Missy's Heartbreak and Jungle | Young Sheldon Season 4 Episode 18 | Season 4 NEW!!

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Missy Cooper: *Did you guys enjoy the season Finale? How many stars out of 10 will you give it?* *If you want me to upload any specific clip from any season of Young Sheldon or any other show please let me know in the comments section.*

Erich Anastacio: Was Sarek NOT betrothed to any Vulcan female? Wasn't he subjected to the septennial pon farr as well?

s a b r i n e: sorry i just finished the 4th season a few minutes ago is this really the last episode of young sheldon?

math chand: I always thought Missy was the older twin since she's treated like how middle children are treated.

mystery_ Author: Who else was so happy that they finally revealed which twin was older 😂

Kickerz: George really was the better parent by a mile. He interacted with them all differently but his love was apparent with all of them.

Huzaifa Siddiqui: I really hate Mary this episode

gamer game: S2pid puppy love sparks the downfall of the cooper family. The birth of the 3 knock rule and The death of george sr. All missy fult missys s2pid teen feelings started it all

Cat Smith: Honestly I see why Geroge cheated on Mary

Roseanne: Mary is the WORST mother ever she should not even be called a mother

Kai Outlaw: I dont blame missy. Mary ain't great to her

Marshmallow Kitten: 10 stars

Behind MyBlueEyes: It's weird how you aggressively pick on Mary, blame her for everything, call her names and the worst mother in the world when she simply made a MISTAKE, duh. You never made them, i guess?) Remember all those times when Missy was awfully mean and rude to her mom, when she didn't care at all. Remember when Mary made a special prize for Missy by herself (with a Barbie head on it), gave it to her with a smile and very nice words... and what Missy did to it. If Missy REALLY felt lonely and suffered from the lack of attention and love, she would have appreciated that gift. She would have never destroyed it the way she did. Missy used to get in trouble because she really was mean and ungrateful and sassy and rude and hypocrite quite often. Sheldon was just arrogant and socially awkward but never evil or aggressive. If "Mary always sides with Sheldon", then why he was punished at 9 when he broke the fridge? (Btw, he didn't break it because he was mean or wanted to make his parents suffer, you know). Both Mary and especially George were harsh with him, yelled at him and made him work. At nine, Karl! Do you remember any times when Missy was severely punished, though?... If you watched the show more carefully you would notice that Missy is REALLY more mean and rude than Sheldon, that despite this she still gets a lot of attention and love from both of her parents, that there were lots of times when Mary cared about her and expressed her love and everything and that most of the time she did punish or scolded Sheldon when he misbehaved. It's you guys who are unfair, not Mary. And calling her "the worst mother in the world" is just dumb.

Matthew Dillon: missy coppe

bob saget: Accually the actor is 15 years older than the character soooo he had not friends 20 years from then so she won. And its i did say he is an actor and this is a tv show so its all fake like this virus

Lanai Corbin: Hold on this connect to the big bank HOLD ON

farzan Ajan: Marry worst spoiled mom ever.. brenda vogue..

Ashcool: I just cannot imagine the rift that is going to be caused between Missy and Mary after George dies. Sheldon's favorite parent is still alive but Missy's is going to pass away and she's going to blame Mary for driving him into the arms of another woman and tearing up the family. It pains my heart just to think about it

arun r: Lol he found him

shiree otis: Wow! She was a terrible mother to her other children and Sheldon is all her fault instead of being his parent she was his enabler

ARKYAPRABHA BANERJEE: "She still hasnt paid me .... and guess who is wearing Star Trek underpants right now" : Jim Parson's narration is one of the best things about this show

Emuboss: So is nobody going to talk about how nice georgie was is in this episode?

Suhani Ray: I am not in Mary's position but something tells me, if you see your child...your only daughter crying incessantly, someone so confident and headstrong crying her eyes out, you DONOT talk to her like that! Mary didn't even hear Missy's side of the story, she just heard about her dear son's poster being torn and rushed to scold Missy. Missy is right. Mary coddles Sheldon and always takes his side. In the next scene, she even takes it out on Georgie, clearly disillusioned by her extreme love for Sheldon. Mary went from being one of the best to one of the worst mothers on TV

Glicksman1: Only 10 stars? I give the show all the stars available. The finale was just as good. Is this site yours, Raegan? If not, does she read any of the comments (appropriately edited I suppose)? If so, I wish to tell you how much I appreciate your fine talent and how well you are portraying your complex character. I appreciate that young actors in particular are closely coached and directed, but I hope that they are giving you some decent leeway to make the acting choices that a true artist requires to create the best performances. I hope that you have seen from my comments here that I fully respect you and all of the rest of the cast, crew, writers, directors, and producers. I find that what you all are doing is quite refreshingly innovative and boundary-shattering. More, please.

Timothy Lapeyre: I am going to be truly honest here....I was not a huge fan of this episode. It shook me to my core to see all the trauma that was happening throughout this episode. This, for me, was a VERY hard episode to watch because we are finally seeing the Cooper family fall apart after all these years. They were such a wonderful example of a great family throughout this whole show until now (and perhaps the last season finale) when they all started yelling at each other over who had had the longest day and who was handling all the trouble. Mary was TOTALLY wrong to only go after Missy and ground her without doing anything about Sheldon. George pointed out that Sheldon had been yelling just as well as Missy, and Mary's only defense was that Sheldon was upset. MISSY WAS UPSET TOO, MARY YOU FREAKING IDIOT!!! Sure, everyone has flaws, every parent has flaws, BUT what Mary did there was inexcusable, doing what she always does and letting her favorite child's insensitivity slide. Come on, he got upset over some stupid picture, and Missy had really genuinely been hurt in a relationship. And I get it, it was an autographed picture of Sheldon's role model, but Sheldon brought it all on himself by being so insulting towards Missy and Mary made her passive aggressive choice to ground Missy and not hear her side. She openly admitted to Georgie that she thought 100% of what she said was pure gold and didn't think twice about her decisions. Anyways, I commend the writers of this show for all of their hard work. I followed The Big Bang Theory quite a bit and will continue to follow Young Sheldon. These people really shook me with their writing for the first time like ever. I apologize for the long comment, but I had a lot to say since this episode really got me harder than any other episode they have ever written.

John Merlin: First of all I have to say George is going to have an affair with that pig, when he has a beautiful wife at home now that being said everything is starting to take shape we're going to see Sheldon and his father's relationship go sour Missy's on her way to becoming the wild child and Georgie is going to step up to be the man of the house but I still can't believe out of all people they could have had him have an affair with it's that box troll

John D Kryston: I’ve seen the finale and wow it really was dramatic, even the ending. Sheldon did say that he walked in and saw his dad in bed with another woman so perhaps the ending gives us an idea on who it maybe or it just opens the certain that it’s about to happen in sheldon’s life. The fight that Mary and George had got me thinking about what Mary told George that “his whole life is about what he wants”. After rewatching the episodes in the past 3 seasons I feel that it’s actually the opposite. I mean in the season 3 finale Mary decided for herself that Sheldon wasn’t going to college and didn’t even discuss it with George. Also, even though she does contribute to god, it doesn’t mean that she’s perfect and has to try and prove that she’s right. Makes you wonder where Sheldon gets wanting to be right from in the family.

Izzy busy LPS: I always. Felt so bad for missy because all every one cares about is Sheldon

kinkisharyocoasters: She's my favorite character on the show

Devin Santiago: we need a show on young Howard and the other big bang theory characters

Diplo: When missy says: 20 years from now you’re not gonna be sitting around talking about Star Trek reading comic books 20 years later: Sheldon talking about Star Trek reading comics

Tyler Ensminger: I don't know if it was intentional from the beginning but the best thing about the show for me has been sheldon and Missy's relationship. I really like how it is portrayed

Dydro: LOL and sheldon did not grow up in big bang theroy

Hannah Hampton: Part 2 please full episode

B.D. Anthony: I’m not taking sides on this one

Royal Rose: I cant believe this is the finale. They gave us one of the hardest cliff hangers I've ever experienced. Mary, George and Brenda, Sheldon and Missy still gone.... ugh. We won't have answers for months!

shadowknight1121: “It is fine!” That’ll show her. 😒

joangelarie: It's like, this is the 1st time I saw Sheldon taking a responsible role, for her "younger" sister. It's kind of sweet, actually..

GatoPetty: Well. I think this is how Mary of TBBT, started 😑.

cookie ss: 3:17 well u were wrong there missy.....

Prashanth Bera: "Guess who's wearing star trek underpants right now" 😂😂

Patrick Butler: I hate how Mary just barged in and started screaming at everybody just because of a bad day she had that was not really a bad day.

Ka Fa: Aww

Nawreen: I think it was mentioned in one of the episode of tbbt that Missy doesn't talk to her mother that much after watching this epi I can totally get why

Nicholas Aimol: "I was born two minutes earlier"


Alex WAllar: Reagan Revord (Missy) is such a good actress

Lemonade. Chr: 3:13 oh just you wait

Broeder Harry: Three more seaons is awesome! But... Please make a movie while they are still cute?

Aron Dakoli: Who the hell cries like this. I mean i have siblings but we're not this bad. Maybe we're just wierd🤣

Sarah Barros Sousa ツ: Missy is my favorite

Sarah Barros Sousa ツ: i Love young sheldon ❤

Arman Del Rosario: Is the tbbt scene really included in this episode?

methodius uwizera: Young Sheldon matures faster than Big Bang Sheldon

Geek Dude: Wow, so the way they made George out to be in The Big Bang Theory was way off. Mary plays favorites while he actually tries to be there for all 3 kids.

Bryan Perez: I was expecting something from the ending scene didn’t think it would be this soon.....

Bryan Perez: Missy is a brat after a lot of shit she says says to sheldon he always lets it go disregarding what she says. Just once when he retorts she becomes a whole brat and she’s acting up for a boy when she’s too young

Tiara Roxeanne: 3:15 the music reminds me of 'Forbidden Friendship'. The music in How To Train Your Dragon 1 when Hiccup was bonding with Toothless. Hans Zimmer is the composer, if I'm not mistaken. Oh, how I miss that movie😢

lila larsen: What’s with the Big Bang at the end

betty cogswell: This is the finale???? already??

Zehra Ishaq: So sweet of Sheldon being big brother

Auria K: Ok, Mary needs to understand her daughter. Like srsly, you can't just shout at her. Also, she did not realize that her daughter left home. I'm really mad at Mary.

Joy Emily Daquilanea: They are all growing, emotionally, mentally, physically.

Scatterdash: Mary is not being ignorant of Missy , she just had a rough day off so she couldn't get what the real problem is. When she opened she first saw Sheldon worried over that torn picture , by seeing that she thought just a normal sibling fight.

Samantha Lindsay: Ok how did George and Mary not realise thier kids were missing

pinak pani satpathy: We all are Missy... We are in so much hurry to grow up we forget to cherish and live our childhood moments and yet there is Sheldon who was sure that he will never let the child inside him die...

Nitish Srivastava: And this is also true that..Sheldon mom.. always taking side of Sheldon...where he is always wrong...he is smart in physics but not in relationship... His mom should respect and equality all..it is good if that guy take divorce with her..she always thinking she is good

fluffy panda: this what i hate in family they always take one side especially when you the eldest you are always wrong

Princess Malak: “Yes you do! Everyone does, I hate this family!”

Aditi Jahagirdar: Missy lost the bet!

Samantha Lindsay: Great finale episode and that brother sister moment between sheldon and missy was adorable 🥰

Lynn Helga: Tbh this episode made me angry at Marry more than anyone. She’s a *** to Georgie and Missy (especially Missy) I wouldn’t even be mad at George if he actually cheated I would just feel bad for Sheldon, Missy, and Georgie.

Kumari Richa: Sheldon always says its hard for him to understand emotions but when its about his close ones he do understand and comfort better than rest of them, be it messy or penny he was always there as a big brother ☺☺😇

Santos Gomez: I feel sad for missy cuz she does have a point they sometimes always side with Sheldon and her rarely and dont even ask missy so yea i feel you missy! :[

Justine kate Rasonable: So that's settled was wondering who's born first, and also this is why Missy and Sheldon are much closer

Siobhan G: Mary doesn’t even give Missy a chance to explain why she ripped up the picture, Missy reminds me of myself, I always got the blame too like her

Skull Killer: Why do I do this I’m 10

Vivian Bangera: I love missy and Sheldon

X Y Z: I find missy cute .... wish I have a daughter like her..

Joshua D.: So it wasn't just Marcus, it was everything.

Hearteuu07: 3:09 oh honey, he still is🤣

goutam goswami: Classic ending

Joshua D.: "Why do you always take his side?!" THANK YOU!

Joshua D.: That was sweet of Sheldon to stay with Missy, even though he doesn't really understand why. It shows that in his own odd way, he really does care for her.

Joshua D.: So the episode ends with George and Mary still not realizing Sheldon and Missy left?

Kev's Digital arts & more: Sheldon was a great brother here being there for missy and still being himself while doing so.

Its_giggy3: Im early- lolz

Jake Kong: 0:08 Somebody had to say it

• ChocolateDxth •: 🤩

Slaya: Hey

Marie Antonette L. Dumindin: Poggers

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