That was something strupid - Game of Thrones (Season 5)

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Martian74: They had to get rid of the Sand Snakes gang because none of them could act or pretend to fight well. Bad casting.

Scribe13: It's been 2 years...fix the frickin's not complicated

Borsuq: "That was something stupid" sums up the Dorne plot in the show quite nicely xD

koushik ravi: Sisters of destruction.

Yerflua: 1:43 Bronn speaking for the whole audience.

Mossberg 590: Wow they aren't pulling their blows at all. This is incredibly realistic

Jhoseph Jhoseph: Whats this stupid movie???🤣

Rin: All of this now just shows how stupid the show really was

kingikiller: Literally no point of them. They achieved absolutely nothing

Smitty: The only good part is Hotah recognizing Jaimies legendary skills.

Bryan Stevens: I always thought Dorne was the Florida of Westeros

peter pan: wow that is not the way i remember that fight going down ,now it seems so slow and disjointed looking,how did i not cop on !

L Brick Studios: Yep this fight is still awful lol note they had access to a stuntman who is considered an expert in sword fighting (the guy who plays the white walker in hardhome and the nightking in the last few seasons) And yet they decided not to bring him over to make this fight even a tiny bit good. Also who brings a whip as a weapon lol

Anindya Ganguly: The Sand Sisters need a lesson in stance from Uncle Iroh!

Thiago De Oliveira: Those dornish got curved swords

Star Lord: 2:30 in her right hand is a whip, next shot at 2:32 she holds a knife, thats insane ninja style:)

Knuckle14: "oh for fucks sake" tell me about it, what a shit fight scene

neuromatiker: worst got fight

ququ16: Me looking at D&D: lets not do something stupid... D&D: (makes season 8) Me: that was something stupid

Kyle R: Strupid is probably the best way to describe this scene. Calling it "stupid" doesn't even scratch the surface of how awful it is.

King Elthibar Dunbroch: "When you were whole, it would have been a good fight!" Dang, you know a fight scene is bad when even Areo Hotah talks about how bad the fight really was.

Uhtred of Bebbanburg: *Bolton men put a bag with a built in TV screen over Theon Greyjoy's head starting off at **2:52* Theon Greyjoy: *screams in agony* Please, cut it off! Cut it off! Cut it off! I'll tell you anything. Just please take it off!

VRmission38: This makes no sense. Even if the actresses weren’t up to standard (and its clear that they weren’t), their faces are covered and it would have been simple to bring in doubles for their swordplay. I hate to say it but one of these girls traded some ass for the right to do this scene.

Dušan Zoufalý: Ah yes, Ellaria Sand, the one woman in the books actually chastising The Sand Snakes for warmongering.... Christ, the Dorne plotline in the series was such a shitshow.

Emilce Diaz: Who would have thought that this was the less stupid and nonsense we would see...😒

Martino Danvers: I would love to see the relationship with Oberyn and his daughters.

One Fat Piggy: Cute guy got punched

Sanyam Kumar: I hate how Sand snakes became everything Oberyn hated. How they killed his own brother and little Myrcella. How he said we don't hurt little girls in Done and they killed innocents for his vengeance. I hated it.

Mridul Sharma: 3:18 Jesus fuck that move was so smooth. So many potential characters wasted. D&D should be tried for crimes against humanity.

Uridien 1: People who hate on the last season, forgot this 'gem' of a season. Especially the totally waste of time Jaime arc.

Charlie From Starkville, Mississippi: They should have hired girls who could fight convincingly. This was sad to watch.

SARI A: Is this secen real in GOT?

abdallaha92: Ok Obara is supposed to be a great warrior but 1 handed Jaime is able to evenly fight her. A perfect example of how poor the Sandsnake storyline was

Eric Logos: The actresses that played these parts really sucked and made shitty characters even worse.

Cesar Diaz B.: So many timelines and characters wasted....

fialee8: Should've just sliced all the girls in half, and called it day... but then again, maybe they thought it was foreplay.

Wolfen443: I hate them for messing up a great Dorne storyline in the books, even the damn Pirates of the North get better time in the TV Show

Vincent: Areo is kidding himself if he actually thinks he would live vs a two handed Jaime.

UKOL: *stupid

John Kerley: How lame.

Martin Moore: No wonder I never watched this pile of Bullshit....pure shit acting

034bloodas: I don’t get why they didn’t go with the Dorne plot from the books. It didn’t have the dee fantasy that they were trying to avoid and was infinitely more interesting than this drivel.

Michael Thornton: 2:47 look at those pointy tipped high heel boots and that battle ready stance of the "sand snake" lmfao she looks like she might topple over at any minute!!

Michael Thornton: Its utterly ridiculous having these 3 women fighting in a show based on realism and then require the audience to forget all of that and believe a whip wielding girl could pose any threat to a grown battle hardened man. I thought at first that the sand snakes would be like a stealthy, behind the scenes kind of team that uses poison and subterfuge to win their battles, not that we'd have to PRETEND as an audience that they had skill at fighting. How fucking stupid.

Michael Thornton: A ridiculous scene orchestrated by a couple of amateurs.

YouTube Censors: Girl powwwwrrrr! Lol.

Roderik: With this scene the decadence begins

ItsTimeToBolt: Do those girls shave?

Saran K: They really messed up Daren. Oberyn: we don't kill little girls in Dawn. Also goes on a quest of revenge for a murdered sister and her children. Sand snakes: kills a little girl, kills Oberyns brother and nephew. It was for Oberyn

Josh M: Can we stop pretending that girls can fight? It always looks ridiculous.

Krishna Chaitanya: Gods this is stupid

JenJenJenny1216: Honestly forgot this whole Dorne arch happened. Not it meant anything at the end of it all

Multi-FandomMaster2020: Oh for fucks sake

James Sr1: I thought everything season 5 and after became garbage

Роман Кэлей: so many new comments.. this video suddelny came out in reccomendations?

Furious Psy-Op: The whole fight scene is so half baked and the actors just arent giving it their best lamo. looks so fn bad.

J D: These rubber swords are hilarious lmao

peter okeefe: I guess with a show filled with bloodshed the women warriors must remain progressive...and disgusting

Matthew Stewart: The mountain and the viper is still the best fight scene

Barok Espinoza: Season 5 was saved by the supple breasts of Tyene Sand

That's myname: Big dude got sucker stabbed like a punk in the end. Dorne sucks

edward richard: You can tell when the show down hill. Its this season.

Brad M.: A punch like that from Bron to that 105 girl would have broke her jaw or maybe fractured her skull depending on where it landed. Hollywood gets that wrong almost every time. Spinny, flippy, jumpy moves are acrobatically impressive but they’re worthless in a real fight.

Gilby Rodriguez: The Sand Snakes 🤘🔥

Uncle Pedro: How to waste an entire Kingdom in 1 season

Trialbystone17: Imagine this story arc but this time without Bronn to make it barely bearable.

DC Perry: I clicked to find out what _strupid_ means.


Jerome Lund: I remember when I could do a kip. That was 40 years ago.

András Balogh: so what was the point of this scene?

Maria DelaCruz: Im pretty sure u cant use a whip in combats. I never seen or read that whips can be used in fights lol. That whip will just be for show if its real life.

Derkwell: Nobody is going to talk about how beautiful those gardens are

M K: That was alot of fancy editing to make believe these girls had any skill at all.

xsnpxhoff: One of the worste fight scenes I've ever witnessed

Akimbaev Chyngyz: "I am Obara Sand, daughter of Oberyn Martell, I fight for Dorne. Who do you fight for?" she asked Areo Hotah, captain of the guard to Doran Martell, the Prince of Dorne. God I hate these girls.

samuricex: “You fight pretty well for a little girl.” Brown confirmed a liar.

Radec Stark: I can't tell which is worse this or the last jedi Praetorian guards vs rey and krylo

Radec Stark: Book Areo hotah he was always vigilant never trusted the snakes always at the ready properly geared up and was trained to protect Doran. Kills arys oakheart of the kings guard. Book hotah would have slaughtered them Lazy bs pathetic writing

Pwede na pala Lumabas: Disney princess have better choreography that these scene. So stupid that it ruins the whole series

Ron Swanson: Obara is supposed to be a badass but couldn't even take one handed Jaime. Fucking disgrace.

taehyung's smile: not a good fight at all cause you easily die when you were stabbed in the back

Barney Den stad: When Jaime and Bronn are coming, this was a very bad scenario to let them look sneaky. Because everyone would see with a glance they were there to do no good. Any normal wise person would just stroll in, chatting amiably and casually untroubled. OR possibly marching in as soldiers on duty do, depending on if they were disguised as soldiers or as noblemen..

Boboy Boboy: This scene is better than the entire season 8

Tawanda Nzvenge: Yet it pales in comparison to Tyrion's speech in Season 8, Episode 6

ivan kerr: Ridulous amateur looking fight scene

Anshul: Where are these beautiful locations

Oinam Henthoi: For a fcking desert dorne looks so beautiful

ShaloneLok: Jamie lost his hand... not his brain, but this battle scene just make him fight like a total moron. Im so blessed that i stop watching before all this bs

Kaan Yildirim: imagine being that stupid and bringing a WHIP to a fight. Fuck outta here

last chance: Season 5 was when you see the cracks in the show i left at 6 and was done

Adam Hunter: Bronn should have just killed them all right there and been done with the whole Sand Snake plot

HarshJ_ohn: Why would D&D had to fk up last season. 😑

HarshJ_ohn: Unbent, she bent before Khal Drogo in the starting. Didn't she??

JDLovely: Thou shark hath been jumped.

Monster AsCanBe: I remember the first time seeing this part I spat out my coffee from laughing and said "well! That was all for fucking nothing" xD

Shaheer Shakeel: This was the most uninteresting fight scene. (till season 6)

Douglas Schmidt: Jesus even is Westeros they wear fucking masks

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