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Fortnite Events: Subscribe to help me Reach 200k !

Ryan Paulo: 200

Rubiks Gaming CGZ/Grave: Where the crap is the one in replay??

steven garcia: Is this all the coins?

DB Pigeon: Thank you for just giving it to us and not telling us to subscribe or anything. I’m trying to grind late season rn and this has come in clutch for me

grimreaper: I really need the battle pass so this is helping me to get it

LimitsFN: Please respond

Meltedink8624: dude I'm at 93 if this guy helps me get to 100 I'll forever be in hos debt

jakethedestroyer1296 roblox: I watch bodils video then I found this keep it up

Blazing Crayon: This helped so much it finally got me rainbow iorn man

MintBugle722617: 2:07

weefatgaz: How did you Find all the Xp coin’s The only reason that the app doesn’t go in this is to be able to do the same as it takes a year or two and the other half the app won’t work out under a lot like it to the screen and the game itself and it crashes every once a month or the next day it takes a little longer and the you have the same

Omar Argueta Fuentes: Can they still be found in week 7 or nah?

Heckin Minions: Can you still get the coins from previous weeks or does it have to be the week ur on

Kaden B: I always forget the week one xp coins

Aiden Jones: This guy should have 1mill subs for helping everyone

guzsky: This was a great help. Worth subscribing to

Bucks Unsolved: Thanks u have earned a sub from me

Itz lxxpzz: 1:58 did u die?🤔😅

YGS5: 3:02 ty

나나나ㅏ: 345

Peter Parkour: Can you still get them?

Flameblast73: Can you still collect them even during week 5

CraZy GhouLz: Do the week 1 XP coins disappear when week 2 comes out?

CJ J: I’m 172 and had to come back for the cop coins thanks birh

Mintage: Thank you! I need this to grind

Wolfi: Could you make a map

Giovanny Magana: 3:15

Giovanny Magana: 2:48

Lit boy Sam: Thanks to you I got mystique I was level 79but you helped me get xp so warm yeah that's all I got to say

Angela Hendricks: Thx you helped me get silver thor

Sir Sucks a lot: My epic is FishyTrooper

GIOVAHNNI GUCCI: How does this video have 500+ dislikes?!?!!?? I guess those 500+ people are idiots and can’t follow/read a map. They need the video to have narrator or commentator telling them step by step instructions.


Bombay: Will Week 1 XP coins exist in Week 4?

Ian: The blue ones are not showing up for me

Jerimiah Peyton: I love it when he hits the gas tank and just cuts the part I wonder what would’ve happened

kazzxcc: This was so helpful good thing you made this kind of video i kept looking for it but i can't but when i watched this video i found all of it!

Battle.of.britian.spitfire: Fun fact: the first xp coin isn’t on the map anymore

mamix: 0:57

Liam Howe: Thank you for helping me get XP

BobRoss: Your the best man

Alex320: Fortnite Events and Harryninetyfour are so useful I'm glad we have them

Noob Player: You made get battle pass

Der FLOZOCKT :D: There are 4 Green Coins but in the Video are only Three where is the last onev

Brad Smith: Is there any gold do coins from week one

Amanda Grills: Noah is my brother he is so funny 🤣😂

Amanda Grills: And kick

Amanda Grills: Hello

southcrayfish 8: Thank you so much you helped me reach tier 100 im subing

Bashdebo: You’re the best because every single XP video I watch they just talk so much

VICTOR CHAVARRIA: You deserve a sub let me sub to you real quick thanks bro for the help of leveling me ip

Jacob Wragg: E

Jacob Wragg: Be the one k commen

Jacob Wragg: I will

Jacob Wragg: I

Jacob Wragg: E

Yeet Bou: Thanks man, appreciate it

minecraft tutorials: Love it

Thistle_Minds Madness1: Can you still get these coins even after the next week?

Austinb9529: thanks man

Ali Tahir: 0:11 0:57 1:30 1:54 2:08 2:35 2:55 3:12 3:22

Allan _yuh: Purple: 0:00 0:50 Blue: 1:16 1:37 1:59 Green: 2:16 2:41 3:00 3:15

The Stop Motioner: When it says to subscribe so he can reach 200k but he has 201k

Mr Teamfortress 2: Thanks now I have dr doom

FusionStanzix Vi: 0:47 xD

Mohammad Alramahi: Just a feedback show footage while gliding at yhe spot for the ciewers to get to know the location better

NRG Zayden: <3

mafia tedy: Thkans bro

Kyle and Kris: Dude this dude does show it really good

unorevverse: The first purple xp coin does not appear for me (I have not gotten an purple xp coin this season and my punch card doesn't say I gotten one)

Henri Messier: Your guide sucks. Show the coins in proximity to eachother. Now I’m running around the map

XD_itz-cam M: Dude u are so under rated u deserve like 2.9 mill

Izik Moreno: Does the previous week xp coins go away when another week starts?

Cr4z3d Builder: Yo I am your 200k sub. Congrats bro!!!!

Samuel Gomes: U missed one green xp

Yasushi: do xp coins respawn? if so when?

Koi: Where’s the second one on the map

The marvel ChickenXD: You know what I’m going to subscribe because you helped me through my eternal knight adventure and I would just like to say thank you for the help and now you’re going to help me get Holo wolverine

eclipse: Thank you thanks to this vid I'm now level 109. btw my epic is Anna32_ if anyone wants to play

INEEDHEALING: I couldn’t thank someone more. Thank you so much 😊 Edit: I subbed as well

littlemac: I subbed thank so much

vRyhen: Subbed bc all you did was show the spots not juts talk talk talk *just

DJuno: Do they appear in week two?


christopher howlett: Hello bro if you didn't collect them last week are they still there for week 2 bro 👍🏻

night shibe: It’s so awesome right when you touch the xp coin some a hole kills you and now I go and it isn’t there and I didn’t get the xp what the heck

A11sTaR416_ RSG: The second purple xp coin doesn’t show up for me it’s so weird

RaZe pumps: Ffffff

Kristi Poe: thanks this vid was helpful

courtney szeliga: Thanks now my bois will lvl up

KidRaven: Best yt

Tammy: Can you collect week 1 coins after the week ended?

Haidy El amrity: Thanks for telling us where all the XP is

garfield fan the 1st: He s da best I need to get going

Zero Todal: Thank you for this short video it really helped. I’m currently tier 56 :) Note: without buying a single tier

Curved: Thx for not being a clickbaiter saying “FrEe ReaWaRds

Jack Watson: Please can u do week 3 Xp coins when they come out

GOKU Blue: Wow you are amazing youtuber keep do a great job i fond all the coins thx and level up fast

goshko: starting week 2 can i take coins from 1 week ?

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