LOKI - Season 1 FINALE (My Thoughts)
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Petro Paolo Aguilar: You seem to be confusing the flow of time the show. Just because a week passed in your perception, doesn't mean a week passed in the TVA. He not only got the best of Loki video montage but he got to read his file, which the show did not do a good job of establishing the life and experiences that he missed. The file would not only contain transcripts but also photos and videos. He must have spent a long time parsing through what his life must have been through Dark World, Ragnarok and Infinity War. He also got a glimpse of the life he would have had if he managed to survive Infinity War. This Loki managed to get a good condensed glimpse of a full Loki existence. I believe that to be perspective altering.
Chris Strong: Danky Kang
Corey Lowe: I loved Lokis arc. When he saw the world that was the TVA and he just jaw drops, every episode he sees how much bigger the world's are and how much smaller he is. So he decides to look inward more and he starts changing.
Jaden Gayle: I get where you're coming from but I have a few arguments. Going by the show's narative you can't really call any episodes "filler". The one on the dying planet was to establish the connection between Loki and Sylvie although it could have been done better. My idea would be putting them in an accidental time loop where they keep repeating that doomsday event and build an actual connection rather than a superficial one. Nevertheless the episode was there for a reason. The episode in the void was to validate the idea of "pruning" and give them a path to the citadel. Granted a lot more could have been done with all of the alternate Lokis and I'm pretty sure that Kid Loki was only introduced to be a part of the MCU later. But this episode needs to be in there to make the story flow better. If they just got to the guy at the end from being pruned it would have felt contrived. Also I don't think a second season is warranted, maybe 2 more episodes but not a whole season. Feels like it could be wrapped up quickly seeing how we went from an epic "second act end" in the last 3 episodes to another season where we could have 2/3 episodes to round off a bloated 3 act esque structure. But that's just my thoughts
G Y: Let's agree to disagree. You've been so consistently bitter about the Disney+ marvel shows. I don't really trust your opinion anymore
Devon Rice: Love seeing Superman & Lois get the props it deserves
ASDF101: 1:38 Buddy... He's you.
x: I reallyyyy appreciate the honesty. I didn’t love Loki but the end was good, but seriously sometimes I feel like ppl are hesitant to say bad stuff about Marvel
Mist Rants: Sylvie never really connected with me. I feel like i was supposed to like her considering how the characters talked about her but i just felt nothing for her.
Brandon Hughes: Marvel needs to consult with Jeremy because that Doctor Strange idea was golden
John: Dude, I love the MCU and you, I generally agree and rely on your recommendations, but aside from Taskmaster, I've completely disagreed with your last 2 reviews. I watched Widow after your review expecting dogshit, but I ended up enjoying all of it except for the wasted potential of Taskmaster, but you can't expect a superb villain arc when the focal point is supposed to be Natasha. And the MCU shows, aren't perfect the way I think the last seasons of Jessica Jones or Daredevil were, but I'm still enjoying the ever fucking shit out of them
adanmacreates: Nah, Steve and Sharon was the most awkward and worse kiss in the MCU
King Cobra: You're missing the point that Loki isnt really evil. Most of his evil talk is hot air and misguided over compensation.
Paper Mario: Sometimes it seems like you didn’t even watch the subject matter. The outcome of destroying the TVA is not the same as what the TVA is doing. The TVA is removing small chunks of people and places whereas Immortus (or “spastic” Kang) clearly said if you kill him, it’s going to cause complete chaos between all the timelines. Maybe you missed that while painting.
Erickgv: Yeah I’m up to date with Superman and Lois and I was thinking the same thing, so far that show is better
CaptainWonderButt.: That hair is John Travolta Saturday Night Fever. lol
William Trinidad-Cruz: *After Loki Ep6* Marvel: “Now, reality can be whatever I want.”
Msferedrose: I couldn’t agree more. The moment you started explaining “chatter for the sake of chatter” and how single frames from useless episodes now comprise memes/internet subcultures is bang on. I think Loki was my least favourite of the 3 marvel tv shows so far. I honestly did not think we needed it, beyond maybe the character of mobius who is excellent. The multiverse of madness could well have flowed on from the end of WandaVision.
Jasem: That kiss reminded me of the movie Predestination.
spector3881: Throughout the 3 shows, I've woken up early to see each episode as soon as they came out. However, I feel the quality has been so uneven, that I'm not sure it was worth it.
Mubanga Nsofu: Lol they met the best version of Kang and she killed him because of trust issues
Steven Thomason: They only added all of the different Loki’s so they can explain different looking Spider-Man in his next movie.
Teddy Wap: It amazes me how often I disagree with Jeremy's takes, but continously watch and support his videos.
Ian Brittain: It would have been cool if they could have kept Multiverse of Madness under wraps, but then again Loki originally would have finished weeks before that movie came out, pre-Covid. It would have been a marketing department’s nightmare.
Stephen Sommers: Superman and Lois is so good. It's insane it's on the CW.
manav bhalla: The show completely forgets that Loki was superhuman.. marvel’s shows and Black Widow suffer from the same problems. Being unnecessarily woke and poorly written
JIMMYLEE JACKSON: At first I thought wandavision was gonna lead into the multiverse of madness but actually after seeing the ending it's pretty safe to say that Loki did that. I get that u would've liked for more aspects of the show to mean more but I don't think that was the point of this show. Literally nothing was solved and it left the biggest cliff hanger ever. Loki was never supposed to be this big branching show like falcon and the winter soldier I think this show was explicitly made to show us how the multiverse works and why we haven't seen any branches up until this point. Not everything has to be start and finish just like the comic books this shits based off some issues are made to lead into other more important issues. That doesn't make the issue that set up the big shit less important. This is a universe we're talking about and although I would've loved to see a bit more character driven shit the show gets a pass for me on all the shit that didn't matter because the main character technically speaking is dead 😂 so it's fine. This show was to set up for the multiverse of madness and in that way I think it did a bang up job.
Santosh Kannan: Well it's like claiming the age where we learn to walk ( year 1-2 years of age ) are useless cos you feel it's waste of time ? well basement development is important it takes time and it was needed and Glad they did that.
Jessica Jones: Dude, I loved this show! Episode 3 seemed like the only major lacking point. And speaking of Majors, he did a fantastic 4 job in introducing nice Kang. I believe Loki's character growth, loved the fan service Easter eggs, how everyone made Gatorloki beloved. Sylvie... well Loki said it she's annoying. That's why I didn't like episode 3, nor really believed the romance. Hiddleston carried that 100%.
Jaden Gomez: Always appreciate your unbiased understanding and thoughts of these marvel titles
SpencerLee97: I was somewhat put off by HWR but then I realized it made sense for him to be that way considering his position and it will also highlight the differences in personality when we inevitably meet other versions.
Garry Rominger: I think spastic Kang is actually Immortus. Which is an alternate version of Kang...who is spastic...yeah, you're right. I like your's.
Keith Leon: I think because they only did 6 episodes that was very short even for MCU standards. So I bet they filmed more episodes and they'll reveal them in season 2. Plus I read somewhere S2 starts filming in Jan 2022.
Remus Aldana: We needed all the other Lokis so the Main Loki could take a look at himself and say "Is that what I am ? Is my essence the same whatever the dimension I come from ? " The principle of showing all the other lokis, on the surface works as a joke and a fun time, but if we look at it in more depth, we see that confronting the Main Loki to all those alternate versions of him helped him finding his own personality, and make the choice not to be Loki because they all are the same, but to be Other because he is not bound to anything and he can be whoever he wishes to be. The fifth episode is my favorite because of that, and is more than capital to the evolution of the character
Cristela: All the time I was watching that conversation between the Lokis and "He who remains", I was thinking "I feel that I saw this before", and then I remembered Matrix. The final episode was a bit underwhelming, lots of talking and not much originality, but we will get a second season so that's good. And that wasn't the most awkward kiss in the MCU. I think that trophy goes to Steve and Sharon's kiss in Civil War.
Allan Leycano: Holy shit that Dr. Strange title reveal idea was boss! They should have done that. As the timelines and multiverses spread out, it's like OUR own reality was affected. Damn.
Keith Leon: Erm, can you still say "spastic" these days?! That's an insult in the UK, a derogatory term for someone who is disabled. But I imagine the US are more earnest and take it's literal meaning of muscle spasms.
George Birkin: Just fyi, spastic isn't necessarily the best way to be describing someone in my experience.
MrScottyTay: you said spastic a lot ... that's a very derogatory term in the UK, just so you know
Desmond Ferguson: Great job bro👍🇧🇸💯
Admiral Sea Bass: I can see how some of you liked the characters and story (and what it sets up). I can see those nice concepts - but they are buried under poor execution which does not come close to what the other two D+ Marvel series have accomplished. That's what makes Loki easily the weakest MCU content for not only me, but two others in my house too who watched this with me.
Devilke: For a season finale this wasn't that good. We only got an answer as to who was behind it all. Then we just got a simple watch out for the next movies and season 2. If this wasn't called Loki people would have been pissed at this episode.
crazeh8: I'm dying to know.... what Warhammer stuff you been painting?
Lance Davidson: I love how he’s real, Jeremy you might be the most down the earth YouTuber ever.
J.London: Fuck. Marvel should have you on their marketing teams- because that hypothetical reveal of Doctor Strange and the multiverse of madness is kinda genius.
Colin Akers Akers: Honestly hated this ending. I’m sick of these shows just ruining their endings by just introducing a new character we don’t know. Sure we know who Kang is in the comics, but as far as the MCU goes, this is just some dude. The whole build up was just some dude, and now we have to wait for season 2 for a satisfying conclusion. Mando season 1 has a good ending, while still setting up for season 2, but this show all it did was set up the second season, but failed to give a satisfying ending to their current season.
kayindaiske: "Don't need alligator loki"... I took that personally
buriedstpatrick: Did anyone else find the direction really weird? So many of the scenes in the mid-to-later episodes felt so rushed and half-assed. Budget-wise I'm not complaining. But the dialogue acting and moment-to-moment edits were really hit or miss. The action was very awkwardly paced and acted as well. I feel like no one really had a strong idea for what they were trying to do with this series, so they just kind of did a lot of different things to an acceptable level and called it a day.
cybogoblin: I was not expecting the Warhammer sidebar, but I'm here for it. It also begs the question - what are you currently painting? And is this some elaborate long term plan to interview Henry Cavill while rolling some dice?
Hee Choon Yeo: Ngl spastic Kang was so relatable in a way, like he's just this normal guy who's tried to save the world but is still having fun.
James A. Baldwin: The reveal of Kang was perfect for me because if it was the ‘evil Kang’ then it would have been dull because it would be so detached from the rest of the series themes but the way the characters essentially create evil Kang by choosing to kill a relatively well intentioned but misguided man suddenly just brings the story around full circle
Eduardo Daniel Kucharsky Terrazas: Superman & Lois is a very good show, not perfect but very good and everyone should give it a chance. I think most would love it.
dan k: I thought the show was lot fun and best thing marvel had done since endgame. I thought endgame was very flawed and overated especially wiyh massive plotholes. Loki wasn't perfect but fasinating5 and 10x better than yhe subpar wandavision and falcon. Easter eggs were fun and beautiful settings mixed with the TVA generic office setting.. I thought arc was great. I find myself disagreeing with jahns more and more. I just don't agree with how he looks at things like loki redemption arc and some of his assumptions. We don't know the timeliness of the show could have taken place over years and we know loki changed for the better so has good. I've been annoyed with all of marvel shows but loki was interspective and thought provoking. Superman show is corny. I may be done with jahns. His nitpicks I just fundamentally disagree.
Kusanagikaiser999: I really liked the show...until that last episode....I just not the guy who love the idea of multiverse as the NEXT STEP, it can works with small doses (Spiderverse is my best example of a multiverse story done right), but when you start creating shit ton of multiverses I just feel you broke the camel, also the final episode was soo boring, Kang the Conqueror (if you can call it that, I guess), have to be the biggest let down I have in MCU villains since......The Mandarin and Taskmaster...well what you expect is not like the MCU have the greatest villains, is just Hela, Loki, Killmonger and Thanos in like...15 years worth films, but seriously make him a jokey black dude who speak fast and funny, that's the best MCU could have do with one of their most interesting villains, are we still doing the subvert expectations crap? awww just another disappointing MCU thing after Endgame, I seriously stay on that the MCU SHOULD HAVE END WITH ENDGAME, I have no hopes now, after Black Widow and this, my hype for MCU things is just low.
Novem's Natural Roll: So, as to Loki's rather sudden character development, I actually think it makes more sense than you're giving it credit for. The personality that Loki put on during his stint in the MCU was - at its heart - just another one of his illusions. With the illusion shattered, he had no reason to keep up the appearance of unstoppable god king or whatever. It was never actually who he was.
Sephira Abraxas: Loki kissing himself and Steve kissing the niece of his ex at her literal funeral fighting each other Wrestling style. I take bets. So join in on the fun!
Muhammad Reza: After watching Loki: Damn this is great! After watching Jeremy's review: Damn it has not live up to it's potential
kolegakolegi: Mentioning squidmar earned you a thumbs up mister
Callum Walker: Dude, why the fuck do you think it’s okay to use the word spastic
Marco Meijer: I thought he wasn't spastic Kang. He was a manic version of Immortus. Who is not Kang. Although both are Nathaniel Richards.
Nythiennzo: I loved the last episode, and it made the slow episodes better(3 and 5) because they were not about "What makes Loki a Loki" per se, but about "How similar and different the variants of the same character can be". Thus, when he who remains states that he fears his variants, we know what to expect from them too and understand the fear.
Andy Fab: Hi Jeremy!! Love your channel. I was totally agreeing with what you were saying until you said Superman and Lois is better….. my reaction was. Really!!?? Lol
Comics Nerd: Superman and Lois is a fucking awesome show, and the latest episode was just amazing in every sense of the word.
Comics Nerd: Superman and Lois is a fucking awesome show, and the latest episode was just amazing in every sense of the word.
spiffysniff: all I hope is to see kang all green and kitted out
Speed It Up: Hell yeah! Squidmar rocks! Glad to here you are a tabletop nerd like myself!
Greg Gibbs: We DIDNT need alligator Loki? Jeremy I'm disappointed in you
Judge_Wolf: On this we will have to agree to disagree
iron isa: Agreed! This was my least favourite MCU show of the 3
bluevenom50: The place with all the lokis should have been 2 episodes. It would have given old loki dying some actual gravitas. Where as it was in the show was a little bit...... meh
Boyan Dimitrov: I have to slightly disagree with you on Loki completely "reforming" as you put it. It's been established in the past and strongly reaffirmed in this show that a lot of the more outright evil things Loki has done and said are a bit of an act. He's a bit of a Blackbeard kind of character in that he present a very evil and powerful front to make his life easier. I'm not saying he doesn't change over the course of the show at all - I would hate it if he didn't actually. I'm saying I didn't see as that much of a departure because the seeds were already planted for his "redemption".
Noel Abhinaba Sarkar: Now that's an honest review..
S L: Your War Hammer paint has kept me distracted throughout the video
Zarala2010: Personally I've found the multiple Loki episode kinda funny and entertaining, could've been better, but was decent enough. On the other hand I've found the final episode to be the worst. The whole episode was basically the retelling of what TVA intro said during episode 1, save for the reveal of "Time Keepers"/"The Man Behind the Scenes" character just to tell us he and his variants were the reason behind the multiversal war. There really was no payoff at all. The awkward romance between Loki and Sylvie was left in an awkward position and the big baddy was killed. The only thing the last episode achieved was to set up season 2 and nothing more, which feels like a waste of a perfectly sizable season 1 final as far as the runtime's concerned.
Kenny: 5:40 chill lmaoooo
Bonga: True it could have been just a movie
Uncoverlight: Superman & Lois Awesome shout... 👍
Conor Cunningham: “Buy the concept” ….it’s a comic book based tv show….yikes, what a poor take on it.
Jon Smith: Kang was very Mos Def from Hitchhikers guide to the galaxy.
Pacaholics 2120: “Silvia and Loki have the most awkward kiss in the MCU” Cap and Sharon carter: hold my fucking beer
Etaukan: Yours is the best take on this show I've seen so far; it had good moments, but so, so many flaws and fumbles. I feel like most of the potential was wasted; feeling pretty down about marvel after this and Black Widow.
franco garciaaxama: Why do you sound kinda salty Jeremy, I thought it was a great ending and not like wandavision (where we didn’t see Mephisto)
Jack Herr: Damn you’ve started taking a lot of Ls lately
Mannyr 2424: One thing I appreciate about Jahns is he calls out Marvel on the BS. I do the same and get the roll of the eyes from people and I’m a negative person. I still enjoy the movies and shows but the shows all have a pattern as do the movies and it works but they need to change it up a bit. Starting with the jokes, too many jokes. If Namor is an idiot like they made Thor I might quit the MCU. That’s just a fragment of my thoughts. Also the guy who played “the one who remains” was brilliant, can’t wait to see him in Antman.
corbin Veltum: Superman and Lois is a straight up masterpiece.
VerseWonder Strikes: Was that scene from he Avengers a week ago? How long was he at the TVA?
Vito žbulj: What faction are you painting?
HannaH's Over Invested: I am loving superman and Lois.
trseannnn: Just a thought - I think it’d be pretty cool if for just the season finales of series you do episodic reviews of that you could open your videos with 2 minutes of just spoiler-free opinions about the series as a whole - just in case someone is looking for a review before they decide to watch it after it was released. Then transition to the spoiler catharsis part of the video. Anyway. It’s your channel. But that’s my feedback.
Barry Smith: I agree where your coming from Jeremy. This Loki series had a great finale as it sets up a good road map as to where Phase 4 is going BUT the series still has a lot of issues in particular with Loki, he still feels like a sidekick in his own show and there is never a bad ass moment with him or a scene where he is actually the smartest one in the room. Everytime he is being upstaged by someone in particular Sylvie. Sigh smh
StoriesAndPringles: Please don't take this as an attack or anything of the sort; I've found that I've been enjoying and relating more to people who comment about the topic of Jeremy's videos, rather than Jeremy's opinions on said videos. Nothing wrong with that, and there's nothing particularly important about me stating this - just something that's been on my mind lately and wanted to 'vent' it I guess? Regardless of that, I appreciate Jeremy keeping it real and would rather him stay true to how he feels instead of appeasing the masses. Keep it up bro, been watching you for a long time and will continue to be excited to see what you have to say about a series or film after I've watched it, regardless if I agree or not!
danny D: Netflix did a better job with the TV shows.
Jordan Bryce: really wish you'd stop saying "spastic" it's such a derogatory term
Alex Eddy: Jeremy, loki in avengers when he had the staff was being influenced by the staff. As seen in the shield ship with all avengers arguing while being around it. At the end of avengers the staff and tessereact were put away in cases. Loki seemed normal.
Dave marsh Marsh: I thought loki entire season was dogshit
Shawn Regina: There were some reviewers gushing about how great Kang was played. It just seemed like a guy pretending to be slightly unhinged like a poor mans joker or something. I hope that’s not his character going forward…
maxxe2: I had a few problems with the finale. 1. So kang was in charge all along, why bother with the 3 robot time keepers? Silvie kills kang and Loki is brought back to a dimension where kang is in charge of the TVA. Just like before except without the robots. 2. If theres an infinite number of evil kangs out there, aren't there an equal number of good kangs? 3. If kang is killed at the end of time, is it not inevitable that there will be one final kang to take over and start pruning the timelines again?
brent butter: I just wanted them both of the Loki's to just sit there and wait as the timelines are branching have the decision taken from themselves because something was going to happen as those timelines went along and not allowing Loki to do anything would have been an interesting way to resolve the conflict of two choices just leave but make sure he can't do anything talking about Kane. I did this for dictation.
Undying Art: OMG he’s a Warhammer geek!!
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