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Brandon Cruz: Where’s 10?

Ethans bad B: Thanks for getting level 90

GalaxyGamer18: Thank you so much you have helped me get almost 10 lvls in one day

Monopolioa: 0:52 is where I left of

Bugz Bunny: Could you make a vid putting all ov them into one thank you?

Fortnut Master: Thx sooo much I subbed and noti

Doofenshmirtz evil inc.: This idiot did it in the worst order ever the first place we were at was literally the last one too

Brinson Berry: this made me get to level 100 thank you

Hexatic: I was stuck on 79 now I'm 87 thx so much

Snappzzi: Im level 96 and this helps a ton

Solo Jinxx: This is amazing but can you put them in the best order to collect cause it would help alot

Allfungames: Hi

monica luong: Hey great videos but I think you should order the coins based on location. Coins #2 and 10 are right next to each other so it would’ve been way more efficient if you put those right after each other in the video.

Christopher Hughes: I can't thank u enough u were such a life saver <3

Gamerplayz769 Yt: Thank you for the xp Locations

Tuséslav BTW: Thanks, but at the gas station it fidnt pop out and i didnt even collected it

Lj Burgess III: Love it

Ciaran Basra: thax

Paraskevi_.: Thanks you helped me a lot.

ello ello: Do they disappear after that week?

Rαγ: Bruh i could have got like 3 coins in one match. please go from top to bottom or something.

IG-DwáyñëMYZRY: Thx you got me to level 100

just Pdawg210: Why can't I get the one at 1:36?!😭

Stephanie: Nice!

Sophie Wilding: How many should there be in total including the previous weeks (not including week 5)

• PogChamp_Max •: I didnt even found one till yet was lvl 60 now im 70 in a hour thx man

PortalGamer: U r the best tysm for this

Xcalibr: u missed one blue xp coin it was on the river between catty and lazy in a shed next to the river

SneakyEel: Your a lifesaver

Brutus: Your the best thanks so much

Hunter Thorn: Yo can someone pls tell me if this is correct and if I do have all the coins so far 24 green coins, 10 blue coins, and 12 purple coins Thx

FK-playz: Thanks

Kenny: can you start actually put them in order around the map so this is as easy as possible

rini !: i get level 100

Mikinley Hamilton: Wow this was so helpful

Will Morris: Just a vidio

jakebored: Thanks Ima subscribe to you

Mayra parada: I love your videos

madilyn weller: can you only get them once?

Salma Alqurashi: TYSM !😊

Ahmad Alramahi: 3:23

Stephanie: Thanks you helped me get tier 96

Itsjust_XJadenX: Some of them dont show up also I do have the padd

Nándor Somogyi: 3:55

ivy Cai: can someone please buy me a skin my user is ivyyĆa

Yadiel Perez: I'm level 80 right now when I get on and so them I'll edit this

zeb eye: This man is a legend

Murray Flynn: Thank you are a hero

Mcharlie 07: /ban Bobtdm

Jasper Sanders: Yeah bro thank you now i can buy aura

Asier Traspaderne: Thanks, that helped me a lot.

Holden Miller: Level 95 and counting!

Darthkittycat: Sub well earned

Livih Haigh: TYSM this really helped!

Really pooper: Heyiwisjsjs

York_: ur voice sounds good

Animation and Venom 29: I got siona because of this vid

Daviyonn Boykins: I got lvl 60 kit thx

Jennelle Argueta: This vid got me to 87

Asta_ Kun: Thank you man you helped me alot ✌️♥️

Zy Cupe: Thanks

brennan rohrbacher: U earned a sub

Jacob Castoria: seek and you will find

Jacob Castoria: GOD and JESUS loves you with all of their heart repent from your sins and receive JESUS CRIST as your LORD and Savior

Baran Genç: I am on 97 daaamn

the simpsons: Rap is fake for the end of a year and it's a good idea for the people who want jeffys

the simpsons: You can also get the end of a good time

Ias Ias: Thanks bro your da best

GGamerJ JAC: Ty

Tom Tarrant: Thank u

Mr. Brown Dog Birk: THANK YOU

Noxiety: I subscribe :)

Aramaru 1837: Why did this pop up when i searched for Sword Art Online season 3 episode 37?

wardy 8846: Just a little advise instead of doing all of the colours in order do the quickest route to get all of the coins

NotAnthony: Just dropped a sub! See ya next week lol

Lil Pollo25: Ima sub to u because ur the only YouTubed I watch for this stough

bri_loves_potatos :3: Hey instead of team rumble go into solos and take a Choppa (highly recommend)

Alisson Diaz: Because of this I’m at level 80 thanks!

Logan Lumbreras: im level 121 because him

JJacob23_: Tysm GOL GOL

Drew 15: this game sucks it won’t even show the one by risky anymore since the water went down

SynceretheGreat: I’m at 99

Josh On 60fps: I’m level 99 because of this gut thanks 😊

Lj Ochoa: 999999

ominous _hare: ty

yair Chavez: Im a sin and turn on the bell thx for your help my dude

Fortnite King: Level 99

The one: Bro thank youu


g- zim: thanks man you help a lot

Gamer girl Emma: LEGENDARY

Γεώργιος Γαλανός: Thanks

Guff Army: This boi got me to level 100!!

Taterman_622: this really helped thank you

Alias Rabz: 100 likes ??

Aaron Pearce: This guy is a legend

Medu Quark: the last xp blues is canoe lake in the pier

ISHOTΨ: U are a legend

哈撸茛: Is this repeatable? I found 2 xp coins near Pleasant Park, but those coins didn't show up next time

Obi-Wan Cannoli: I was literally stuck on teir 97 forever until I was saved with this vid

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