Titans Season 3 Teaser Trailer (HD)

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miva93HP: Hopefully Donna also comes back(maybe with the help of Rachel) and takes Superboys V-card. 😘 That happened in the comics after all.^^

Doug Custer: Joker, Joker and Joker again, again and again. DC has lots of characters but doesn't know what to do with them.

Isabel Gallego: Where is Raven

JiminyCriket: SHEESH... that Joker makeup on the dead security guard looks fake and cheap as HELL! It'd have been far more effective and creepy if the actor just had a crazy grin on his face, with dead, staring eyes!

Red Hood: Can you imagine this Damian Wayne?

AJ Williams: Lmaooo not Jason getting his ass beat with the crow bar 🤣🤣🤣

Baron Thomas: Will we finally see a comic-accurate Joker?

Jamorice Ervin: On my birthday August 12

Agatha Harkness: Hopefully raven finally does some magic lol

BC Babbles: Is there no Rachel/Raven this season?

Andrew Larbos: What a great birthday present!!!!

Jacopo Bertini: Red Hood👍

SubnetMaskedMan: Very soon they will make a Titans porn parody. I mean it's quite clear, and the acting will be HORRIBLEEEEEEEEEEEE

Zaw Lin maung: Please pick blue beetle and speedy 🏹.

Jayjay: So whose going to be the next Robin, Tim Drake or Damian Wayne?

Mason Woodley: Welcome home MR.J 🤡😈😈

Critic Cal: How's this piece of shit series is still going?

Leftmole: It’s Titans , I agree but they did Batman dirty

Trayvon cuzzo: “this is Gotham” goosebumps🥶

❤️🖤HarleyQuinn 🖤❤️: Jeremiah joker???

Marcus Rondo: Hopefully the season redeems that blunder of a S2 finale.

Kelly ♡: i can't wait for season 3! 🖤

Μιχάλης Σκουράκης: bring wonder girl back..

estar shiru: I hope the Joker is as nuts and lovable as jerome in Gotham

chines loko: Is it just me or like the jason todd/red hood transformation could be in a future solo show or like a show of red hood and the outlaws? It has so much to tell that it would be amazing to see in a separated show. I dont say this as a negative comment but like Jason Todd is my favourite robin and i would love to see his history being told with calm and ease in a separated show cause in titans they cant just give the perfect amount of spotlight to consolidate his history. My opinion :)


cant be given: Where is Raven???

Xobik1: Night night little bird... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!

CosmicDoomBro Brian: FINALLY IT'S HERE.

Lorenzo Camacho: The Rise of The Red Hood

Cosplay_Fiddler2020: YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YESSSS!!!!!!!! 🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆

John Carl De los Santos: This show has potential. If only they could replicate the Superboy intro, Robin revenge episode and Doom patrol episode's. And be consistent with those quality. 🤞 Damn. Those were good.

Yellow Flash: *Season 3 better make up for that stupid nonsense S02 had with dancing Bruce Wayne*

Dakota Loven: It’s not even teen Titans anymore it’s just another fuckingnbatman show and it’s SOOOO goddamn ANNOYING

Moustache -io: How about they replace The chick who plays Starfire with someone who actually looks like Starfire

Muhammad Aiman Mohd Abdullah: Ahh so that’s where he went after so long

First Last: Wait, I thought it was cancelled.

Meaghan Mahoney: I'M SO EXCITED I COULD CRY. This looks like it's gonna be /amazing./ /AND/ it looks like they're /finally/ going to do the Jason Todd story justice. This is everything that I could have hoped for and more. <3

XxBluewolfXx: Hopefully in S3 they explore more of the characters arcs

fuck society: not me not giving a fuck about Hank and Bruce. really, why are they even in the show? i can't stand them, im tired of these typical white cis men. like give Gar more screen time. i haven't seen anyone who cared about THAT old ass man Bruce though, if you do care, then sorry not sorry

桜Social: I wish this was on netflix cause there's no hbomax in my country😐

SoulSearcher: Oh no.

Perx: So we gonna ignore the season 2 finale post credit scene?

Paul Razvan: Is this shit still going ? Last time I heard about it was that fuck batman line a few years ago

Thima Kulani: What i like about this series is that, each episode is a build up of a previous episode, you get to understand the entire season as if your watching a movie... unlike the arrowverse series..

Commander Cody: 0:32 is that Ser Jorah Mormont ?

Demetrius Clancy: But No side Crazy Chick Harley Quinn

Demetrius Clancy: Joker is Back

fan boy: Will this be on netflix

Ela the one: Can't wait til Aug.!!

Delires de devin: tro coul

1Sandwitch1: Joker is alive? Didn't they say he was dead? I mean I know they haven't shown him on this yet but I thought they mentioned him....maybe not

red lemon boy: I’m so excited

Nana Twum: At last 😭😭

Aaron Thompson: Blackfire


Pavel Sanchez: where is oracle

Rolan “Leadfoot” Johnson: The Joker 🃏. He’s back.

A Reaper From Hell: I really like season 1 but the season 2 was just urgh... I hope they will do better this time but I'm worried because it seems that they want to kill Jason and I don't know. I feel like he suffer so much during season 2. He don't deserve to die too soon this season. I hope it won't happen in the first épisode or something

KYLAN WHITTAKER: Why are they bringing back this trash show? (Just my opinion)

KYLAN WHITTAKER: The Red Hood looks terrible in this show.

William F: Can I just say how they really should have used the Dude from Batwoman to Be Bruce Wayne in this Ian Glen is a amazing Actor but really now .lol


crisan anca: the only show that makes Teen Titans Go look like Young Justice

God Of Voids: This time Superboy gonna die by hitting a building or slipped down on roads

Honey Bee: The story of red hood

Mightymiracl: 0:40

Sebastian Kilian: It really sounds like Leto's Joker :D

Kassie Furgason: I'm so ready for season 3. it seems like it's been forever since season 2!!

Dylan Leal: I'm hiped 💯🤙

Zin Pan Htoo Mon: wheres raven

entertainment _tech_daily: Lol they really think I am gonna forget that lame ass death they pulled with a certain character last season?!... they have a lot to prove to make me forget that stupid scene

Kris Samuel: LETS..GOOOO!!!

Alex Martinez: I want the full trailer now

Samin Ahsan: 0:38 Woah it's that scene where jason throws a bag full of heads on the table where mobs were having a meeting. Actually jason was the one who called the meeting

FPC_Wither: Is titans rated r?

UncleMikeNJ: We live in Gotham. Calling it a society would be rather loose with the language.

Nicole Everett: I hope season 3 is going to be the best season yet. Season 2 was all over the place and introduced too many characters and rushed the story line

Miguel Ángel González Rangel: 0:30 🤕 auch

facu pacheco27: el circo me hace acordar al final de doom patrol

ryan: Awwwwwww shit yes! Swear though hope they do a little time jump where by the first ep of s3 Jason's already been killed so Red hood so can show up quicker And they name dropped Roy in s1 him and Wally need to show up

potturu dharani: Where is Rachel

jasminesdr35: Sick of Hawk dove bs

Madison Nicholls: Whoa

Dova Dork: Where can people in the UK watch?

Lil Jay: It's the joker alright let's goooooooo

Klark DaBoss: Yessssss red hood🤟🏾

ThatOneKid // Minecraft Roleplays: raven needs more screentime

not_dane_anymore: Yesssss finally I have another show ti watch other than Riverdale, Supergirl, the Flash and Superman and Lois. Yesssss revive my girl Donna Troy!!!!

Caleb: I swear to God, if I don’t get a good Batman/Bruce Wayne scene in this season, I’m going to be pissed.

Iron Fist: How the Fuck wonder girl can die of electricity, so fucking dumb.

Jack Leung: HBO....

Kolt: That Jason Scene where he's walking in, fucking chills bro. And the smiling security guard, OOOOO LOVE IT, I wonder if we'll get more of Joker than just that, and hopefully he's a big bad for the season. Also can't wait to see how they bring Deathstroke back and explain it, they'll probably just put the deleted scene from the S2 finale in as an explainer but Idk. Kory gets a new outfit, DOPE, Superboy is just the same as we saw him I guess, and THE RED HOOD OUTFIT IS JUST GLORIOUS ALSO JUST NOTICED, 0:27 IS THIS POSSIBLY SCARECROW OR HIS HALLUCINATION DRUG??? OOOOOOOOOOOOOO THIS IS GON BE A BIG BATMAN ESC THEMED SEASON

The_Smallville_Mailbox: Honestly I can do without Beast Boy, just give Kory her child support money for some action scenes!!!

Clint Craig: Wonder Girl better be back. I refuse to accept that she is actually dead. If she is not back, I am done with this show.

omegadirective: I know the death of Jason Todd is such a classic story, but it's such a horrifying story I can never stomach it.

joseph: I'm still on season 1 tryna catch up... But I like to finish my shows quick and easy, so I will finish a whole season within one day😂😩

Samurai-Spider: Is it just me or do I think that Jason could beat Joker and in a fair fight

MixSona Productions: Slade where

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