Apex Legends Anti Cheat In Season 10 + Server Upgrades

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Thordan Smash: Ive seen a ton of comments saying its no issue for the price of the 100 pack bundle. That wasnt my point, my point was using the money they make from reselling existing cosemtics in the game to imrpove servers and fix the anti cheat.

Chris Jones: You could just play on console where we have essentially no cheaters

Rayne Birkin: What song are you using in your background around the 3:26?

Gamer E-man: U won't believe I got my pc broken TvT no apex 4 days

Unholy Ghoul: Very true

BWGam3z: Does apex still have hardware ID bans?

Windego Door: They need to reduce the summer bundles costs

Marco Georgoussis: They need to hardware ban cheaters, this won't be good enough.

yolo polo: still one of my favorite channels

shivam singh: there is one more issue now in apex it happening to me for almost three days in a row if i play game during morning it work fine but when i try to play the game at night i will get kicked out of the lobby getting server connection error no mater what mode i play

James Woodruff: Who buys gun charms? lol. Take 1000 of mine.

Alejandro Serrat: So hype for this, now i’ll se the little serpent water got*** banned

Fikran Mustafa: what is code wheel and code leaf ??? i always kicked out while playing wtf is this

Lol Girl: Describe my YouTube channel yeet 1 2

Solar_Bionic115: I personally think that the anti cheat system that kicks everyone out when cheating is detected is a bad idea, cause someone who is determined enough could pull a Titanfall 1 on apex as in useing several bots with DDoS programs to go into lobbys and activate the anti cheat so nobody would be able to play

Balls&Walls: https://youtu.be/omQ-G7dxq8s

Farchild: For people like me who switched to pc kind of have to buy these packs in order to get skins etc. I hate how it isn't crosspro. It's stopping me from playing pc apex because I don't have the money to rebuy almost everything I have on my ps4 account. EA is just money grab company, I just found out that I would have to buy EA play twice because you can use it for pc and console.

Taliesin LaBrie: getting 100 packs 67 dollars is good incase someone is trying to get heirloom shards why are you complaining that its nothing new

David Rosario: I can't even at a game to completion I get kicked out of the server and it does not initialize back at all either. I always have to start a new game and it happens over and over. Been like that these past 3 days

Gameplay: HAHAHAHAHA EA? Upgrading servers? But that would cost… oh my that would cost more money, I’m sorry but the yearly budget for servers already went into that gun charm so the player base is gonna need to suck it. Also for the anti cheat, we hired a dude off the street named Larry, hideouts new partner. Enjoy!

King Soda: Imagine your about to get your first 20 bomb and anti cheat detects a cheater and it kicks u from the game 😭

Rohith: Some one pls bring the issue "invalid token no marker" error on ps4 to ea it's bwen happening since season 6 and it's happening to alot of players on ps4

Yamutha Faqa: 4:00 I've been saying this since season 4. Like how do you make millions but can't upgrade anything but the profit

XxericxX: My account got ban when everyone got accidentally ban and I still haven't got the account back. Does anyone know who I can talk to and get it fixed? Its frustrating and I want to play again

Isaias Guzman Rodriguez: F my wallet is slowly dying because of apex

marco watin: Sir i have an issue goin on, i cant play Apex for 5 days because of server errors, Code:wheel and Code:leaf, when i entered firing range it autimatically go to main menu and saying code:wheel, when i find a match and entered the game it lags and then go to main menu again saying code :wheel please sir im not the only one experiencing it there are a lot of players who have this game issues...............please sir if you can contact the Devs and respawn team to solve this issues

Carlos Collazo: That is a great idea!

Carlos Collazo: Cheating issues are why I'm taking a long retirement from apex legends

Carlos Rios Peterson: i say they start using IP bans

Juicy Doubles: You’re telling me that hiring one guy wasn’t doing the job ? Man could’ve fooled me #apexdevsarebraindead

けつ: Yeah valorants anti cheat works so well because it literally has colonel admin access on your computer. Full access to everything, every file. Not every game is gonna have this and not everyone wants that running on their computer, data leaks could be catastrophic, especially considering valorant is chinese owned.

Formiga Silvestre: code leaf & code wheel are killing the game.

MrDiscreet100: Boycott EA

federico leonardi: tought valorant anti cheat is very invasive bein installed in the core programs dunno if id like it too much , but id probably play it anyways , i kinda like more the battlepass ranked , altought i dunno if id like to leave it up to Ea greed and discretion

Carys Jones: As someone who doesn’t play ranks I’d be concerned that all the cheaters would just move to pubs instead, would they have the same system for pubs?

Samuel2oh9: Damn. As a console player, I feel for pc players. All I hear is cheat cheat cheat. I’ve never experienced a single cheater on console

Crimson: I absolutely love the anti cheat idea but imagine having 19 kills then the match gets terminated 😬

Stan Hall: Ea spending money to benefit their players, like that would ever happen

Awannak Sun: Would these count towards the heirloom counter ? E: Like every 500th or whatever you get a heirloom

OB-oce: they need to fix the anti cheat, the skill based matchmaking and how the ranked system works.. just my opinion

Edgar: Good vid 💪🏾

Channel do canal: The BEST solution in my opinion is simple: Request a phone number to create a new account I dont think cheaters have that much numbers to create new accounts every time they get banned

Robin Grob: I think getting loss forgiveness would work, you'd still get points if you werre in the positive but you wouldn't loose any and the cheater mist likely would have stomped the lobby anyway

Perk LV Official: Bruh we're about to be in Season 10, it's a multi-billion dollar company and still doesn't have anti cheat? It still has shitty servers, it still has all these bugs with no fixes yet? They're just rolling around in your money and not bettering the game for players.

Richard Zhu: uh I still cant get in a ranked match when im master. It isnt fixed

go nk: Honestly i would go for the charm bundle if you were close to a heirloom since you are spending less money

Merch Boi: I wouldn't mind the valorant anti cheat

Fisher McQuaig: It would be nice if they extend the genesis event so everyone that couldn't play could still snag those event trackers

Austin Budz matlock: best intro yet dude

CYR: Before you can play the game people should have to sign a contract so if you get banned you have to pay a fee of a set amount. If not paid in time it will increase

András Bogár-Szabó: As a PBR modeller, the gun charm costs about 20 dollars to make.... at max

Ferdi the Tank: Honestly, I don't think this Valorant-esqe anti-cheat would help. Much more likely, it would make things even worse, since most matches would end on a blank screen without ANYONE getting to have fun, not just the cheaters. Same comparrison to anti-DDoS measures, those players could resort to cheats just to trigger the system and instantly end any game regardless of its state.

R C: I can’t play anymore because I get code wheel every game

Micavity Cat: the gamer side of me would love a valorant style system, the system administrator side of me knows how bad it is to force players to give the application ROOT level access on your players machine. 1 hack and every players rigs are at the disposal of the hackers to do with what they want. in essence valorants anti cheat is basically a rootkit. you know what else is a rootkit? ransomware. all it takes is 1 smart person to crack it and ransomware your entire playerbase. Valorant players have been furious about the anti cheat since launch. yes it works very well, but you are also granting valorant unprecedented root access to your machine.

Edited: Valorant's anti cheat is a bit spy-E if you understand, like it asks for administrative stuff over your pc but it makes sense.

Edited: Cant wait for the server upgrades, cause i love playing ranked but hate when i get cucked by the servers

Shuby: Can you buy just the skins or do you hafto buy it with the packs

Vlad Cristian: Can u get banned for 4:3 no black bars?

Wait, What: Is there any update on120fps on next gen consoles?

KingGator223: Do you know about the apex coin glitch getting free coins

Steven Cow-Meat: A couple days ago I was playing in ranked and a cheater with infinitie charge rifle killed me than my teammates ran and came back and third partied and kill his whole team😂😂😂

Sheriff Woody: There is this thing where sometimes there would be this massive delay when playing the game is thus a cheater or a bug?

Tanker156: That would a good idea and make the game more playable!

carlos saunders: Valorant is not more popular than apex so that anti cheat works on a smaller playerbase

DevilishxDave: Not everyone cheating is doing so to benefit themselves, many just get off at the idea that they ruin games for others. People will purposely shutdown servers. This idea is basically like a vulnerability for crashing the server for players. Like that Wraith glitch, people knew it'll crash server but did it anyways. I think it's a ridiculous idea.

Ogawa: Love it, let it be so! 😤

Greek Spartan: Yeah but valorant also puts hardware in your computer to spy

ghost lust: So that code wheel bug plz fix

tree spirit: yeah the anti cheat system you mentioned is like entering a hot tub it hurts at first and yet ends up being good

Keith Dye: no long intro, striaght to the point, i like this guy

American Patriot: I really want them to add an heirloom trade option in s10… anyone else!??

Blighted Ashes: No, they don't need the Valorant system. They need to integrate into each copy downloaded of Apex legends an ID code. This ID code would be linked to their main ID like mine is Blighted Ashes on Xbox. If you get banned it flags that entire ID code and makes you have to download Apex to acquire a completely new ID for the game to attach tho a completely new account for the game.

Ķxnģ Ťeò: So basically what would happen is if you enter a match about 10 to 20 sec in you will start to lag then you are unable to move and then you will be returned to the title screen but with a message saying ERROR. this happens every game.

Genghis Khan: Uninstalled over a week ago. Will now remain uninstalled after eeeing the changes or lack their of.

Ķxnģ Ťeò: Why isn't no one talking about some Xbox players not being able to play cause of a server error. been going on for 3 days now.

Sky Light: In my opinion, Hackers will probably use the mentioned updated anti-cheat system to self-ddos Apex. Since it will kick everyone out every time. A anti-cheat that still, in a big way, punishes everyone in the lobby. Kicking everyone is a massive inconvenience. I personally think that Apex will start to actually die near the end of Season 10. So many people out here just exist to ruin video games.

RaizenTheTruth FMS: Cheating *SCREAMS* micro pp vibes.

SilentHawk: They can start working on SA servers now thank u im pised at geting shot thru doors

Naish Bosch: Me: Let's play Apex Friend: Yes, looks nice! Game: Conecting to server.. Oops no server found. Try later again. Friend: what the f*ck is goining on. Me: That's a normal day of apex..

Pinkybally: yhe but what about us that are falsy banned

EPIC-NUFC-YT: Servers are bad also I want the game to do well tho 🤞🏻

EPIC-NUFC-YT: EA and respawn don’t care as long as they make millions why change it until people stop spending make a stand and say no till they fix everything they have had 1 billion so far 🤷‍♂️ hit them in the pockets I bet they sort it out fast then

enjoying a 20 year old crystal pepsi: Couldn't agree with all of this more. Get those filthy cheaters outta here

kingofalljokers909: While they’re at they should stop putting masters & pred in casual matches with people that ain’t ranked like them 💯

Pre Playz: Thank god it's been a long time

El Mosco: How about putting all detected cheating accounts into the same queue? Let them fight themselves, so they don't immediately notice the ban

xIronwafflexx: The only place respawn puts money is in the pockets of investors and their own pockets. They obviously don't care about the player base until it starts having an impact on their bottom line. The are quit literally a profit first company. Don't get me wrong, profits are important but their top 5 list of most important things in the game is 5. profit 4. profit 3. profit 2. profit and coming in at number one with no real surprise, 1. profit.

Luke cologne: I totally agree with your argument that they should use our money from the sales and events to upgrade our servers and fund the anti cheat system Another issue they really need to fix is the smurfing issue i catch so many players in ranked that are smurfing and are under level 50 or 100 with 20k badge and 4k damage badge plus hundred of kills and that just takes the fun for me, smurfing in casual is already bad but doesnt bother me but when it happens in ranked its just frustrating

danny V: Code wheel fix pls

BadboyDCX: They need to hired me I'll love to monitor the cheating round the clock 😎 be a better job than what currently doing I hate my crap job -___-

BadboyDCX: Cheaters are ass holes

Tally 0002: Spoken w true wisdom bud and I'll say it WHAT GAME WE ALL MOVING TOO 💣

ADK 74: I havent been able to play for 2 now 3 days due to connection codes DX like WTF Wheel, leaf, net..... ARGH DX First it was just not being able to get in, now its loading screen infinity and then *insert code here* DX

YourOverlord-: sadly even though im a wraith main, and played the game in season 2, i still havent been able to get the voidwalker, and im gonna have to wait until next summer to get it because of how expensive it is, even just 20 dollars is too much for me right now, but hey, phasewalkers rarer anyway, right?

LuffymeisterJP: that $60 should've been an heirloom skin...smh ,but who am I? I just play the game respawn and why haven't they thought of new ideas to get people excited for items in the store. Those bundles are wayyy to expensive for a broken game.

Dankster V.: Apex is not gonna do that. First valorant is a 10 player game so its easy to kick people out. You think apex is gonna kick out 60 people at once for just 1 cheater. Second they need more staff but instead they rather think of money then make the game better. Third servers need to be updated but they dont care. Just like with titanfall they not caring enough about the game they just want you to buy more. The only i see actually caring is that dude who bans people if you send him clips on twitter.

Amitesh Naik: apex not even fixing their servers making the game unlpayable for cheaters xd... their nly way to deal ....

cxempion: We need duo rankt man, it would be so cool

the kiss of death: Again what's the fucking point of buying skins if they come back

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