Don't eat the help - Game of Thrones (Season 6)

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Leandro Canani: Aquele pino jamais sairia com tanta facilidade!

Leonard Pauca: (4:13) "Well? Get on with it!"

MorenaTv: Tyrion, you played your character so well.. 💛

Rob Greenway: I have a sneaky feeling that Tyrion has some Targaryen blood in him... 🧐

Javier A-910: 3:01 I'm damn sure that the dragon laughed at Tyrion's comment

Nate Mofield: I can't watch these clips and not get pissed about how it all wound up.

SKAR: Possibly the biggest balls in the entire show.

Dibya: "Next time I have idea like that, punch me on the face" 😂😂😂😂😂

Conservative Joe: Dragon: Oh look a Human Nugget!

CarCrazyRDM: Two fantastic quotes in one five minute clip: "I drink and I know things." 😎 "The next time I have an idea like that, punch me in the face." 🤣

The real Alan.B: 2:49 9 year olds after losing a 1v1:

Hera: They’re not eating because they can’t swallow anything....

Sam it: The real villains are the writers of the last two seasons aka the damn director who thought they could write without the light George R R Martin provided. Fcked my favourite show!!!

TheNullNumber: Fans & actors seeing S8: don't eat the help. D & D: *didn't listen*

Freya: " it could be little, like me. "🥺

Wallace West: Varis was thinking: How the hell can he be walking up the stairs? He's carrying balls bigger than he is!

Zulkifly Saim: Don't eat the help

Dave Grenier: The bravest act in all of GOT.

D.A: 4:58 Varys realizing Tyrion has the biggest balls of the 7 kingdoms.

Daeion108: Should have eaten the help

Crazy Snake: Tyrion is proof that it is the small people that are the most devious

Mastery: Its scary to think the dragons were a lot bigger generations ago.

Iain MacLennan: Season 2 Tyrion: -- well then, Missandei. I have a job for you...

SportNut: Vary: So this is what it's like to have balls

Conman 1u: There was Targaryen blood in Tyrion but not like Jon Snow and Danerys but Lannisters did Breed with them back in the day

Rebecca G: I really wanted this to be a clue that he was Targaryen.

Jaroslav Záruba: jesus christ what a shame to ruin such great show :(

E C: Why were they locked up again? I can't remember.

LIFE is A. Small Lesson: I never understood the fear of dying... I mean you are alive and feel pain and suffering and then your not. And its possible you dont remember anything about dying ir your past life. Its possible there is nothing after this, its even possible that death may be the best part of our world! But who would know... I choose not to fear the uknown but to charge into it blindly. No I do not fear death, I welcome it. For it is the great equalizer. All of man may not live the same, but we all will end the same, through death. It's a beautiful part of life really. For in that ever so brief of a moment Kings, Warriors, and slaves are all equal! If you must fear something fear living forever, for that is hard!

Nane Neunmalklug: Ah, remember the times we thought the line "I drink and I know things" was dumbing down the character. Those simple times...

SAMUEL Lalruatfela: Imagine if Tyrion was unable to unlock the chain?

Jason Davey: I drink and I know things

Genia Marv: Why is the comment section so new🤣

Jaša Gladež: He would have eaten him if he wasn’t a Targaryen

Aaron Fernandes: Tyrion: I'm a Friend of Your Mother...Im the Help Drogon: Lovely Titles...What else Do You Claimmm to Be ....Barrel Drinker!

Faeres Munkeyes: He dreamed of Dragons, could touch a dragon, and the show never made him a targaryen, what a crime.

Captain-Axeman: Varys, didn't do as Tyrion told him, because then Tyrion would be most likely dead by the end of the story. Most of the punches would be in season 7 and 8

Zach Lewis: Tyrion wasn’t brave, he just had a dumb idea and assumed it would work. Duh.

Matt Sivits: I watched another clip on YouTube where someone points out the time clips where the dragons actually were talking to Tywin one even laughed when he said don’t eat the help

Robert Watson: What if Tywin was right what if tyrions was a secret bastard of the madking.

mbaxter22: Isn't this a job that Missandei or Grey Worm should have done? The dragons were very familiar with them and knew them as friends.

Duck-Rider: Dragons were like are you gonna keep telling us the lame childhood story or are you gonna get this thing off our necks?

ZombifiedPreacher1: Sweaty palms much?

Sheik Muhammad: 'The next time I have an idea like that? Punch me in the face.' - Words to live by if you want to live longer.

Ben Windsor: Pretty sure it's implied the mad King raped Tywins wife and thus Tyrion was born. Either they sensed he was targaryen or realised him being so small they knew he was no threat to them. Pretty sure they understood everything he said to them too

Joy Re: I'm still convinced tyrion is a targaryen bastard. He should be king. They already messed up his post trial plot by removing the tysha confession. So it's still possible that it does happen in the books. Would explain why tywin despised him so much that he wanted him dead.

dan herrick: FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEDOMMMMMMMMMM............................

Hastur of Carcosa: I distinctly heard "It itches and it's heavy. Pleasse take it off." The second one whispered in a nearly imperceptible slither "I'm watching you little man. Harm my sssister and I'll be picking you out of my teeth. Ahh, how very kind of you. Now if it'sss no bother,...thanksss. Is that mutton I ssmell for breakfasst?"

Dana: Do dragons stop breathing when they sense a presence? I’d imagine even sleeping dragons must breathe rather loudly lol

Lukáš Szűcs: Only three people ever touched those dragons. Their mother Daenerys, Aegon Targaryen and a bullied midget of the house Lannister. Tyrion achieved much more than they give him credit for.

crazyjr: Good thing for Tyrion that Dragons are smarter than most animals, The fear he was showing, had it of been a dog or most other animals, he'd been attacked or killed. Most animals instinctively go into flight or fight mode, when presented with fear. If you've gone to the thought of doing that, it should have been without fear, but with confidence. Yes you might die, but dying with fear is no better. If you show them the respect to not fear them, they might actually respect you in return.

Marvin Tindle: Are we just gonna act like that dragon didn't TALK to him? "Who are you?" "Why are you here?" Who else heard it?

Jhafeez: Shitty writing

Tameer Mackey: Half man is one of the top 3 I like in the video really between him and Johns I’ll choose him I love his wisdom

NickRoth: 4:12 “Now do me bro”

k pax: Tyrion "Bring me my brown pants"

Taylor Chandler: Next time I have an idea like that, punch me in the face. 😂😂😂

iiamkee21: Back when the story line was so good made me think he was half Targaryen

hayseninusername: Dragon is laughing after he said don't eat help and And It was funny how the second one came to untie him 😁

Ben Jammin: "Missandei I know the dragons have never harmed you and already know and probably trust you but you stay here and let these two complete strangers go and deal with them"

Victus Caparas: Correction: don’t eat the elf...

Ni Big: It's hard to believe he could even walk with those giant balls

Karahtar: Only a Targaryen may approach a dragon's mouth and survive...

Denise Cruz: Why are we all on a GoT binge on YouTube right now 😂😂

MadmanJoE100: "Next time I have an idea like that, punch me In the face". 🤣 haha I would say the same.

William Devito: they knew he was a targaryen

jack moroney: Starberry Mcfargon deet doot

Viswas Viswanath: Bravest man in the world!

U•K THE COMMENTER: Punch Me in The Face 😂

U•K THE COMMENTER: Don't Eat the Help 🤣

U•K THE COMMENTER: Why No Comments

Mo Ali Stark: What a fuckin actor

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