Young Sheldon 4x18 - When Missy runs away from home - Season 04 Finale

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True Potential: Missy now has deeper voice than I did in my early 20s. :/

Games, diecast And tech: Meemaw vs missy - missy is angry George vs missy - missy is more angry Sheldon vs missy 1.0 - both are angry Mary vs missy - both are more angry Sheldon vs missy 2.0 - she feels better *Sheldon told he can’t understand others emotion but he was the only one who could make missy’s anger cool down*

Christopher Bingham: For those of you wondering why Mary didn't ask Missy why she tore up the poster, it's because it didn't matter. It was inexcusable. I like the way Mary handled it: she didn't let Missy take her pain out on other people. George Senior was fine with allowing that, and that makes me mad because he told both of her brothers not to do that (He said it to Georgie in the Pilot after a fight on the football field and he said it to Sheldon in the first episode of season 2 when Sheldon yelled at the family during dinner due to frustration as a paper boy). George has different rules for sons and daughters and I hate that. It was Mary who held Missy to the same standards that both of her brothers were previously held to, and that made Mary the better parent in this episode IMO. I also have to point out that Missy was wrong in another way: everyone does not always take Sheldon's side. A classic example is season 2 episode 11 "A race of superhumans and a letter to Alf." In that episode, Sheldon does a tiny amount of damage to the doll that Missy threw away in this episode, anyway. Missy responds to that by punching him. Mary punishes Sheldon and lets Missy get off scot free. After that, Missy forever lost all right to say that as far as I'm concerned. This was a rough episode, but I liked the ending

chandrakesh kumar: She still hasn't paid me .....epic sheldon

trimule: I can't believe that NO ONE is talking about the huge scene in this episode. It isn't about Missy's crush - it's about why Sheldon knocks three times before entering any room. The fade out with unhappy George and the unhappy neighbor lady playing pool is a lead up to Sheldon walking into a bedroom without knocking and what he sees there.

Queen Callista: The vibes between Sheldon and Missy in this episode is just like the vibes Mabel and Dipper in gravity falls have when they are supposed to be 'growing up'

Kevu Seth: Georgie became George Sr after he died. The under appreciated provider of the family.

rayloc420: I love how much respect he has for mee maw. There's no "logical " reason for him to be responsible for missy, but he 100% accepts because mee maw says so. Whenever meemaw says a "texan would do it," sheldon does it.

Joshua D.: "Sheldon was upset!" But your ACTIVELY-CRYING DAUGHTER can go break rocks, huh?

profsca: Thank you for uploading. I am busy on Thursday nights and I am not willing to pay for CBS access.

Joshua D.: OK, so if MISSY was the one that almost died in childbirth, as Meemaw claimed, wouldn't it have made more sense for it to have been MISSY who Mary felt super-protective of?

Joshua D.: Young Missy = Young Penny.

Movies Galore: This episode made no sense the last episode Marcus kissed Missy in the movie theater now he dumps her and we don't see it happen it's ridiculous. The writers screwed up with this they should have kept their romance going it was the best part of the show.

Syed Noore Rasul: I'm surprised Sheldon tailed Missy into the woods without freaking out

A.J. Perez: Have you even seen Scoby Doo ? Me:😅🤣

amy allen: First kid I have seen who actually has a plan when running away. Cool.

K S: I'm coming with you! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

08/15 Dorfkind: The reason why i hate Mary is not so much that she is just an a**hole, but that she thinks she is a good christian. I mean where does the bible say you´re allowed to love one of your children and hate the others, and where does it say it´s okay to make everything about herself and not care for anyone else. Jesus said love your neighbor, not just yourself like she does.

Joshua D.: "I know I haven't been the friend you deserve. But I want you to know: in my way, I love you all."

Joshua D.: "You're my baby brother, Sheldon. I know life's been hard for you. But that don't mean it's been easy for the rest of us."

Mohamed Webber: I guess she own him a dollar

Syed Zidane: I hate the mom so much

Vaishu K: I love how they put a scene of tbbt after the scene to prove that they're still obsessed with Star Trek 😂

maroondoor: Bless. Some bros & sisses are really like this. Some aren't

Jude Thomas: Wait is this the end of the season ??

Gospel Darremsangi: I'm wondering how Sheldon changes his fashion style after beinh adult. He looks so smart here but then he only wears kids Tshirt in BBT

Aleczander Ortega: Not the banana😭🤣🤣

LeviIzhar: The future

Bumblebee: The fact that when they grew up, Sheldon and Missy actually became closer just shows that they both have greater understanding for each other in the family. Mary was obviously siding too much with Sheldon but the fact that she didn’t even know Sheldon knew about George’s infidelity, begs the question if she really knows Sheldon under all that hovering.

Die super putzige Pangolinfrau wischt den Poden: I am a mother myself. And yes I prefer my son but that doesn't my daughter can't live with us. As long as she accepts to be my number 5. (Number 1 is of course Jesus Christ 2 my husband number 3 my son number 4 my cat and number 5 my daughter)

Ji Hye Park: Missy's voice is deeper than mine and I'm 26.

Jasmine Frias: There's even an episode where young missy said that she feels alone because her dad and older brother are like a team and her meemaw and mother are always fussing about Sheldon. I always perceived Mary's affection towards Sheldon as fairly valid because obviously, he doesn't have any social skills unlike Missy. But her judgement in this case should be base on equality and not on equity.

AJ breitung: Actually Mary, always takes Sheldon's side

CuteCrochet Creations: Wow, Reagan’s acting is incredible especially for somebody as young as her

luckyaldc _: i feel bad for missy! she wasn’t mean she was just hurt

Spideyfan127: Missy is so cute!

NOONE YEAH: When sheldon was gone one night in other school missy missed him and sheldon too, they have brother sister (sibling) moments and l like it. This is what sheldon would say ♥️♥️

Tony Ping: 1:27 Sibling goals

star cookie: Who thought Sheldon was the younger twin for the entire time- I was like👁️👄👁️

Sharar Rahman: We finally got the answer to who’s the older twin

Asdo Wayne: Seriously, if George cheats, I can know why It's not good and ok But, damn i hate Mary

jim jam: Sadly most mothers favour their sons over daughters 😔

Hoshihimego!!! Shiba Inu in Amsterdam: The later dynamic between Sheldon and Penny had it roots in his close relationship with Missy. Penny took over that role later in his life . Very well written show.

Calinton Barcless: Wow I thought missy was the older twin not Sheldon

Angshumita Sarkar: She lost the dollar

Behind MyBlueEyes: It's weird how you aggressively pick on Mary, blame her for everything, call her names and the worst mother in the world when she simply made a MISTAKE, duh. You never made them, i guess?) Remember all those times when Missy was awfully mean and rude to her mom, when she didn't care at all. Remember when Mary made a special prize for Missy by herself (with a Barbie head on it), gave it to her with a smile and very nice words... and what Missy did to it. If Missy REALLY felt lonely and suffered from the lack of attention and love, she would have appreciated that gift. She would have never destroyed it the way she did. Missy used to get in trouble because she really was mean and ungrateful and sassy and rude and hypocrite quite often. Sheldon was just arrogant and socially awkward but never evil or aggressive. If "Mary always sides with Sheldon", then why he was punished at 9 when he broke the fridge? (Btw, he didn't break it because he was mean or wanted to make his parents suffer, you know). Both Mary and especially George were harsh with him, yelled at him and made him work. At nine, Karl! Do you remember any times when Missy was severely punished, though?... If you watched the show more carefully you would notice that Missy is REALLY more mean and rude than Sheldon, that despite this she still gets a lot of attention and love from both of her parents, that there were lots of times when Mary cared about her and expressed her love and everything and that most of the time she did punish or scolded Sheldon when he misbehaved. It's you guys who are unfair, not Mary. And calling her "the worst mother in the world" is just dumb.

Portia Saunders: love your vids congratulations

Paola Williams: Mary was wrong in this!! She automatically blamed Missy without hearing her side!! She always favors Sheldon and treats the other 2 like second class!! No wonder Sheldon grew up to be a narcissist!! She never told him no!!!!!

Nerdy Snailie: This show makes me feel for Georgie and Missy. They both went unseen or cared for by their mother and trust me I don't understand that; I have one daughter and I somehow don't wish to ever know how that feels. It hurts me to see it. Georgie had it easier by him in his own room and escaping Sheldon a bit .. but Missy had to share the room with Sheldon, be his twin and endure more of his crazy selfish behavior. I have no idea why Mary who took him several times to a psychologist to check on him when she felt needed as when he was quitting on himself didn't think of doing that for him to teach him how to feel for others? Sheldon was made the priority in Mary's life and she made everyone adjust to him instead of teaching him how to adjust to the world and to learn it is not always about himself. It is sad how Georgie went all his life unappreciated when he actually took care of his mom, supported the house after his dad died. Sheldon did nothing and was expected to do nothing; just be loved by being himself regardless he was right or wrong, kind or not. And Melissa was ignored .. as a daughter this must hurt a lot because .. like it or not .. we need our mothers. Everyone need their mothers but may be because I am a female, I can't imagine growing up not having your mother when you deal with boys, school issues, friends bullying .. etc! Mary never once looked at Missy and thought about how she felt or if she is ok. She even didn't see her crying or cared to understand what is happening. I also can understand why Missy tore that photo .. she just got fed up, exhausted and Sheldon cold and mean demeanour is too much! I can't imagine having to tolerate that ALL the time and to know your mom focus on this brother of yours, because he is the special one. I just appreciate how despite Mary's failures, Missy didn't take it on Sheldon and still treated him with kindness. It must've been hard. Mary should've listened to both, scold both but instead she already assumed Missy is wrong as she always assume George or George Jr is wrong. In her mind, Sheldon is favorite.

kat lover: So Mary barges in and doesn’t ask missy what happened,why she ripped the photo.

Insanely AweSAM: Looks like they‘re trying to make Mary more hatable so we‘re not mad when George inevitably cheats on her...

Mikey's World: Raegan's best performance so far. That young lady could hold a show of her own.

Caesar Love: Oh my heart..

Chris Smalls: Mary didn't even bother to ask Missy what was wrong!

Sammy: In my opinion, and my mom's, Mary sheltered Sheldon too much and made him feel as if he was special and important; it got to the point where Sheldon started to believe he was always right and superior to others...hence his personality in TBBT. She was trying too hard because he was always picked on due to his intelligence; she raised a kind of monster we saw in big bang. Sheldon didn't learn how to share, he had limited empathy and he insulted people left to right; as TBBT and this show progressed we grew more irritated with his personality. It took Sheldon's friends to teach him to become more empathetic, to share and show concern for others; something his mother and/or father should have done. Heck, even Georgie or Missy could have taught him this if they didn't feel like bad step children.

lia13: Dang y'all notice whenever missy had a problem, went through major life events or just needed advice, she went to every family member except her mom? And this was since the early season. That's just shows the deep rooted strain of the relationship between her and her mom cause she's (missy) never felt important to her😪

zilla grilla: For people saying they don't gon't like Young Sheldon(the kid not the show) the ending scene proves despite how annoying he is he's a good brother.

Brutally Honest: Sheldon and Mary duo, my most hated characters.

Millixi: Ive always thought missy came out ahead of sheldon.. guess I was wrong 😊

Aeron Peets: We learn that Sheldon and Missy were born two minutes apart as twins

Boy Bawang: So everything on TBBT is a lie!!?? Or just prolly horrible writers!! 98% sure it’s bad writers!!

Donald P: I think missy is getting left out on everything and Sheldon gets all the attention you think that's fair

Donald P: Missy and Sheldon are so good together are they really brother sister in real life seem like they are on the show I hope they renew and come back

Fiona Murray: i thought he was going to say cabin in the wood but wrong time period lol

Don Haley: started off liking the show ,but now it's just sad!

Anisur Rahman: I don't know .....the young Sheldon is much better than the older one I feel ....the character don't match up sometime.

youtubejoop: i am not happy about it either, but here we are... you are sooo going to say that a lot to leonard in your future young sheldon :)

Dia Mehra: I honestly felt my heart turn to mush when Sheldon said that he is Missy's older brother, and that he feels responsible for her. I feel like missy is the person Sheldon understands and loves the most, being twins and all. And the fact that Missy is the "link" between Georgie and Sheldon is what I feel is true, since they both really care about her a lot.

Lorraine Diaz: "No, Ma... I'm saying you have your favorites..." ~~~~ Bobbie Salazar from four Sisters and a Wedding Movie... Everytime I watch this scene between Mary and Missy, reminds me of this Filipino film which depicts the problem within the family system where a Mother has favoritism...

iceewhite: Have you even seen Scooby-Doo???

Tommy NawlCTL: Mary is an embarrassment to Christians, and to Mothers..

jibran imtiaz: I hate Mary and sheldon

Detective Nuthead: Young Sheldon bets Young Missy that I 20 years, he'll still be sitting around talking Star Trek. 20 years later ... Sheldon won but still didn't get his Dollar

Suvangi Roy: Me at 3:10 "oh yes, he will"

Mark2's Car224: I think she’s going to Paige since she is very comforting For season 5 episode 1

CWM: So did the show end with goerge saying *sure* or did marry found out

Bree Hazlett: I watched the episode, and no one has even noticed the twins are gone; they're just stewing in their anger or in Georgie's case, have just gotten home, which is kind of sad.

Jaycee Johnson: Poor Missy

Clarriz Daniel: I expected Sheldon to be freaking out when they were in the dark but since he is calm I think he actually feels safe around Missy (when he was with george and georgie in the woods to do camping, he kept freaking out)

UniDraGuine: bruh even sheldon knows mary favourites him lmao...yikes

N N: I just don't want this show to end.

Thou shalt Not steal: Why sheldon seems soo mature unlike In the big bang theory

Anthony P: Three things 1)Running away doesn't solve your problems it makes matters worse. 2) Sheldon was right Missy shouldn't change to impress Marcus. I mean she should change however change for the right reasons. 3) Missy should understand that some guys not all guys are just jerks.

Sir Raulo: Glad that Missy didn't blame Sheldon of the way their mother treats him. Unlike my brother. 😢

Alex Vaughan: Nobody: Mary and George: "Where the heck are our children?"

Erica Stones: Missy makes a point

Kamila: It's actually suprising that Sheldon watched Scooby Doo

Anish Eatickal: Sheldon's relationship with Missy explains so much about the relationship between Sheldon and Penny...

Albert Augustine: 3:08 thts exactly what he s doing

Aaron Krasinski: Sheldon is the older one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Alpha Wolf: When the parents split up it's usually the dad's fault

Braedy’s Vlogs and shorts: I hate Marcus😐

Prakhar Bansal: my favourite ep. till date

Angi N.: It totally bugs me that Mary didn't ask Missy why she riped sheldons picture apart or what was wrong (she was crying in her bed!) Mary sort of asumed that Missy did it for no reason... and Mary's main issue was sheldon being upset ! But I appreciate that Sheldon didn't deny or tried to say anything against what Missy said (That Mary favours him)

Donny Boi: Let's be honest, Mary is a bit self-centred and ignorant of her environment.

Angie Pickens: Sheldon was right tho you shouldn’t have to change for someone to like you.

The Rockstar: I hope missy bought sheldon a new signed picture of professor proton or at least taped it back together for him

Nawreen: I think Marys parenting is one of the reason Sheldon has so much issues in tbbt in his adult life like narcissistic behavior being unable to understand peoples emotion we can see in this episode after Sheldon talked to meemaw when he met Missy outside the house he was being understanding of the fact that Missy is really sad and he was trying to be there for her and kind of apologized for the fight and managed to to cheer her up

Braxton Evans: Mary treats Sheldon like a gift from god and always takes his side missy was right.

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