Hae-In Women that watch solo levelling like Sung Jinwoo Fan service, for all.

@Wolf_D._Furyy: So it was mistake....HE ACTUALLY SAID "DEATH WON'T SAVE YOU " Not "from me" but He was talking about his son

@Roger_ryokai: 18:01 bro said the exact thing it was supposed to say we'll find out next ep

@Shadownaught314: bros like goal was destroyed in less then half a day

@liladonn5646: I peeped the one punch man disses at the end lmao

@genshinplayer1608: he is just really professional i think 7:00

@kawaiiiedge3876: We can't blame Neel forgetting Chairman Go gun Hee, Because He's watching other Animes too Hehe and Chairman only appears Sometimes.

@voidgaming9911: I hate the fact that they are skipping so many good scenes from manhwa like hwangs and sungs fight, many close up scenes aura scenes etc

@jabberwock0241: Choi just one shot an A rank dungeon with one spell tho..

@ghostofuchiha2023: Sung Jun-Woowill AURA FARM this whole Season.

@HankTschida: I almost crashed out because of the ending cliffhanger, it was getting interesting too😭

@ericklyatuu1301: I don't see well or my phone is problem

@JustSomeone115: 12:22 Haven’t seen anyone mentioning this, but in manhwa Sung Il-Hwan says different thing. He says “… even after death you wouldn’t be able to close your eyes”, so he knows about his sons powers. I’m not gonna say why or how cause that’s some big spoilers, but you can theorise about it

@DearDevSharmaSir: Spoilers . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .we are not seeing his dad until very last season 😢

@frostryos: It's too bad they didn't add people talking bout jinwoo getting a reassessment. Basically they just said that some hunters can't accept their rank hence the reassessment then they're surprised as that person is actually an S rank

@jen-EL: "Not even death will save him" The dad was right

@Jinwoo-g8g: Current Choi weeker than jinwoo Cha hae in is stronger

@SurajSingh-so5fh: Aizen gave him a veey deep PTSD bro just cant trust guy with glasses😂

@and13996: Welcome to Solo Mining

@TusharVerma-c4v: Bro next episode is going to be real fire his true power will come in front of everyone and tusk entry in the story 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

@dongieilac401: Bro predicted what would jinwoo say to cha hae in😂

@SimonWLabs: One day i watched a mashup reaction and suddenly realized that other people keep interrupting your "Oooooh" and "Yoooooo" with their boring comments and i decided to watch just you

@nibiru_22: You can’t escape your wife boii

@cedrickbnarvasa2658: HAHAHA yeah thats literally what he said in manhwa he got lost 🤣

@FIQHD: 2:10 you are right, they don't stated this in the anime, the one that motivated that father got E rank, and the father is D rank

@Stoned_dude420: Manager Jincheol is a top tier A-Rank and the sparring partner of the chairman who's also a top tier S-Rank (his old age limits him tho).

@noobiesquad1423: Bro hwang dongsoo really doesn't learn his lesson and his still trying to go after jinwoo dad my man will be a punching bag for sung family 😂nahh the amount of disrespectful that they did to this man is insane bro lost his all aura from season 1 all the way to season 2

@jerinthomas123: 10:26 Min Byung Gyu, the S Rank healer, is shown at the very first episode of solo levelling...

@artembal1106: Я всë-таки до последнего надеюсь, что Сон Дживу решит остаться в гильдии братана, и они сформируют новую сверх крутую гильдию, вместо того, чтобы переходить в уже существующие топ гильдии. Но увы для меня, я всë же думаю, что он решит присоединиться к одной из топ фракций, благодаря как раз таки будущей своей жены😥

@nobodyjustafailure: Jinwo father is a character I'm hyped about but then i thought, wouldn't it be evil that once they encounter each other and the systems just say to eliminate his own father or else his heart beat stops.

@sylum9580: chairmen and a rank dude (forget his name ) are goats

@raizen3524: I'm so sick with this rank shit from OPM , i mean he destroyed every challenge they bad and gave him b class

@Trinity-c5j: 2 archangels Vessels...

@rudra6383: Bro where is tsukimichi 😊

@kurkdaugdaug7832: You know if you think about it. If the screen said error for those who are weak then the lady would have a different reaction instead of a confuse one.

@ItsSolobtw: He isn't labeling Sung's dad as a monster cause he lost, he is labeling him that cause the simple fact how he was fighting it reminded him of a magic beast.

@fckihate69jokes: That last moment is probably the only time I got pissed at the mc. Like wtf are you doing trying to steal the boss?

@BreadinAtuxedo: 14:13 I can tell bro was trying so hard not to say "miner" so he said "mining worker" instead 😭😭😭

@justcallmed5897: 14:15 i was expecting him to say "sexiest miner ive ever seen"

@_irwinlaw: 12:17 there's something wrong with this quote from the dad in the flashback. Im pretty sure he said "Not even death will save you from my son if you decide to still go after him" or something along these lines

@Chrstn_dzn: Fun fact but not really that important. The one dude that's hoping for a c rank to help his fam was actually a c rank hahaha The one that's confident turns out to be e hahahaha. I mean this a cute detail in the mahnwa but they did not pay attention in the anime. I guess that's what the anime lose, the comedic parts of it.

@afscrew123: 12:15 This is what happens when the Primera Espada fights Espada No. 6 🤣

@Seikozzzz: Day 2 asking to Watch Sakomoto days

@coolboy12435ggf: Low rank healers can only heal scars and stuff and s rank healers can prob heal limbs

@Some_Dumass: Jinwoo aura farmed so hard that he even rizzed the Hunters' Association chairman.

@MadladID: GRAP cujo..🎉

@seami-_-231: 18:14 me too bruh

@LK.Cynric: I wonder if they gonna reveal the small details they didnt show about his father during the beating of the other guy. The government wonder if hes a real monster or not, here they seam to trust what the guy said, but does he trully believe the guy? I wonder.

@journeysphere33: I recommend u to watch sakamoto days bro is really good

@F0TBA1L13: is it me or do the episodes seem seem shorter

@alwalidzizo4969: the nickname for cha hae-in the dancer is because of her ability with the sword she moves so quickly and elegant she looks like she is dancing hence they gave her the name but she hate it and never accepted it :) and she have ability to smell the magic aura as bad smells but when she meets jinwoo he smells very nice for her and she get interested with him

@lnqxie500: Woo Jinchul is definitely an A-Rank. It's a crime to hide your rank. Even if he works for the association.

@BanenaeQ: "Ultimate Hunter" my @ss!!! All that fire power but he can't even deal crit damage...lmao

@lnqxie500: 7:18 the chairman has been narrating and explaining the world building of solo leveling ever since episode 1 of double dungeon 😂

@BanenaeQ: "Ultimate Hunter" my @ss!!! He can't even deal crit damage...lmao

@xxS3RIOUSxx: So you already saw an s rank healer in the first 5 mins of season 1. They instantly AoE healed a large group back from deaths door.

@night.8568: Love at first smell next episode lol

@TearDownGenesis: @1:00 technically we saw one in the first episode. The dungeon where the high ranks, its the island dungeon (Dungeon Break) with the flying ants, etc. that is referenced. @10:30 also S rank healer in that same event. That was an S rank dungeon that multiple S ranks failed to conquer, resulting in the Dungeon Break. That being said, in this episode they explain that the S Rank is a very broad term, basically meaning the machine can't calculate it. So similar to One Punch Man, there can be a huge range of power among S ranks, more so than lower tiers. They've hinted at someone "faking" their rank, but I don't know how that would work. The machine used to test doesn't seem like the typical "use your power on this" type of thing in some anime where he could hold back, so I don't believe Jinwoo could "restrain" his power to artificially lower his rank. Another thing to remember is "No amount of training can increase your rank" You can think of ranks like the power of a character you get in a game. You can get better at using the character, but you'll never be able to be more powerful than that maximum. So if you imagine a game where the characters aren't balanced, imagine getting stuck with the absolute weakest and no matter how good you get at playing it, you just can't do anything to a top rank.

@jeromepalapal2529: A rank dungeon is coming nxt epi, and jeju-do s rank soon.

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