Why Season 6 of Game of Thrones is So Mixed

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Bilbo Lannister: COCK!

Jordan Crichlow: Great video 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾

YoutubeInsistInBanningPeople: It turned into a woke show

YoutubeInsistInBanningPeople: It started to plummet since season 5. It is not complicated. They lack the books to be written in season 5 but it takes time to mess up already established things... Lol

PrettyGoodPootis: 16:17 and don't forget that Jon had a fucking giant on his side. And they didn't even give him a weapon. Like chop down one tree and that giant is wort 100 soldiers already. He had a fucking weapon of mass destruction and never used it to its full potential.

CyberSubculture Vulture: Wow, this guy is so on point as to why season 6 felt rubbish and amazing at the same time. There was shit writing but the payoffs were done fantastically well.

sandro reich: Somehow i think you called many things bad because they were realistic... Like yeah two smart men but they dont have to spread wisdom 24/7, they can be childish too... Yeah daenerys didnt slam the sons of the harpies with a big ass slaughtering, but why would she? She needed and used the ships to later get to westeros, they even mentioned that. Also, realistically plotlines do consist of more building up and less huge payoffs than what you wanted to see here, thats just how things are lmao and i think just that makes part of the series being good

Jacob Gorman: 6 was the season people still wanted to think was good and maybe leading somewhere. The whole season is meh, it’s the train starting to come off the track.

21LeonidasZ: I agree with everything but I would lean that season 6 is more bad than mixed because: 1. Filler scenes are even more frustrating considered the fact that there are so many opportunities to have meaningful scenes and character development for all interesting characters that existed back then (chopping them was at the initial levels) 2. Battle of bastards wasn't impressive at all and it felt like a fan service. Moreover, we missed the opportunity for a Roose vs Stannis epic battle just for Jon to steal the storyline of Stannis and Ramsey to get rid of his supposed dreadful father like that.

Constantine Cineph: Season 6 is overrated. As the seasons were progressing, they should be darker and darker cause winter was coming closer and closer ( note:Winter doesn't only refer to the White Walkers but the odds the protagonists and Westeros are facing and Daenery's invasion of fire) Martin said that Winds of Winter which is supposedly the blue print of Season 6, will be ever darker than the previous books cause Winter has arrived, and as we hoping for things to get better, they actually become worse. You'd expect S6 would be darker in tone thatn S5 but instead Season 6 ends up anticlimactic. It's mostly a fan service season where every single of the main characters gets what they want without consequences, relieving the fans. Jon becomes even more stoic and idiot after being resurrected. He knows that Ramsey will try to attack him psychologically, but he still bursts to his army, causing the death of many of his soldiers while he miraculously survives not be trampled by the horse riders or dodging the dozens arrows that are thrown in his direction. I mean, even a dragon cannot compete with Jon's plot armor. The battle of the bastards is the most overrated battle period. Daenerys who supposedly is more Targaryeny becomes fire proof to take control of the dothraki, which is anti Targaryen ( Martin has said Targeryans aren't Fire proof, the birth of the dragons was an one time thing, a miracle). In addition, we should't cheering for Daenerys as she starts her invasion but concerned of her Targeryan-ness which would ultimately bring Fire and Blood to an already bloody continent. Cersie blows up the Great Sept of Baelor and later becomes Queen like nothing had happened. That wasn't supposed to be a definitive victory but a short one, cause the faith of the seven has dozens links across Westeros, plus the people attacking Joffrey while knowing the Lannisters are in their prime with Tywin being alive, but instead not daring to attack Cersie in season 6 where the lannisters are in their weakest state, that is laughable. I could go on and on and on, but all in all the only good think about this season are the visuals and the hold the door scene which is derived by Winds of Winter. This season isn't better than season 7 or 8. It suffers from the same problems, but its popular cause is a fan service season while Season 8 is bad and doesn't give the fans what they want.

Singh Kushal Omprakash . 1195: In defence of theatre arc , it was deliberately introduced to make Arya aware of the events which happened around while she was busy training.

samplexample: Why is there Elder Scrolls music playing in the background of this GoT video?

Jagermeister: On one hand, it is great to see Jon became king, on the other hand, he basically didn't do anything or accomplish anything worthy to be elected king by the northern lords making it seem like fan service

Julio Acceus: I'm not actually a fan of Light of the Seven track. Piano keys don't cut it for me in this show for some reason.

Matt Ward: Eh, the sept explosion also lacked any sense of subtlety or practicality. It really did feel like mediocre writers taking over what was previously a really solid story.

Magofire: It was bad compared to season 1-3 and maybe 4 Writing wise it was bad But it had cool moments

Lamsan: Season 6 was the first time I realized they had ran out of source content. Jon Snow literally returned from death, ok, that means he's 100% destined to survive after the ending or die a martyr death but *only at the end* So what's this constant teasing of him probably dying in the battle? I already knew he would be absolutely unscathed. They even did that stupid face off with him walking with his dumb shield while Ramsay shot arrows at his face at point blank, and Jon having demigod reflexes. The plot armor was already obvious and they deliver the fatal blow with this. I personally thought the explosion was cheap. They should have thought of a better solution to the whole plotline than "wow lookie here, a lot of explosives without use, that we can set under the city with little explanation of how we did it, how convenient!"

Nocturnal: 14:35 I've seen a lot of plot armor, but HOW THE HELL they thought putting those arrows there would be a good idea

Nocturnal: Skyrim music is always a win, fits so well

Daxtors Stuff: Anyone who didnt vote traaaaasshhh is the reason the show went bad in my opinion, let the writers get away with trash without holding them to a standard...we all know it started going bad in season 5 tho

Salvador Hernandez: What about the hodor reveal?

Trigger Storm: Skyrim music? :) at 1:01

MADMAX: Battle of the Bastards would've been cool if it was done properly. That whole scene is absolutely terrible to anyone who know even the slightest bit about Medieval warfare.

Trev 916: It’s cuz Jon snow. That’s why I says it’s great

Legends of the Brave Bard by CT Jaynes (Legends Of The Brave Bard): The Waif put up a better fight than the Night King

Legends of the Brave Bard by CT Jaynes (Legends Of The Brave Bard): Mad love, Supercuts.

MADMAX: They absolutely destroyed Euron's character in the show. He's so much more of a scary and intelligent character in the books.

Jed Malig: I don't know what's worse How Euron went from Cthulhu pirate constantly defiling all the sacred laws and men into one giant cock joke Or how he devolved even further into a Cersei simp

Cory Holibaugh: D&D really gutted the source material from the books when Jeoffrey Baratheon died. It's really the point where the book and shows split drastically

talalbyt: 70% of the events are based on the reaction for the actions of the stupid ugly lady Stark

Anthony Moraites: In terms of Jon and his plot armour in battle of the bastards, there was literally no way around it. You have to have Jon take part in the battle and you need him to survive. (Becaus if he died itd be stupid as fuck after seeing him just being brought back to life). You also have to have Ramsey use his archers, because he'd look like a fool if he didnt. I understand that lack of plot armor is one of the things that made the show great in the first place, but i cut them some slack with this particular battle.

Jonathan Cooper: There are other series to watch that didn’t enjoy the spotlight that GoT did. Check out Person of Interest, Orphan Black and The 100.

Jonathan Cooper: I’ll always be angry at D&D for screwing up as badly as they did.

sully: Lord Tywin wasn’t just holding Westeros together, he was holding the entire show together.

Almonther 254: Finally someone calls the battle of the bastards for the stupidity that it is!! You're amazing!

CrowdPleaser 1980: The last two episodes saved the season and made it better than 5.

Shai Amos: Season 6 wasn't perfect, but it was the last season I genuinely enjoyed. Didn't like anything from 7, and never saw 8

Johnny Skinwalker: Yea how can you make the concept of the faceless assassins uncool? I think they realised they were screwing up and decided to end it the quickest way possible, logic be damned. Like for instance Jaqen and the FA just letting Arya go "just because".

Johnny Skinwalker: I watched the show by binging seven seasons. After Season 4, I remember thinking that Season 5 was a big drop in quality. It was especially much more dull because the villains were the Sons of the Harpy and Faith Militants. And I remember feeling that Season 6 was such a monumental return to form. It looked better, most of the things were better executed. You have Episode 10 with the King in the North chants, the reveal of baby Jon Snow, the Sept explosion. Episode 9 you have the Battle of the Bastards, etc...That said, after having watched it many times since, the writing of Season 6 was atrocious. It's like they didn't have GRRM and his great writing anymore so they covered it with better production. And people saw smoke & mirrors.

: Skyrim music aye

Leonardo Soler: I always thought that Bolton being in the dark was foreshadowing his treason.

Scott Geraci: Sadly season 6 was the beginning of the downfall and most of the fan base just didn’t recognize it yet. The dialogue and logic of the show just took such a big hit after season 5.

Шкумбата .С: am here for the skyrim music :3

The Devil's Advocate: Stop saying Deus ex machina. - Everyone

The Crooked Man: Watching Jon Snow deck Ramsay into a bloody pulp was an intense moment

hhatton93: hey, you're finally awake. walked right into that targaryen ambush, and that horse thief over there.

Komrade BigTex sucks: I think the reason is Season 6 had really good moments but also the first massive cracks that would lead to season 8. Season 5 had its issues but was overall solid considering that while it lacked really good moments for the most part, it also didnt have anything particularly horrible.

Daniele: Will you do the same with season 2,3 and 7? Interesting video

Edward Kenway: First one I've watched but keep these video essays up. Even tho I know modt of this I just love to continue to analyze how fucking stupid DnD are.

Harman Singh: The ambient exploration music from Skyrim in the background works so well with this

Humberto Cabrera: aside from d&d i blame those bar reaction videos for the direction of fan service G.O.T took lol

Gary Jones: I'd pay good money to see you and these D and D guys with a huge screen in between you go through all of this stuff step by step, pausing and explaining things to them and asking the most important question "why?"

baroquejen: Dammit, I looked at the thumbnail for this video and thought you did a mix of the actors' plays with the real scenes they are depicting. I am very, very disappointed.

YoungHal: Great Vid Dude

Bojangbn Stevich: Euron is the worst adapted character I think I've ever heard of

William Emerson: start weird ending insane

nimrodarsenal: Skyrim music <3

Strakk: Season 6 is first of the bad trio, and undoubtedly the best of them. Its like the force awakens of the Star Wars sequel saga

Nexes EZ: I dont know why you didnt mentioned "hold the door". I think that was the most memorable scene in this entire season

Stephen Burford: The Skyrim music makes me feel more than season 6

Lmpure _: Your voice over combined with skyrim music was great.

Spartan Elf: so everyone did a great job and got a bad result thanks to D&D

Northern King: “The light of the seven” not the “trials”, good video!

Megashark 101: The Battle of the Bastards is a great example of an event that looks incredible, and feels incredible, but makes no bloody sense.

Cracky Sr: Remember, just like Star Wars, you're not a true Game of Thrones fan unless you hate 80% of the content

J Burton: 16:00 No, to seize power, because then she would have no male rival. She inched closer and closer to becoming as much of as loathsome woman as her mother and nearly mother-in-law.

Christrulesall2: Season 6 was fine. The only reason I can think that Supercuts made this video is because he has no cock.

TheScout atBadonHill: They established that Bran Stark literally had the power to change time and he uses it to... make Ned do a double take and break Hodor's mind and that's it

Maarten Prys: i love the idea of jon standing alone, without a horse assuming that no one has got his back only to be saved last minute by his own charging cavalry, i just think it wasnt developed as it could have been. And i think the idea of the one v one after seems like a thing that could be built up to within the book after jons resurrection

Tibor Križaj Mišić: Do I hear Skyrim music playing in the background?

CrackingCody: Jon Snow was literally DEAD 7 episodes prior to BOB. Did you legitimately think he’d die that episode? Are you THAT stupid? 😂

Nalin Malhotra: Is that Skyrim music?

CrackingCody: Lol what? 5 is mediocre? Did you become Hodor? Have you been hit in the head with a rock?

CrackingCody: Tyrion and Varys are smarter than Littlefinger? Lol ok

CreasedKnight 62: Is that the force theme playing in the background during the Sons of the Harpy plot line

Scott Henson: I loved the music choices for this video!

Barkley: Season 6 is very mediocre. Tons of great payoffs from season-long plot threads but so much bad writing in-between. Season 5 was also mediocre but still felt more grounded, but very filler-ish. Tons of issues but both had good moments and werent rushed, the show was still enjoyable at this point.

Archlich: The breastplate stretcher

E443 Productions: I actually think season 6 is my favourite one despite the inconsistencies. I quite disliked season 5, so this was a breath of fresh air tbh

JerryX: I've played way too much Skyrim lol, I faintly heard the soundtrack and was like "Eyo?!?! This man put out all the stops" lol

Lyonn Fire: The plot points in season 6 were amazing, I just wish G.R.R.M could have stayed on to make the writing better. I mean Winds of Winter has been crazily delayed anyway, so he should of just stayed on and made sure the show was solid, even if the books were delayed slightly longer

Lyonn Fire: Sansa didn’t tell Jon that she could get the Vale’s help, not because she didn’t trust Jon, but because she didn’t trust little finger and she didn’t want to be back under his thumb

killa joK3: I mean u can argue that Cersei did have consequences after she blow up every one in that building. And that was her baby boy’s death king tommen. He end up killing him self because of what his mother did. She killed margaery tyrell the women he love

Molly F Chappell: Jon should have least broken his hip falling off his horse like that lol

Nate Osborne: Oblivion music

LukeWestWest: Your very opinionated, I do see each point your making.. but some of them are genuinely just you hating haha. Or looking for something wrong on purpose. For instance the Arya watching the play instead of the person she was supposed to be watching, you said it was irrelevant & was dan/dave’s bad attempt at comedy… BUT that isn’t true AT ALL . It wasn’t supposed to be comedy at all, she was watching a play of something she saw in person, something that is most likely the most impactful moment in her life. So it makes perfect sense that she would get distracted, ESPECIALLY when people are standing around laughing at it like some comedy skit. It was a reminder to Arya why she was learning to be a killer to begin with , to kill the list started when her dad died. Now I totally AGREE that 2 scenes weren’t necessary and the dialogue was not utilized fully because that scene should have been gut-wrenching for Arya/the viewers. Anyways my point is that sometimes I think you automatically “write-off” some scenes as awful when that isn’t the case, and I do realize im being picky BUT since this is a video and channel where you literally dissect and pick apart Tv shows I think im okay 😂

meatballthesub: In my mind I move things around in season 6 and make it the finale. Though it isn’t the ending I preferred and wanted I have found some ways to move it around and make a head canon I like and an ending that doesn’t piss me off when I think about it

stupidusername: I hate Euron so damn much. He is the epitome of D&D

Rodrigo Gil: -If Sansa tells Jon about the Lords of the Vale and they just come and crush Ramsay's forces it would be fucking boring. - Jon's plot armor kinda makes sense, he was brought back by the lord of light for a reason (although ruined on season 8), he was obviously not going to die 6 episodes later. -The Lords of the Vale arriving is not a Deus Ex Machina. It was always planted as a posibility when Baelish mentioned them earlier on the season. Agree with everything else. As a whole seaso 6 is ok, but it is saved by 2 of the best episodes on the series.

Dom Witte: Love the choice of background music

Wrestling Science: Damn ur still talking about s6 in 2021 bro you gotta move on find a different show Lmaooo

A Yourmum: Season 6 has to be the most overrated season of tv in history. Idk how people pay that little attention to what’s in front of them. To say season 6 is better then 1-4 you have to just not have actually payed attention.

Pinopley: I don't care what anyone says but I loved the 7ish minute scene when the Sept of baelor went boom

redcardinalist: is this video not a bit past its sell by date as regards subject? You know, band wagon jumping on tad lateish sort of thing...?

Joseph Dillard: People complain about season 8, and rightfully so, I do too, but the signs leading up to it were present all the way back in season 5 and 6. Immediately, the very thing that made this show so good to start with was the concept of consequences and the lack of plot armor, but after Dumb and Dumber ran out of book material all of that went right out the window. And now it looks like Martin isn't even going to finish the books. We've been waiting a damn decade for Winds of Winter and even though he MAY finish it at some point, it's quite unlikely now that we'll ever see A Dream of Spring. And that would be unspeakably depressing. That will make both the Game of Thrones show, and the ASOIAF books end up falling short of their expectations.

Captain Blighe: GoT got bad after S5 and S6 is no exception. Every season has good eps or moments but mostly I think they got worse after S5

Matt 101: That moment in 7:37 with the road map was hilarious

J.T.: Always bothered me how the citizens of kings landing just didnt care about the sept explosion...they just forgot about religion which is the most unrealistic thing ever seeing as how many wars and rebellions have occured because of religion in real life

NothingToo Spiffy: Season 4 and season 6 are my favorite

Ryo Bryan Lienardy (Illunary / Toxicdermy): Judging GoT as a GoT season 6 is trash ngl. And among the reason why it is trash is the plot armor and the realization than DnD incompetence brings that and amplify it to 7 and 8. It is subverting expectation guys. Oh don't forget Cock joke is funny.

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