When George and Missy Goes on Double date | Young Sheldon Season 4 Episode 15 | Season 4 NEW!!

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Balaji M: They are making this series more cuter than ever

It's Mike: With the show renewed for three more seasons we get to watch Missy and Sheldon become teenagers

Desmond Kissoon: I swear this is me and my sister

suspicious llama: "samesies" lmao

Tom Scites: Missy again as always fire everyone but missy and meemaw

chomp devil: Missys just there like 🥲

Luis Solis: I almost cried at the end.😢😢😢😢🤧

Josh Niermann: Why is mom crying

M ZAR: Me gusta mucho George como "El Hermano Mayor", porque es muy buen hermano y empresario. Y personalmente me parece de lo mas injusto que todo el merito y el amor de su madre siempre se lo lleve el insufrible ególatra de Sheldon, y no George o Missy, que se lo mereces mas que el porque han hecho muchos sacrificios y han tenido que soportar siempre el hecho de vivir a la sombra de su hermano injustamente...

titolongo1: The 80's. GOOD OLD DAY'S.

Buttercup The Tortoise: Great Episode! Good vibes. Love everywhere. PROVO!!!

Rehaan Jain: # Sheldon lonely

23predator 23: They should have a trippel date

Goo Gle: Georgie - Best big brother ever

tango elgort: Sheldon is true momma's boi

MT C: Missy is so cute 😊

Paul Guiller Yazar: 2:21 what's that sound missy lol 😆

Hiraeth Hexillion: damn, these teens had it good, at 18, i even never held a man's hand except for dance

Palak Parmar: Georgie being brotherlyyyyy issa moooood

chemeng yang: Now that I look closely, why are their pupils so dilated?

Fredrick Simethy: If missy was my sister and i was Georgie. I would punch him at the theater.. 😂 Dont know why .. i Love missy as my sister. .wished i had a sister like her ... and would not let anyone to touch her till she get married 😁

gamer game: They will date near in the future

Shivram Karthik: George and Jana duo is perfect

Umer Maqsood: What heartbrake is Sheldon talking about here?

Archie Woosung: This girl is gorgeous; no way she will turn out badly, unless she become a child actress :(

I D F Y: Montana - 18 Reagan- 13 Not sure if he looks after her also in real life, but the interviews they have done indicate a bond. The whole cast has . Love this show.

Jakeplaysroblox: Damn, getting the "same" treatment when you say "I love you" is heartbreaking, I don't know what would happen if my girlfriend said "same" if I told her I loved her.

Kumari Richa: George is a protective brother, that's cute☺☺

Rory Mckernan: I said in a previous video. I can't ever see Missy hugging Georgie like she does Sheldon, how wrong I was. 😂😂

Everything Life: Sheldon is that weirdo, that you can't understand who he is, but then suddenly might end up being a gay. Strange traits he got, you never know what to expect, or who

Orca8472: I'm not a native English speaker - could someone please tell me what he says at 2:21? I hear "Morning by yells" or something, I really can't make it out. Captain?

Bulls 94: How many of you watch this show because of Georgie 👇

Jordan Gish: When hard drive was clean - I feel that

Rangrak lothbrok: Ooo missy is all grown up since the first season

shreya gemini: I LOVE their relationship!

Mary Clark: I WISH I had a older guy looking out for me like this when I was a teen. My brother teased but he kinda knew nothing would ever happen. But he’s there for me when it counts. I found out YEARS later he got in fights because people made fun of me for being disabled.

Oliver De Leon: Awww. They used Brick as the bgm😁

Bryan Perez: That girl is toxic

Killua: I love how Georgie is dumb but responsible

Pat Shah: seeing Missy as a small kid, a very cute one as well its very weird to see her all grown up and date.

Santosh Raju: Meanwhile me at 27 and still haven't kissed a girl. 🤤

Danish 23: I was laughing my ass off when i saw billy there on the table wahhahaha

Kodi Romero: Omg stopppp theyre getting too big 😭😭

rona kiku: When people start kissing is when the show goes down :-( Remember TBBT

The Film Expert: I can't believe I didn't have a girlfriend when I was a Teenager. It makes me feel like a Loser.

D C: Georgie is the best brother 💕

C U: Sheldon's literally stuck with these emo idiots. Imagine having powerful Quant brain while living with such family. This is like Neo from matrix living with uWu anime girls.

Fluffy The Southern Demon: Draco go back to Hogwarts

Rahul Bansal: Why do they show kids indulging in these things?

Fluffy The Southern Demon: Hahaha

Sky' Amiya: So is thus out now or?

Itzel Gonzalez: "We went pretty serious before you Even took me on a date!" 😂😂 Also Georgie's jealousy is really sweet and funny! 😂😍👍

Megha Sharma: I feel soo sad for Missy knowing what she wldgo thru in the future

Pinat: I like this relationship !

Kiki .B: Holy shit

Glassy: Cu te ❤️

Unicornpowernivin _thebest: That’s cute you got Georgie making out with jana then you got missy being kissed by Marcus

Big Feet Yoda: Young Sheldon is my new favorite TV show. It’s amazing in my opinion I love it!

Lich King: Georgie an over protective brother that's for sho

Poojan Pujara: Not available on prime yet!

Bree 17: it would be hilarious if georgie suddenly yelled no kissing when marcus kissed her cheek

Isaac Rizard: It's like Howard and Bernadette with Raj as the third wheel...

Démolir YT: Can i watch it on amazon prime?

Howyaduing: Georgie is my man!!!

The Coon: Georgie: I love you allot Missy: Awwwww

Stephen laldinfela Stephen: Keep posting the new episodes 😘😘😘😘

Sammy: Wtf? Which episode is this...I feel iam upto date... On Prime

Smoke and Bones: Missy is SO grown up! ❤️

TYLER 3251: where can i watch the new season

Ur Dada: This series is taking a very wrong and disturbing turn

Christopher Bingham: This raises several questions, and I hope someone here can give me the answers: 1. Why was Jana there, and not the granddaughter of the woman with the pager? 2. Did Georgie cheat on Jana a few episodes ago? 3. Does Marcus actually enjoy having apples thrown at him, or is he only pretending to like Missy so she doesn't do something worse to him?

Nubs: love the relationship between these two

Ireland Dahlen: Darn I'm early asf lol 🥰

Joshua D.: So then this episode takes place in 1991 (the year Beauty and the Beast came out).

lev cam fam: And liked

lev cam fam: Yo I am the only one who cometed on this

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