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WhosImmortal: Season 3 is looking SPICY! (Just like you in those Gamer Advantage glasses) Thanks for watching :D

N!GE\_: 👍

Trapper: Can’t wait for another unnecessary update that adds another 70GB to the warzone file every couple of weeks!!😃😃🔫🔫

Onlyonejahiem: THE G11 ouuuuuuuuu

KyzerGB: It takes the piss how many updates this games takes. Just done this week. And today another shed load of updates for multiplayer add ons high res ,Co op, compatibility data pack 1 , 2 , 3 wtf ..........

Mark Meyer: Imagine being at school for 8 hours lugging around 25-30 kilos of baggage(it doesnt seem like much but it adds up over time) for that time, doing sport for 2 hours(I do rugby and we have to run a lot), coming home and getting excited to play some call of duty then you cant because your sibling is using the tv so you cant, you wait 2 hours until they stop, you finaly put on your headset and switch your console and boom, fricken 22gb update and you only had an hour to play. Thanks cod. Great game but an update days in a row when I get home at 6 and dont actually get to play because update.

Jalen Everett: When do the sniper come out

Abdoul Wane: the mvp is coming lelelelelel

binoy tungpalan: UAV for only pro player ,poor noon player

The One True King: So PM63 is coming back from BO1? Very Cool!!!

FoRe Greeko: So, since Roze skin is going to get "nerfed', which skin are you going to use next? I guess the Ghost skin, right ? Or, maybe, the "new" old Captain Price (who's the one we saw on intel missions, who hunted Woods).

Hunter McBride: today’s the day😳 you nervous

Gung niR: If they’re just re-skinning the Verdask map that will be so underwhelming

LeoFourFive: Im hoping for FOV & 120hz on ps5

Wiebe Femno: When is the update

Egidijus Ivas: Ffs nothing to MW everything again goes to s...t cold war gd job Raven gd job 👏🏼

Sue Vue: I’m literally still waiting on the day they bring zombies camos to Warzone

SoIamBryson: I used to be so happy to watch these videos, after they decided to MERGE MW and BOCW I fucking folded. I'm done with COD games, dog shit games made my dog shit developers!

ahhh yes a video of culture: Noice

Skillzeyboi: your a g cuzz

greek nick: Sykov is sùkof when preferred in russian

rhanel ray: Bye-bye ssd

apna dhal kakka: Maybe this Captain Price is like the father of modern day Captain Price

Hunter Gaming: Love your vids your the best cod YouTuber for news and gameplay keep up with the vids

Kit Kat: So sorry for my dumbness I didn't really get so I only have warzone so will I get the captain price skin?

LA NEGRA CARRIÓN: Its always nice to see you

Hashirama Senju: I called it Zac 😁😁😁 can't wait for Sticks and Stones

Spaza Piggy: bullfrog got nerfed being playing with in since it was added and after the recent update it doesnt hit as hard the Val thou is crazy with the 10round mag

Dan D: Am I the only person in all of Gaming that can’t stand the UPDATES!! Mannn I feel like it’s every time I want to play BOOM! 2 hours update required to play. Jeeeez!

Designer in my Son's Bedroom: I’m glad you’re getting more sponsors. You deserve it.

khanim bekossi: Imagine if WhosImmortal pins this.

YouTube bans me Frfr: Maybe the guns being over powered is for a reason and that’s why they need to nuke the map because the guns are broken just a thought

YouTube bans me Frfr: Sometimes I wish I did t work so I could play all day without missing anything but then I couldn’t afford to keep playing I’ll keep working lol

jonny Walker: These new multiplayer maps are looking nice. For once..

Narcotic Opium: Can't wait get killed by cheaters in 80s

Lisa Rhyno: Thanks 😊👍

BIG Aundrey: Dababy convertible

lucas unknown: Hopefully they add Dark Aether to Warzone this season :(

Cool_Cat007 Smoove: If they are not going to fix the ban bug.. Then f@#£ck it..

Dustin: Congratulations, you and all the other whiney ass YouTubers ruined the gun before most of us ever even got to use it. You should feel awesome about it....

Georgescu Jvilta: El warzone sera de modern warfare O cold War? Que modo tiene ?

mrbeast fromtheeast: 3:56. Aimbot kicks in .......

lol nog: noʎ oʇ uǝddɐɥ llıʍ sɓuıɥʇ pooɓ puɐ poɓ ɐ ǝɹ,noʎ sıɥʇ pɐǝɹ uɐɔ noʎ ɟı

William Redish: Still haven't fixed the glitch for the power coil blueprint for the task force barrel

yoakzi: imagine if we get fov slider

Jeff Rogers: Anyone else open Immortals videos and automatically like it before even watching it? You know its gunna be good info ;)

Aygo: Zac please tell me what resolution ps5 run warzone? And at what fps I heard that xbox run 1440p at 120fps So i wanted to know ps5 resolution and fps

Tyonic mAge: Hahahaha

YOSHII: “Mt Yamantau, fuckin’ Soviet Doomsday bunker”

lightlock: Nice glasses

Senju Ghxst: I hope their gonna fix the glitch, where I got a load out in rebirth and it went through the ground.

Ryan Patey: This new update broke my game 😂 gg’s

Von Hause Luther Rottweilers: The only update that will matter is when console players finally can change the field of view

jordan w: The speed of the sykov with the drum is terrible

jordan w: Why did I have a 46 gig update yesterday?

Murciélago: nothing even happened to warzone but its 25 gb

Nowel Bobke: God please please please don’t make the SMG and Rifle like the Mac 10 and DMR 14 on release the meta is fine rn after aug and FFAR nerfs just leave it be activision

wolfieg614 gamer tag: What loadout are u using

Viktor Basara: 70 GB incoming...

migraine dave: Cold war battle royale here we go!

Daze Station: Whoisimmortal, I love your videos and watch em everyday, but no cap your intros are long asf and annoying and i usually skip like 3 mins everytime

Wapsify: Stand-off map might bring back trickshotting 👀

Zombiez2go: Upset about rcxd in the loadout spot and the sound of a--------> MISSILE <------- that's what we are complaining about now? Lol

underwaterdick: Price coming to CW? And free to any CW owner? He is an MW character, that's a huge part of the fanbase mugged off then.

LEETHAL: Do you remember that guy on a Ecoliesspresso Vid that said your intro is cheesy...

Viorel Nicolae Strimturean: Get ready bois! <3 It's happening! I want a REAPER skin :( at some point. Alpha Reaper Skin :>

pumpkin patch: Where is the CX-5

Bad Lord Boris: Sykov wasn't even broken, still needed to be close range.

Bad Lord Boris: thumbs down, too long to get to the point

Atanasije Sucov: Your fucking stinky game is no longer playable. Whoever the main programmer is should resign immediately. Are you aware that you have a problem running in the game? Why isn't that resolved? I don't care about the new season and this is going to be bullshit. I just want them to do some things that they did, and that’s run, for example. The character splits on its own. He no longer knows if he walks normally or goes tactical sprinting or running. Solve it people!

CoachRuffy: Too bad blue light glasses in all forms are a scam. Ask a real Eye specialist. Its a placebo thing.

Jorge Parente: Not impressed. I think COD warzone already had his golden age long ago. Dawnward spiral now.

Flor Meléndez: Dont even have cole war

Flor Meléndez: I thouaght ir más 25 nota 76 gigbite ir like the cod all over agian

Flor Meléndez: Why my update shows 76 gigbite for the 1.35 update

Mrfanligh: Wholsommortal: on console its like 2.3 gb "My ps4 putting 55gb 99+hours left"

Jonathan Castillo: I’ve watched you for a bit brother, seeing you do great is awesome man. I’m happy for you

Tha Phenomenal: Yea I’m hype for it but still need to fix fast reload tired reload slow in my gun fights need to fix it ASAP with this bug update cause modern warfare are fed up just saying

Abdul Hakim Karimi: I need help bro, Why every time a new update comes i need to download 75GB is my PS4? like even right now with update 1.35 it's size is 75Gb. Please help. Thanks

Jake _320: They nerfed them pistols faster than anything I've seen lol

Gamer_warrior 21: This dude is literally big brain Your awesome dude Also you just gained a sub

August Hendrikx: Those are some spicey glasses<3

Steve Paugh: So fucking pumped for ppsh that was one of my favs in waw

Shepard Tone MMJ: Thank god for COLD WAR. it has added more content in 2 seasons than MW had in a year. STANDOFF... OHHHHHHH YEAHHHHH, loved this map back in the day. Everything from new weapons, zombies content, maps and operators, cold war has essentially saved warzone. And for anyone who hasn't already purchased cold war should do so, multiplayer on MW was fun, multiplayer on CW is incredible. Can't wait for season 3. Also thanks for keeping us all updated with MW, WZ & CW.

ODIAMARE: Standoff!!!!

Stoo Hue [aka DISKOSTOO]: Sooooooo pumped....spicy as!!! 🌶🌶🌶 Also me: FOV for console anyone? 😭

Julien Brown: Booiiiii-oooooooo♨♨♨♨🔥🔥

TCE The Clan Of Excecutioners: All is im hoping for in season 3 when it launches they fix the dev error 6036 in xbox

Maurice Mark: Sleight of hand doesn't work are they fixing that

iGAME iN COLOR: any word if stats get reset with the new map?

Ray E.: So they can update and nerf MW guns in a matter of a few days but with CW guns it takes months to nerf.....

Yvony Leaf: U need to mention that u can also unlock the Mandala skin for got and the last breath and some old styles for Mara to

surreal spoon852: Still no fov on consol trash 😪

split lip: This game is unplayable at time, it's fucking trash.

Imma_bird_chirp: Bro I don’t know why but they just keep giving me gigs daily, was at 180 gigs when at the end of season 2, but now, it’s 260 FUCKING GIGS. Only got like 40 gigs left of free space.

Alejandro Becerra: Anyone else find themselves repeating out loud the “hey hi how’re doing” when zac says it? Or just me 🤔

Blood999: Hell yeah zac, merch and more sponsors. awesome to see that brand growth (hoping for ridgewallet soon)

GameMasterArya: I think Price is Immortal lol 😂 ( he doesn't age quite well in games)

Dave mingle: Congrats

Timothy Baeza: Cod duty has some good music a friend told me about it.

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