Meet the Woman Writing Letters to Serial Killers

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Ira Williams: She's got some guts to have a hobby like this

Alex Z: Ayo where’s the tuna videos? Thought y’all were talking into subways getting tuna sandwiches.

Sarah Julianne: I'm not going to say anything about her husband because he's passed away but she's a freak. I mean lying to people for clout. Very cringe.

whuspr: Cool, scary, and valuable profression. This reminds me of Eddie Brock to Cletus Kassady in the new Venom movie.

Amit Das: this is fricken crazy

Danny wit Christ: Whoever see this comment I’m encouraging you to get right with God before it’s too late and repent of your sins. Amen 🙏🏽

amethyst: at 0:58 can someone tell me what everything says ?

Augistine Aquinas: still dont kno y she did this.

Richard Sons: Im from Africa one thing I've realise is that. America Gt problames than Africa. Is sefer to live africa than America. out of somalia and sudan, Africa is best place to live.

MitAkPA: while I try to cross over ants on the way. yet no one writes me.

Brain eater: She’s the FBI’s god

Satan The Great: I want to be a serial killer.😘

Paul Roman: One question... why?

Griffin Deontrance: She is 100% on the FBI’s watchlist😐

ghost walk: These sick deranged serial killers really shouldn't be permitted to have contact with anyone outside their prison, it's a luxury they don't deserve

I-P13: So that's what Matilda's mom been doing since running away from the FBI.

Chicken Lurkin' Yung Chihuahua: She looks like that woman on spongebob 😐

Changing Flower: This is why I dont feel bad for women who like dating drug dealers, thugs and "bad boys" when something bad happens to them.

Hyperdeloutz: Richard Ramirez: If you were sitting here next to me.... Barbara Dickstein: Okay!! We'll leave that part out! 😂

Jane Butterfly: This bland women has nothing better to do with her life then to write to these losers in jail. Smdh.

Amelia Rosalina The Hedgehog: That so scary and terrifying

Laura Landon: In the words of Bailey Sarian Get better idols people!

😵‍💫: What the- what’s the point?

*Xiola Blu Staley*: At 13.... I would beg my parents to let me write Manson. In 8th grade I did my "favorite person" report on him in Christian school.

Hibiki_: She seems drunk.

Élisabeth Bilodeau: Why ? This is the only question I have.

Alyssa Surgent: ……well I’m just glad I’m not THIS lonely….

soda ouch: Now this is normal.its better than eating bugs

Cynthia Jones: Life is uncertain, people make mistakes, wars destroy, & relationships fall broken. It's deep in our hearts we yearn for security, only God can provide this. He loves always, look to Him for stability. God loves the world, He gave His Son Jesus (unto death for our sins), whoever believes in Him will not die but have everlasting life. John3:16 Please repent of your sin and believe today. Dont be left behind.

Tony Montana: I knew she looked crazy even before I seen her.

Woodrow: i still havent recieved one for her im still waiting

Amanda_p_ d: But why?

Red Rosé ABC: All these letters to serial killers should go in history books. What a valuable source of American treasure! 💀🔪💎📚

Lucy Sablan: A) Macabre. B) Lonely. C) Nuts. D) Wants to profit from the pain these psychopaths inflicted on people. E) All of the above.

Damien Mc near: Sharks machines 🍉🔴♦🔴🍉♦🔴🍉♦🔴🍉♦🔴🍉♦🔴🍉♦🔴🍉♦🔴🍉♦🔴🍉♦🔴🍉♦🔴🍉♦🔴🍉♦🔴🍉♦🔴🍉♦🔴🍉♦🔴🍉♦🔴🍉♦🔴🍉♦🔴🍉♦🔴🍉♦🔴🍉♦🔴🍉♦🔴🍉♦🔴

sexy monkey: The husband is catfishing tho lmao

ღSwnsasyღ _: As someone with degrees in Forensic Psychology and Applied Behavior, I get it. I want to understand them but I would have a PO Box a town over 🤣

Me We Squirrel: If I wrote to them I would keep it a secret and not make a name for myself and especially the killer🙄

Matthew Ortiz: She looks like a real fun time 😆 🤣 😂 😹 😆 🤣 😂 😹 😆 🤣 😂 😹 😆 🤣 😂

thelonious zappa8420: Elisabeth is still fine!

John Johnson: She an wierdo!! I’m prettt sure she does drugs

LIVE BETTER VOTE RED!: Quite funny how till this day Manson has NEVER killed anyone yet called a "serial killer"...

ano070602: Sometimes it take a regular person to get the real story about things out of someone.

G L: All things aside…..she has soooo much valuable possessions in her hands. I wonder how much these things would go for?

Stella Rocquie: Support Legislation in the USA to END COURT ORDERED RAPE.

Roxana Banana: I’d actually want to try writing to prisoners. I think it could be really interesting.

Aim’s Animations: Ok, but can we talk about how the husband became actual friends with someone who brutally killed people? Like dude

A1 Vortecks: congratulations on 9 · 42 M subscribers 🧓🏻💻🏠)🧍🏽‍♀️💻🏠)👵🏾👨🏾‍🏫💻🏠) 🧍🏻‍♀️🧍‍♂️👶🏽) 🧍🏼‍♀️💻🏠)🧍🏼‍♀️👩🏼‍🦰🏢🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊 Haven't been on YouTube maybe every since June congratulate congratulations I love doing it every time you'll get a new subscriber I love you when is all of y'all going back to the you work workplace

Roxyj 318: Ngl I’m sure it’s interesting asf..wish I had. P.O. Box

Sebastian: Weirdos

Sassy803: It doesn’t surprise me that she is doing that…..I’m just saying

M Del Valle: If you put her on a lineup as to who would have this hobby, I would pick her.

Always Blessed: She's a definite loon

Karla Diaz: I’d be down to do this just to be able to study how their minds work

hellocmbxoxo: Eyo, collector checkkk

Dynamite: She be talking like a boss but we both know she sleeping with a bazooka under her bed.

Jessie: I’ve written to serial/mass killers and I find it very intriguing and kinda calming because we could both be ourselves

Lizard Drew: This is awesome.

Bethany-Faith: 😳😳😳

Dat boi zamo: Cringe

Karime Martinez: Amazing journalism .

Coral Rose: Spy 100

Mr. Paint: Everyone needs a hobby

Choose Christ: That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.Ask Christ to have mercy

Tracey (Stability Peace) Flowers: I'd rather gauge my eyes out

Stella Resairo: Nope, not writing to any serial killer, don't want that kind of energy around me

Christian Believer: What a freak!

Thatoneguy: I can't believe she had the stones to do this

Frenite: Police departments should hire her to get information from criminals. She seems to have a real talent in getting these people to tell her information.

LaShonda Felton 36: Hi Inside Edition, Will You Please Make The News On Video About The Untold Truth And Story Of The Great Actor Kenneth Tobey Nice Work Usual Thank You So Much Love LaShonda ❤️❤️❤️🌹🌹🌹💖💖💖💋💋💋

Michelle garcia: I’m so jealous

Nonya Biz: She's is going to make some money

NintendoFanBoy07: Charles Manson wasn't a serial killer.

Edie Koller: I am a cereal killer...I like Cherrios..LOL

bryan cortes: i cant believe lebron jackhammer sent a her a letter

ŁÎT Nigerian / Greek Gàł: She crazy

nana .: "she actually thought if she got out of prison that my husband was gonna mary her" dang lil mama you is such a loser 💀💀

Dimitra Alexopoulou: 😒🤦🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️🤪

April Marie: Well she's now richer

Sania Alcaraz: Wow impressive they made friends with them to!thats so color ok!

M Shrestha: this woman is sick in the head. she needs counseling.

Sylvester Uchia: She frikin spoke to the Night Stalker 👀.

D R: This girl I know did this also. A news station did this also. Her name is Moriah. She just died. Type in Moriah sending letters to serial killers

African Girl: Desperate much ¿¿¿ I rather stay n be single than writing to no good killers of human beings behind bars

Sami Mico: I hope someday she will like to donate this letters to museum or something because this would be wonderful to study them and maybe, just maybe learn how to catch people like them before they act.

rahma huseen: If she doesn’t stop she will be one of them

Penny Pillow: killing kids is another level of crazy

SirNnja: My father has a collection just like that

Una Nina Nine: 😂 I challenge her to write Ed Kemper. He's up for parole again in 2024. He's the computer science instructor in prison so he can track her down, address or not. I double dare her!

LoonSin: Sometimes 60 seconds feels like a whole minute

nastyToffifee 38: ok, we will leave that part out

the neighborhood kid your mom forcesyoutoplaywith: And I thought I was creepy also this reminds me of when the boy from that nightmare kid movie sends a letter to the bow tie killer

ValidT_Content: SMART WOMAN

Xxbaby_stitchxX: Wait wait wait is that the doctor from lifetime?

A T: Freaks

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