Season of the Splicer - All Season Pass Rewards & Seasonal Challenges Quick Preview [Destiny 2]

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Kroniix_ Paintball: Why cant we buy tiers this season tho?? It wont let anyone

John-james Thomson: It won’t let me buy the new season? I’m on PS4 is this happening with everyone or am I doing something wrong ??

Noemi Antonio: Great video, now where is the option of buying the season pass?

Jkool1330: How do I buy the season pass? I can’t find an option to buy it.

XenokillerYT: Bro it won't even let me purchase the season pass 😞

Spicy Spencer: I can’t even get the pass for some reason

Jason Knight: How do you buy season pass for the splicer/?

nightfallDT: Have fun Eso! Dang I miss Destiny so much, but I can't bring myself to face the grind once again

Steven Guerrero: It won’t let me buy the season pass :(

Meh was Here: Somehow I am unable to buy the season pass it doesn’t even have the thing to buy it with

Benji Clark: How in the fuck do u buy the season pass?!? Non of my friends nor I can buy it

DaFallenOne1: I can't buy the damn season pass???? Everything I highlight just shows dismiss.

gaming reaper: Ok guns cool bit god that skin is horrible

Black Mask: I can't even purchase the season pass

nandosay 16: I couldn’t buy the $10 pass so I bought the $15, after buying it I reset app and loaded back up with no battle pass. What is happening?

MSM: Why can't I buy the season from Playstation?

Happyface mike: I’m on ps4 and it’s not letting me buy the season pass

Hakunai: I cant buy the new season pls help

Luke Charles: Wasn’t going to workout today but after getting error coded for 3 hours it was the destiny gawds telling me boy to skip legs day... “yes I do legs on Mondays. 😅”

Mr. Trey-Oh: Am I the only one who can't buy the season pass?

Lil J360: I looked up the season in the store and I bought it for 16 with 700 silver and it didn’t give me it wtf bungie

steelballz: I’m not able to buy the season pass for this season

Yo Gurt: I can't even buy the season help

moon Knight Dragon: New season without the buy button on it 😫

Charlie: i can't find anything anywhere for this. i am not getting the option to buy the pass. like in in and on the store or the season 14 thing but there is no option to buy it anywhere that i can find and i can't find anything online about it. hopefully this will be fixed soon but if its moved or honestly if anyone knows anything please reply to this? its my first time getting the pass and other people have it, i don't understand why i can't find the place to buy it or why i have no option for it

Ronald Saul: I can't get the season pass. It won't let me.

Daniel Sandoval: Why can’t I buy my season pass?

Peep: How did u even buy it, there’s no option for me to buy it on ps5

Joshua Owens: Moving Target and Dragonfly isn't bad on a slug shoutgun

River Aguilar: So i keep getting in the game but for some reason i cant buy the pass the button for it doesnt exist

Jon Adams: Looking at and noticing NO praetorian foil, atheon epilogue, or praedyth timepiece...😑

Игрок: 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🔥🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🔥🔥🔥🔥🤮🤮🤮🤮

Momo: Where armor?

StoicRobot: Good to see Eso can get on! Of course he can!!! Thanks, pro.

IIr House: so what? u are so pro that u can just speedrun through the cursed loading screen?

ehbarooo: Lol level 28 plus one masterwork level to all season pass arms but no armor at all in the season pass @$?! Bungie think we dumb how many wasted pass level ?

Nicholas Evans: So can anyone else not buy the season pass

Marcos Ortiz: No base armor :(

Devin Sorensen: I got in about an hour ago, did the first mission, went to orbit and got kicked back to queue. All in all, pretty successful.

rafarga1980: Cryo sidearm gun??? 😖

Rex The Cockatiel: Dragonfly on a shotgun??? Wut

DevilGamer: Server crash

dredgen yor: Yo:Como cuando no queres ser spoileado Esoterickk:que le spoilee dice

Ice_Angel: Once again, Bungie is not prepared....Surprised?

Le Corny: How tf can U get in so fast!?! I’m still stuck in cue lmao

Nout Peters: Why is there no normal armor

dumbDlCKmigee: Nigga atleast inspect the fucking armor

StarDreamIX: Nice! Thanks for uploading! ;)

Abdul Muhaimin: 0:23 It's just like Devil's Ruin, but it's Stasis element. 2:41 Oh the reload sound effects. 2:59 "Your souls is mine!"

Douglas Walker: i fucking hate the fact that they removed the high stat armor, kinda makes the pass worthless imo

Chris 414: Anyone else having trouble getting into Destiny 2?

KRIZZIIIII: Bungie is working on the "not being able to buy Season pass" problem before making people be able to play further than the Seasonal Launch Mission, i see

Emanuele Colombini: Season of the full servers

Cool Story: “Our best and only hope Error code Chicken”

diego: Season of the Main Menu

Katanis: This season pass feels more than little meh to me*/.

Mrnarcox: Where are the armor pieces :(

Necrokitty: The sidearm is stasis and elemental but points the kinetic direction. My head hurts.

Metalbrush: I hope everyone enjoys the new season

SENNA350: I think this sidearm gonna be really good

Den: Very dissapointed with the RPM of the sidearm. It's extremely slow and will probably won't get any playtime in iron banner or trials.

Julian G: Thanks Eso. Have fun man.

gun kid: this seasons pass somehow feels more empty than the last

Call me Gobby: Inspect emotes

alhamour_ 102: Wtf is that??? Where is the item it’s only engram a lots of engram

HEX MACHINE: It won't let me unlock my season pass, I have 3,000 silver?

Thee 0ryxx: Can't buy the season pass and continually kicked to starting screen.

Destfortover: Thank you now I have a preview of the reward and challenge and by the way there is an exotic at tier 20 for free player that's cool and too there is legendary shard for free to play !!!

Simion Alex: Not much, been there done that

mEnTL32: Oh no, another press-and-release sidearm. It'll get about as much use as Devil's Ruin and for the same reason.

Yannick: Lol didn’t even inspect the items

Arjun Olak: Anyone else unable to purchase the season pass on PS4?

D̶a̶n̶i̶e̶l̶ H̶u̶g̶o̶: Season of the Honeydew

Mi Mi Dots: The season pass is 1000 sliver right?

Owl Wise: Thank u

Angel Cruz: Have they announced patch notes yet?

Adan Sanchez: As I download the new season. I vicariously live through Eso to know what it feels like to download an update that doesn't take 2hrs lol

Nate F.: Any chance you can show us what is being sold at eververse too?

deathclown: Wait....its the new season already ????

Pratik Sahoo: That emote....

hstevie: Now we wait for the artifact

Hentai Connoisseur: yo yo daicegun do

KaneoheCeltic: I bet there so many errors when you tried to get in destiny

Devarshi DAVE: hello

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