Critics Say Netflix's Jeffrey Dahmer Series Insults Victims, Glorifies Serial Killer

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Curvyllama: They should ask the families and get paid. Netflix is gross for this. Money is greed and disguy

Jay B: I don't think the citics actually watched it.

tha real gaben: Love that we just reward serial killers with a hit Netflix series now

James Garrett: Wondering why she thinks LGBT scenes need to come with warnings on them, when heterosexual films don’t. 🥴🥴🥴🥴

grace isla: I am watching it. As a naturalized citizen in this country it broke my heart on how unfairly the judge gave his verdict to the Asian family victim. I could felt discrimination. But it made me realized that what is written in the Psychiatric books everything is right about mental health illness that it goes down the line of many causes which Dahmer had a lot in common. It is supposed to be an eye opening as well about how they turned blind eye on the red flags especially for underserved colored community - not just African American but as well as the Asian Immigrants. There is not such thing as romanticizing serial killer, there is a lesson to be learn on how we supposed to cautious in our own safety and how this event can be prevented.

Rebecca: I feel like everyone is saying that bc that’s what so many serial killers documentaries do. But this is honestly one of the first times I’ve watched a serial killer anything and actually came away knowing more about the victims. They dedicated a whole episode to Tony and how he only wanted real love. That hurts me so bad. Knowing who he was. Jeffrey Dahmer is the only serial killer who’s victim’s names i remember tbh bc this show. So I feel like a lot of the critiques were made before anyone actually watched it. Y’all are always accusing shows and movies of glorifying something just bc it’s shown. Glorifying would mean making it seem like it’s something good/something to be copied. Idk what about this shows serial killers should be glorified unless you lack interpretation skills. I do think we need to chill with how MUCH serial killer content we make. Because every serial killer doesn’t need a bunch of series and movies. I do agree however that they do try to humanize him and i didn’t like that. Especially with his back story and after he got arrested.

mrdobby33: I felt like they made Dahmer to be somewhat of a hero and they didn’t focus enough on the victims. I did enjoy the show but they didn’t do enough to honour the victims.

A drew: people just want to complain about something and this is just the lowest hanging fruit to reach for.

Vesna Pezer: it doesnt glorify, it portrays. Those critics must be gen z.

Lewasil: He was a human, that is part of the scary part. He seemed so nice, polite, handsome, and the fact that he did what he did, and talked about it so nonchalantly, like he was just going to the store. He was so unbearably lonely, it did make me empathize with ONLY THAT PART! His crimes were so horrific, I cannot even fathom being able to do those things.

Flynn McTaggart: Dahmer on Netflix is getting a lot of hate from critics because they say it focuses too much on Jeff and not on his victims. But I think it's one of the most chilling, vile, horrificly accurate depictions of Jeff to date and all the people he killed are acted so well you have nothing but empathy for them. Critics and the victims families just being offended when really they should be happy shows like Dahmer exist so each new generation won't forget the victim's names and the monstrous things that were done to them.

Lisa Patterson: Shame on Netflix do you not make enough money? I am not surprised the victims families are not happy it is disgusting that they were not consulted before this happened. It will be so traumatic for them all over again. It’s so sad to see that so many people are wanting to watch this show. I refuse to watch it out of respect for the victims and their families and I don’t want to give Netflix any more profit thank you very much.


WIG BIG: I like this lady. She doesn't back down on her opinions

jamal robinson: At what point do events become history.

jamal robinson: There have always been movies and TV shows about real events if you're held to that standard you can't make anything anymore

Catia Reis: Well they wrong. The critics on rotten tomatoes from “ critics” is just awful as well. I such an amazing series, one of the best I’ve ever watched! So well done is unbelievable. Evan Peters is just brilliant 👏🏼 It’s so good I’m rewatching it hahah Who cares about the critics and people that say Is hard to watch , I don’t get it, it’s not graphic like many movies we all watched in the past like Saw for example. It’s a well told and filmed story, mostly about the victims.

Brenda Echols: The series puts humor in the show. Makes it a little disrespectful to the victims families.

AyeGirl: Literally no one said that.

Izzy 101: The only reason SOME people are criticizing the show is because they ain’t getting a cut of the money 💵

Yohsuke Fuuma: People need to realize that the feelings of the ACTUAL relatives of the victims matter more than what unrelated viewers find to be a good depiction of the victims????? Who are we to decide how the relatives should feel about a for-profit show?!?!??

Phillip Napoles: This hard story deserves to be dragged out,it does.Appreciate it Netflix for getting in to all that.

Jay Harris: The critics are idiots

Terry Ragus: I didn't like it

Gloveless Fighter: WOW, ya don't say. Critics are being critical? Do you mean they created a show called "Dahmer" around that POS and not the victims AGAIN? You would think they were making a mini-series so people would want to watch it. Why didn't they name it "The Dahmer Victims"? Because millions of people will watch a series about a serial killer over a series about the victims. Blame the viewers, not the show makers.

Oxford Montello: The critics said Broke Back Mountain was a good movie. That shows you what they know.

Kelly Snyder: First Bundy with Zac Efron and now this. Great actors but as someone who studied forensic psychopathy and chose Bundy as my thesis, even I am underwhelmed by the fascination about these long-dead killers. Let the victims' families be.

Nicole Medina: I don’t think they glorified Dahmer in any way if anything it was disturbing. My heart broke for the victims and their families. I think it let us see a deeper side of what happened to help you connect with the victims. With that said I absolutely see why the families would be upset with the movie and having to relive it. I think Netflix could have at least talked to them and offered some money to the families seeing they were making money off their child or siblings murder.

L G: Dahmer is the one who disrespected the victims. The show is shedding light on what happened without glorifying him. Nevertheless it couldnt have been easy watching it as a victim of his crimes

Jesus Walks: America is a sick demonic place

Osman Hayes: Netflix is obsessed with evil and the devil! Netflix = satanists Serial killers only live in the west because they know is a easy pickings! Serial killers become normal when they visit the Middle East or far Asia! 👿 😂

Osman Hayes: Netflix is obsessed with evil and the devil! Netflix = satanists

Moony Reel: The title of the show is terrible. They should’ve named it ‘Doin the Dahmer’ or something like that.

Yolo Swaggins: Most of us live normal, good lives and will be forgotten after a while when we die. Yet this monster lives forever because of his deeds. I am very conflicted about shows like this because this guy needs to be forgotten, yet he lives in our minds and media.

John B: The alphabet soup mafia wanting to rewrite history.

Saint Inn Luvs Ew: Listen true crime fans want the story of the killers life and not, with all due respect, the victims. I mean the victims could have been anybody, could have been me for Christ sake! What could have never been nor will be me is a man eating serial killer! That’s the story I want to see!!! If you’re a fan of true crime you even get cameos by other pos monsters like Ed Gein and John Wayne Gacey!!! As far as the criticism about the show goes about not being respectful and giving voices to the victims…before this show that’s all I knew them by, “the Dahmer victims” I couldn’t name Tony Hughes, Errol Lindsey, Steven Hicks, Steven Tuomi, Konerak Sinthasonphone, and most likely Dean Vaughn!!! So to say it didn’t give a voice to these men is pure nonsense! I felt the pain of the Sinthasonphone family, the rage of the Lindsey family, the loss of the Hughes family! Tony’s story is nothing short of heartbreaking nightmare fuel! He was such a sweet and fun loving soul and by showing these families and what JD did to them just further solidified my disgust for that pile of filth. His lack of remorse made me hate this monster so much more then I had in the past that by the time Scarver beats his brain in I just did not care at all what had happened to Jeff and feel as though he got off easy ! But that’s just my two cents.

Headake: People don’t want killers glorified but they’re perfectly fine glorifying and enabling mental illnesses left and right.

Sara Luisa: I don't really get the point about criticising that it's a scripted series and not a documentary. For example there have been numerous movies made about the holocaust that are sometimes based on real people and sometimes fictional. I think these movies help people understand the suffering better, instead of just hearing some historian state facts in a documentary. Certainly these movies/shows can and should still be criticized, but I think dismissing the entire idea of a scripted show based on true events doesn't make any sense. I am however quite disappointed that Netflix didn't talk to the vicitms families at first, I think that should have been a necessary step.

Vee!Enna!G: I saw the victims as innocent, trusting, kind individuals. I saw Dahmer as an evil monster. I agree about Joyce, she was portrayed as nothing but a flake. I was disappointed that so much detail was left out, specifically about Dahmer dismembering and cannibalizing his victims. It would have been repulsive but that’s what Dahmer was, repulsive. Show the animal for what he was. Great casting, great acting, especially Evan Peters.

landofthelost: I watch true crime to study the human condition.

Aim by Frame: I'm convinced that everyone that says that hasn't seen the show. From episode 6 til 10 the show switches from being a Dahmer show to being one about his victims and the loves he impacted with the final episodes criticizing the glorification of Dahmer.

Samsamsamsam Samanilla: Nah

Martin Mcilroy: I like watching serial killer stuff no idea why but find it interesting.

Violet VanDusen: I totally agree that they should have reached out to those portrayed. I also believe that there is an unfortunate truth when something this extreme happens: it no longer belongs solely to the victims. It becomes the property of the society that it has terrorized. We as human beings, whether directly affected or not, are still very much affected and because of that, we need answers. We need to drag the thing into the light and examine every inch of it in order to learn how to prevent it from happening again. I'm truly sorry that this retraumatizes (sp?) the victims, but honestly that is going to happen to them regardless, and for the rest of their lives. Most likely on a daily basis. It's just something you don't live past. You have to accept it as a part of you and make room for it or you will not come back from it. The very nature of trauma is that it never goes dormant. As far as the series goes, I thought they did an excellent job portraying the victims. Netflix and its crew really did give the victims a voice. For many of the victims' stories I would forget for a time that I was watching a series about Dahmer at all and was totally engrossed in their lives. And then Dahmer would show up, and my heart would break for them. I cannot for the life of me remember another series/documentary/movie/etc that has ever made me feel so much for the victims of such a monster -- as the monster ALWAYS takes center stage (whether or not they should). The era details and regional accuracy was incredibly well done. For someone who has lived in both that time and place it felt more like a recollection, rather than an overly contrived set design. I was nineteen when this all happened, and while I got so much info from the news about Dahmer, the only victim ever really given a face and a name was Tracy Edwards. His bravery was hard to look away from -- which is why the cameras kept pointing at him. It always seemed to be missing so many pieces of the puzzle for me on how he was allowed to prey upon the community for so long but I was too close to it. At the time I worked in the family's medical clinic and we couldn't afford the same paranoia non-caregivers had at the start of the HIV epidemic. So it never occurred to me that the cops didn't want to approach/touch the people they came into contact with. For that observation alone I have waited 30 years. Everything fell into place for me then and of course I was outraged all over again. But that's okay; we shouldn't become complacent. The 19-year-old me was so struck by Dahmer because when you yourself are deeply broken you can recognize it immediately in another -- and Dahmer was beyond broken. I shared a lot of the same obstacles as he did with his family growing up (though not the, um, creepy desires) and every time I hear his name I obsess over how we chose totally different paths with such similar backgrounds. Did my mom bake one more cake than his? I actually got a hug one Christmas, and I'm guessing that never happened for Dahmer. Is that how it works? If just one damaging variable was taken out of the equation, could he have been a more-or-less normal person? It may be disgusting material to research but it's necessary for society. And yes, his brain absolutely SHOULD have been examined postmortem. So future versions might have answers to questions they're afraid to come forward with. Or police and caregivers learn the warning signs. Or new neurological findings point towards a medication. Sorry, this rambling's gone on long enough. If anyone is still reading this I commend your fortitude. What can I say? If it didn't end badly it wouldn't end. 😁

ulookbreedablensubmissive: It's not critics. It's sensitive as people on social media that ride the trending train and act like the story is new somehow. Especially on TikTok. It's so fckn annoying

Claudette Wright: I’ve been noticing a trend where whenever there’s “outrage” on something, it usually only represents a small percent of people on Twitter. If you look at the reviews and other comments on other social media sites, most people were appreciative of the series.

Lexy Mouzer: If you find this glorifying then you are the issue not the show.

Anonymous Human: There is something wrong with people who are into true crime stories. They obsess about death and murders but then demonize the same people like Dahmer who shared the same compulsive obsession as them.

_ TheOfficialCrucial: The TikTok videos going around right now tho

Irene F.: I feel that it really showed the horror the poor victims suffered and the heinous monster that Dahmer is. I found it very interestin about the family dynamics. This lady calling it a trend? Whaaat? It is the horror that we all are trying to learn what to lookout for because we believe we can possibly recognize something to protect ourselves as much as possible, if at all possible, from these real monsters. Differenet view points can highlight different things.

Nancy Bangston: I was so deeply disturbed after the 2nd episode I had to turn it off. I don't see how it glorified him at all.

Jo S: Netflix is disgusting company that is making money with stuff like this Dahmer film .Can't they find some worthy persons to do films about?a shame

Its Jen: I wonder if Netflix & Evan Peter's will split all the profits with victims families 🤔

Champie: This is the only docu series that really highlighted the murdered victims, their families and even Dahmer's neighbors.The neighbors were never seen as victims before but this show did made that statement.They are victims as well. Also, as a true crime fan, I am getting sick and tired that if I watch a Ted Bundy or Dahmer, other people always say "glamorize".Can I not be curious about the mind and psychology of these killers? 🙄

Jessie Aries: Knowing what Dahmer did was so horrific & I couldn't believe anyone could do what he did but i'm always shocked every time I hear about how far these twisted minds will go.

Mister Jalisco El Mas Cabron: Jeffrey dahmer is one of a kind,,,eff the cancel culture and libs,,

noone: What's the name of the police officers that left that 14-yo like that?! What's their names?

Felicia Conner: I disagree that this series insults victims and glorifies him. I thought the opposite. It was mind blowingly acted by everyone and it was heart wrenching because you got to know the victims and their families.

steve spoon: why... that's just crazy! everyone knows that only straight men kill and cannibalizes... everybody knows that!

DirtyDayMix: Critics don't know sh**

xhowitisx: Netflix making money and trying to humanise a psychopath... wtf

Trace Fork: I don't understand people who watch this garbage.

Man Kind: The more the corrupt are exposed the more crimes they'll commit, without getting charged since police are weak puppets.

August: I love how news is now nothing more than everyone debating on what is or isn't offensive.

Elishia Mata: I thought it was good. As was the acting.

Hemingway Trout: Here they go again. 😂 they love being represented. Until you show a potentially dark side. 😂

Smells Like Middle-Aged Spirit Podcast: Disagree wholeheartedly. This shed light on the fact that he should have been caught long before he was. Most people didn’t even know who Glenda Cleveland was or who any of his victims were before this show.

Rapace: Without being disrespectful with victims and families, I think this is a overaction. This was a big thing (bad) but can't be just trow under the carpet. People need to know this story.

AliasAneW: Everybody is saying how they see it and how it’s not bad. Literally everyone. Surprisingly the only people opposed to this are the victims families and those directly effected by his awful crimes. Wonder if yall were on their side.

*Chris Bolin*: Netflix is Evil. You may say I felt bad for the victims and move to next video but the Families of these victims never get over this. Especially when so much torture and cannibalism occurred. Just a picture of a civilization that has become hardened of heart. May God gives us compassion again

Leo Girl🇿🇦: It makes us understand their brains/behavior in certain ways- but I would never see any movie on serial killers as glamorized. There are some very twisted people out there though🤷🏻‍♀️which is pretty scary to be honest.

Targg the wise: Someone is an alphabet group member and ticked off that the guy was gey and they don’t want to claim him as alphabet.

Leo Girl🇿🇦: IMO LE was useless!!!! Did not listen or care about what people had to report!!!

Stephen Jackson: This series does not glorify Jeffery Dahmer. I felt more repulsed and disgusted with him after watching the show. In my observations, those who are claiming this show glorifies Dahmer or insults the victims have not watched a minute of the show.

Tiruriru Tralalala: I don't like it when someone, who didn't watch the show, talks about it.

Dave Montes: It should have been one or the other. Either about Dahmer. It went off the rails when it started talking about only a couple of his victims. It made them seem more important that the others. Plus, there was too much about his neighbor, those scenes were boring and useless. The Jackson poriins were unnecessary. It was a disappointment.

Daavia van Spronsen: Man… I wasn’t sure if I wanted to watch it but I did. Out of curiosity and I honestly wish i hadn’t. Even though the show was well made and well casted. It was just soo disturbing and difficult to watch. Definitely had a hard time sleeping after for a while. I hate that they didn’t get the families consent. And no i don’t think we really need these shows tbh. True crime fan or not. And I am a true crime fan but this just goes too far in my opinion…

Bastian Lopez: I liked the 2017 Ross Lynch version better cuz it talked more about his life and how mentally and psychologically different and messed up he really was. and it touched on more about his depression and how his home life really did take a big drastic influence on his killings.

Taylor Dooley: And the people saying that aren’t even related to the victims. This world needs to get back to reality

#PrisonForJohnnyDepp: -Come over here and see this content where I have got a transcribed recording from the 7th day of the trial, of Johnny Depp chasing Amber Heard with a blade

Marta Akh: There were no victims, because it was fake invented nonsense, Damages for reputation of this man,who was in reality an innocent, righteous, defamed policeman, officer,political prisoner. Victim of totalitarian,corrupt,criminal regime cia-Reagan-Bushes of USA

Betty Spaghetti: Well, duh. It's a movie.

Ocra Joe: Well, didn’t they do the same when he was caught. Sit down interviews sipping on coffee, interviews with his father laughing and smiling… Sick

Krazi Renee: To anyone who wasn't alive when he did these things, there was a book out about him and yes, the polaroids were in that book. I was a child and saw them. Disturbing. Also, a very prominent person, Anthony Weiner, had JD's victims poses as statues hanging from his ceiling. That's disgusting. Think about that next time you look favorably towards people like Hilary Clinton.

Nitely23: I completely agree with the victims families here. People dont need 400 documentaries and movies and series on the same killer. His information is all over. Its selfish. And its absolutely hypocritical for people to praise this show for "caring about the ictims and their families" when they dont want this and it only hurts them more. Listen the series is done and released and yall can enjoy it if yall want but dont act like it is about victims or families or social issues. Its about your own entertainment. Get over yourselves.

Lar Herbert: Ya... try asking Alec Baldwin to play the lead in a documentary about the RUST murder.....

michael austin: if people are so upset over it then dont watch it duhhh why do you have to try to ruin it for everyone else I am so sick of all the snowflakes around now nothing is perfect for them they will complain and ruin stuff for everyone cause they have no life

Mischa Maelstrom: Perhaps point the finger at ppl who are idolising his acts. It’s pretty much a documentary. Jeez.

jo findley: I stay up last night. I couldn't stop watching.

Renee: I agree about Joyce Dahmer being presented falsely in the series

FUNKALICIOUS Music: I just want to take the time to thank Jeffrey Dahmer!!💋💋I think that it shed light on how men of color chase after anything in the proximity of whiteness as always. YOU KNOW just like in 1888, when they had to make laws to make them marry their own women or in 1968 when they ran out to the supreme Court to fight love versus Virginia! 🤣🤣🤣; Thank you Jeffrey! 🤣🤣🤣 THANK YOU COURTNEY! 🤣🤷🏾‍♀️

Mads Lynne: If people consider this as glorifying jeff, I never wanna be glorified. Ppl need to chill

Laura M: Everything this lady said were exactly my thoughts, except for the Joyce Dahmer part, which now that she mentioned it I agree with it as well.

Sarah Jane: I felt it humanised the victims. Not something we generally see in the telling of SK stories. Made it all the more uncomfortable to watch.

vsanchez: I'm glad how they highlighted the incompetence of the Milwaukee police who had the audacity to then give themselves an award. 😠

Annk: I ended up feeling sorry for him and felt sick about it, also sorry for his victims but I found it very well made and acted 😔

Bob Abooey: Netflix series on Dahmer was GREAT. incredibly good acting, accurate storyline, and sensitive to victims families. This alleged complaint against the series is totally bogus

Ron Paul: Don't think about the Billions going to Corrupt Ukraine just watch Jeffrey Dahmer Netflix...........🤔

Brooke Amber🌹: People re least complaining about something and being offended. What we can’t even make movies anymore without insulting someone?

WaterCrust: The show literally portrayed Dahmer as a selfish monster of a human being.... im not seeing the issue.

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