Serial Killer FAINTS During Sentencing | Court Cam | A&E

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A&E: Tune in to Court Cam, Wednesdays at 9/8c on A&E, and stay up to date on all of A&E's premieres at

Diane Smith: Yeah right

John Bläckhem: I thought we were pretty unique with our habit of releasing extremely dangerous individuals back into our society here in the north. Guess I was wrong. Convicted murderers being released and taking more life's away. How can the people involved with their release live with that? It's apphauling.

kitthe cat: The irony of murders wanting to live and begging for their lives. Narcissists

kitthe cat: Criminal: "I dont deserve to live, but please spare my life" Jury 1st and 2nd time: LOL NO

Crystal Blue: The judge said the sentence real hard.

Jill: That's not real fainting. Not even good acting. And the sad music in the background when he took the stand......

CitizenOWorld: Faker!

Bruce Razor: Some people have lost there right to exist in our society

Michael Powell: This is a Blakc Community Service. They will "Visit" you soon.

gail: This guy had no remorse when he was killing all the victims. Bad seed needs a more than a big whooping. No one controlled him when he was young and his mom knew he was bad. He doesn't deserve to live, save the tax payers money ...he even said it himself.

Sun Cease: serial killers do in a small scale what governments do in large scale. " Richard Ramirez aka the night stalker. "

shakur 4illa: Slavery made him do it

MommyCassReborns: sad. he is a very sick man and the victims. so sad.

Rohi psalm23: Ya rite fainting. Nothing but dramatics!

Bob E: It's the right place for him.

Rebecca Lynn: I feel very sad for him, his family, and his victims.

Gabriel Gonzalez: What a coward !!!

Velma McGlothin: "I don't deserve to live but please spare my life" WTF! He didn't faint. His legs were kicking the entire time.

zstrain357: Crazy someone like that would even be let out of jail.. put him in front of a firing squad and stop wasting our tax dollars

Veg Vixxxen: If he admitted it how is it alleged lol wtf

Lareese Blaque: Keep all evil 😈 caged.

jesss moubas: Good riddance

Christine Schultz: That a boys stand that boy up and let him get what he deserves!

Pmetal: coward

Luist Triolet: Lmao.

Carlieto'way: If he dies he dies!!!

Cherry Magazine: What a waste of air 😡👎

Engineer Bodybuilder A&N: He faints bcuz he was arrested can't kill anymore...

Peter Williams: Why should he be spared his life? Why? He doesn’t deserved. He took other humans life without a thought for them nor spare their life when they begged for their life.. life for life. Amen.

Dragonfire111: Genesis 9:6

Jennifer Forest: Get the rope...

Omaer 1: Very Nice.

Ed C: Bad acting r Kelly boy!

Legend 28: 4 that they know of.

Bee Bee: U got that s### right!

gods creation: We don't like to kill , but he deserves it and the prisons are too crowded anyway.

R. Long: This monster faked that he fainted. I hope he gets convicted ASAP and goes to prison or the chair this monster should never be let out of prison or if he's fried thats even better.

OKAYYYY: hey, this BLM clown's life matters, free him.

Stephen Hensley: GO JURY !

Faith Taylor: When he said “ever since he was little they said he was bad and that his mom hated him and he hated himself “…….. killers are created not born that way. Despite what made him this way there is no pity or excuse for what he did. He didn’t spare those women’s lives why should his be spared? Smh

Makeba Cunningham: Nope Nope stand your punk behind upppp

Janice Hammond: What a loser…..

2016: Ok now feed him for the next 25 years

Finglas United: My ideal job..... laughing while ......well you know..

Crazy32 People: Crazy how people like this can sit in prison for years!

Richard Brown: Looks more like narcolepsy. Too bad the _Grim Sleeper_ name has already been taken.

Francine Black: Please

First Second: He killed one time he should never have been released the other people would still be alive the laws need to be revamped the criminals have more freedom than the victims 🙈💩

St.George Floyntanyl: I was getting nervous at the re sentencing... ... thought he was gonna get what he wanted. 😓

Chris Bee: agrevated is armed? or on full knowledge what he is doing.. i am from germany an the difference isnt that easy xD


Michelle Griffin: Meeting his fate and he faints? Cowardly punk

Rife Kimler: If he had been executed the first time, those other women would be alive now.

Rose Spaulding: ". . . but please spare my life." No please go to the needle like a man, you monster in a human meat suit.

Rose Spaulding: Get off the floor, snowflake.

N: Calling him a serial killer gives him some kind of kudos when in reality he is just a dirty rapists

Sunshine Patsoph: His life is worthless.

Randy Ledford: That faint was pretty weak..

level minded sister: Please.😠 take ya lick like you took the lives of those innocent people. Coward.

Neat: “…appears to faint…” is right

EinieN J: What a clown! You had no problem being a serial killer..

Paul HARDMAN: "Karma has a restaurant there's no menu you only get served what you deserve."🙏

Rusty Shackleford: Adios

Valerie Butler: I hate when I see these lawyers lovingly caress and comfort these monsters like him. He didn’t show any mercy toward his victims!

MANDY Long: How could he have the nerve to ask for his pathetic life to be spared after taking 4 others!?? SICKENING!!!

Katrinka San Francisco Bay Area: The judicial system should be held accountable for sentencing him for 16 years the first time around!! WTF is up with that!!!

Claude Makelele: Why was he released? Jesus Christ America? What kind of legal system you'all have over there?

Phattyasmo: Awww, poor guy...not; just kill him and save us money.

Hannah Horehlad: I was in choir and concert choirs all throughout school and a lot of people ended up standing with their legs locked straight which makes some pass out. I feel like he could've done this on purpose hoping to drag the case out as long as possible.

Scorp io: He has time to repent before before they kill him. I hope he does.

Scorp io: Aggravated fainting with specifications.

John Gardiner: Ohio needs to step up their execution game, come on Mike DeWine pick up your game.

gerald aird: So he did not faint during sentencing, why make false headlines are you bankrolled by Fox News?

Serious Organizer: wait...did he say he doesn't deserve to live..but..please spare him his life? ..........

Cali-girl40: Why if even u know u dont deserve to live

Almighty TowerDiveKing: "I don't deserve to live but please spare my life." The same way you spared 5 other people their lives? How dare you beg for your life after everything you did? 😂😂😂FoH fam 😂😂😂

Ann Miller: Typical narcissist, always the "poor victim."🙄 He must have been raised by monsters. He has some NERVE, begging to have his life spared.

Klizzard: He faked it

Peyton McDonald: Bruh I live so close to Cincinnati like 20 minutes away. Thank god I don’t ever leave the house. Also may the victims Rest In Peace

noregrets7469: He’s a serial killer and then ask the court to spare his life. The people he killed asked the same of him and he still went ahead and took their lives...F**k him and the sooner they take him off this earth the better it will be.

bouh1979nktt: all an act

Susan Huffanow: That community says they don't have serial killers rightttttt

Pat McBride: Joe Biden's (in)Justice dept. just put federal executions on hold. Democrat politicians are the criminal's best friends.

Jordan Roberts: He got off easy!! Should have had the same stuff done to him the piece of 💩

K K: What an absolute coward. Asking to spare his life? NO!

Ella Smith: Why does this sound like an episode on Criminal Minds

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