Serial Killer With More Victims Than Any Other Killer in American History

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Ilhaam Sharif: Dude we need a wendigo video!!!!

Joshua Carson: Perfect reason why these women need to arm themselves. I know some might be felons but there is still some self-defense tools that even felons can have. Not sure about pepper spray but at least a tactical pen knife something.

Austin: Srsly. When a person is proven to be a serial, all their human rights should be voided. After they spilled the beans that is. Make them suffer. Slowly.


Mega CyberLeader: i spent some time in the nut house, and lemme tell you. There was a guy in there that did the same stuff. But with an axe and drugs. Once I found out I nearly crushed his face in. However I wanted out of the nut house and i snitched. Here I am now. There are people so foul in exsistance right now they never make the new. They are just quietly put down or put away.

jaconline: 6 Ads in 9 minutes tho🤭

Kechongol Rikha: 1:58 i thought grandma had band-aids on her eyes

kreme pye: Most prolific caught* serial killer, i swear there must be one's out there that no one knows about and will never know about

Joshua Winslett: HE SAID IT!!! I watched the whole thing just to hear the Odessa, Texas shutout. Right at the end

Callum Thomas: What a legend

THE AMAZING josh: I forget his name but there’s multiple serial killers with hundreds of victims from other countries. I can’t remember the guy in particular but there was some type of flood in another country like a Third World country and it washed up like 400 of his effect on us but he was thought to have killed at least 500 people

ABC: This channel would say if cops arrested him they were racist but bc they didn't take his case to trial, arrest him or give him a short sentence, they are racist. Cops are racist no matter what they do according to this channel.

Elizabeth Spedding: Many serial killers pick on the weak and defenceless.

Pantomath: Things become more understanding and relevant when you explain them👍👍

Efe Balci: his K/D/A looks promising. pro gamer.

Joshua LaFrance: Richard Kuklinski was in the Guinness book of world records, for most accomplished sanctioned hits in history.

Gustavo Bastida: This man is a piece of trash, I hope he got everything he dished out times 2. He's a gross excuse of a human

DARK GaminG: every video - the most prolific serial killer USA c'mon guys make up your mind

Sarah Herbison: He looks like the Wkend

golden retriever: 911 suicide bomber beats this dude by kda

ItzSpiro: Oh man, that's a great k/d

Capt Jack Sparrow: I guess you should do a video on the assaults cardi b did to men and drugged them.

William Hargreaves: Infographics gives more historical info than most schools


The Thing On The Doorstep: Fine upstanding citizen.

Bunny Maee: Women need to start taking self defense classes at age 13 and carrying pepper spray it should become a mandatory law because all these women being killed and not getting justice is just sick just like the US justice system

commmandy Yt: Those are rookie numbers u/GonnaKidnapYou_1 on reddit is my account witch explains why

Riley Andrews: I had a heart attack when I thought it was Bob Ross

Avishek Saini: An IQ of 40 😂😂😂 He was just cleaning out the gene pool

316 Ray: The Government has more Victims than any serial killer in history

Stephen Willson: How many "Worst Killer" infographics episodes is this now?

Quinn Southall: Every time they make another serial killer video I become more and more worried they are actually serial killers themselves

sunnymoon: Interesting that this one is lesser known. :( AA women don't get the validation. :(

Turtlemilk -: Rest In Peace to those 10 victims that died yesterday in Colorado ❤️

Leo Rock: I took a screenshot of my message that y'all deleted in not even 2 mins, I will now unsubscribe and share this with whomever wants to see how foul and ignorant your response was to my simple request. Took a screenshot of this message as well SMMFH

PrettyBoy Draco: He killed my cousin Aunt 😭

Juan Gomez: You should do you vs sinister

Hedgehog’s Dilemma: Netflix documentary please

Robert Davis: He just died to

temos of the communist republic of Greece: Dude must have been a great Sereal killer i haven't even heard of him

Fase: execute these coward serial killers and put their head on spike to show others as an example

Yung Blu: 3:24 "drugs" but it's cannabis 👀😂

Erick Gallagher: Women have it rough. You can start a family with a stranger or wind up dead.

Divyanshu Pandey: i dont think 93 is the most

Emily: So many ads 😠

Devyansh Khanna: Bob Ross

Naruto In yo comment section: "staying at a homeless shelter in Louisville Kentucky" sweating bricks.

constipated in sin city: 6:08 It's still going on!

Collin Whelen: Seems like he had rage against his mother

constipated in sin city: 3:27 Little Orphan Annie!" Leaping Lizards!"

Ms12369: So inspiring to see black men on top in their chosen career path. You know they gotta work twice as hard and it only makes them stronger ❤

Oboke Maosi: slums in africa and india make slums in america and europe look like beverly hills

The Wrusty Wrench: “I wanted their helplessness. All I ever wanted was for them to cry in my arms.” - Sam Little

constipated in sin city: Infographics Animation Department you Younglings are on point! As usual 🙄!

The Wrusty Wrench: Ayyyyyy, did you guys do this cause I commented asking?

Cristina Ruiz: Surprise surprise he’s BLK *acts shocked*

Juelz R: Killionaire

Alpha Omega: I beat that amount several years ago! No wait... 😶

Althoodnation: time for me to TAKE HIS SPOT

-: 11:19 - "The two went shoplifting together" - And I thought going to a scary movie or a roller-coaster was a date to induce misattribution of arousal. 😕

votivespark: Serial killer with more victims than any other serial killer in history… that got caught/that we know of. The best serial killer is still out there, killing.

coco games: Bruh moment

BABA KAZI: No toybox killer??

Dylan Kleingeld: Why is the thumbnail Bob ross EDIT: I know that I probably misspelled ross

RJ Verse: Lately the views of this channel are coming in low something wrong with the notifications???

The Husketeers: That would be Andrew Cuomo

eCcєntrᎥc_ώeeB 0001: why do I keep on hearing 7 Nations Army in the bg ??

FELIX: l.a. noire flashback! Remember Garrett Mason?

Joell Adema: The clear liquid karyologically ignore because smash historically appear like a windy male. toothsome, sedate game

H Hans: The post prolific serial killer that has been caught is a better way to put it. There's so many unsolved murders in this country that you can't tell me there isn't someone worse than him out there somewhere.

AL Playz: 9.66 million subscribers wow

AL Playz: 9.66 million subscribers wow

Junner Apokalypsa: Look at him dancing funny lol

Karis Argue: Patently unethical = Systemic Racism

Tacoraptor: Barely nothing compared to those from South America.

Mr Flawless: People should stop claiming nearly every well-known serial killer as the MOST prolific killer. Let's start calling them ONE OF THE MOST prolific killer.

LIL MT LIL MT: WOW that is so sad that all. These women got killed like that mics me full had for them 🙁😕😔

Mohaimenul Islam: With samuels long criminal activity, if they checked him better,they could have avoided many more murders,i think law was main culprit for those many murders

LioGamer7o6: Who needs Netflix when you have the infographics Show

barreta42: I seriously doubt he holds the title with the most kills.

cmarie_104: Not condoning the murders, but this dude had great taste in cars

Mihir Moghe: Oh Infographics show creators...... we're back to serial killers !!!!

Adam Robinson: Go big or go home XD!!!!

Yugi’s Charizard: So much for law enforcement. Defund the police

Çàr Tube: Ok.

Junpei: 11:56 Beyonce!?

Thanos Killa: “Free my homie he aint do nothin!” Their homie:

Pocalipse: Finally! I always thought why u didn't do anything about him or Garavito

Local Monkey: More Serial Killer episodes plz

Andrew Herrin: Can y'all do a video on skid row

Sanjana Rajput: People with serial killers then : I wish I never run into them. People now : I wish he has a Netflix documentary.

Lunar Tears: And I live in Kendall, Florida. F*ck.😳

Andrew H: I thought crimeals were always the dumbest. But they turn out to be one of the smartest people. :0

Noob Master: early

Raheem Gulabe: Who you think worse ted bundy or samuel little?

Shawn Myrelle: My heart hurts for the spirits of those poor women. They didn't stand a chance in this cruel world.

Adrian Lopez: But BLM 😂

Brandon reactor and realer: Please make video how life is like as homosapien

Rose Nylund: This guy is like the guy in the documentary Unseen except way more victims.

BLOOMINQFLXWERZZ: wow and men see why women dont trust them this just shows me to be quarantined until the day i die.

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