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Darth Nater: If they nerf this shit because of pvp I’m done

Logan Bolarinho: Sweat the new weapons for next season vs reprised is actually gonna be more 50/50 if you think about it. 2 completely new Exotics, Four seasonal pass weapons kinda showcased, two new iron banner weapons, new playlist weapons and new GM weapons. So that’s at least 11 off the rip that we know about rn so definitely not 10/90 just saying. Love the content tho

Daniel Lahlum: Delete pvp so we can have actually fun weapons to kill shit with that doesnt get ruined from pvp

Taniks, The Abomination: I know it’s something small but can we appreciate that they picked good seasonal guns? Pulse, sub machine gun, shotgun, and a sidearm. Much better than chosens sub machine gun,sniper,bow, and linear fusion. Side note: how tf did Mithrax learn to speak English flawlessly?????

Nanty Narker: Looks like I'm not playing pvp next season

Nanty Narker: The fresh cut tho

Noah Barnaby: Please please please fatebringger!!!

Harry Wardle: from the looks of it, the pistol requires kills in order to fire, what I'm gonna call, cryo-rocket, and it's a charge shot like a fusion so it shouldn't be too busted

James Coyne: If anything bad happens to the fallen babies I will kill everyone and then myself

The Palindrome: It’s basically geometry dash

Ajin Prime: “Is PvP ruined” 🤦🏽‍♂️

DoubleH19: I love sweatscicle but damn man his reaction are sometimes too much

Crunkyy: some of the models just look like they added some techy looking glow to default unity cubes

JustTer !: I heard outbreak perfected at 2:06 to 2:07

Jon Shawishian: today was a Saltcicle day

Mattyzcavz24: I’ve hated pvp in this game since I started playing when warmind came out

Wes: In the voice of George Takei.. Oh My!

Dreu_ 28: The click bait on the title is fucking cringe

James Hope-Smith: I miss when sweat liked destiny, like man just wait and see

Boof Timex: Why can’t we play a PvP gunplay movement mode or event.... no supers, friendly fire, limited weapons. I have good ideas, see? I call it “The Mean” 1 weapon of each type that’s an average (mean) of all others. 1st event Just Scouts, Fusions, Swords... 2nd Hand Canons, SMG, Rockets. Ranked 4/side. Teams and Solo choices

Lordshiv: You’re supposed to react, not over react

Darth Vader: 0:13 this happened to us when you REEEE sweat!!

Nehemiah Vickers: Don't you mean season of the splicer and not on the splicer in the title

KickNbass: You said it, its time to retire pvp in Destiny.

Kami: at 7:33 "this is gonna be *poggers* " lmao

Harrison Simmons: You take the moon then you take the sun - The Vex

Daniel: Pvp is ignored, but youre high if you want it removed.

Thomas Davis: Best way to balance pvp is with mods at this point(there are better options but bungee has made it clear they're not in consideration). It would suck to choose between hand cannon/sniper targeting and stasis resist but I think it's the cleanest and easiest for bungee to implement.

brandong is cool: loud≠funny

Zachary Becker: pvp: im in danger

J Rettii: Wait till he finds out this is the final season before witch queen lmfaooo

Mikzuki 2551: It looks so much like tron and I like this

Mattias Heidemann: MOM GET THE CREDIT CARD I’m dead😭

Émile Charest: Ahh yes, the good old “ I don’t like pvp so delete it for everyone ” take. Classic.

RiffVanVoorst: Errr delete pvp. Just don't play pvp if you don't like it mate, simple.

Ж Том Ж: me every start of a new season: 1:08

Doofers: I think they said we're in a vex simulation and that they got rid of the sun. Therefore we die because of no heat.

The24thReich: Time to break out the ol' outbreak perfected

Edragyz: 6 years Sweat, not 7.

Skolas, Kell of Kells: Idk why everyone complains about stasis in pvp. It’s completely fine. Just learn to dodge the nades

ChickenTendy607: Sweat. If they delete PvP they delete more than half there player base which is already not that high

Galvonetta: As someone who used to primarily play PvP, I agree with Sweat. Just axe it. Can you imagine how much more shit they could build into the game if they weren't trying ("trying") to balance two different games? I want the absolutely over the top nonsense so I can do weird, ridiculous shit against Vex and Hive, without having to worry about things getting toned down because they're too much in PvP. I KNOW there's still a lot of people who love playing PvP, or are at least attached to it, but god damn it, the way this game has gone it just doesn't feel like they CAN balance it for both, or even really that they WANT to...

Elgin Louden: MOM GET THE CREDIT CARD!!! 😩😭😂😂 a true Destiny 2 experience.

2D L A S T ネイティブ: The community: More broken exotics to introduce into pvp Bungie: Ladies and gentlemen we make 'em

Benjamin Cooper: I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: PvP is holding this game back. The power fantasy we could achieve without PvP is insane. Then they could create insanely wild raids and activities. They need to redirect all the resources they’re already not giving PvP directly into PvE and just focus on the good in this game.

The Names Shadow: PvP gonna be so ass next season it’s not even funny

A Stasis Wielding Warlock: 5:45 the titan is holding dregs promise

Wallace Gallagher: man, i stopped watching your videos because you became such a negative guy surrounding destiny (not leaving the game also) then i came back to see what was up and you're still screaming out of the top of your lungs and just shit talking bungie lol i really like you but it really is boring trying to watch a content that you either are tired of doing or don't enjoy anymore.

Z Stewart: Sweat went from the normal trailer hype to dead inside so fast when he saw the stasis sidearm

Man of a good Will: Can you please react to “The lady of heaven trailer?”❤️😊

Ralston Metz: Sees stasis sidearm.... Got no stupid jokes now bitch lol

Gaafdovjun Gaming: man casual admits to kicking babies circa 2000 - 2069

ItzNickzy: ...They should just hire Kujay at this point. He's already fixed the entire game single handedly

Carson_. MM: "is pvp done for?" Has been since beyond light

BrochachotheNacho: It would be kickass if bungie could make a pvp playlist that had rotating loadouts that limited the weapons, exotics, and subclasses so that way people couldn’t just constantly suck off the meta.

ShadowFlux: Is the raid dlc based? Or season

Lost_siva_nanites_: The vex put us in a genjustu

Joshua Haycock: Also a swat type mode would be nice. All gunplay, no exotics or abilities

Wii Sports Matt: The quality of pvp was already at rock bottom but we're heading into the void now lmao

Joshua Haycock: When you said they changed Ikora's voice actress, I immediately thought no, she just hasn't had to say anything in a couple years

Kevin H: its the same VA just sounds different bc 1 its prob recorded from home and 2. Ikora hasnt been relevant for like 3 seasons :(

Saklotas: Literally same way symmetry was introduced. I highly doubt it will be good in pvp or rather broken.

Cole Logelin: Whys this guy even play anymore, just hates the whole game...

Foresway: ok but menagerie 2.0???

Pat Adams: I just wanted siva

Chibbix-Xx X: “MOM GET THE CREDIT CARD” sweat 2021

PG16: Pvp players be crying right now

Louis: How many selfies does it take to get that thumbnail photo just right? Lol

White Boi: “Is that a stasis sidearm” 2:02 the look of disappointment on this mans face is immeasurable

Evin Castro: Bro can we talk about the baby dregs they hold in when they show mythrax

Grape Liquids: Is there a new stasis hunter super

Beast Sniper: da baby fallen

zuck :P: anyone else see the fallen babies


charles savignac: Sniff* sniff* do you guys smell that? I think I smell “freeze 100 guardians” for the new exotic sidearm’s catalyst.

Deadweight: If pvp is truly forgotten, they should at least have the decency to say so... I've wasted so much time on this game while they promised a renewed focus on pvp. Uninstalled.

Xaulted: that uninstall button lookin pretty nice

Logan Gibbs: "Is that a stasis side arm" well I'm not gonna be playing crucible any more.

TheHollowElephant: 4:40 with the undying mind, we flushed the undying mind out of every timeline it existed in. In this case, the vex did something to trap us in a loop of night where the sun doesn’t rise, for whatever reason.

Cooper Bartlett: Sweat is so falsely enthusiastic and it's depressing and annoying

Jae Nassir: 🤣🤣

Dominik Minet: Since D1 i want a Halo PvP gamemode. Everyone spawns in with the same weapon. Some weapon on the map to pick up and no super.

KNICK: They didn't change the voice actress😂

Nugget Master: The sheer pain and disappointment in his eyes when he sees the stasis sidearm is unreal, all hype killed immidiately

Tavis Carter: My boy got a hair cut thank god

Christopher Lohmann: "No Ella we're not that kind of stuck" I hate that stepbro jokes still get me everytime

Julio Otero: Stuck in Time: Za Warudo Repeating time: Golden Experience Requiem

ddttuck: I swear I’m hyped watching other videos on the season then I watch sweat and he just kills the vibe. Hard to please man right here...

Boanjodan: Hey, hey sweatcicle, Mithrax was actually talking for like half of the trailer. You didn't hear that?

Apoir: Jesus sweat used to be cool now he is just an ungrateful crybaby

Chris Chin: I honestly dont think so since warlocks were able to do that since day one of beyond light (:

Bill Geannaris: No you can still get the levi set. You don5 have to have had to armor piece to make it from transmog.

Flows: Get plague gang on suicide alert

Saul Hernnadez: Did they really change ikoras voice actor ?

Funky Real Cat: I would love to keep watching your reaction if you did not keep screaming in my ears

Arizona Ranger: Stasis pistol 😊🔫

Rascal016: This mans kinda pisses me off, ngl He's so loud

Nyaix The Wagon: PVP but no exotics (Weapon and armor exotics) and no abilities (except the class ability) would be the only way to make PVP fun

KanoierGaming: It'll prob be like interference 2.0 from arrivals

Lupiny: PvP needs to be a separate game

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