Destiny 2: Season of the Splicer - Official Trailer

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gene colon: synth wave!

ReCogNizer 01: 0:35

NotMattika: It's not an official teaser it's the full trailer wtf do you mean ign? xD lmao

Carlos C: It feels like we are gathering allies all around the destiny world, Cabal,Fallen maybe more.. for the real all out WAR. We need allies to destroy for what is coming its either for darkness or more we don’t know but thats the feeling i’m getting from the season of the chosen and this one..

matthew lepp: Just make a new game already

Isaac Gutierrez: It'd be so cool if this was for warframe

Connor A: how are people still playing this repetitive dogwater

Matt: That music is soooo epic. Anyone know what it is?

MR MOST-Sneaky: Finally ikora useful after many seasons of just sitting there doing nothing

MR MOST-Sneaky: Another stasis weapon well sh*t

WizardSABER 7g3: best revenge of the 5th ever

Trent: If mithrax worships the light, why’d he make a sidearm out of darkness energy

Lenin Frank: Is transmog still the same convoluted process?

Israel Lancaster: Vex: invades the city Ikora: stands there talking

ken0y: Mythoclast confirmed?

NightSurfer: Same enemy's again?

Christopher Doman: How could it be morning if the sun didn’t rise?


Armin: They are removing comments lmfao Don't support this company until they give us anti cheat

James Kennedy: Ps3 game since 2014

Jers N: meh

Honor glory and coom: Pause at 1:19 if you played halo reach

Vardy: oh look its the vex... again.

Muzi Tshabalala: This guy gets the whole season named after him? He must be a badass.

RealTalk 007: Same enemies, same grind…….no thanks, there’s plenty other more entertaining games to play!

Jye Steley: Splicers but no SIVA? Damn...

Seems Legit: Ok but... baby fallen

Grand Etherion: "We sunset the Sun" the Season

Alex P: lets make the geometry as simple as possible, and the textures non existent, say its futuristic or a simulation or whatever excuse lets us not have to do our job, and call it a day.

Boom Bucket: Fix the crucible.

No Time to Explain: the main villain is a Wyvern, isn't it? ....F---k....

No Time to Explain: A question, what "insert adjective" mind are we killing this time? at this point, I'm worried about how many mind's we've destroyed...

Pizzazoomman: It really makes you *FEEL* like a space wizard

Berlian Syafaat: everything is cube, is this minecraft?

Lolgistical Officer: Can we have Lightcycle sparrows? Cause this just looks right out of Tron. Or better still, *somehow* reference ReBoot.

Hargreaves: Season of the shittiest transmog system ever invented

John Kerans: Simpsons did it

pan da: Ikora sounds...different 🤨

Swank Morales: Simpsons did it lol

esteban280889: Sounds like it's a sequel to Thor Ragnarok. Maybe Ikoras new voice is also a vex simulation

ALBoogie164: they ruined this game

Fable Fox: ...Ikora’s voice is different🤔

PlzDnt Cry: Just came here to downvote d2

VinniV: this game is STILL horseshit....


Tulio TutTut: The babies fallen so cuteeeeee

Devious Doggo: So did they change transmog or is it still highway robbery?

leapoffaithninja: Destiny inspired by tron legacy

Haggis PK: All of the Firefly VAs are out of the game now 😭😭😭


Ekwon: Bungie being greedy SOBs after leaving activision. Who would have thought

Collin Gabriel: Did they recast Ikora?

kseries1981: *Yawn


Gozza: VOG

Aryan: Finally my favorite character Mithrax gets the spotlight. Exited for the new season.

Rbmets: Season of the scam 10$ for transmog

tom zeit: Season of Recycling bei jeder Season hab ich das Gefühl bei den Neuerung war schon da. Wie oft wird die vaultof glass noch aus’m Keller geholt

Matt R.: This is lame

Ahmed Kotby: Fallen tech priest now that's new praise the great machine PRAISE THE OMNISIAH!!!!!

Dingus Kahn: Looks pretty decent. Been away from destiny for about 8 years.. maybe I'll try it out. Hopefully worth the price this time.

IDK IDC: How can destiny constantly make worse and worse looking armor? Cant the guys that work on the crotas end armor work on the new ones too?

Brendon T: My hope for Warlock armour to look anything but a wedding dress or robe is now over

Exodusx22: They finally recast Ikora, Farewell Gina Torres you were great but its time Ikora actually got a storyline in the damn game.

m Woodhouse: Amazing hype well done bunige a mitharax storyline new fallen armour and weapons including vog armour and weapons and a the 6 man activitie the vex network boom bungie done it again perfection 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

Roberto: Yeah-yeah nice, but who wants to team with a bunch of toxic players?!? Instead of smaller faster gameplay like Rainbow Apex or Roque Company.

Zivin: Not Siva but looks entertaining enough for now

Leviathan's Breath: *[ I K O R A T I M E ]*

emmanuel pastoral: what if mithrax dies here then he gets resurrected by a ghost?

Hani Mann: Still No Icebreaker 😪

DorsoFilms Trailer: Destiny 2

Mr. X: Destiny 2: Season of the Synthwave

Jonathan Valdovinos: Not impressed

Dawn Hills: Lame


FranklyFrank: PvP maps when?!

Switch Actions: Imagine buying more of Destiny’s base game content. Looks like they slapped a price tag on the vault of glass this time.

Scott Cudlip: Who are you and what have you done with the real Ikora?

JustAndrewT: the 6 player activity feels like the 6 player activity from previous seasons where we could unlock the steelfeather repeater... ahh the nostalgia

ps3dubbs: Boring zzz

Da Biscotti Bandit: Yeah bungie got all the views on this 😂😂😂

Chino Higashikata: That season pass weapon is gonna be broken in pvl isnt it?

Ben Wood: Killing it with the trailer music again

incipidsigninsetup: Man, this graphics engine needs an overhaul.

tacobread3: Meh...

World Peace: Buy again all the things re skinned you’ve played before and bought earlier! Haha

benwea76: Does this mean the Fatebringer and the Mythoclass are coming back?

XionsEmpire: Mithrax finally coming in as a new guardian????? 👀👀👀

Gypsy Hooligan: Shout-out to the people like me who can't play Trials of Osiris because my Valor rank is still Brave. Should finally be Legend in a few years.

Eric H: Another Simulation of an Expansion. Smh

Ravi Mutum: Is it just me or the season really looks lackluster before it even begins

Nerd Quiver: More of the same.. Unfortunately after the departure of Blizzard, the only thing we see on Destiny, is an attempt to take money from players and little, to say the least, creativity in creating content. Game stopped in time ..

tremaineKR: Omg Destiny give it up. Were tired of those puzzle battles. Cant wear full exotics. Please stop

Mr. Brandtastic: Come on Praedyth!

NonchalantNerds: Ikora’s voice actress change?

Nerdtastic Entertainment: SMH 😕

JelloBob: Fallen playable race when

Random Bandit: So the deadliest weapon the vex hivemind can come up with is to wipe humanity out by not letting them have 5heir vitamin d.

Kofi: Destiny: Big event season of the splicer. Warframe: Here's a ghost Warframe. Warframe needs to step up their game

wargriffin5: "We're going to steal.....THE SUUUUUUUUN!" -The Vex

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