My watch is ended - Game of Thrones (Season 6)

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David Idiart: Allister: Shit, I can't even be mad.

The Nameless: Good riddance to ollie for killing ygrette and for betraying jon.

Anil Sutare: 3:45 B.e.S.T f'u"l'l D.a.T.i.n.G —L—o—V—e—S—e—X—————۞———————————— 》》 𝙊𝙣𝙡𝙮 𝘼𝙙𝙪𝙡𝙩 《《 !❤️ 在整個人類歷史上,強者,富人和具有狡猾特質的人捕食部落,氏族,城鎮,城市和鄉村中的弱者,無`'守和貧窮成員。然而,人類的生存意願迫使那些被拒絕,被剝奪或摧毀的基本需求的人們找到了一種生活方式,並繼續將其DNA融入不斷發展的人類社會。 說到食物,不要以為那些被拒絕的人只吃垃圾。相反,他們學會了在被忽視的肉類和蔬菜中尋找營養。他們學會了清潔,切塊,調味和慢燉慢燉的野菜和肉類,在食品市場上被忽略的部分家用蔬菜和肉類,並且學會了使用芳香的木煙(如山核桃,山核桃和豆科灌木 來調味食物煮的時候 1619251519

Goo Face: And it was all pointless as Bran had the better story ...FMD what a waste

Daniel Peralez: Where is winds of winter!!!

Damocles54: Say what you will, Ser Allister went out like a man. Respect.

Pat: Ollie died cold, in pain, and embarrassed. Good.

The Engineer: Those necks made nice crunchy sounds. Like eating crunchy snacks! CRUNCHHHH!!!!!!

Mi Fox: Exhale as much as possible about 15-30 seconds before the rope is cut.

R G: Would have Been better if it was Benioff, Weiss , Cash Cow GRRM and The 4th take your pick...

Mike Mal: I can’t see shit

_-: we need a season 8 synder cut

Nicholas: "He who passes the sentence must swing the sword"

Lemon: I hate how the last season is tinting my experince of the former ones :/ Atleast I got the books...

BITVOLT Gaming: Best show ever until they fucked it up final season

Sam Hall: Ah, remember what GoT was good? Those were the days. Jon's such a great character.

Cookiking cooki: i love how he was my oath was until i die thats done im freeeeee

Ethan Willcocks: This is one of the best moments from the final season of GoT

Imhotep: 3:37 when you're just chillin and hanging with the boys

Joseph van Wyk: All this was great. Before the shit show of 7 and 8.

Can Sağdıç: Even this clip makes me want to watch the whole series again but than I remember the final season and it all goes away instantly...


dst bpk: "my watch has ended" Same

Rob Polaris: Jon didn't kill anyone who just stood by and watched his murder, just the people who stabbed him to death.

Reblwitoutacause: Little known fact. There's 2 ways to hang someone. Break their neck. Fast and (mostly) painless. Or. Suffocatingly hang by your neck. Drawn out and horrible. He didn't break their necks. Or maybe that's hollywood. They almost never die immediately hanging. And that's fucked up.

Reblwitoutacause: Hey, thanks for not including any spoilers in the thumbnail for this video!

Nath an: When the crew wants to hang out and you take them literally

Anna Wolffinger: this is an extreme dumb series. a shame for youtube to allow this brutal content.

AZRAIEL 1984: Ungrateful little shit and don't get me started on Allister.

De Gambz: My favourite scene in the whole series.."I fought, I lost, now I rest"..

David Doran: The one with the ginger beard doesn't half look my cousin Tommy

shiozza: Why did they hang? No I've never watched got

guy tremblay: i dont think that any of those actors will ever come back in a sequel after that desastrous ending of GOT

Lee Ljubic: This is me and the writers of this show when watching season 7.

Rafael Del Villar: Why did lord snow quit his job?

Leo Wakefield: What exactly did the kid at the end of the four do that made him worthy of death?

Austin M: My favourite part about these GoT clips on YouTube is how you can’t see a fucking thing.

Mark Kruda: Hanging from a noose: And now my watch was ended

Dan Koerner: My watch ended way before season six. What a waste of potential this show became.

Kingstad: god this show was so good!

Ace96: Thank God those fools were hung.

Ashton Katu: That thumbnail kinda looked like a comedy sketch lol

Eu amo pinscher: And in the end he killed Daeneres just because she was killing people, it doesn't make sense. 😒

ddpresearch07: The stupidest man in Westeros...

chaosbolt66: Hanging Olley was wrong. Those people murdered his family. He had every right to be pissed.

Christian Beasley: It takes at least 10 minutes and upto 30 minutes to die this way! A horrible death.

Dee Cee: dance traitors! dance at the end of the rope!

Bill Randolph: I miss this show so much. Not season 8 though.

Mert Öncü: Dude you all just keep saying " No matter how good the older seasons are season 8 is by far worst. ".. I agree that the last season is the worst one of this series. But in my opinion the moment D&D stepped into the Game of Thrones, it started getting worse and worse immediately.. I believe they were included after 4 and a half season right ? Just check out the character developments etc from there on.. They fucking left out so many awesome characters. They fucked up the TOWER OF FUCKING JOY ! :( They fucked up the whole dorne will have their revenge arc. Honestly the whole dorne arc was a big fucking joke. In the books Doran Martell is no coward. On the contrary he constantly and slowly plans his revenge from lannisters for getting his brother and sister killed. And sand snakes being a few girls short and betraying Doran was the biggest joke of the entire dorne arc.. And no matter how evil Cersei might be, she did not deserve to be the final villain of the Game of Thrones.. There should have been at least 2 more seasons.. 8th and half of 9th season concluding the war with Cersei, second half of 9th season and 10th season covering the whole White Walker war.. I mean honestly i thought White Walkers at least would've been able to take the north.. After all they are portrayed as the unbeatable force beyond reckoning.. And stannis dying like that.. I mean the guy is supposed to be one of the best military minds in westeros and he just burns his whole family in hopes of a god helping him and marches forward with men not enough to even take an outpost let alone Winterfell.. They did not only fuck up Daenerys's arc.. They pretty much fucked up every character development there's ever been in the series.. And after i watched season 8, i just check out who's directing the tv series i'll watch before i watch it. If it is D&D or even one of them then i do not watch it. PERIOD..

Zwei: He looked so much like Robb in those final seconds.

Marc Dumont: 3:07 nerves of steel.

hugh smith: I remember alot of people upset John left, because he broke his vow. But, the vow was for life, he had died, and was under no obligation to stay once brought back.

RhoySaur Gaming: Now I'm wondering what the purpose was of Jon's resurrect? To see Daenerys crazy and season 8 being a big disaster?

U Tubred: they got lucky, they didnt see the shitshow this whole thing became. It was a merciful death

Light Angel: 3:07 I'll cut the strings!!! I'll cut the strings!!! I'll cut the strings!!!

Gabe Fuentes: This show was so amazing, it’s a damn shame the final season makes the entire show unrewatchable.

Waldo: that's it, GoT marathon it is!

Frenchkisssss: 2:35 that kid is the only one who is not afraid.

randy garcia: They are the lucky ones.

Warren McFadden: I like the hounds approach hanging is too good for them

vince datt: Allister lookin like an NPC when you’re done talking to them when he picks his head up

AK Brahma: Jon and Arya two people who quit organisations that are impossible to quit.

Robulous Dee: This might be an unpopular opinion (it also might not, who the fuck knows anymore) but I really think the Ollie hate train was too extreme. I get that it's not very nice when a character you like gets betrayed, but I think that anyone with even basic empathy can appreciate why he did what he did.

ARTIMUS PRIME: This season was so good. Sucks they went straight to the gutter afterwards.

Bad Guy: Now we know the lord brought him back to kill Dany....

Album Reviews And Such: i might be a cold hearted bastard,but i dont care. when olly died, i was like "fuck that kid,yes" he was a little bastard

Kainga Karipa: Followed by the most stupidest shit ending ever. Fuck u and fuck the dickhead Director's. 🖕🖕🖕🖕if I could. Trust me I would. 👊💯🔥

dan theman: They should hang snow for desertion then !!!!!!!!!!

wasabi-in-my-eye: Jon should have tickled them while they hanged. Sent them to the next life with a laughter. It's the right thing to do.

Max Power: Ollie had every right to do what he did.

R V: That was delightful!!!

Robert Krieger: Sir Allister: "You'll be fighting their battles forever." Is it not the sole purpose of the night's watch to fight battles forever?

Edward Lee: damn, can't just put them in jail

Leithenator: Just to address the elephant in the room...... That hanging was B.S. The fall from that height would not have been anough to snap anyone's neck, so they would have just slowly suffocated and it would have dragged out forever...

kaiyo 1826: 0:00 FBI !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


sweetwaldo: Hang in there us on the way!

Lotus: too bad this was the last good season :/

kinnanton: Ser Alliser forgot the main purpose of the wall: keep outside the white walkers not the wildlings.

Gabriel Steele: From the boys perspective Snow was sleeping with the enemy. He sided with the very people who murdered his family. I woulda stabbed him too. Them not burning him for no good reason was pretty convenient for the plot 😆

N Diribe: Literally how great civilizations fail. Become so nativist and growing an inflated sense of self they loose sight of the "real enemy and challenges".

D0Gteam: ty for spoiling!

Tyler Weston: 1:33 a ginger baker cameo!

Trialbystone17: I’ve met the actor who plays Sir Alister briefly after he starred in a small London play in 2013. Nice dude.

impofstpete727: I think I've watched this too many times, I'm noticing continuity errors. The noose moves on the first two men when we transition from the close up to the wide shot when they are dropped. Initially it's on the right side and then on the left, which is actually the correct side for this method, in the wide shot. Also the short drop method can take up to 20 minutes to kill a person.

quakegott: remember the time GoT was actually good?

Ch£shireRat: Where my fellow bastards at?

Ciaronski Thomaczeski: Man season 6 was just pretty good wasn't it

Chaddo: Lets be real jon was the real villain in this scene

JJ Chai: He is like woot???

littlewoodimp: Hard to watch one of my all time favourite actors hanged, but he played his whole nasty character well!

Aman Sachdev: 2:40 we can see here how much Jon loved Olly before ,he didn't expect Olly to do this to him and his eyes clearly show he is in pain too🥺

Michael Thornton: Words are tedious when provided to some who have to encourage endurance for the telling of the epic that makes grown men weep.

Jampa Gyaltsen: I thought they free child omg Jon snow he is underage

Gaz Cavanagh: Hang the Fuckers hahaha

bigbowlowrong: Fuck Olly

mephisto1025: Fuck this show

Adele Dazeem: Very dark of youtube to be showing me this vid (especially the thumbnail) after having someone.... you know.. have the same fate

androssteague: They portray Jon Snow to be this honorable character but everything he's done throughout the series is punishable by death.

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