George Cheating on Mary | Young Sheldon Season 4 Episode 18 | Season 4 NEW!!!

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Missy Cooper: *For anyone who things the title is misleading please watch this*

james ward-gwilliam: Omg she said everything's fine and she sounded so like old Mrs cooper

Marcelo Molina: Why do you say George cheating on Mary? He just found company

Anthony El Hosni: Even if they don’t cheat, the fact that it’s implied made me feel sad for Mary and the way Georgie looks after his mum 😭😭

Jack Murphy: I think people too expect the storyline not to fit exactly to what Sheldon says in the Big Bang, the outcome everyone knows but they're obviously going to dramatize it more to make it captivating.

Aidan Mullard: While the clip in young Sheldon doesn't show anything close to cheating, it could be the writter's intention that this is the start of the cheating

Ahmed Noor Khan: This family was so good it is tearing my heart to see all of this

LineshaftRestorations: Mary really needs to take a chill pill. It's not a stretch to see George seeking comfort elsewhere.

matias: Okay bye bye missy we dont even see what happen to her

Ganesh Inamdar: I used to idolize Sheldon but now I idolize Georgie

Neo The773: Guys, I still don't think George will cheat with Benda or anyone. The time Sheldon caught his dad described in The Big Bang Theory is when his mom is wearing a costume (as a part of a foreplay) so technically I don't think his dad ever cheated. Looking forward to someone explaining it to me if I am wrong cause not sure

Nawreen: George doesn't necessarily have to cheat maybe he was about to cheat but then changed his mind maybe that's when Sheldon walked in on him with the way things are something like that can happen like when Penny was about to sleep with Raj but then didn't in tbbt it was mentioned that Mary and George didnt have the best marriage but I don't think they got divorced before George died also in tbbt Sheldon has anger towards his dad but he doesnt hate his dad Sheldon has love and respect towards him too and he misses his dad too like when he was talking to Bernadettes dad about how he used to watch the game with his dad

Pan!c on: Georgie is such a great character. The way he steps ups and looks after his family he takes more responsibility then anyone else in the family. It's going to get to sad when he has to look after them after George dies.

Ocean: I guess the only logical thing is to take Georges side on this. Not only is he right, that basically no one in the house cares for him, but also Mary only is a mother to Sheldon. George is by no means a perfect father or husband, but he atleast tries not to parent Sheldon to become....well Sheldon, je has a good relationship with Missy and Georgie too (even though the fight in a couple of episodes, but that's normal for his age)


Tejas Baid: What George told reminds me of another episode when George wanted to go to Oklahoma and was getting a much higher salary , but sacrificed it just for his family and was stuck as a football coach teaching high school students .marry never respected him and is pathetic mother to everyone except sheldon missy is correct

A GDragon stan VIP88: Mary should have at least ask why Missy did that.

nita wary: Georgie is such a genuine sweet boy❤️

HarshJ_ohn: George after that night: We were on a break!!

Gigi Lee: I hate Mary she’s such a butch sometimes i feel so bad for Missy

Márton Weinper: can u stop spoilering?

charan: in Big bang theory it was said george cheats on mary with a bartender not brenda.

Al Bal: Georgie stepping up is basically a foreshadowing of things to come...

Lhungoulen Khongsai: With a wife as lovely as Mary, I won't leave her even a foot apart.

mike m: So, next season we get to hear Mary say “ Jesus will forgive me if I put ground up glass in George’s meatloaf, “ While George is on the roof skeet shooting at Mary’s Franklin Mint plates.

Srivatsav Pabba: I think George cheated on Mary more times and the first time they have been caught is said by Sheldon in TBBT.I mean,if they were having sex right after this,they could have been doing it in Men’s or Ladies room,then they keep doing this in secret and then when Mary is out,they keep doing it in Sheldon’s home where they have been caught by young Sheldon.It’s really horrible to see one of ur parents l cheating other.

amarul husairie: In every argument, everyone wanted to be heard. It's doesnt matter if ur opinion was right or wrong. & it is not wrong to be selfish either. But, sometimes u need to open ur heart & try listen to others thought. In the end of the day, we are still human.

Angela Srd: I do think Mary is an exceptionally difficult person to live with. Like perhaps some of the things Sheldon did that were selfish were more related to him acting like his mother than his whole genius personality. She always thinks she's right, she does always take Sheldon's side, she completely disregards everyone else's opinion and she's obsessed with her beliefs.

mlgmeistro's: I hope he doesn't cheat with Brenda. No offense but if George is going to cheat, he should at least do it with someone more beautiful and sweet than Mary. Brenda is basically a more judging and bitchy version of Mary, who is acting a little bit nicer after her divorce and looks a lot less attractive.

anlla3: Mary is a terrible wife; always yelling and undermining George. I’d have left her years ago if I were George. Not surprise he went on cheating.

Emmanuel Zermeno: The fact that Mary paused while answering proves how right that question was. She ALWAYS takes Sheldon's side and gives him whatever he wants almost all the time and when she does it's cause their poor or she's overprotective. And the fact she still answered that she doesn't is pure denial cause no matter how much she says she loves all ker kids equally she clearly loves Sheldon the most and has NEVER said how proud she was to Missy or Georgie. So Mary the answer she gave Missy was a sin in itself.

Denis Gabone: The casting is incredible, sheldon actually inherited his perfect hairline from George Sr

Mrinalini: Ehh God I feel so bad for Missy. Mary is a fucked up mom for both her kids, literally can't see anyone except Sheldon, and it's just heartbreaking. Also continuing the misogynistic saga from TBBT, women get the shorter stick. Missy was such a bright kid in her own way, but she ends up a single mom with no good job while both her brothers get successful.

Juan David L: Ooooh damn, the title 😱😱😱 The moment has arrived

Christopher Bacon: So why did Missy tear his picture?

Random Weeb: This is where it *doesn't* become a kid's show

Joshua D.: I saw a post on the official Young Sheldon Facebook page that seemed to be suggesting that it will in fact turn out that Sheldon misunderstood whatever he saw George doing.

S Jaco: Mary really isn't a good mother to anyone other than sheldon. Hasn't been since the show started and it's unsettling that Missy's words do so little to her. They don't even matter enough to really sink in. I don't blame George for being unhappy, I'm not sure I'd be if I was in his shoes.

Peter Parker: My mother will never stop cooking even when she's really upset with my father or me or even when she's terribly ill. I takes a real big heart for doing that and I'm afraid I don't have her heart.

diskgrind: click bait technique.. sad.. lets see when the episode comes out.

Lynn Helga: When she asked if he wanted company I automatically thought “Crap is getting real” Also I feel bad for Missy and Georgie. Their mom always sides with Sheldon and plays favorites. Ngl this episode made me wanna cry a little.

Kumari Richa: Sometimes I feel George was better than Mary as parent, he was not much around but he understand children better, he was a cool dad☺☺he gave space and allow them to grow unlike Mary.

Bryan laser magik Tyler: I have yet to see where George actually cheated just because he talked to another woman and played a game of pool doesn't mean that he cheated on her but then I guess that's up to subjection to what cheating is

Shana Fatima Pereyra: George will cheat soon and the fam is falling apart, very predictable on the last scene.. and I ain't lovin it

gran almirante thrawn: Come on people don't make quick conclusions, we have to wait for next season to know if he actually cheated Mary or not, but it's probably one of those trap/twist that doesn't do anything (it's like when Penny "slept" with Raj at the end of season 4) Also, Sheldon said that he didn't know "the other woman", and I'm sure he knows Brenda

Tiffanie Erfanian: I am more interested in watching Missy and Georgie Jr. grow. I already watch Sheldon on Big Bang Theory, I am not as interested in him despite this show being his.

Abi Manyu: "mom was a mess, missy was a dumb teenager I had to take care both of them"

EA DC: Georgie may be a bit simpleton but he is caring in his own way despite Mary always fawning over Sheldon.

Maximo Rios: so dumb he never cheated and ur channel is named after a character from the show you should know he didn't cheat it was a cosplay with Mary stupid

Goofball Productions: ''You yelled first.'' LOOOL

Shambhavi: Georgie is the best

A A.R: This upcoming episode getin tangle up and getin more complex i dont like it :(

Fironite: I feel bad for mary, she thought she tried so hard to be a good mom but in the end she messed up anyway

Jesse Martinez: You know what sounds pie.

Santos Gomez: GUYS ITS HAPPENING I THOUGHT I HAD TO WAIT 2 MORE SEASONS dam i didnt think i Would happen this early

Antone Watters: why did she tear Sheldons picture

Ultra Xtreme: Omg George you fallen so low

Keerthana GP: Mary is a bad mother. She's a great mother actually, but only to Sheldon. Georgie is so sweet and responsible. Sheldon is a brat(a very smart one though) and that's mainly cause of Mary. I'm really hoping that George won't cheat but it's kinda inevitable 😭

Gab: now watch this episode of BBT

Siobhan G: Saddest thing is that Missy was going through a rough time in her teenage years and Mary just yelled at her about ripping up a picture that belonged to Sheldon and didn’t even give her a chance to tell her about what she was going through

Kenzie Crafts: Wtf is going on here??

NIHAAL KUCHANGI: I would like if the show would deviate from tbbt

ALBERTO ENRIQUEZ: Most of us KNOW what will go on in Season 5... It's inevitable...

Nick Brown: Geroge should have cheated with that cop Lady

Saran Prasannan: Some of us need to watch the episode before you giving out spoilers with the titles.

JAC 073: I know BBT tells us he cheats on her, but this clip doesn't show that at all. I was really hoping they retcon it anyways, kind of like how they did a teensy bit in the final season with that video

aditi banerjee: No no no.... Don't break this Family... I don't care what they said in TBBT, change that, do not break the Cooper Family.. Don't kill George....

Skull Killer: I like the part when they didn’t cheat

Herobot: Everyone: I HATE THIS Georgie: What’d I miss?

James Lee: So they played pool together and he was cheating??!

Matt Sivits: Sorry but BBT always trashed George, when actually he’s a great father and husband and Sheldon mom was actually the psychotic one

Dzon Hitor: Oh no it's happening

vik txr: I feel bad for Missy

Black Wolf: Sheldon in tbbt described his family is shit but the real reason his family is shit because of him

Zach Phillip Neri: now we get to see why sheldon knocks three times

Charlie Poland: I mean dong get me wrong I don’t now much about George but this doesn’t fit at all with George’s character he doesn’t always makes the best decisions but he’s loyal and loving to his family

Joy Emily Daquilanea: This starts the "three knocks before entering the room" story.

Ramsay Cobbler: paul anka

CzToon: Mary doesn't even ask Missy why she tore Sheldon's picture or why she is crying on her bed... :(

Leo: Yall need pastor Jeff

Joseph Frayman: I honestly thought someone was gonna notice the twins were gone before this episode ended... but I guess not

Joseph Frayman: Ok let’s make this clear, the moment Sheldon describes in TBBT where he catches his dad cheating on Mary is not what’s currently happening, Sheldon said he was 13 there and it was with a woman he didn’t know so it probably wasn’t Brenda. However, George probably started cheating long before that and it started right here with Brenda.

Yash Kulkarni: man after all Mary has done to Brenda...

Young Artist: I honestly don’t blame George for cheating on Mary because of the way she treated him

Mrudula sawant: Poor missy

Dhruv Rampuria: Georgie taking responsibilities of his family after George passing away and still his mother only caring about Sheldon is so bad.

Holden Tudiks: He cheated on her with her!!!! Omg

Kishmar Ricardo: This is directly tying in with big bang theory George cheats and sheldon catches him Missy being rebellious George jr stepping up and taking care of everything Sheldon being emotionally scared from his parents arguing all the time

epic Gamer129: 3:20 WA! 💯❤😄 Cause!....

gamer game: So brenda is the girl. Thats explain the 3 knock on the door thing this is sad.

New Self: 7

AL MS: Sheldon caught George cheating when he was 13, but George maybe cheated the whole time. I don't think that he slept with billies mother, because.... you know she uhm.. Died

AL MS: What about missy?

Viram Bhavsar: Georgie is such a good boy

Olan Comperada: Sheldon is bad at lying so how can he keep that secret for so long special to his mom? Tbbt plot hole

Piotr D.: While nobody's exactly 'bad guy' here .... I hardly blame Missy or George Sr ....

Agastya Hukoo: Thanks for uploading…Young Sheldon doesn’t come on TV in my country.

DaTiger45: The entire argument was Mary's fault.

arradi akhil: Sheldon is currently 11 right? He mentioned that he was 13 and in spring break from college when he caught his father cheating

123RADIOactive: This was bound to happen, considering that these 3 things was brought up in the Big Bang Theory: 1) Sheldon went to college at age 11 as mentioned by Leonard in the 1st season when he and Sheldon was pickering in front of people. 2) As stated by Sheldon while explaining the 3 knock thing to Penny, George was caught cheating on Mary by Sheldon when he (Sheldon) walked in on them, hence why he started the 3 knock thing. I think while this scene might imply that George is going to cheat on Mary with her after they left the bar, but until it is said or a scene clearly shows it was going to happen, its not canon yet. 3) George is suppose to die when Sheldon is 14 as stated by him to Bernadette’s dad when the topic of his dad was brought up. So looks like we’re likely right around the corner for the 2nd thing to happen.

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