Loki Season Finale In Under 60 Seconds

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Albert Einstein: THIS WAS SO GOOD OMG I knew that the Multiverse would descend into a state of Madness

Varun Katyal: V want pitch meating

beatsprodbycm: Most Overrated show in the mcu.

Seraphim's FORGE-MASTER: Forgot to mention that he knew what'll happen only up to a certain point ...after that the timelines started diverging

Haeherfeder02: I hope there will be a pitch meeting soon. „Why did the TVA take Slyvie as a kid“ - „Because“ - „That works“ „Is it hard to destroy the timeline?“ - „Actually it’s super easy, barely an inconvenience“ „Killing purple guys is TIGHT“

Victoria Viray: I felt icky when Loki kissed Sylivie. 😖😬😅

ThreeRunHomer: Writers: “Let’s have them sit and talk for the entire episode!” Fans: “Zzzzzzzzzzzzzz”

MsStarbright84: People are saying the actor is Kang because he will be playing Kang. We obviously know that it is a variant of one of the other versions🙄

Littletime: That was an awful episode. It was like an extended version of the end of Matrix Reloaded. Whoever thought that was a good idea?!

russ smith: Too bad it's not kang. Its immortas.

Ashwin: It wasn’t kang himself I don’t think, it was just a variant of him, maybe inmortus, switching the comic book origins, making him create the time keepers instead of being chosen by them

MANCHAKA !: Boring ass episode

Smileanddie 11: Loki pitch meeting

Surabhi C S: Waiting for your Loki pitch meeting

Joseph Lackey: I can sum it up in one word; disappointing

BigDebo72: Kang isn't black wtf

Derek Keenan: i still think Mobius is a Loki variant, how else did he get pruned and end up in the same place as all the other Loki variants

Librandu: What an utter piece of nonsense in the name of a show

Animato studio: Gives us the loki pitch meetings Gives us the loki pitch meetings Gives us the loki pitch meetings

Biplav Poudel: Why is this video so undersaturated?

Da Wae: Why is he black, I thought they choose black actor and Then paint him blue. Smh its dissapointing

takwa: "Those who believe and do not mix their faith with wrongdoing, they are the ones who are safe and it is they are guided." (Holy Quran 6::82)

Bishwajit Kashyap: Give us the pitch meeting asap

Dyer Situation Cosplay Adventures: It was a Mobius he had not met I'm guessing

Renshi RadhaKrishna: Top D+ shows: 1) Mandalorian 2, 2) WandaVision, 3) Mandalorian, 4) Loki, 5) Falcon & Winter Soldier

Soldier of Nerdism: Terrible.... saved you 60 seconds

CrazeMask: Nobody: Me: (thinking wow how much did the mcu spend on Owen Wilson and all the pretty cgi). People: It’s f kang yall let’s go

ToastPandaPlays: The ending was so sudden that it made me eat a bowl of icecream just to process it

Rohan Keskar18: What?!?!? So Iron man dying, Cap going to past living and all that stuff was already decided, What the heck man we wasted so much time on that stuff lol

E: That wasn't kang. That was He Who Remains. Kang is one of his other verisons who are now coming as the sacred timeline has been branched.

Best Username Ever: Literally could summarize it in 30 seconds. The episode was mostly a build-up to a non-existent surprise.

ADVENTURES UNITED STUDIOS: Just waiting for the Loki Pitch Meeting

Nurses Rock: Step back, wanna kiss myself -

berlin Nuuna: TECHNICALLY it wasn't Kang, but an alternate version of him. So the new bad guy in Marvel is Kang,but Kang is not The One Who Remains

Henry Genesis: Probably the best marvel tv show thus far imo, hyped for the next season, just waiting for Ryan’s pitch meeting now tho lmao

Doctor Death Defying: That’s Immortalis, not Kang. Kang’s a version of Immortalis.

pakuma3: I'm glad I cancelled Disney +

Redneck Sniper: This episode was very boring and anti climactic and the portrayal of kang was awful Disney always trying for a cheap laugh like can we get some more mature darker content from these shows like punisher and daredevil were I’m sick of everything being made into a cheap joke

shawn miller: Anyone else say that the whole mcu is just in a time loop

Jakinator 123: Is this MT from new rockstars

Mannyr 2424: He who remains is not Kang the conqueror…he’s a variant

Dev patel: It was very heartbreaking what silyve did to loki

José Gonzalez: I enjoyed this series more than the others but I will say I was hoping episode 6 would be better when I tuned in this morning. That being said I believe episode 4 was the best episode of season 1.

huggeebear: I thought they had cast KRS-1 as Kang when I watching, I had to do a double take!

Robert McDiarmid: When 2/3 off the episode is Kang exposition, makes it a very easy episode to break down.

Xander Fulton: Pitch Meeting when

SgtImrak93: Who else's brain exploded?

Honey Baby: Thanks for this, I wont have to watch im just waiting for the movies

《•seraphina•》: I don't have disney+ so I watched this instead 😊

Colin McNamara: I don’t think He Who Remains is necessarily Kang. I think he’s coming he most ideal variant of that being. Kang The Conqueror is the most powerful variant that takes over after the demise of He Who Remains.

Max S: goddamn woke garbage again... Hollywood jus hast to have "diversity" in every release, disregarding actual professional skills.

Justin Thomas: What if 'Kang' is really Mephisto in a disguise?

Twiggymaster666: Hopefully season two won’t be so tedious

theymusthatetesla: ....very nice of you to WARN us!!!

Dave: Well Loki was always clearly in love with himself.

Professor X: I'm confused, I expected scenes where Loki holds the scepter and when he is on Asgardian throne



Mikasa’s stare: Cool

Frank Joz: Incredibly boring episode. So hard to watch. Thanks for this.

Bambino Cinéfilo: I hope Hawkeye don’t disappoint me!

I AM Zero223: This had a weak and kind of disappointing ending but seeing kang kind of made it worth it.

CheshireKat: Loki Ep 6 in 2 seconds: INCEST CONFIRMED!

44R0N-: Personally I don't think he's in a new timeline. I think there's only one TVA and it just changed.

Bambino Cinéfilo: Having Disney+: ❌ Seeing it on Screen Rant: ✅

protostar: not a huge fan of the Kang reveal, feel like it would’ve been better if it was a Loki variant behind the curtain.

beeloha: you mean 58 seconds

VABP: The ending was a huge letdown and we all know it

Yogesh Balasubramanian: Jonathan Majors did a great job as Kang! Literally carried the entire episode.

david mckesey: Meh

Lane Messer: Hello

Stevejake: Seeing Kang as the main villain was the most best thing ever in this show

Poké Gamer 25: Do this but with falcon and the winter soilder

Major New: Third

PottahTheCat: The ending was quite disappointing

elon069: First comment, PLEASE PIN MEH!

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