American Serial Killer Who Made His Victims Into Burgers

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Zachary England: Wait. So did his dad up and leave or die in a car crash?

Old-fashioned Coughy Pot: Sound like what BC's Willie Picton did. He had parties on his pig farm where he "MAY" have served his guests human meat in sausage form.

dababy convertible: 18 months in jail only for 2 kills!? wow just wow

Candice Perry: It is awesome to watch infographics show on youtube I like what would happen if you didn't brush you're teeth for 1 week

doot doot: ah, Baltimore. everytime i have to go across the bridge all I think about is how people ate burgers that had human meat in it💀 I never eat burgers in Bmore

userunnamed: Kraby patty's secret formula is human flesh

twocvbloke: Kind of scary to think that people ate those women, unknowingly, absolutely awful... :S

Alex Kumm: Maybe I'm just edgy and curious but if someone offers me human meat I'm not passing that up, once in a lifetime experience 🤷🏻‍♂️

loboblanco: Soylant green is people!

Bigoof69: Hey meat is meat

AssAssin Jumbo: You should do a video on American legend, and chess master Bobby Fischer !!

Michael Snowden: Next thing you know we’re going to start finding fingers in our chili from Wendys!

Rondieo': You never know if you're eating cow meat or human meat. Soooo you could technically be a cannibal without knowing

Ryan Teoh: I mean one guy did the same but with pao which is a Chinese meat bun

Ayush: Bruh

Ah well *: Interesting and horrifying

vojtapro 48: This is the most American thing I've ever seen.

Khalid Melton: Courage the cowardly dog was right 🤣🤣🤣

Deskapade: This is some Kingsman movie stuff.

E - ray 20311503: No one: America: burger killer

Mr nobody Mr: Burgir

Chop9 Chop9: One hamburger pls With an orders of frys and onion rings

DADDY DIC: 4:59 wait hold thy catch him?

Leonardo zundo: Whan are you guys doing the big foot hunt live show thing?

Mischa C: Love these ..always so clever and well explained. 👏 Ok im gonna go eat a burger lol 😆

Soviet Reunion: Why are you all able to consistently make Great videos?

Mark Walton: Who’s hungry???

Infinite Skulls YT: Im Not Gonna Eat An Hamburger Again

Srijan Poudel: Can you make videos about the bravery of gorkhali solders and the war between british and nepalese in anglo nepal war

MrCrunchies: We're the burgers good though? Where can I get my hands on one 👽

TotallyOriginal: huh, i hope this guy and John Bar Jonah don't open a restauraunt together

Ricky Jay Oculam: I remember one of the most brutal scene in kingsman the Golden circle...

Zackvampeta Rapidkl: Scary

Alexzander Liberatore: "Krabby Patties are made of crab!"

FJ: He took "you are what you eat" seriously

Valavhan Kathir: Imagine the most loyal customer of methany’s roadside bbq.

My name is not jeff: new fear unlocked "human borgir"

vaibhav the beast gamer: someone give him Oscar. he is that good😍😍😍

AKHILESH SONAWANE: I can't believe how much America have developed From place with all type of drug addicts, racist people and criminals to the country with the most modern technology in just 20 years. Am not American but the development is impressive

Fried Pilot: Delux burgir

Yoder023: Did he.... Care.... What he was doing? Or was it a borderline addiction? So forthcoming, honest, matter-of-fact, and he did know right from wrong; so.... why?

ReaperHunter: 450lbs?!? Good lord

Mr Anderson: Is there movie about this

zach huge man: why would this guy do this? is he trying to get those other people arrested too? if i’m going down for canablism i’m taking you with me

Stephan the Pelted: Ha Ha!

Morgan Naomi: Why is there a picture of Katherine Knight at 9:27 lol

azalei,: the secret krabby patty recipe:

Patricio Zambrano: Most american title ever kekw

Joe Mama: Dam I first didn’t get it and thought he killed people who don’t like burgers after making them like it

Nasiir Tha Infamous: Infographics ain't playing 💯

Kayla Ruth: I’ve always been mildly curious what human tastes like. Like I doubt I’ll ever know cause I’m too lazy to be an active psychopath or whatever But it’s just one of those things that makes me wonder

BlueInkish07: Dude I only live 3 hrs from Baltimore. And that's were my doctors office use to be

Retarb: Mmm yummy hamburbr

Shartfinsoup: America is always number 1!

Bobby Edwards: Burger

Lindsay Yazzolino: I saw this after having a burger for dinner. And I don't even eat burgers that often!


The WW Wizard: imagine a child watching this channel and being scarred for >:)


yuhhuh: “Man, this burger bussin, too bad John’s missing out. By the way, where is John?”

Chris Can Too!: Holy Fu..! Watch this before I crash. 🙌💯😅🥺

Florida Man 561: I remember this murderer and burgerler 😆

James N. S.: Vegans : Arent all the people who make burgers serial killers for killing and eating cows?


Felicity: I just ate a orange

Connor Reutter: Find Christ and you won't eat people unless u r abandoned w ur best friend and he's dead and said earlier it's OK 2 eat him or her.

Bill nye ur moms a guy: I'm going to go get a burger

Incognito: I read about joe roy methany, it was unfortunate

Mikal Ames: We’re the burgers good?

Official Sega Genesis: "My, my. Isn't this..... civilised"

hunts TV: That moment when Shamohhh drops a new video🤣🤣🤣 he cracks me up y’all check him out

hunts TV: That moment when Shamohhh drops a new video🤣🤣🤣 he cracks me up y’all check him out

Raven Harris: This is a known story here…yes it true

Yaphet Baker: I could eat a burger and watch this

ChainJail: this guys is so disgusting

awesomo9: Oh, I see what you did there, Courage the Cowardly Dog...

Ethan fletcher: M "you don't have to be scared." C "Trust me kid, I'm not scared." M "You oughta be." Hard to tell which personality/ies Is/was having this discussion.

shadow dragon: It's just like the american education system. Line up everyone!

Chernobyl Guide: Ayyy from Alurus!!

Chuck Addison: Now I'm gonna hafta watch "Fried Green Tomatos" again!

Michael Myers: Pork and human flesh smell the same when cooked. My bio teacher told me he was with his friends driving and he smelled bacon/pork and his friend said it was the cremation building.

Yasmien Balmaceda: had to check if i read the title right..'

Nolan Skinner: I 100 percent believe that info graphic show could be the first to get good evidence on Bigfoot’s existence

Squirtle: These are the things that give me nightmares. Well that and the Pinocchio movie

saul forrest: Anyone stare at the thumb nails and admire the detail? Great artistic talent

--: Peculiar but amazing taste🤣😂😂😂😂

Natures Finest: Who else is watching while eating a burger?

The Loner Collector: The Bob’s Burgers pilot but they actually did make burgers from humans

赤Aecxia1074: Well, I guess IKEA wasn't joking about human meatballs.

Nolan Skinner: More Bigfoot videos!!!!

italy feliciano: you are what you eat

Roy: Nope. No way. You’re joking. I did not get a burger at the start of this video. That did not just happen. No.

Fit4Life Nick Zagorov: Who wants a ManBurger??!! Whahahaha. I love how they show the killings in animation like its supposed to be for kids hahaha.

Bio Broly: You are what you eat

Dizinona: Him and Jeffrey Dahlmer must’ve swapped recipes

Ivan Obeso: I just finished making burgers 😐

Siegmeyer: Imagine becoming a cannibal and you don’t even realise it!

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