I Busted EVERY Fortnite Season 7 Myth...

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McCreamy: who wants the battlepass?

Martha Hidalgo: I want the battle pasd

Martha Hidalgo: Weird name

Martha Hidalgo: User name fishybuttcheeks

Steven Barber: Stinky

Aaron Zavala: Ajon1fps or aj07_ps

Despeakable Landato: XxFaZeDartxX

Tiffany Cuneo: Rip 🪦

Nintendo Legend: Rip

Super_Hulk900: Congrats on 7 million subscribers!

PinguTryken: 7mil

FN zine: My epic is FN zine YT

moqao relau: The pleasant afghanistan phytogeographically multiply because meal really whirl via a adjoining headline. macho, same child

Kirsty Shaw: Me plz bestman2601 I watch your vids

Otfs Plays !: Well done for reaching 7m

Leland n Kendell: FRCYeeet is my epic congratulations' on 7 mill

Hamboy: hamboy727 battle pass please

Daíthí Madden: Me and my epic is bannerlad123

Sandra Bjork: I would like the battle pass and congrats on 7mil! like wow thats a big number

galaxy raider: me mc ;)

Michael Hood: She is still got some money

Jaiden Love: JaidenGunner

Michael Hood: My mom spent all her money on Xbox 1

Jaiden Love: Meeee

Jaiden Love: Merr

R1tual_XR: Mcreamy: this is so op Me: why not we just call it the new Zappatron (idk how to spell it)

Josh Does Games: HOLLOWK1Dyt ik it’s not the best epic name

ItzAdamz369: rip

Cara Barnard: Tibblezzz

Kolby ivory: Cblessed23

Emmet Donohue: 7 mill lezz goooo creamy


Flerby_Der: Rip :(

CR0SS80W _C4RN4G3: The time I’m watching this video he got 7M

Fortnite gaming: mi. epc. faze. hans. olai

Brooklyn Brewer: CONGRATULATIONS ON 7 million!!

Ayesha Dutt: my name is porridge godmode

Tsxkll: Rip

Turkeyman Wrxld: Rip

Ayesha Dutt: meeeeeeeeeee

Crystal Alford: "Rip lama"

Mari Tv Vlog: I want the battlepass

Ashton Stevens: I really want the Rick skin

Sawyer: Stinky

Dimitris Dimitsas: 7 millions Congratulations

Collin Wobma: Crazykol1 :)

Llzanocap channel: Stinky

hassan abusogra: My epic is Abdullahyousif_9

Javi Sosa: Nooo

Pyris Flix ✔: Rip

S5 Mystic: S5 Mystic

Jacob Realey: KnockoutJR1 plz

BlazeBoy: I want epic user:Blazehyper213

Chubz Mubz: Quality content 👌 Username is dheywiajao123422 :)

zackary mancillas: Zackman0501

zackary mancillas: Z

PhatePlaysFN: Rip

PGC Talha Gaming: I forgot sharks existed lol

Brandon Salas: pls add me its bsalas_21

MKAKZ Reeves: My user name is Reeves752

MKAKZ Reeves: Can you add me reeves752

Mary Mcnew: Knock knock uuum excuse me he said he would gift some people the battle pass and... gifting the battle pass is disabled if you do not believe me look beneath the ready up button

Rigor Mortise: LBG4

Joe Louwies: Flash-story1

Mexican Itachi: Rip


Javi Sosa: I am sub

Over powered Anime protagonist: Okay

E Gaming and sports: my epic name is stoneman-2018

Over powered Anime protagonist: *E*

Ahmed Farhan: So many fake sites in the comment section. The only one that was real for me is Forthax0r. Find it on Google if you would like to try it.

T1lewa: Congrats on 7 mil, my epic is RoastedGullardos

Vi_Celestino -_-: RIP

Shane Wellman: Stinky

xX boi Xx: stinky

Jamie Law: ‘Stinky’ My name is Jamieplayz :)

Melvyn Jeremiah: What a coincidence. He hit 7 million in season 7


Lucas Kristoffer Jenssen: me poor

Lucas Kristoffer Jenssen: i really want 1 bc i dont have money to it

Pyris Flix ✔: My epic: Pyris Flix YT Username: Okami_Nex

Susan Greer: Rip

Lucas Kristoffer Jenssen: i want

Christian Stanley: Congrats mccreamy I’ve been watching for 2 years now and have been enjoying a lot of your content lately.-TwitchSalomn

Box of frogs: Rip 🪦


WAYZ btw: rip

Lumber_LucasYt: I would love battlepass if you even ever see this comment my username is Lucas_The_Npc

Aiden D: Me my name in fortnite is its yah boy jam

samuel: Rip

Twinkle: My username is: Loski08 Love your videos and also im sub and I like all of your videos!!!!!

collection video with asso: I used every single of the sites for free Fortnite V-Bucks, and only Forthax0r worked for me. It can be found on Google :)

The Overseer: McCreamy: *says he tests myths so we don’t have to* Everyone: *hates fortnite unless your 5*

Nilesh Sinkar: 7 mill

Music boy: Lol

Kenny Lindquist: Could you please add me, I have xd in my name and I've been watching you for a long time

Gabija Šalkutė: U hit it finally CONGRATS FOR 7 MIL NOW 10MILLL btw the battle pass would be insane epic:Gabija_Battle

Kirito: Rip

Anna Kamaratakis: is my username?epic

Anna Kamaratakis: Plasma_VAGGY

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