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Fortnite Events: For Week 3 They Are 11 " 2 Purple , 4 Green 5 Blue"
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people who helped me to find all of them link in description ;)Написать
Peaked_Scream: 3:11
Dan playz Minecraft and animations: Hey Fortnite Events can you still get these please reply and thanks for the help
Mr Moose: Thx
Jk Wuv U Lonnie Not in a gay way: I thought this wasn’t real IT WAS TOO GOOD!!
AKL: Bud
Kujoldr: Thanks I need this for eternal knight
Jessica Kiefer: Wo
ZEX Has 0 PR: Thanks now level 100
The Heretic Of Heresy: Thanks for your help. You earned yourself a sub
sweaty Black Knight Malear: Thank you for helping me doing challenges I need to find on the tokens for I can get to tier 100 I'm sure 98 right now and I'm so close
Crafter is garbo: Thanks bro
Shanda Mencsik: Tysm I am literally almost level 100
Basically Its George: Thanks
Dryft: I subscribed thx
Quanz: When I break it blue coin doesn’t appear for me, am I doing something wrong
Cool Gamer: Thx so much
Seixo Paulo: Goat
CTB Beats: This helps so much
Cassie Steele: Do the blue coins move?
JERARD MN: This helped me 10000000000000000 times better then other youtubers
yogi0107: Yeah
b b gansta: Thanks 🤗
Imaan Altaf: thx really helps
GamingGod HD: Bro i was lv 72 and i got up to 77 thanks so much
G Kan: 2:10 3:14 3:55
WhoIsThisAgain: There Is Another Blue Coin If You Break A Blue Canoe At Motorboat Mayhem
Astrophlame: You've earned a sub :)
SammePlayz: some of them are glitched like the dont spawn for me
Kaysan X: Do they disappear the next week
Enrique C Gonzalez: This is a very good video all of
Raw66: Thank so much
Lix: Lol thx im using this for xp im soo close to a vbucks teir once it get it i have 1250 vbucks
RATS 4 LIFE: I calculated all speed it gives you if you collect all 11 Xp coins you will get a total of 110,000 Xp hope this helped you 😁
clusked: I mess with your channel my guy 👍🏼
Harley Wilton: I got kit from this level 60 thank you
JVenom: i cant see the one in the telescope idk y on either would it appear on other telescopes maybe
HUGO VILLANUEVA: Now it's easy to get to level 100
Goku God: Thank you know I’m level 99
Alexis Martin: This helps a lot thanks!
jkr gaming 307: Thank you so much this helps a lot
Metric Gaming: Why the hell are there people disliking the vid
Nishy 532: Same
eat snake: Thank you soo much I got to level 100 because of you you legend
Mambaholic: 3:37
Mambaholic: 1:31 telescope
ADaWg BTW: This video it's super helpful. I'll reach level 90 in no time. 😄👍🏻
Asa Vaughn: Thanks and I subscribed
Butter-Young: Thanks a lot I’m going to get to level 100in no time
Joshua Dehorse: I’m adopted
Goldenvibes _YT: Thanks
Fusion Gamer: Thx I was trying do get double up and needed 1 more level before I have enough v-bucks I JUST got it thanks to you
Syndrome: The blue xp coins will not show up
Julian Gomez: Thank you
Redbutton: I’ve got to level 117 thanks to you so thanks
Ailish Bergin: I couldn't find the 10 one can u tell me where it is
PEPPERMINT Bum: This is helping me so much today my fav skin is in the item shop you helped me level up yo vbucks to get it thx so much
Kayden Holmes: Thanks bro
LittleReno88: Thank you so much
Casper God: 🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃
Francisco: From battle pass
Francisco: Lots of help I got my favorite skin
Jake [][][]: I’m level 85 now and really close to the eternal pickaxes
wasika duque: Can you give me iconic cub-almighty 639
Jacob Barone: Thx dude this really helps me level up faster
Tay Crutcher: YOU ARE THE BEST!!!🤩💯🐯
Fortnite leaks: Thanks I rilly wanted the night
Tay Crutcher: Thanks now I’m at level 96
africkinfrick: thank you for actually just showing them and not stretching the video
Dylan Ramz29: How many levels did u guys get from this
C W: Bro your ass backwards don't show map before you land and when you do its like half a second then your back tracking on top of that. There is better streamers than this. Harry ninety four could give you alot of tips. I'm disliking and not finishing video
Ajani Davis: You have a great soul
Ajani Davis: Thank you for helping to get me a new dance add me epic is cmn4life.
Matt Moynihan: Thanks for these guides dude! So many of the coins don’t spawn for me tho 🙄
Rider: Thanks alot mate 👏👏
Gameboy: Thanks soooooo much
Akel Not Aly: Hi
GAMER OF PS4: Thank you 😊
Zxsli Shorts: Yeet
cowbrow311: You a legend for this
SvalurTyr: This is one of the best videos I have ever seen on YouTube tbh, great work 👍🏼
Liam: Thx
Telmo Dantes: Helps a hole lot going to sub
megaduck34: I subed
Botsis fn: Thanks
Swavvy King: Thanks man helped me a lot
Jack Bosche: Your the best YouTuber ever
Micah Bell: Great vid no bs straight to point
Daphne van Leeuwen: je bent dik
julieta: THANK YOU!!!!!
Paloma being Paloma: Thank you so much I tier 95
Inacia oliveira: Ikr
Castle Clasher123: Could someone help me? I collected all 5 coins with my friend and he got 5/5 blue coins and I only got 3/5. I can't collect them anymore. Help 🥺
DAVID HAMM: any one in ps4
I love pug: You’re the best YouTube
Jad Najem: Thanks for the help bro i am lvl 76 with out buying any tier because u told me where they are i was struggling
Zarco: This helped me so much
Zero. Fortnite Content: Cheers man helps everyone out so much
Jus Jgleed: it’s not there
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