*NEW* Best Seasonal Artifact Mods! - Destiny 2 Season of the Splicer

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myfi: EDIT: Sorry for my confusing wording around the warmind cell section of the video. ALL warmind cell mods now state what I showed global reach stating. Any warmind cell mod will enable ikelos/seraph weapons to randomly generate warmind cells. What I meant in the video was more of a "hey if you only use ONE warmind cell mod STRICTLY for the ability to generate cells with your ikelos/seraph weapons then this is a good low energy cost mod to use". A lot of people that don't focus their builds heavily into warmind cells but still want to generate them via their weapons will run global reach because it's low cost and very good. Hammer of the warmind could be a good replacement for those people especially if they're running high level end game activities with champions. Sorry for the confusion. Also i’m retracting my statement on smg overload vs hc overload. It’s more of a personal preference. I still personally prefer smg overload simply for my reasoning that a bullet hose will be better for close range disruption because that’s what you’ll find yourself in if your divinity player can’t disrupt the overload from afar.

Akuma: Man you must be drunk thinking overload smg is/was better than overload hand cannon or overload bow

MaxJ: Global reach useless? It's still 100% an essential mod. It makes the radius of Warmind Cells reach pretty much anywhere in any activity.

Puffy Bear: The thing is we have a lot of the scavenger mods so it should make the choice easy

SoS vRaVeNv4: Season of the spicer lol

Dylan Thompson: I feel like 180 handcannons with times payload work for overload better than anything else. But do whatever works for you

nuffflavor: Why does everyone talk about it, but NEVER show HOW TO get this things ?

Nong_Ing: I need NONE of those what you talking about?

ShadowDC 2: can i put anti-barrier auto on a sweet business?

Anson Sam: Recommends smg mod while not recommending auto mod. Bruh

Danny Tadao: I disagree

Addison Sprock: Ya but how do you get it

Tony Ortiz: Fat dislike for suggesting overload sub and the replace global reach nonsense you said 🙄

Zesty Zephyr Zillion: After the spill over of the honey dew into your splanation ,I refuse to drool over the ever so delicious mods menu that I'll be splicing into...napkin please.

Kenric Chen: There’s no way u just recommended overload smg over hand cannon smh

PowerSquire: Can you make a warlock build for this season

hamdy aziz: memory fragment still in my vault

M0NKEYSEB Coquelin: Unstoppable anarchy

osmond ollivierre: Had to wait for this Vid to drop before I dive into my artifact!!

Blimpgaming: Two tailed fox with wrath of rasputin and the void artifact mod and then have deafening whisper with the debuff

Fred Watson: Crimson with overload?

Vezuls: Huge disagree on overload SMG. Overload SMG is actually the worst Overload mod they have ever introduced. SMGS are too inconsistent, have 0 range, and don't hold enough ammo. I tried it out a lot last season, and the only time it was DECENT was SABER RISKRUNNER cuz Infinite ammo lol. Overload HC is actually... very good. You just need to know how to proc it whilst delaying health regen. It's quite similar to overload scout, which was probably the best overload mod, either that or bow. Yes, ammo is slightly lower on HC than scouts, but HC needs less shots than scout did. If you haven't, I highly suggest changing overload SMG to overload Handcannon. Overload SMG is pretty shit. Secondly, Barrier Scout is good. No complaints, but don't sleep on barrier auto rifle. If you do not have a disruption break scout, but you have a, let's say, Shadow Price Adept with disruption Break.... That'd be more viable for barrier champs than a scout. Great video. Not trying to come off as a negative nancy, just wanted to give my opinion and reasonings on why a few other mods should be reconsidered. Also, not sure why you brought up the distance argument for barrier champs, but not overload champs. It's REALLY bad to let Overloads get that close to you.

XiongysaurasRex: what??????? ok overload on smg has been finicky at best. Versus aiming down sight and firing one bullet to stun the champion.

Jordan Helton: I think its a bit insane to mention high-end pve when talking about Anti-barrier but not overload. Planning to take an SMG into glassway on grandmaster? Okay lol goodluck

Arzazel Gazel: Well​ it​ really​ was​ made​ for.support salvager salvo

Adam Binna: Energy accelerant with ace of spades in pvp.....

zamasis ese: overload anarchy

knight _: There's new autorifles in though

Mariocat99: Unstoppable witherhoard's going to sound overpowered as hell. This should be exciting

CruZe_ACE: Overload Thorn👀

Debac of Zomb: It really wrong about the overload mods. Smg overload is very inconstant

FF5 Camel: Season of the Honeydew 🍈

[FATE] zzzNARDSzzz: I’ll go with a different line up for each character I think

Avalanche 71: Wither hoard gonna be nasty?

jaeden [jrx]: what's the music?

Zach Westmoreland: Got me excited about this season. Great video. Won't get to play for another couple of days because of work but now I'm looking forward to it. I miss my hunter sidearm load out.

Deus lux mea est: But where is my sword mod

Christopher Jacobs: Game crashing all day. Tried for the last 8 hours at least twice an hour. I’m done.

Jonathan Simmons: If you don’t have anarchy, like myself, witherhoard is definitely a viable alternative.

RB26DETT: Ohhhh boy. Unstoppable Anarchy? Nasty!

invincible1200s: Oh man, so many choices! Still, I'm definitely leaning into the Warmind mods.

Rick Malone: They need to fuckin scrap champions and just add more boss' or make it harder in general!

Wolfriic: How are the servers now?

Vaice: how tf you get the artifact?

Chris Cassels: Not yet

Joel Ledbetter: Thanks man I appreciate tho run down

OPX PANTHER: Ur so underrated

Matt S: Global reach doubles the range of the warmind cells explosion. The seasonal mod doesn't.

JBTakedown: I was able to get on at 4:00pm est, the collum 5 perk that costs 9 energy is busted, sure it costs 9 energy but that works on witherhoard, anarchy and the new gl that rolls blinding nades, autoloading/ambitious and demo/vorpal... and its solar so slap on wrath of rasputan and use well/celestial nighthawk and the new overload + unstop warmind cells.... GG EZ

Tom Leslie: I have an emblem giveaway going on my account on twitter @kuipr_

Chris Anderson: Hi. My name is...Chris Anderson and I'm from NY (not NYC)

Edward Handley: Love your vids

Aarmaan Sekhon: Thank you!!!!!!

Matthew Mounier: noti gang

Matthew Mounier: sheesh

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