The Insane New Artifact Mods You Need in Season of the Splicer! [Destiny 2]

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Fallout Plays: Hey - if you haven't seen it yet, check out my HOT ONES episode (lol shot on my own, I'm not famous) w/ me & Mega Magwitch. Actual hot sauces from the Show! RIP my B-hole!

Richard Carson: i thought he would explain the buffs of the mods. sadly, he only just read the mods, which isn't helpful.

x9x9x9x9x9: The new well mods are actually kinda nice. I do wish they were as powerful as charged with light or warmind stuff but they are not bad. breach and clear with unstop GL is going to be so good for GMs. I am however not looking forward to anything with overloads. Wow I just realized I might be using witherhoard more than anarchy in GMs and lost sectors. I will probably run ikelos SMG for overload and then a rocket, LMG, or some random heavy GL for other elemental shields. I really hate the overload stuff this season I wish we had overload scout or if overload HC worked like unstop HC.

Chuy Alvarado: Hahaha that's funny day one server problems? Is been like 4 years since D2. What did you say about outriders?

Jeremy 0207: The initial mods really kind of suck, definitely not that good for GMs (except for you anti-barrier scout), but the later mods definitely make up for it. The current nade launcher mods are already nasty from what i can tell just from thinking about Salvagers but damn! So many options to clear rooms instantly. Looking at you Witherhoard + Gnawing hunger mains.

Think: Breach and clear with anarchy salavagers Salvo and the new Kinetic gl

Think: Bungie said my memory fragment would be deleted from season to season but it remained in my vault and now I have all 4 fragments week 1

Matt Aarnio: Breach and clear with 2 grenade launchers???

-KingOfNinjas_1-: Hand Cannon Overload mod is the more consistent one. Procs on the 2nd shot to stun overload champs.

Daniel Sosa: Yooooo breach and clear for taniks just shoot ur two anarchy shots and all ur double slugs get a damage boost stacking with well and bubble 1 phase taniks

Shad0wspwn: Does Argent Ordinance work for both damage packets from a Lasting Impressions launcher?

Monkey D. Kharlos: Your truthteller isn’t godroll

Gnar Dogg: Unstoppable witherhoard is cracked

Empress Caiatl: Yeah and the clusterfuck of terrible champion mods the only good one we have is unstoppable grenade launcher everything else isn't even worth it for GM's especially glassway again

Aswani Sharma: Where oppressive darkness?

Gawdd537: Triple GL's gonna nuke everything

Octavia 93: Run 2 grenade launchers

OGR Acid: Yeah my new iron banner handcannon begs to differ too😂😂

Lary Mcfart: I have Self respect and respect for those so the new exotic pistol went to the trash can and that new frost mod will be avoided with a 10ft pole.

Lary Mcfart: This season sounds like season of the Witherhoard.

Simple Jack: I never thought I'd say this but Bungie were better with Activision holding the leash.

Human Person: Truthteller is now officially THE gun this season. There is no other weapon that is important

Mr. K: 08:23 You can use Warmind Decree with Deafening whisper since it is wave form grenade launcher and it can multi kill enemies. Maybe it can handle the mod better than Truth telller.

KING JAMES MORALES: Will you make a video showing the artifact on which ones is the best choice once the game let's you in?

GetitEggnog: Run overload with Malfeasance

There's something wrong with Gru: If Anti barrier pulse happened this season the only gun you would need is Graviton. Because: Anti barrier pulse Overload/Unstop WM Cell Void splash WM Cell It would have been the do it all plus Warlocks would have a field day from Nezs or Battle harmony

Vogel Bert: Fml Pls stop using acronyms ffs, its annoying af tbh.

Matthew Smith: The new Void Fusion rifle from the quest would be nice with warmind decree mod also.

Eliza Meeuse: Okay but imagine if anarchy reloads on every tick of damage with that new artifact mod. You can run triple GL for insane boss dps lmao

Brice Petit: I hate new artefact mods...but i love destiny and new season !

Pas: Breach and Clear, Ignition Code, Fighting Lion. That is something I want to try once I get the mod.

Brock: is vog gonna be free? for new light players?

Ugarte Facundo: Now imagine the demoman New kinetic grenade launcher, fighting lion and heavy nade launcher

Steven Fournet: Deafening Whisper (void waveframe GL) plus Warmind's Decree will simulate the Martyr's Retribution and Wrath of the Warmind combo that we've been missing since Marty's sunsetting. And considering it will stun unstoppable champions, it will be my go to for GM Nightfalls when they are available. Thank you Bungie

Adam Schulz: Damn that Occluded Finality role..... that u were NOT supposed to get is godly!! U should make a video on that FallOut!!

ExiaElite: I've been using witherhoard almost non stop since I got it. It's always been S-tier for pve but now...sheeeesh

Nathan Mellott: Witherhoard about to be STUPID broken

Four_skin7777 -: Why are the subtitles auto generated in Vietnamese?

Ley Mcdonald: Season of Anarchy.

Jose Villalobos: PvP died at the start of stasis, no beating that dead horse.

J J: Breach and Clear + Witherhoarde = Death

Xavier Hawkins: When I browsed through my artifact initially and saw/read Breach & Clear, I was like did Bungie make a mistake. I read it like 10x just to make sure I was understanding it correctly. I think 9 energy is a fair price for it too. It's one of those "Im Commited" mods. #ForTheHorde!!!!

Glauco Alves: Some things to try for my Titan friends: - Bottom tree sunbreaker with either Heart of Inmost Light or Phoenix Cradle, Thermite Grenade, Impulse Recycler, Ashes to Assets. Slap in Wrath and Rage of the Warmind, everything is exploding all the time. - Middle tree sentinel, Warmind's Decree, Thruthteller or Deafening Whisper, Memory Interdict with Chain Reaction and Energy Accelerant or a good Bad Omens as a rocket launcher option. Some more general things to check if they are fine: - Ignition Code, Deafening Whispers/Thruthteller and Anarchy. Triple GLauncher for shits and giggles. :) - Breach and Clear with: Anarchy and double slug (agane), proc the debuff then Lament (Deafening Whisper or blinding grenade Thruthteller come to mind), Whiterhoard plus Rocket Launcher. - Worth cheking: Two-Tailed Fox, Colony, Graviton Lance, every void weapon that rolls with Dragonfly. - Getting ready to feel the pain of loosinge thes mods in 3 months.

Timothy Waldin: In theory, anarchy + breach and clear would infinitely reload stowed weapons while anarchy is ticking. Taniks dps, infinite slug reloads (faster than auto loading), infinitely reloading specials in gms, this is SO OP. you could also use witherhoard for infinite ROCKETS, but this is all theory and may not even work.

Cakophony: Unstoppable sidearm bums me out, devils ruin already does that lol

Zane Gallagher: Truth teller deathbringer new cat

Mecha75: Breach and Clear with my uber-God Rolled Interference IV (Spike, Clown, Full Court) wowzah

aaron B: chroma rush is about to take over pvp ..i called it first

Eduardo Diaz: the season pass was unlocked for me, and i dont buy it, love the bugs

arroyo5born 007: Ok Void weapons that do splash damage ? Knawing Hunger ? Create Warmind cells ? What 😎

1987EniGmA1987: the rocket launcher combo stuff this season is crazy. And then if you are using Truth you get 2 shots per charged with light on Argent Ordinance, and on top of that you can make the void explosion it creates spawn a warmind cell? lol

Rob Jorgenson: overload handcannon with posterity is great

JusLukix: Yes, the overload smg is very mean 😢 Also very explosive season :)

Tard Wrangler: it looks like they buffed titans stasis melee tracking

Prateek Karn: OMFG. It's the season for Devourer warlock. Holy Nezerac's sin, devourer (bottom tree) ashes to assets, that warmind cells from void splash damage, fighting lion, the impulse recycler( or whatever it was called). Season of infinite grenades it is

Chubbub Dreamer: Season of the Grenade Launcher. *Michael Bay Intensifies*

Al GoRythm: After the update, I couldn't play at all yesterday (on Xbox One S). I kept getting error code "beagle" telling me to delete and reinstall. I did not do that, I just kept trying every hour or so, and shortly after midnight I got to the Tower, but didn't feel like playing anymore. Plus I thought I'd just get kicked half way thru something if the servers were that bad after the update. I also noticed MesaSean was having similar problems on PC. Oh also my quests were telling me to do the "Closing Ceremony" for the Guardian Games, but of course the podium isn't even there anymore. I don't know, seems like they need to fix some stuff before I jump in fully.

Xenronnify: This new G'nade Launcher meta has me excited. Fighting Lion, anyone?

Eric Fields: Shockingly, Bungie decided to let us go HAM this season!

Atulan Zaman: Why is there randomly an american flag next to each mod description. Just curious LUL

Sera Phina: My game booted up fine and I was playing and having fun while watching people on Twitch being stuck trying to boot it up. Then I realized my luck is just because I have no friends. =(

ChumblesMumbles: The new fusion rifle Null Composure is void and creates void explosions. Add Warmind's Decree and that could be pretty good for PVE add clear.

Straight Vibin': void splash damage makes warminds and we get a deathbringer catalyst😳 Deathbringer Meta Deathbringer Meta Deathbringer Meta

Tony Rinaldi: Season of the Spl-GRENADE LAUNCHER!

Pato Games: Top tree VoidLock Nez Sin Witherhord (unstop) Gnawing Hunger (barrier) Royal Entry with Lasting Nade Wells Wisdom Wells Breach and Clear Taking Charge Argent Ordinance... That will rip through anything with UnStops and Barrier Champs. However, with the new mod for WMind Cells, that disrupts champs, Witherhord Ikelos SMG Rocket Plus the usual Cell mods (Global, Wrath, Rage), is still gonna be massive.

Donta Jones: Warminds Decree... Fighting Lion- "Hold my Beer"

Cmdr Riotz: 7:40 that map looks an awful lot like one of the queen's missions in D1.

Darth Nater: Unstoppable anarchy 💀

Camburger826: Breach and clear with double special GL and Anarchy?

Antiope-D: Fighting lioners our time has come

Jeff Mordo: If I see one of those damned Eliksni getting something out of a vending machine in the tower, and I can't...heads will roll. /rant_off

Kajetan Maciuszko: sad no linear fusion rifle mods

csnation: Season of EXPLOSIOOOONS !

FIREDELL10: Triple GL loadout with Breach and Clear. (if it doesn't have a cooldown as to when you can reload your other weapons) Imagine just flying through ammo with the new kinetic GL, whatever energy GL, and whatever heavy GL you want just spamming all your shots. If it works, the DPS will be HUGE. Also, stacking a bunch of Argent Ordnance mods should do a hell of a lot of damage as well. Theoretically, you don't even need to have a charged with light mod on since other players can give you charges, so having 5 of them on?

Bradman CONSTABLE: Hear me out… Impulse recycler + contra verse holds

Devin King: .....isn’t

Blakearious Gaming: My guess for meta dps is 2 spike quickdraw vorpal breach loaders and a rocket in heavy slot. Cycle between firing all 3 guns, never reload, profit


Zer0 Aquilanima: Breach and Clear with Anarchy/witherhoard is gonna be nuts

Weecka2007: deafening whisper (one of my favourite GL's that i have like 8 rolls of) will be warmind cell weapon :) new martyr's retribution basically

Burning Puppy: I got chromatic rush with Heat up & Adrenaline Junkie. It is doooope!

mmmosh: Gg

exTenor: Does that work with special grenade launchers? Hot swapping kinetic and energy grenade launchers, reloading each other with every shot

Choo Ha-na: Void splash... HELLO LE MONARQUE GANG

Nick: Warminds decree+ contraverse hold+ the mod that gives grenade energy on grenade kills. Infinite grenades

Fifth Cylinder: Re: unstoppable hunter melee...did you just forget about shurikens?

King Tard: I really wish war mines decree was a seasonal perk. Not a artifact. That way it would be permanent

Jonas: Don´t know if this is a glitch but my truthteller can spawn warmind cells

King Tard: Hey just an FYI, DSC isn't dropping Pinnacle or even powerful. It's got to be a bug

FarikoGalaxy: Anyone know if hung jury is in the nightfall this week?

Trevor Watson: Bro talk slower u sound like ur crack

Reddy Risery: The new sidearm need auto loading hostler

Sami R: masterworked Bad omens with clusterf*** and even better? Damn!

StamX: you did not just use jebroni unironically...

FudwTM: Fighting Lion fucking meta let's FUCKING GOOOOOOOOO!!!

FireShadow75: Telesto + Nazareck sin + warmind decree = yes

rocket: Anarchy and double grenade launchers seems like it could do some massive damage

Marv Hughes: Argent Ordinance was a cost of 5 Now it's a cost of 1.

Sean P: It's "coming down the pike", not the pipe. IJS

Wicked The Mad Hatter: Revenants rise up and abuse the new exotic with glacial inheritance Bring back the old feeling of orpheus rig except the super can kill now

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