Destiny 2: BEST PvE WEAPONS for Next Season! | NEW Season 15 Mods Revealed!

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KackisHD: Arbalest, here I come! NEW AdvancedGG Flavors ► Join the Discord ► Save on Astro Products ► More Destiny 2 Videos ►

GTA IV: the best pve weapons are cannons and scout rifles man, they already said they will be meta shifting to those and buffing em

Marcus Joseph: These mods are hot ass

Justice Thomas: Plug 1 with reservoir burst and unstoppable mod.

Eggoshi: I'm quite new to D2 and this game is awesome everyone is really nice and willing to help :D

Eric Healey: I know the assumption is the overload sword but that wouldn't go in the first slot and cost 1 armor point. Does that mean there is still a primary champion mod ???

ty: 1k catalyst?

StoicRobot: rifles suvk in GMs. Sidearms? Never work. Yikes, Bungie, Yikes.

2t: Mans lost me when he said Sleeper got a “MASSIVE buff”

Drew _Hyuga: Gravaton Lance just jumped to the top of my list now.

Taylor Grenier: Horror story, warewofl gun i for got the the name of it, carbine serph weapon. All 450 rpm

Gerardo Flores: Rick "enough fooling around" Kackis here

Vincent Parziale: Why wouldn't you use a casting sword? Especially some of the exotics.

Gus Cayou: “It’s Rick I dig chicks kackis here”

BirDMaN 120502: Why does it matter to use different damage types like void arc and all that like don’t they just do the same amount of damage

BirDMaN 120502: Do you like to wear kackis or what

Allan Ronnow: Rick “why did I forget the Vex Mythoclast?” Kackis here

Fitupan: if overload swords need consecutive hits like overload mods usually do I think caster frames would be the best choice to deal from afar and vortex from up close

SteakJuice: Rick "looking for Cayde's chicken" Kackis here!

DONNY CARR: It's genius he's got the chat coming up with his intros

Ken De La Cruz: It’s ya boi Rick “I forgot that there are 3 OTHER Kinetic Precision Frame Auto Rifles” Kackis. 😂

Kobe Alburdy: Bro people are so sleep. D2 is just warming up too, tellin yall

Couldn't Care Less: Rick “YOU DESTROYED MY STEALTH DRIVE?!” Kackis here

Colonel Destiny: Rick “Saint My Guy why are you using a shotty at that range” Kackis

Kyanキャン: Does vex mythoclast count as a fusion with the auto turned on

MrDiplomatSwag: Rick "I'm here to kick ass and chew bubble gum" Kackis

Aaron Velazquez: What about False Promises? It's a 360rpm Precision frame

Leif Riveness: Braytech Werewolf and Horror Story are both kinetic precision frames that aren't sunset, but are unobtainable. probably will reintroduce them (again) during Festival of the Lost

Jason Vor-da-hehes: 3 unstoppable mods, 1 anti and 1 overload is ridiculous so there must be another. They're buffing handcannons and then not giving them a mod? 🤣

Jason Vor-da-hehes: Black talon for overload swords because you can keep a distance, stun then bash them.

hufmybone: Rick "Don't call me Krackass" Kackis

Jenn: 'Tigerspite is the only kinetic precision that isn't sunset' Seventh Seraph Auto Rifle: 'Am I a joke to you?'

Sharpsh00ter025: Rick “How’s your sister” Kackis here

Riverphoenix89: Rick "*navota scream 😱 " kackis here

royalmacboys 2: *coughs* you forgot vex mithoclast

dyce man: Overload swords

Joshua Roman: Rick "I know it's pronounced gee-o-tine but i don't care" Kackis here

Riptide: Seventh seraph auto is also 450rpm btw

Mike Doyle: Said nothing About the Vex its a primary fusion with a Linear Fusion mode!!!

FieniX: Rick "K KK K" Khakis here!

jjkm: Rick " did Lucas Buford just copy my idea?" Kackis here

Donskoops: Fingers crossed energy accelerant mod stays makes the crown splitter a one hitter on nearly all yellow bars

john lagerman: Imagine overload bold caster or solas scar

Moise Marcial jr: Bastion already has unstoppable so keep that in mind

Luke: Rick “I hate this game, I play it everyday” Kackis here

[FATE] zzzNARDSzzz: Where do I get the god roll Throne Cleaver?

FaceGod 21: I feel like they will buff 320 auto rifles so reckless oracle will be amazing

Jimmy Hayhow: Might be time to work on my merciless catalyst

ben w: You got a cold bro?? Feel better dude <3

tyler rewerts: Vex mythoclast is going to be meta because it doesn't need special ammo and it is about to get buffed, let's go I have It too

dimitris Jimmy G theodorou: its called disrupting blade..........

Zander Foster: Rick “SYLOK THE DEFILED” Kackis here

Parsa: Rick "Shaxx kept the helmet on” Kackis

Juan Molina: You forgot about braytech Werewolf! It's anotyer precision frame kinetic auto

Nathan: One big thing to consider about unstoppable fusion/linear fusion: Leviathan’s Breath is unstoppable too BUT the stunning shot doesn’t apply the stun before doing damage. So you’ll have sleeper simulant which has three rounds in the mag. Only TWO of them will do increased damage to a stunned unstoppable. The first will stun it but will do very little damage otherwise. Queensbreaker bow could actually be better for unstoppables than sleeper simply due to mag size.

Mateo: Rick "Hey, next time you anger some hideous cosmic monster, try and make it a smaller one." Khakis here!

Fmurad: Wrong seventh seraph carbine with auto loading vorpal, silly head

Rawkit_Surgeon: 03:01 The tigerspite is the only precision frame kinetic 7th seraph Breywolf

Ascendant-_-Gorilla: 5:53 oh fuck

Kyroterra: Seventh Seraph Carbine - Kinetic 450 Auto Rifle

Nanya Business: 2 words: unstoppable toaster

gif talks !: Great more boost to weapons I don't use except the AR of course oh well

handsittin: What about leviathans breath? Could be use overload while intrinsically it’s unstoppable. 2 in 1 maybe

Mark Miller: Ummm caster frame swords?

azador88: Who wants to get close enough to an overload champion in a GM to use a sword? Great choice bungie 👍

XXX Vega: Great vid as always , question . Is the catalyst for Outbreak Perfected assessable to date ?

azador88: Who wants to get close enough to an overload champion in GM’s to use a sword. Stupid mod choice bungie.

Adam VanArsdalen: Rick " I've got brand spanking news" khakis here.

Kayo Ken Beats: Rick Nova warp bout to be op kackis

ALRIGHTMELUVVER AND CO.: Rick "why am I using Prospector in a legend lost sector" Kackis here

Chair: Crown splitter was only good because of energy accelerant being bugged and now that energy accelerant wont be there next season fallen Guillotine will be better

Blackberrygoblin 69: Rick “return of the guillotine” Kackis

Morayzilla: Why do I get the feeling the next seasonal ritual weapon is either an auto rifle or a shotgun? Maybe a stasis weapon at that.

Empress Caiatl: That definitely means vex will see some new life next season because its a fusion rifle linear fusion hybrid

DiamondHearted: Rick ‘these types of comments are so annoying for god sake stop’ kackis here

Siderealisme: Braytech werewolf and seventh seraf carbine are also precision kinetic auto options that arent sunset.

Erik Morgan: hope it's antibarrier machinegun, some day

Hewkyy: looks like i need to farm some fusion/autorifels atleast i got a fallen god roll

kyng Wzrd: can someone let me know what auto rifle tht is hes using? the solar one in the beginning when doing that cave lost sector

Dean Walker: Everyone forgetting the vex ???

Brian Nixon: Rick "Please don't touch my No No squares" Kackis here.

Jack Sphere: Rick "That Comment Section Is Wild" Kackis here!

Pokouh: So outbreak meta if I don’t see outbreaks this season imma lose it

Philactron: There IS a lot of different options?? “Rick Stop teaching kids bad grammar Kakis”

Big ol big boy: arbalest vs sleeper = witherhoard vs anarchy

Harry Greenaway: "Throne cleaver" sounds just as good as "crown splitter" to be fair.

Lullefication: Dude, the Seventh Seraph auto rifle is a kinetic 450 auto that is not sunset too. And is it spawns warmind cells :)

TheBuffPenguin: Rick "I can't think of a good enough intro so I get my comment section to do it" Kackis

Claire Dowson: Could vex mythoclast finally have a use …slightly excited !

Ketchup: Rick "I'm Savathun" kackis

orinocoPL: Tigerspite is not only kinetic 450. How about braytech werewolf? As for sidearms... Last dance with explosive rounds and dragonfly boost.

Phil J: But the ammo mods are different for linear and regular fusion rifle :/

Phil J: Don't forget Seventh Seraph Carbine!!

M00RE 88: Why is there soooo many unstoppable mods?

Akshat Saxena: It's ya boi thicc * uhmm uhmm * Rick kackis here

Akshat Saxena: It's gonna be overload machine gun, I can bet for a mill for that

Tyler F: Don't forget about the Seventh Seraph auto rifle in the kinetic slot! Braytech Werewolf and Horror Story too!

Luke Honeysett: Rick “that comment section is absolutely wild” Khakis here

Thomas Wood: Kackis: The Tigerspite is the only kinetic 450 right now Braytech Werewolf: Hold my beer!

Alaine Van Eyssen: Please do video on best legendary bows we can farm before season 14 ends. Thanks.

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