Serial Killer Who Sold His Victims as Hot Dogs

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Francis Leorna: "The Hot dog killer"

Amador TV: Infographics show: it seems the English language press or Hollywood for that matter doesn't care about German killers Me: looks at Nazis

Wee dle: He could've had less labor if he went for men instead. After all, men already have a hotdog carried around with them iykwim ; )

David Brockmeier: Germany did NOT handle poverty well. Geeez.

Oscar Swinburn: He turned them into frankfurters

Jp Franco: is this a rerun i think ive watched this story before in your channel

Africa Msimango: Can you please do capitalism vs communism. Pros and cons

Africa Msimango: Awesome channel I wish it was around when I was at school

Ghost: ... That's just Grossman.

BigDawg: I love this channel

1 Dex: Holy fard this is dark

arseface: "had cash during recession" "meat getting cheaper" 100% did it, no doubt in my mind.

Ian Moore: That was a really good one. Yall said something about there being more killers like this. Why don't yall do a series of videos on all the killers yall mentioned in this video.

tlithuanian: This is why some people don't eat pork.

Gameplay Only: He's not a serial killer or a butcher he's a phycho bruh

Patrick: Buy one get one free on another level

Kemar Oliver: First u got the guy who turned people into Burgers, now you got the guy who turns em into hot dogs.I don’t think I can look at Barbecue the same way again😅😭

jon sparrow: Why do Germans eat people all the time?

Olly: A shame there is so little reliable information about serial killers back then because it was suppressed

Noah Love: I wanna try one on my smoker

MÄximum Carnage: Bro I'm literally eating a hotdog right now. 😭

NaNda Kishor: What is German popular for?? Cannibals

Jordan Paton: Should do a vid on the worst cannibals

Jake: 12:04 -- Ah, so the Washington Compost was making up blatant lies and selling them as news even 100 years ago. Same as today 😂

Illuminati - chan: Woah, that’s gross, man.

Junting Chen: there is a similar story where the eight immortals owners in hong kong got killed and it was suspected that the killer made pork buns with their meat

James Liston: After all his name was gross 🤢

Sam Galloway: Is it weird that i felt like eating a hotdog after watching this?

JC Alicaba: well,, now we know the past of Trevor Philips

Razia Sultana: I am seeing a trend here with these videos, is infographics planning smth?

Justin Shim: Two words: Titus Andronicus.

Francluiz Vertudes: The Thumbnail Is was designed to be a vibrant Color.. I don't know if you notice that -\(• •)/--

mountain tiger: Mmmm, Soylent Green, the other white meat. 😁

🔱Blue Demon ULTRA DROWNED is our God🔱: one of the people who support this will be a billione one day """ ""God Bless You """"""...💕💕💙💙

Erlkönig: There is actually a song about these happenings called "Ephigenie" by "Goethe's Erben". I never knew it was based on a real story.

Ebros: Everyone goes through lean times when the cupboards are bare.

Beanstalker212: Uh oh hotdog!

Watching live-pd High: Why lately have comments that look like they were written by someone who’s first language isn’t English be getting all the likes?

🔱Blue Demon ULTRA DROWNED is our God🔱: 𝒟𝒾𝓈𝑔𝓊𝓈𝓉𝒾𝓃𝑔 🤮🤮🤮

cupA shit: They were the besttt hotdogs going.. you shoulda beeen there.

NatePlayzYT: To be fair, hot dogs are already made of horrible things

Alberto saurio: Yumi en mi tumi human meat

Ell's Music: grossman was gross.

LGNDCR86: Awaiting the comments from his former customers

Ethan Anderer: Sad to see the animation effort going down.

Just_arthur: Is he human or what

Officer Vlad The Culture Vulture: Ever wondered what human meat tastes like? Ever ate at McDonald's?

Diamonds hoffman: *click on this video well eating hot dogs from a local butcher*.....

ryan Scott: I just heard about his hot dog stand in the book "sons of cain" I was listening too today. Lol.


Nukak Maku Girl: grossman was a bad dude

Altered: Onichiwa sussy baka ararararararaarraarararararar

Subham [SAM]: Remember Kingsman- The Golden Circle

Slaay_K: aaaaaaaand im done eating hotdogs , okaaaaayy 👍

Butterflies & Bumble bees nursery: I’m broke asf barely living at all as a matter of fact BUT I have housekeepers..🤦🏽‍♀️🤣🤣🤣wtf

Leila Milton: He poisoned some of his victims with cyanide? Then how would he sell their meat as hotdogs? I am not very educated on cyanide but from my knowledge of other poisons I would assume that eating meat that was killed with cyanide would poison the consumer too.

xCestLaVie1: Weird that I'm eating a hot dog as I'm watching this...

Lufefe Ngilana: Holy Christ 🥴🥴🥴

Nick: "Grossman"... Hmm... You sure that's a German last name? Nice try.

BusterStar YT: I was eating a hot dog when I watched this, I immediately threw it out and got a stomachache for hours 😂

mac23806: It's a shame that you have to be wealthy for police to pay attention and do their job and look into murderers for these innocent women.

iron boy 2008: "Soo mrmeat is real?!,

Seiyuōkami Himura: What a strange man.

Good Gamer: Now that’s what you call a business

C T: to this day many criminals and empires do this

Rick Astley6964: Join the bean clan show support by spreading the message

jakeyrblx: It was burgers first, now hot dogs? God. We want food, not THIS way.

TopPercent: How did he serve in WW1 before he was 20? WW1 took place when he was in his mid 50's and during WW1 is when he sold hot dogs.

Immortal Bun: Lol

pipesnipe 43: Just ate a hot dog lol

Komodo dragon: Customer: why today's hot dog has different taste? Seller: because my chef turned out to be a serial killer and got arrested Customer:🤔

Leland Bontrager: Meh, food is food

Cool Guy: I don’t like hot “ dogs “ anymore

sharon lawson-davis: Why did you make a video about this like why. THIS SUPER GROSS!!!!

McXingqiu: Dead human meat tastes awful, 10/10 would not recommend

Philipp Boßecker: What about the canibal of Rotenburg?

KidAdidas: I hope Sonic doesn’t get his chili dogs

Pat Murphy: "serial killer who sold his victims as hotdogs" the serial killer: "well, yknow, I always told my victims to fear the wurst..."

Dylan: I guess frank turned into a furter

twocvbloke: While my mother lived in Berlin when it was still divided up, she said meat there was always really cheap, I think I now understand why........ :S

Ashton Oak: Imagine if this guy met the killer who made victims to burgers. They might actually be a huge cooperate business today selling man meat. I used to think Bob's Burgers pilot episode was a joke but they really could have ran with that and not change up that show for a more wholesome family. Lol

Jailah: 300

J444123: Just heard about this guy on the serial killers podcast

Soviet bumpkin: What the? 🤢🤮

Aaron Christensen: That be nice

Roger Auger: My buddy had no clue that there was a partial corpse in his water cistern and after a new one was installed and all the pipes redone I asked him if he found the water to be of better quality. He replied, "I dunno, I liked the water before. It had a little body to it." God forgive me but I laughed uncontrollably for minutes after. Good sense of humour ol' Gordy. :)

soundslikebstome: Asian street vendors were serving dog in Richmond Ca years back. This is on a different level tho.

Weaver150: Meat is meat aint I right? LOOKS LIKE MEATS BACK ON THE MENU BOYS!!!!!!!!!!

Zach Cat: "After hearing this story, YOU will never forget him." is that a challenge?

TheConqueringRam: Imagine the reactions of his customers when they found this out.

keith kim: Biden killed more than this serial killer

Jen Klen: Infographics Show: *this story demands your full attention!* My ADHD: *we’ll see about that* 😏😂

Gorge Henderson: Because of the economic crisis , I think investing in crypto now should be in every wise individuals list, in some months time you'll be ecstatic with the decision you made today.💰

Sedr1ckk: L6l7l

Collin Hennessy: Grossman was a gross man

Bedrockrevenge 12: The origins of the sosigs from h3vr

ronald mcdonald: Thata nasty

Fetus Slayer: I'm literally eating hotdogs right now, but this story aint gon make me stop

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