Titans Season 3 | Official Teaser | HBO Max

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qtMagic: I cannot wait for this but when is Young Justice coming out

Infinix Max: #RestoreTheSnyderVerse

Ethan Vandenenden: Red hood babyyyyyyyyy!!!🥊🚘 ⚒️ ⏳⏳⌛️🔌🔧🔨🛠⛏🧼🛌🛋🛎🛌🛏🛏🎁🛒🛒🧼🛒🎏🎏🎈🎈🎈🎈🧼🎏🧼 (idk man-)

DavesHadeNuFF187: About time!!!

Ceejay ThizzLink Rigmaiden: I hope dove didn't die at the end 🥺

yuitr loing: "By the way, who do you think screamed the loudest? The girl or the boy."

Lagertha Official: 0:29 WAOOO 🤩

Talha Tariq: Is it is a fan made?

SOTL 77: Why do people still live in Gotham?

Amna Shah ICS-1: 0:26 : The Titans appears. Me : 😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯

Negative Zer0: *insert red hood quote*

Shahnawaz Khan: Plz release it in hindi language tooo... Lots of love from india❤️

Ishraq Hasin Ahmed: What about Netflix?

Anakin Skywalker: I mean in this show Jason's pretty good at fighting I'm wondering how joker will get to killing him

The Looney Tunes & Transformers Fan 2002: You know, after that I didn't enjoy Seasons 1 & 2 much?? I think I might give Season 3 a chance because Seasons 1 & 2 gave me some time for me to get use to, but I might be getting use to Season 3, I don't know. Either way I think if I watch Season 3 of Titans?? It'll probably help me clear my mind off of the whole "Teen Titans (2002) vs TTG" arguments, it's a good thing I still stick to Batman: The Animated Series and Batman: Beyond.

Henry withAW: Red hood looks fucking awful

David M: I really want a picture with the crowbar. Maybe one with Robin and joker then a picture with all 3.

drex gaming: Hindi dubbed?

Ykomat: This gives me real strong Punisher vibes

TodoUsman: Im only here for red Hood. The rest is eh...

Andrew L.: I'm sorry but red hoods helmet is just too damn big 😂

dontedoestuff: Ok I genuinely need help now. Is this show worth watching? Red Hood is my favorite comic book character so I want to check it out. But if the show itself is just meh then I’ll ignore it. HELP PLEASE

Spoony 375: Sold!!!! This is a waaayyyover due story!

Gudgel: At 0:38 you can see a scene that looks VERY similar to the first scen with red hood in under the red hood

MrJedabak: It’s interesting that they’re adapting Death in the Family in some way, but it’s kinda weird that he seems to become Red Hood almost immediately after that. I mean, the point of the Under the Hood story is that it’s been years since Jason had died, and Batman carries that guilt for a long time before Jason comes back all.

Subham Das: An Epic Nightwing Vs Red Hood Fight shouldn't be off the table right.

Geeky Bros: 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

Fours: I like how pretty much all they need to show is that crowbar. You *know* what they're tackling when you see that.

prashams: “Hit series”

pirate423: I swear to God, if it wont stream on Netflix I'll be pissed. Cause I aint payin for another streaming site and I dont cable anymore.

Matt Holland: When is this going to be available in 4K? It was on the DCU app.

Jacob Weyker: God I love this show so much so hyped for season 3 let’s get a couple more season of this after upcoming season and get some spin-offs

Hope Hope: I can't wait I'm so happy they finally put out a trailer and I can't wait to see red hood 🖤❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🖤

Kavita Rajput: This

Kavita Rajput: Why tis app is not avaliable in india

Haikal Afiq: This show is still going? Damn they must be milking from all the fanboy's real hard.

δόνηση: "Where were you bruce, all those nights i was waiting for you and then you replace me in a week no- a month- and now....im gonna do what you couldn't.....

iTalk “R-Ninja” uListen: I couldn’t make it past one episode of this cheesey shit

w: “Oh… and tell the big man I said ‘hello’”

Elver Sat: The character design of redhood is horrible.

caterpillar panda: oooh that’s that HBO budget

CrpT_jayy: at :36 seconds you can see the bloody knife Jason used to cut the heads off with and at :38 you can see the duffel bag and the mobsters probably shooting at Jason from under the red hood death in the family this shit finna be good

Way O' The Fro: So they're going to kill Jason and bring him back in one season? The writing is going to have to improve ten times in order to make that work.

Atirador 18 Daniel: Pé de cabra vai cantar

José Antonio Silva: HBO Max, o único Streaming com poder de rivalizar o Disney+ em termos de marcas. Universo GOT, His Dark Materials, Euphoria, Universo DC e a gigante Warner :O

Walkersclan: Ok when is it coming and I’m also waiting for The Boys

SonicTheManhog: I thought it said teen titans

Jacopo Bertini: Red hood👍

MC proy 923: Because your moral won’t allow to do that, it’s so hard to cross that line ?

王虎知: Will wee see batman costume in this one?

John Doe: Garbage. season two ruined it. I wish they would just bring back Swamp thing.

CaptainWonderButt.: The costumes looks like shit You couldn't even get Slade's mask right. So fucking over this garbage adaptation.

Gabriel Escobar: one question where is jarcko or the kid that was trap inside of deathstroke of season 2 finale??

Zhello: I am still irked by Donna's death, hopefully she comes back.

Armond Smith: Where’s Raven?

Tizzo 82: August? 😭😭😭 Why so far

Gabriel Escobar: Titans are back and better get ready this is about to get steaming fire!!!! loooooook at star fire girl and no doubt about my old time favorite man out there brenton thwaites!!! he is bringing it all or nothing lets gooo!!!!!!!! =)


Leftie 23: There’s no way that Death in the Family, Tim Drake’s origin, Under the Red Hood, Starfire vs Blackfire, the return of Donna Troy, and whatever’s happening with Hawk, Dove, Raven, BB, and Barbara Gordon will fit into one cohesive season.

Pranav Sohoni: Who was like Deadpool

Victor Cruz: Mas já??

Xaiver dunson: Where my red hood mains at in injustice !!!!!!!!

NobleRenegade: Finally, Red Hoods live action debut

Mason Bagby: Look at the set photos and then watch this trailer Looks like two completely different shows

Tim Manba: We let this happen. Somehow we have a season 3 and I think that's the fault of the audience. God what a travesty.

cqvio doli: I'm interested in seeing how they handle that aspect of "Batman: Death In The Family".

ari _thenerd: THIS MADE ME DAY 😭😭😭😭 REDHOOD YES ❤❤❤❤

Alexander Jorgensen: My only gripe is if that’s the red hood helmet it looks awful

Castelar Garcia: Hope you like this fantasy tale with music videos. https://www.wattpad.com/1087303828-the-lost-warriors-of-krazen

ツSwxney: NOW Is it going to be on Netflix??? in Australia?????

Roberto Reyes: Su cuota de representación se sigue viendo terrible aunque le cambien el traje! Deberían de dejar de regalarle el trabajo a la gente solo porque si!

Charles Kim: Red hood is here now.

Mackenzie Bee!: Zzzz

Belinda Nunez: I really can't wait to see this❤

Mr. Wolf Creates: This looks pretty cool, but does the red hood helmet look kinda off idk lolll

Mr. Juan Gaming: Will It be available in Latinoamerica on August 12th?

Prodicle: It says it’s coding August 12!?! Does anyone see that I was dragging to skip and I see it but it’s like a mili second long so u only see it while dragging tf xD at 0:50

Willian SGP: 😭😭😭😭👏👏

Lord Bane75: Like the other 2 seasons looks like dog shit🤬

Julian Gonzalez: Hopefully they make this in 4K hdr like they had on DC Universe

REPTILE -The LAST SAURIAN: Hahahaha finally killing the Robin I love joker bloody bird going down because wing are broken to become something els thanks joker for killing jason Todd and the people who back in the days voted appreciate 🃏

Spider-Man Unknown: I really despise this show as a Teen titans fan but I can’t lie and I think this teaser trailer looks dope.

Anarchic City: So awesome, spectacular, amazing, epic I love titans, I can't wait for the season 3


Joshua Mercer: DC Comics: the only company that can make us excited to watch a preteen get beaten to death with a crowbar

Spider - Man: Joker: AHAHHAHHAHA Batman: Be very carefuel with what youre gonna say

YouTube is trying To Censor me: Why is it they are able to give red hood the white eyes but NOT FUCKING BATMAN!!!

Scott Jackson: Tell me what hurts more forehand or backhand!

DaSaiyanTV: I wonder if we're gonna see the Nightwing vs Red Hood fight from Batman: Battle for the Cowl be adapted

AgenteHitlerFBI: Creí q la starfire n3gra era un chiste

Rockthemix: Damn, I confuse Titans and Umbrella Academy too much...

Quintin Duverce: “What’s that lamb chop?I think you have a collapsed lung”

valleri archam: I was trying to like Titans S1 and S2. But, I just couldn't. I found it worse than other DC's masterpieces series. I really really hope S3 will change my mind.


Candra Tan: Wait, I thought the series was originally created by Netflix.

John P: They even have the same scene from the Red Hood movie at 0:38 where the Red Hood throws down a dufflebag filled with severed heads onto the table.

Everaldo Petros: Netflix?

Levy: Já vai Netflix?

Felipe Marques: something don't get expected audience lets puts joker in the show

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