Season 15 Artifact Mods (Swords, Fusions, & Pulse Rifles!) | Destiny 2 Season 15

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Aztecross: *Now if Bungie could just leave us Energy Accelerant, we're golden!* Edit: I mention Eriana's in passing at the end, but considering Auto Rifles is the only barrier champ mod, Eriana is 100% back on the table.* Edit2: I completely forgot Jotunn..

Visor: So, I got a question about one of my Favorite Exotics, Will the Overload Bow Mod work on the Leviathans Breath even though it has intrinsically has a Unstoppable Mod Naturally? Will it be able to stun Both? Cause if so it will be a good choice if you have the Catalyst also, 15 Heavy Hitting Bow shots that can stun both Unstoppable AND Overloads

calvin vinyard: Bring back the 3 exotic swords!! Loved those quest. Give me a razeighter all day!!!

calvin vinyard: How will the monte carlo do now with the warlock void buff?

calvin vinyard: Mine is underdog vorpal love it

Yanagi _Tha_Wisp: " outside of the yayeet method" lmao

Cort Silver: Side note, wtf is that Shader on the seventh seraph carbine? I want it

Jeff LeClerc: Arbalest is a kinetic linear fusion rifle, could present some opportunities.

Alpharius180: unstopable hive knights 20$

jordye388: Sidearm.. again..

jge treched346: Who wanna do vault of glass

Jason Vor-da-hehes: Can you make a partition for vault space?

Jason Vor-da-hehes: Black talon for swords overload

Lord Clancy:

Neal tate: If I didn’t use Witherhoard all the time I would definitely be rocking that Seventh Seraph Carbine

patrick eslinger: "look at these 5 great ARs for next season." ::me still clutching my Subsistence / Demolitionist Gnawing Hunger I've been using for 3 seasons::

StopaskingformynameYouTube: Atleast bows are back so that'll be easy mode again. But i will miss witherhoard ez mode.

N. T.: This is pretty dumb though, unstoppable champions are easy to kill without mods, so those mods are largely useless. Overload and barrier champions are much more difficult to deal with, so there should be more mods to deal with them. This season's builds have been extremely boring because it's just constant grenade launcher/ auto rifle spam. Using Lament with Overload / intrinstic Anti-Barrier will be pretty cool.

Vixadd II: Deff excited for overload trinity goul

Kevin Sparks: The thing with Lament is it only bypasses when you do the charge up it’s not 100% intrinsic. So possibly.

Shaphaley King: Imagine if there's a corruption based warminds decree in the new seasonal mods... Damn that would be nice

Aqua: You were right when you said le monarque users were happy. HELL YEA I AM

Justin Velasco: Thank you for this one... Just thank you

M2fiftycal: Hesitating to delete stuff because it might be useful next season is why I never have any vault space and my postmaster is my backup storage 😔

Nathan Zuniga: cool vid but i think it's ticu not tiqu but i low-key like tiqu better tho

Hosk: still dont have vex, 33 raids in:)

Tel h: Iam really pissed off with overload only being on bows, i hate bows as much as sodearms, fingers crossed that there will be a grenade mode for over loads

Lumikko White: Where are the weapons?!

Zachary Clark: The Yaw continues lol

redz machine: Is the mythoclast ablr to break barriers and unstoppables

Gaz Dust: They really need to make legendary kinetic fusion rifles, this is the perfect opportunity as well.

jontegreim: Well hopefully they bring the cat for outbreak back again

Xerkxes: Don't use the stasis side arm on stunned overload and unstop champions. It will unstun them and put them into stun-cooldown while reactivating their damage reduction and health regeneration. Feel free to freeze them between stuns though.

Xerkxes: Hey I have the roll on my Carbine! I use it to pair with Actium when also using An LMG like Xeno, Heir, or Commemoration.

Gaz Dust: Damnit i need a team for that vex catalyst

Matthew Mosteiro: Chattering bone with outlaw and rampage is what I'm going to be using

Brandan Kankel: Cross. Cross. Aztec Ross, bro, why no love for Wish-Ender?!

Echoftw: Still waiting on twilight garrisons

Caden Meyer: So I'm lost as to why merciless has a regular gun extended mag but tractor cannon has a fusion rifle particle repeater?

MrEvo8: GOS pulse will be great to use as well

Shawn Adams: arsenic bite with dragonfly and explosive head... one of my favorite bows

Nobody: *Loads Rat King with gamer intent*

Hector Santos: How could you not mention sleeper !!!!???

Nik Jay: Also, HOW do you acquire the Gambit default skin that was on your Seventh Seraph Carbine, Aztecross!?!? 🤤🤤 Does it drop randomly from Gambit plays, or by dismantling Gambit weapons? Because I can't seem to acquire it 🥺

muhammad Munir: @aztecross im down if you need the caty

Nik Jay: I know that Unstoppables become destunned if you were to try to double freeze/slow them with Stasis, only Champions that do such a thing. NTTE Rewind Turret does stun Champions! Warlock Turrets pierce Barriers as well.

Ameyama: Seriously i never use sidearms for end game content. Theyre just trash. I only use em to get bounties done and then i just delete it and when i need it again i get one from collection.bungie needs to either remove sidearms or make them dual wield thing. Like high risk high reward thing. You gotta get close but you deal monster damage if you do and dont die.

Maxwell Robinson: Rapid Hit Vorpal Threaded Needle is a MUST have for next season. Get to farming! Also, Sola's Scar rolls with Vorpal, as well.

corujariousa: I try to "keep everything" as well but hard choices are forced on me every season. 🤬 Where is the extra Vault Space, Bungie?

Dev Pool: Kinda wish u could stack champion mods on weapons with intrinsic traits to stop champions like lament and leviathans breath but I undestand why u cant

Unusual Expertise: While i didnt keep any Seven Seraph ARs, i still have the Armor Piercing/FTTC/Vorpal Werewolf from last year's spook event.

Lance Tracy: Would this work with the AOE from the Trinity Ghoul catalyst?

frosty raylyn: "Vex might be meta next season start going for the catalyst " Me who hasn't gotten vex to drop 😅😅😅😅

VizPython: Think Leviathans breath could potentially be able to stun both over loads and unstoppables?

boom557 123: I can remember trashing multiple of that “God roll” SS Carbine because it’s bad in PvP.

DeathArmy: Probably one hidden mod ? Because first row always 5 mods for 1 energy

Michalis: nice but...... dont slide...... its forbiden

jayaybe1: 6:25 I love my Jian 7 pulse rifle. I have a Hunter build which gives me 12 seconds of invisibility after a critical kill if I'm crouched. The J7 has a great, predictable, vertical recoil which means simply aiming for the chest area makes the final, critical bullet almost always a head shot and gives me invisibility. Good stuff ; - )

KASPERbml: if scorn, then its gonna be overload captains and unstoppable abominations

Soapba: yes please for the vault space thank you please

FsU_NellyNel305: Same bullshit again 👎👎👎

Yovan P.C: 6:06 shader?

Arthur Chandler: An exotic that gets overlooked so much is Cerberus+1 that thing shreds barriers like their paper.

Andrew Drewboy: I would pay money for vault space

Noob saibot: So no scout rifle? So they are useless in season 15?

Zach Childs: What is hardlight chopped liver?

Empress Caiatl: I literally just said vex will be perfect for unstoppable fusion rifle and lfr because its a hybrid of both

Skeelo32: Aztecross i have a godroll gridskipper ???

CallumYT: Hard light for barriers…. Plus you can change element for shields

nathan peters: 😂😂😂😂😂😂🤦🏼‍♂🤦🏼‍♂🤦🏼‍♂🤦🏼‍♂🤦🏼‍♂🤦🏼‍♂ CRAP MODS

Morzfitz: Imagine if bastion have 2stack stagger

Inglorious Spud: Mentions caster frame swords but forgets my boy black talon :'(

Adam: Season of the redacted credit card, i aint doing this over and over again, these seasons are dogshit... i mean its good for a day but then its just the same thing over and over and over again... theres like no thought put into the game by the Devs.

Justin Shaikewitz: Nothing for scout rifles ? That’s disappointing.

That Guy: Can we swap unstoppable sidearm with literally anything else

Christopher McBain: Outbreak Perfected with the catalyst will be fun to use on unstoppable if you land the crit shots it can stun them twice.

Adam Chu: Plz can we get special anti-barrier like plz, the best season for farming was when we had anti-barrier sniper like litterally I would be down for Anti-Barrier Fusion or LFR.

awei badabeedoo: I reckon eriana's is about to make a huge comeback if we dont get another anti-barrier mod

Horgax 408: There is no need to run unstop fusion cause we got bastion with built in unstop rounds

Alaine Van Eyssen: Always love the content Cross. Please do video on best legendary bows we can farm before season 14 ends. Thanks.

Stenbox: I combed my vault, tried some stuff out and have prepared this stuff: False Promises w FF/Rampage (100 range), Sacred Provenance w Rapid Hit/Kill Clip, Stars In Shadow w Feeding Frenzy/Vorpal, all 3 exotic energy bows, Telesto. It depends a bit on shields and heavy meta, but my main preferred combos for each pair of overloads would be False Promises/Telesto, Sacred Provenance/Ticuu's and False Promises/Ticuu's.

Sphynx: uh cross, overload swords isnt the special/heavy champion mod, its fusion and linar fusion. Its going to be overload smg... hate to burst everyones bubble about overload sword

Jordan Sherrick: There's always 2 weapon mods per champion category.So I assume scout rifle or hand cannon will be a barrier mod

The Metal Pig: Not a fan of the fact HC's and Scouts getting a buff but are both non-champion mod weapons. Classic Bungie timing.

The Metal Pig: Dammit, because of the constant vault squeeze I deleted my Hollow Words with both disruption break and vorpal. This game is becoming more frustrating to play as each season passes. Give us more vault space dammit!

Bruno Valério: Before the Vex catalyst i would need Vex to actually drop :D

Jack Brooks: Looking for a Travellers Chosen catalyst next season!

team16: Something is wrong here... 3x unstoppable, 1x barrier, 2x Overload (assuming its what you said at the end).... i know its not finalised but aint it usually 2 of each?

Random User: If we have overload swords Black Talon will be pretty fun too

Nicholas Simmons: Uh Hard Light tho. Perfect for nightfall. Covers anti barrier and covers all elements for being rainbowed out

Forgotten Prince Chara: hey aztecross if you need a team for caty, im here to assist! hit me up whenever!

Shadowstorm: Season of the UNSTOPPABLE ??

EverydayAndre: Bro, I kid you not, I have a SSCarbine with Armor Piercing, 4th Times and Vorpal This is gonna be great

Kenji: I really hope to see a vex mythoclast meta after it receives its well deserved buff

Ruuod: You forgot to mention the toaster

Eragon 6624: AzteDad I have a good friend on pc who is like god, he would run Caty with

Liam Wade: Really really REALLY wish I could still use breakneck 😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒

Sadoruro: And just like that, entire builds revolving around the ikelos SMG just vanished...

lomaniize: Imagine just having any of those trial weapons...

M P: Unstoppable Screebs mE: *SCREEMS*

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